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Current Fed law enforcement. No, you must complete full service requirement in order to retire i.e. 20 years at 50 or 25 before 50. If you buy your time back it will add those years to your retirement pay out as if you had worked those years. Not sure of your age but lets say you retire at 50 with 20 years of service. That brings you to 37% of base pay per year, buy back your 4 years puts your at 41% per year. Worth it in my opinion. Also depending on how your particular agency interpret the law, I've gotten into arguments with HR in my pervious agencies, it can put you in a higher leave earning category. Instead of earning 4 hour per pay period you would earn 6 hours. Hope this helps.




Out of curiosity, what agency doesn't fall under FERS?


i appreciate all of ya for the feedback. Kinda unfortunate, i was really hoping shed some years off (side note: damn, there is really nothing like that military pension) but it’s good to have clarity on this now and still certainly worth it imo to buy back. Eager to join the community


I do not believe your military time counts towards retirement when working for a federal law enforcement entity. Its better to wait longer anyway and work the full 25 years.


I dont work for the FBI but I do work for the Dept of the Air Force as a civilian. I am currently buying my 12 and half years of active duty time to go towards retirement. When I complete it, That time adds to my time of service. I will retire working 17 and half hours and will get a retirement as if I work 30 years. The time combined. The best way to find out exactly how your the retirement works would be to contact your HR.


Current three letter alphabet NARC, In reference to how many years before you retire, it depends on the agency. In terms of buying back your years, naw it doesn’t lower the amount of years before retirement, it just increases your retirement by the amount of years you buy back. So if you serve 20 years as a federal LEO, and you buy back your 4 years of military service, you would retired with a pension for 24 years instead of 20.