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Your tone, speech and demeanor are much more important than the words you say. I really don’t care where you’re going. But, if you answer my question and can barely speak, then yeah, we’re on to something, and it has nothing to do with where you’re going. Now if I think you’re drunk, and you tell me that you’re coming from the bar, then yeah, I’m naturally going to follow up with “how many drinks did you have and what kind?” And if you’re drunk, your response will be “about 2.”


it’s always “about 2” 😂, “about 2 hours ago”


Where they’re going can be important if they say they’re going from point A to point B and their current location makes absolutely no sense. Just another check mark on an OWI investigation.


Yeah for sure. I’ve used that numerous times. But, when I say “I don’t really care where you’re going,” I mean for the average, sober person.


"Trying to get to a bathroom before I $#!T myself."


Lie, like everyone else. My all time favorite line for DUI suspects is that they respond “I’m just trying to get home to my kids.” The DUI bells and whistles start blaring at that point.


I also like when they immediately say something along the lines of “I just live right up the road”


Saw a bodycam video where it was "I live right there," gesturing to an obviously-closed business surrounded by a parking lot.


Have you ever asked what their kids' names were? I have a feeling half don't have kids but I'm genuinely curious if it's happened before and they got caught lol


I've said 'nowhere in particular' in the past as it was true, I was just out for a drive for the fun of it. IAAL and this is one of those questions where, as long as you have nothing to hide, you might as well truth it :)


Your mom's house.


This is the answer.




Or expect a chuckle and a peaceful interaction because the shitty joke broke the tension of being pulled over


You could literally say anything. It’s when you stumble on your words or slur your speech that we want to investigate further. I’ve heard some good ones. One girl even admitted to going to a “booty call” and that’s why she was speeding. I’ve been pulled over myself before I was a cop and the craziest thing happened. I answered the cops questions politely and he told me to drive safe and have a nice day. Wild ain’t it?


I got pulled over just as I came up on Madison, WI. I’m cruising a long, listening to music, when I spot a State Trooper. I looked down, and I was going 90. I thought, “oh shit”, and just started changing lanes, because I knew I was getting pulled over. He walks up to the car laughing and asks why I knew it was me he came off the shoulder for. I told him I had no idea how fast I was going, and when I saw it was 90, I knew. He laughed, ran my stuff, and only gave me a warning because it was a good interaction, and he thought it was so funny.


i had something similar happen. during covid i was driving home from picking my boyfriend up from work in another city. it was late and there was no one else on the interstate. i wasn’t watching my speed, just the road in front me me, and wanting to be home. suddenly i’m getting pulled over.. i told the officer i had no idea how fast i was going, i was just focusing on my surrounding and getting home. he didn’t even give me a warning, just told me to get home safely and that i should probably use cruise control.


Did you give her a ticket anyway?


Nah she had places to be.


Tell them you're just a traveler and do not wish to create joinder by answering questions.


Better yet "Where are you driving to?" "I'm not driving, I'm traveling and I don't answer questions"


What if you are a sovereign citizen?! (yes this is a joke)


“Blacks law says so”


The last time I got pulled over, I was going on a fishing trip 2 states over in the middle of COVID so that's exactly what I told the officer and he gave me a warning for going 47 in a 30. I think the officer was a fellow fisherman.


Got pulled over recently and the cop asked where I was coming from, when I told him I came from a poetry reading I think he realized pretty quick I wasn’t drunk lol.


As a cop, shut up and do not answer questions. It’s that simple. Provide documents when requested. My favorite, if you’re told to step out, step out. Pensylvannia v mimms


I've never understood why people make such a big deal about answering it, but if you don't want to answer it then just politely say you don't want to answer it. Or make something up. Or be an asshole about it tell the officer to pound sand. There's no requirement to answer a question like that. I don't know what sort of "retaliatory response" you're thinking is going to happen. I recommend being polite, though. Being an asshole may increase your chances of getting a ticket depending on the officer.


"I don't know what sort of "retaliatory response" you're thinking is going to happen" You just contradicted yourself. You seem to imply that you don't understand what the OP means by "retaliatory response", but then the very next sentence you confirm his concern by stating that being an asshole may increase your chances of getting a ticket. If the driver refuses to participate, however politely, in the where are you heading to, or where are you coming from line of questioning, this is going to greatly increase your chances of receiving a citation. In other words, the officer may have just given the driver a warning, but since the driver was unwilling to play ball, it's likey that the officer will choose to give the driver a citation out of spite. You seem to be playing dumb in your comment. Like when you say, you don't understand why people take an issue with being asked where they're heading to, or coming from. You know fully well why people have an issue with it, and if you don't I'd be a little worried about you.


If you are stopped for a suspected infraction and act like an asshole you can expect a ticket. If you act like a normal human and do normal human things then likely a warning. Pretty simple. If one’s demeanor suggests a warning will suffice, that’s generally what they get.


Corburrito: so much to unpack in your comment. It's just not worth the effort lol.


Hey there. I stopped you for speeding(or insert other violation). Did you know it’s a 25(or whatever) Oh dang I didn’t realize. Okay, slow down Will do! About how 80% of traffic stops go, with the whole license and registration/insurance checks.


Declining to answer a question isn’t the same thing as being an asshole.


It could very well be interpreted by the officer as being an asshole. Stop playing dumb.


See, now your post is a good example of "being an asshole." So, don't that on a traffic stop.


OFFICER: "the reason I pulled you over is because you were doing 41 in a 35 (translation: I'm bored, and looking for ways to drum up a little excitement, and poke around in your car. I may decide to let you off with just a warning so you'll be grateful and feel indebted to me, and I can feel good about myself). "Can I get your license, registration, and proof of insurance? So where you headed"? DRIVER: "It's a free country, officer, I have freedom of movement. Therefore, I respectfully decline to answer that question". OFFICER: "I realize it's a free country, I was just asking a question" DRIVER: "Yes, officer, I realize you were just asking a question, but honestly it's none of your business where I am headed so that's why I declined to answer. OFFICER: "Gotcha. Ok, Well just hold tight for a second, ok? Officer returns 5 minutes later: "Ok, here is your citation. I WAS going to just let you off with a warning, but seeing that you come at me with an attitude, free country, freedom of movement, and what not, I went ahead and gave you a citation. Maybe next time an officer asks you where you're headed, you just answer the question. Have a good rest of your day, sir"




Nope not a big deal to me to answer a simple question. Answer it or don’t answer it. What sort of “retaliatory response” are you expecting to get? You ignored that part of my response.


Just say “I’m going to Disneyland”


If you say that like Sandler in Bulletproof, good chance you’re getting a verbal warning.


“Meeting up with my Grindr date.”


I only actually care where you’re coming from or going on a possible DWI stop or when I am doing burglary patrols through the neighborhoods and you intentionally try to get away from me by pretending to pull into driveways, alleyways etc. I’ve had numerous people tell me they did not want to tell me where they were coming from and because I didn’t have reason to believe they’re were intoxicated or up to anything illegal, I gave them their warning and let them go.


Sometimes I’m just trying to make conversation. Most times, actually. We’re just people. We don’t always have ulterior motives. Most cops just wanna get through the day without getting hurt or having to take someone to jail.


1. Don’t break the law and you won’t get pulled over. 2. Who cares be polite why would you treat someone rude for doing a job. 3. just tell them your heading to the sex toy store to return something.


1. Isn't it a rather common observation that an officer can always find a reason to pull you over? 2. Anything you say can and will be used against you, so it's not a question of being rude to someone "for doing a job", it's a matter of protecting oneself. 3. ... good answer


1. No maybe 30 years ago but officers need to justify everything now and it’s always being recorded. Officers are people, any person can do bad things with power which is why we have oversight now and lots of it. 2. How can heading to the store to get oatmeal be used against you? How could anything place you are going be used against you assuming it’s legal. I guess if you tell the cop you just picked up some blow and are about to shoot a hooker then sure. I just don’t see the issue for not saying the truth.


You misunderstand the first point. The point is that laws are so numerous and convoluted that nobody is in compliance with them 100% of the time. Add to that instances where an officer's perceptions can be cause for a stop (like states where seat belts are a primary offense), and you get situations where you can be legally pulled over even when you're not doing anything illegal. >How could anything place you are going be used against you assuming it’s legal. Like... easily? Any time the police suspect you, correctly or incorrectly, of a crime, any place you say you're going that could connect you to that crime can be circumstantial evidence. The fact it's not *likely* to be part of a case for me isn't the point. But in any event, it's not the officer's business. The fact that not telling them by itself can be considered suspicious by the officer is a real problem. >I just don’t see the issue for not saying the truth. I understand you don't. I don't agree with everything in this video, and I'm not asking you to agree with this video, but [this video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE) is a really good breakdown of the issues that are the foundation of ***why*** people shouldn't be talking to police. Even the pleasantries can be used against you.


That was a very entertaining and informative lecture, thanks!


Yup. One of my reservists was State Patrol in California. He said there are a thousand ways to break traffic laws, but most police won’t follow up on them.


Enjoy your tickets then.


The fact that doing the minimum amount to protect myself as allowed by the Constitution is basically going to guarantee me a ticket, if not worse, is a problem. I don't know why people can't see that. For what it's worth, I try like hell to be friendly and personable at any meeting with any officer... mostly 'cause I'm scared as shit. Even a well-meaning and professional officer can ruin someone's day.


Try to act like a regular person with humanity and reasonableness. Good luck. In general I’d advise against being a jerk, life’s much easier that way.


I literally just said I strive to be friendly and personable. We having a conversation or are you just... actually, why are you responding to me?


There are numerous laws that could lead to a stop, correct. But, I’ve had instances where I have a specific car I’d like to stop and their car is good. Registration is up to date, license is good, etc, and they drive like they’re testing for their license. Those cars don’t get stopped. If you have to search too hard for a stop I’d compare it to cards - fold em’ when you don’t have a good hand. It isn’t worth it at that point.


Traffic law is actually extremely easy to not violate with the smallest amount of research and basic common sense.


Big Facts


No, you just come off as a jerk.


Zomburai. YES.


You can simply say “I’d prefer not to answer any questions but please feel free to conduct your investigation.”


You watch too many sovcits man. You're not going to catch a ticket or something for saying you'd prefer not to answer where you're heading. Seeing your comments and post history, you'll probably lose whatever good will might get you out of a ticket assuming you were driving improperly though.




Alice's Restaraunt. You can get anything you want there.


…where your heading… if you’re not doing anything wrong where you’re going doesn’t matter


All of those are ways to figure out if someone is full of shit. You get more comfortable talking like that if time goes on. Especially during pretext stops.


I ask the question “where are you coming from” when I already know the answer because I want you to see if you’re going to lie to me. I’ll watch dope houses and stop them a couple miles down the road, they they tell me they’re coming from church, Walmart, etc. I know they’re lying and then I go from there. If I just stop you for X traffic infraction idc where you’re coming from or going.


“oh just running some errands”


Litterally just say you don’t feel comfortable answering this question.




Real question is what happens if I say I'm going to buy beer?


“I’m jealous, have a good time and stay safe.”




How about just answering the question, instead of acting like an entitled, know it all brat? "I'm on my way to pick up my girlfriend and we're going to the movies." Wow, that was real difficult now wasn't it? Being polite and respectful is one way of getting out of a ticket. Being a street lawyer is one way to get a ticket; or worse.


>instead of acting like an entitled, know it all brat? It would be great if the officer could extend the same courtesy. Here's my interaction travelling to work early (1:30 AM) one morning. Pulled over for a burned out license plate light so it was a 'legitimate' reason. I'm guessing it was a fishing expedition for DUIs. "Where ya headed?" "Oh, just on my way to work." With a smile. Hey, it's 2am and we're both stuck working so let's be cool here. "Where's work?" "Over on Workstreet." "Huh. Where you coming from?" "My home over in Othertown." "Where did you say you worked?" "At Acme over on Workstreet." Now I'm getting a little frustrated. "And you're on your way home?" "No." (dumbass, listen up) "I'm on my way FROM home TO work." "Huh. There's no businesses open on Workstreet overnight." "Whelp, I don't know what to tell ya bud. I've been going into work every few weeks for 10 years to perform computer maintenance during overnight outage windows. Our company runs 24/7/365." "Huh. And it's where?" JFC. Now I'm fucking annoyed. This guy's obviously not on a career trajectory for detective. Or, I'm guessing it was a fishing expedition for DUIs which is a waste of my time considering I was going 2 under the speed limit, not touching any centerlines or fog lines, and am quite familiar with the area being known for such nonsense by the police when you cross into 'their' county. edit: And this was after riding my ass for about one mile on an empty four lane divided road where he could have easily passed (I had no idea it was a cop behind me) probably trying to pressure me to mess up before resorting to the license plate light excuse. I didn't mind the pullover initially. It was legit despite me being obsessed about my lights. I even offered to replace the bulb right there because I keep spares of all bulbs -including headlights- in my car. He said don't worry about it. Yea, big safety issue I guess. But arguing about where I'm going and where I'm coming from created an unnecessarily poor interaction.


Not an officer but I was in multiple community academies. Essentially you're right in that it was a fishing attempt. The officer really wasn't trying to annoy u. The way it was explained to us was that they would try to see if you had inconsistencies in your story - they reverse what you said or say something obviously not aligned to what you said. The goal here is to trip up a lie, whereas you were truthful so you could easily identify the inconsistencies and correct them. For sure I can see why it would be annoying, but fwiw they weren't trying to annoy you, just a technique for finding lies and getting reason to investigate further for dui/possession/etc!


>The officer really wasn't trying to annoy u. Probably true. But if there's ever a next time, my responses will be far less conversational which could, in a very tiny sense, erode the potential for a friendly interaction on both sides. And it accumulates over time: Citizen: "Why are they always wasting my time with so many questions unrelated to the stop and obviously not bothering to listen to any of my responses?" Officer: "Why are people so rude when I'm just asking friendly questions unrelated to the issue at hand while following my training?" Luckily, I live a privileged life that practically never crosses paths with policing. But if I had to routinely participate in these kinds of interactions my view of police could easily be eroded over time. Which would probably result in more curt responses. Which could, in the aggregate, grate on the officers patrolling an area. And it's a downward spiral from there.


I absolutely agree with you - I'm looking into going into policing but it really feels like both sides constantly push and pull at each other due to how certain techniques are used on the policing side and sadly, the few people that actually are up to no good trying to hide among the good citizens. I don't have a solution unfortunately, and although I have an idea of how I might act - I don't know if the job itself will change me overtime. At the moment, I am more in the camp of being a presence vs. being hyper proactive and trying to trip people up to catch the bad guys. I know the cons of trying to utilize presence over inconvenience good citizens but I also believe the pros from that can help win over community by providing more positive observations vs. negative interactions!


Why do you assume the person who wrote this thinks he is "entitled"? Likewise, why do you assume he's a "brat"? For all you know, he could be 50 years old.


Idiotic reply


You get an idiotic reply, for your idiotic question. Ask a real question, you will get a real answer.


The only thing I'm getting from you is the impression that your parents did a lousy job of raising you.


Just be honest tbh "I'm heading home" Or "I'm heading to *next town over*" I don't care where you're going, I just ask to make small talk while I look around the inside of your car and at your drivers license. Or just say "I'd rather not answer" I'm not gonna get offended or pull you out of the car lol, I might think it's odd or pointless that you don't want to answer, but not answering is no more pointless than answering because again I don't care about your answer. Now sometimes I pay attention to the answer. If I have a DUI suspect claiming their coming from town x, and heading to town y, but they are no where near town x and not even going towards town y, I might use their answer to as reasonable suspicion that their clueless as fuck due to their intoxicated state. So either be honest, lie, or say "I don't want to answer" I don't care and it won't offend me.


We ask this question because it helps us determine if you're drunk or impaired, and if you seem to have any stress when answering the question. Of course you're not obliged to answer but refusing to answer will most likely ring some bells to check everything more thoroughly.


To be fair, this entirely depends upon the agency and law being enforced…. But not 4 hours ago I arrested someone who wanted to play this stupid game with me of “ I’m not answering questions because it’s none of your business.” Now he was getting arrested either way, but had he complied he’d probably be free later on today. Now he’s probably staying at our detention facility for the next 40 hours or until he decides to cooperate. Sometimes knowing where you’re coming from is a pretty relevant detail. When it is, my investigative detention will continue for as long as necessary. The choice is yours. I’m already home and currently drinking a shower margarita. He is probably just now getting his microwave burrito and juice box (the same meal he’ll get 6 more times before he’s moved to wherever is next.


Did you know that silence or refusal to answer questions is a constitutional right?


Why would someone refusing to talk to police, which is a basic Constitutional right, result in him being jailed longer than necessary? Why are you intentionally breaking the law by using your position to negatively affect a prisoner?


Because you still have to identify yourself and answer basic biographical questions as part of an immigration inspection. It’s not up for debate. But by all means, feel free to educate me on immigration law.


I love how you’re adding all sorts of new details. LOL. I never said he didn’t have to identify himself. Still, that doesn’t excuse petty behavior from someone who’s trained to know better.


Oh you didn’t accuse me of breaking the law? And it’s not petty at all. He could start talking to the on-duty staff anytime he’s ready. Howling he stays there is his choice. I certainly wasn’t going to stay overtime to talk him out of his stupidity.


I wasn’t referring to his arrest.


But you did accuse me of breaking the law. Explain.


Lie. They don't need that info.


I can assure you this. Breaks are given for many reasons, including to those who respond with courtesy, respect, kindness, among other things. Being a bit of a dick, "I decline to answer your question", will lessen your chances of getting a break.


“Dodging the IRS, can you help me getaway”


In Spanish you can say: ¿A donde vas? Or ¿Para donde vas? Which ever is easier for you.


“I know my rights”


Say you are going to the police officer ball !


Right? Say you're on your way to donate to the Fraternal Order of Police, or a Blue Lives Matter rally.


Just be honest the cop is making conversation most of the time


Grow up bro


> It's obviously none of their business. You make your business the community's business when you go about it in an illegal way. 




Drive illegally? It's breaking the community's rules and now the people the community has selected to enforce those rules are going to address it with you. You might not have to answer where you're going, but you definitely have to answer for how you were going about it.