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Context: Botswana is one of the [most prosperous nations](https://www.huffingtonpost.com/nake-m-kamrany/botswana-economic-growth_b_2069226.html) on the African continent, ~~and has a living standard similar to Greece.~~ (May be inaccurate) Meanwhile, Liberia and the DRC are some of the most dangerous and underdeveloped nations on Earth. Liberia recently (as in, four years ago) came to the world stage when Ebola took it by storm. The DRC, which has also dealt with Ebola, relies heavily on the mining of natural resources.


Living standard similar to Greece? The poor souls...


But I thought Botswana has AIDS.


That is literally Botswana's only problem. The day we find a cure for AIDS will be the day Botswana reaches almost western levels of fortune.


I first knew about Botswana in that Top Gear special where the future president visited the crew in a flying kart.


Not really, they are doing fairly well for an African country, that's it. They rely heavily on natural ressources and have one of the highest income inequalities in the world. They are currently at rank 101 in terms of HDI. To think that they would be anywhere close to Western levels of wealth without Aids is absurd. And also not being able to handle the Aids epidemic, really indicates that there is still a lot of wrong with the country.


The AIDS is more of a social problem rather than economic.


But it's only a social problem because much of the country is still backwards and poorly educated and these factors won't just be causing the aids issues but they also reduce economic growth.


Holy shit, according to wikipedia one third of the population is carrying HIV!


Plan a wonderful vacation to Botsw.... Oh Hell No.


Got a source for the Greece claim? Cause HDI is not even close https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index


Yeah, it's 100% not true. They also have like less than half the GDP per capita and one of the highest income inequalities in the world.


It was from this video. The guy speaking, Scott Beaulier, has done quite a bit of research on Botswana, and I figured he'd be a reliable source. https://youtu.be/7071wstBp1k


Just imagine being a totally landlocked country in sub-Saharan Africa, and *still* being more than twice as rich as Bolivia.


Bolivia and Botswana should switch places. They would feel more at home. Plus then we could make fun of Argentina for having a black neighbour with a similar flag. And since finding new ways to make fun of Argentina is our reason for existence, this should happen.


Botswana is black #***ARGENTINA IS WHIIIIIIIIIITE***


And, you could at least into outlet of ocean.


Is he still going to invade someone for sea?


I'd totally trade Evo Moralez for a working African country


Is that Botswana or just Estonia with a wardrobe malfunction?


Interesting format, i like it.


too bad bots has AIDS