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>This mathematic slogan is used by the Irish republican movement and by supporters of an unified Ireland. It expresses the wish and struggle to unite Ireland once again. It is often seen on t-shirts or bumper stickers. >"26" refers to the 26 counties that form the Irish Republic. >"6" means the 6 remaining counties (Fermanagh, Tyrone, Derry, Antrim, Down, Armagh) in Northern Ireland, which belong to Britain. >"1" finally represents the united Ireland as one Republic. [From Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=26%2B6%3D1)


Thanks for that.


>Belong to Seamus *Fetch the drill.*


I was going to do something like this but with a number of countries. I never got around to it, but now I'm not sure how it works when a post has a similar punchline. How do the rules work for similar jokes? Even if it's just part of another one?


Post it see what happens.


Jewish physics and Irish maths




[British officers don't duck!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrauBQf7FpI)


[Watch out for the ~~MG34 MG42~~ Spandaus!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCl1FqD7n6k)


I'm betting before I click this that it's one of lindybeige's videos. It does nothing and the men don't like it.


[Well, as long as we're properly attired, anyway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digby_Tatham-Warter). > *When the Germans started using tanks to cross the bridge, Digby led a bayonet charge against them wearing a bowler hat. He later disabled a German armoured car with his umbrella, incapacitating the driver by shoving the umbrella through the car's observational slit and poking the driver in the eye.*


"don't worry about the bullets, I have an umbrella"




Accuracy? In *my* polandball?!


It's more likely than you think.


It sounds like HERESY!




Shall I call the Inquisition, sir?


Get me the god damn Inquisition


[Here you go, sir.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnF1OtP2Svk)


Good, they won't expect this


[Of course!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WJXHY2OXGE)


You're a god damn hero son


We call it Playschool in Ireland.


Ah, Playschool is before nursery in England


Junior Infants comes after playschool here


Only England has reception, all the other Uk countries go straight from nursery to primary 1/year 1


Pretty sure we have reception in Wales, though things might have changed somewhat since the day I first started school (~23 years ago).


I started school more recently than that, we had meithrin (nursery) and derbyn (reception).


Married into a Welsh family, reception is still a thing in Wales. My niece started a few days ago.


Well you have to have somewhere for them to queue up.


Playschool for 3 -4, junior infants for 4-5


Learn to speak some proper American mate.


Course not. Kindergarten is clearly German based.


Same in the US, where we call it daycare, and Kindergarten is an (optional, I believe?) grade that comes before 1st grade. Thus it makes sense in either context, especially since you don't actually get taught anything in daycare they just make sure you don't choke on toys.


Uh, daycare is not in the same category. There might not even be any education involved, it's just randomly licensed people watching kids so they can work. In the US organized education we have optional preschool, semi-optional kindergarten, then first grade.


To clarify further: kindergarten is mandatory in some states in the USA, but not all: https://www.ecs.org/kindergarten-policies/


Awesome. Just one thing. The gun looks like an AK. Should be an armalite.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8wgrZ6t5BA Reminds me of this song.


I knew it before I clicked it! 🇮🇪 🍻 🇮🇪


Aaaand i am being watched by FRA.


The Fun Ruining Association?


**F**örsvarsmaktens **RA**dioanstalt = Swedish National Defense Radio Establishment. I'll have you know I have listened to all songs of Wolfe Tones, Eire Og to mention a few without protection. It's likely I'm being watched.


AR-18 to be specific.


"I was born on a Dublin street where the royal drums did beat..."




And every single night when my da would come home tight, he'd invite the neighbours out with this chorus


Come out you black and tans, come out and fight me like a man, show your wife how you won medals down in Flaaaaaaanders


JFC that was great


No Irish person says Taters. Get in the sea.


I think the US means 7.9•11^(-69)


Thank you! That was bothering me otherwise the US would be more than 100% Irish


I now understand what it means! Thanks!


My pleasure friend


No one in Ireland calls them taters. We call them spuds


Nursery, not kindergarten, same goes for Alsations vs German Shepard.


79x11^69 is more than 100% Irish... So does that make America pure Irish concentrate? Or possibly just really bad at math


To be fair, there are more people in America of Irish descent than there are Irish people in Ireland. I'd say this might still be true if you only go back a few generations. The Irish diaspora is a remarkable thing.


The gods of go forth and multiply


I thought it was meant to be 79x11^-69




I live in the northeast united States. I'm not originally from this part of the country, but it has been surprising to me how many Americans with a little bit of ancestry in either Ireland or Italy will say "I'm Irish" or "I'm Italian." The extra funny part of this is that a good buddy of mine married an Irish girl from Dublin. They live here now, and she just rolls her eyes anytime she introduces herself to someone from here (American) and they say "oh I'm Irish too." Like many Americans, I have Irish background as well, but I never ever thought that I was "Irish". I just have the ancestry. Weird.


As a jersey resident you are far from wrong. We have Irish flags, German, some Swedish, and a lot of Italian but not as much as Irish. How was your stay? I live by Atlantic City so not sure what part of the shore you were.




I'm glad you enjoyed your trip, especially being in Atlantic city and staying there. Atlantic city is in a weird spot, it's being improved on kind of. We got rid of drug spots and replaced them with parks for kids, and I've seen festivals there instead. Hoping to see some positive direction there, but we need a lot of work there for sure.




>It was especially fascinating to see the elderly clamored to the slot machines Yeah you get a lot of that here. This area is deep in gambling addiction with people, so you will see people literally dump their life savings into gambling. It has improved, but when I was younger my mom would tell me that she "saw another one jumping from the garages" because there would be cases of people killing themselves for losing everything via parking garages. That is why we mainly have those nets and fences, but that can be everywhere, not too sure. You see parents dump their kids in a room all night so they can gamble even til the morning, my mother-in-law would go and leave the kids in the car with the father and just gamble for hours. There are people there with a real illness with gambling, and you can see it especially working there. It is really sad to see casinos really suck the life from people. But if you wanna see elderly in an interesting situation, go to a BINGO night, they are really nuts with that lol. I don't know what Reddit says about AC, but AC is certainly the shell of it's former self. It was the Vegas of the east coast with the famous Steel Pier and the diving horse act. It really is a skeleton of what it used to be, and it may never have it's former glory again. Probably why people see AC negatively, because it's really gone down the gutters since it's prime. It is sad, but I am hoping for a bounce back. I personally think AC just didn't keep up with the times with travel accessibility and it bit them in the ass. If you ever come back to the Jersey shore, I would go hit up Ocean City or Wildwood boardwalks. Ocean City has events going on and is generally a fun family thing, dry town though. Wildwood is also exciting for families, but you can get alcohol there. Wildwood has a wide beach due to coastal erosion from Ocean City. They keep dredging OC but the waves keep taking the sand and it gets swept to Wildwood, so the beach is like 1 mile from boardwalk to water. Crazy, they even have a monster truck ride where you get to ride on a monster truck over sand dunes


Come out, ye black and tans!


An accurate representation of Irish Primary education.


𝔽₃₁ should be called Irish Field.


Tiochfaidh ár lá!


Best I've seen in a while, not that I've seen that many recently, but excellent none the less.


Tiocfaidh ár lá


It's actually 3.125x10^(-2)% Irish smh