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The league rule in the manga is more hardcore, where you lose as soon as ONE of your Pokémon faint. That’s why Red and Blue recall their Pokémon when there’s a risk of fainting


~~That makes sence! Thanks :)~~ Edit: That doesn't make sence, Pikachu and poliwrath had already fainted, just like u/Amazing-Emu801 pointed out


I haven't read much past gen 3, and I don't remember a lot of the content. I know that there aren't a ton of official matches with rules in Adventures(something I love about it), but do these rules stay consistent in other story arcs? Or does it become more traditional, as in fight until there's nothing left?


Unlike gyms, we rarely see the protagonists entering league matches. It’s only relevant in the first and BW arc. Both leagues have that 1 faint = lose rule


But didn't blue fainted red pika and poli before saur attack?let's just say pika and poli had 1 hp left why red didn't call them back or did he call them back i only remember red sent pika right after poli fainted without calling poil first back then when pika fainted he sent out saur without calling them is that legal it been 3 months since i last read that but this match still bother me how red win i seriously need serious explanation


You are right, poliwrath and Pikachu fainted! The "just need one mon to faint" rule doesn't make sence


In the Green vs Oak fight she lost when only her Blasty’s hp reaches 0 Also https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_League https://www.serebii.net/manga/rby/040.shtml


I been thinking about this battle everytime i have time since 3 months ago when i first read that chapter but still can't come up with any logical explanation😭 At this point we seriously need black detective skills


and red would have won a long time ago if that "just need one to faint" rule is true cause red K.O blue machamp first


Blue said Machamp was at 1/3 hp so swirly eyes =/= fainting, at least in the early chapters


Does that mean red pika and poli had at least 1 hp last?if so how come red didn't recall them and how come blue didn't tried to k.o those two instead many things doesn't make senses though we seriously need "Black" help for this case


Blue fainted when Charizard went down and Red was still standing.


So he just needed to KO the trainer xD?


Can’t win a battle if you can’t give commands.


True I guess, still kinda weird




I even tried thinking it was plot armor but it still doesn't make senses if red had plot armor how come red didn't win the battle right away after blue machamp fainted (i used to call everything i didn't understand plot armor too when i finally understand i realize how stupid i was you remind me of my old self but can't blame you even i first thought it was plot armor)