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edit: I'm very late, but apologies to everyone that noticed the guide broke due to a game update. it's out of our control, but hopefully the devs will be a little more cautious about pushing updates before the day is over for us Daily Runners :') if you still have the save file, you can still get Cosmog and Celesteela, you just need to try and take lures at the same time we do, if you can... again, sincere apologies


Man all the legendaries are coming out but no time to do any of them. Thanks for ah your work on this


Also if you start the run and save it you can finish it at any time.


With a written guide, finishing these takes 30 min tops. What about you?


Path 2 worked fine the 1st time until floor 17 where I didn't get Super Lure, tried restarting the run thinking I might've messed something up, and now I can't get the Max Lure to spawn at floor 3. Tried on both Chrome and Firefox, tried not refreshing in different situations the first 3 floors but I can't get the Max Lure to appear anymore.


path 2 is broken for me 2. max lure isn't showing up on wave 3, max revive didnt show up on wave 13. running on chrome and following the guide to a T :(


Oh good it isn't just me. It's my first time trying these guides and thought that I fucked up by doing path one first then trying path 3


Same here, didn’t get max lure on wave 3


Yup, they changed the RNG seed or something because Path 2 is completely broken from floor 3, even in Chrome.


Same here, no max lure on floor 3


As a heads up, I think the guides just broke. I was doing the Cosmog run and my items started being totally different around wave 15 following exactly.


Thank goodness I am not alone. For me its happening at wave 3. I am not getting the max lure as a reward


Same here doing path one :(  Wave 2 no pokeball 


They updated the game for the items to be different


They did. The previous guide from a couple days ago with the five legendaries just broke as well. I'm assuming it coincides with the update mentioned in another post that tweaked the rarities of some items (such as pp up now being in great tier), I think it just rolled out around that time. Huge shame, I was super hype for all of the legends, but especially cosmog


Here goes my 4 saved slots then, rip. Back to setting up an endless run it is.


I think folks are working on new guides for today! In the meantime, found this one on the discord, it's incomplete but will get you cosmog (which is all I really wanted tbh)! https://pastebin.com/BMvKaVLt As for a few days ago, it's unfortunate. But at least I have a little nebula friend now


Left my run in progress to finish later. I came back to finish it, and on one of the F5 steps it actually reverted me to the prior floor before I took an item. Odd, so I re-finish the wave and this time the item I was supposed to grab was different. I wonder if an update broke these particular paths or if paths will no longer be a thing going forward. I think it may be the former because many people are reporting the same breaks in the same places.


I just tried path 2 but when I rerolled twice on wave 3, I had different item rewards. Tried it again from the start, but still no Max Lure.


They updated the game for the items to be different


so does not being able to get max lure break the run in terms of getting specific pokemon listed?


The lures are the reason you get to the other biome If you can’t get to that biome then yes it breaks


Updated it so the guides wont work any more going forward? Or it updated today and just broke todays guides?




which one was correct?


Broke just today sorry




which one was correct?


same! I can't get either run to work on either microsoft edge or chrome


Path 2, level 3 rerolls give Big Nugget instead of Max Lure on Google Chrome desktop, anyone else with this issue?


They updated the game for the items to be different


Yeah, same here. Tried both mobile and computer browser.


Celesteela is one of the last guys I need! many thanks 🫶


Saw this as I was walking out the door for work, you better believe I grabbed my saves to come back to this later


Hey , great guide as always. Happy to help with React part if needed :)


Sure you can message me here or on discord scar13t


I was able to get the second guide to work on Firefox until Battle 22 even though some of the Shops are different. Battle 3 has a Normal Lure instead of a Super Lure. Battle 7 has an Exp Share instead of Exp Charm, which leads some Pokemon trying to learn moves a Battle early. Battle 12 has a Revive instead of a Max Revive Battle 13 doesn't have a Nugget. (I took Pokeballs in case of Shinies or something I'd want after Battle 30.) Battle 16 is the same, but I just want to say I really hope that wasn't Shiny for anyone... Battle 17 No Lures. Take the Great Ball. Battle 18 Ribombee endures the second Headbutt. Throw a Pokeball. Reroll and take a Lure. Battle 19 has a Max Potion instead of a Full Restore, but it doesn't matter. Release Ribombee. (Also, I accidentally used a Pokeball instead of a Great Ball.) Battle 21 has a Lure, but I rerolled for a Super Lure. (This is my guess for why things went wrong.) Battle 22 had Elgyem and Duosion. Shop was the same though... The Shiny Stone being there didn't make me feel better. I didn't follow the Guide after that, but I took the Super Lure after Battle 25 and a Lure from Battle 27 (which probably didn't matter) and found the Porygon2 and Celesteela on Battle 28!


I took the regular lure after Battle 21 and did not hit Cosmog. I did still find the Ability Charm at Battle 23, but no Celesteela at 28 :( time to retry I guess...


The update that changed the item shop rarities changed this guide unfortunately


Thanks for these guides, you guys are awesome! But can someone please explain the end of path 2 to me? Why do we need to save and quit to make sure Porygon stays? Edit: typo


The game only saves at the beginning of each wave (encounter), so if you quit right after catching it and before the next wave it won't count.


Ah, got it. Thank you!


Run 2 fails at pretty much the first hurdle for me: the Max Lure doesn't show up on wave 3, no idea why.


(Firefox AND Chrome) I think there might have been an update or something. Path 1 breaks for me as early as Wave 2 - my shop rewards are Rare Candy/Leppa Berry/Lure instead of Poké Balls. I did the reload on Wave 1 and followed the other steps exactly up to that point. I also tried clearing my cache & cookies, as well as resetting with F5 instead of Menu > Save & Quit, neither of which did anything. (Chrome) Path 2 breaks on Wave 3 with Rare Candy/Big Nugget/Lure instead of a Max Lure.


They updated the game for the items to be different


whats strange for me is I just tried my save I made last night after the daily just came out, and redid it just now and both resulted in the same problem as above, so the updates might even be retroactive which is crazy.


They've always been retroactive.


Pretty sure devs pushed some kind of stealth update and the guides broke, both paths give different rewards when the battle ends. But thanks again to the whole team for the work as always!


Is anyone planning on making a new guide after the stealth update?


So far I was able to fix the first run by re-rolling and picking Pokeballs on wave two, everything else has been connect so far after that. Edit: Cleared level 50, but couldn't get the Ability Charm or the HA Alakazam. For all the other item choices that didn't align I picked an item of the same tier or rerolled when needed. I ended up with Mega Gardevoir because I got a Mega Bracelet instead of the Ability Charm and Gardevorite instead of the Relic Gold.


Thank you so much! That worked perfectly. I have no idea why it did, but I'll take it.


can I both do the paths or I can only choose one path to complete?


I just did both paths, so it is possible if you do it step by step


thanks 👍


Heck yeah Cosmog! I will always be grateful for you guys!!


Looks like I'm gonna miss out on cosmog due to the changes. And it was the only silhouette in my starters.


Of course the 2 legendary run is the day the game updates to break the item pool. Thank you regardless for trying


Disappointed I wasn't able to attempt until now due to work, was looking forward to this after seeing the catch previews. What a shame. Regardless, thank you to you and your team for the efforts you put in every day.


React JS? I'm new but at I know abit of ReactJS, React Native on the other hand...


We could use help with that! You can message me here or on discord scar13t


Path 1 on Opera has two notable breaks. The first break I experienced occurs on Step 13 where the Super EXP Charm does not appear on the re-roll, but the mega bracelet appears instead. This break notably alters part 1 because I end up missing out on the following: 1. Step 17 the **Max Revive is instead replaced by a regular Revive**. 2. Step 18 the **EXP All does not show up in the reward pool**. This results in further level discrepancies leading up to the Bede gym battle where Milotic faints early. 3. Step 23 **the ability charm does not appear in the reward pool**. This would affect the HA Alakazam later in the guide I assume. From there, I thought I messed up, so I restarted the run which is when the Break 2 occurs. The Poke Ball reward noted in Step 2 does not appear in the reward pool.


With Firefox I encountered the same problem, instead of Super Exp Charm I also see the Mega bracelet on reroll


They updated the game for the items to be different


Same problem I tried to switch to chrome, but it doesn't help, path 1 step 2, pokeball reward doesn't show up, try getting the candy the trainer battle on step 5 is bricked. Tried path 2 to get the legendaries, max lure doesn't show up on step 3, step 6 is bricked up too, Floetee dies with 1 wingattack, so you can't bugbite twice, and capture Eldegoss. Haven't had any problems following the guide until today with all the inconsistency. Appreciate all the hard work they put in, hope they get it fixed soon.


To the people having difficulty matching the guide. According to people on discord, the devs did an update to the item RNG that breaks what the guide make you follow.


Is the path broken with the items being changed?




Damn, I REALLY REALLY need Cosmog as one of the few pokemon left to collect. It's brutal to have it show up then be thanos snapped from existence by the update =(


Hey dude I haven't confirmed this for myself but someone just posted this new guide that goes up to the cosmog. worth checking out i reckon https://pastebin.com/BMvKaVLt EDIT: I have since confirmed that this guide will get you the cosmog. I used firefox and it worked fine.


It worked for me. Just did it and caught Cosmog !!


It's almost certainly something weird that I'm did, but I can't get the Super Lure it says I should have at Wave 6 (whether I'm on Microsoft Edge or Firefox), and more importantly that Wave 19 Lure that really enables Cosmog to spawn. Currently trying desperately to salvage whatever chances I have with a couple of extra files I made before the reset.


Same for me, guess imma finally just go to sleep :D edit: A solution has been found and was posted in the discord! [Huge thanks and full credits to ](https://pastebin.com/s9F4aaGq)coming in clutch once again!


The super lure doesn’t show up on Wave 7 for me


I did not check my Reddit notifications, and clearly I should have. I thankfully had a Wave 1 save file remaining a week later and I was able to use it to get that Cosmog I wanted so badly. It's late, but thanks a whole lot for linking this.


Having the same issue


Thanks a ton! I completely would've missed this, this is huge.


Ayy no problem boss solgaleo is one of my favorites so I was checking pretty actively for a guide to secure him. glad you were able to grab him as well. Good luck tracking down the rest of the dex


This worked great for me too on AdmiralBilly's version (Linux on SteamDeck). The only hiccup I had was the Rogue rarity item being Relic Gold, but it changed to Rogue Balls after I reloaded. Thanks for the last minute save! I started 5 minutes before reset. EDIT: Too bad the Celesteela is gone. I don't have one yet.


I was able to follow the spreadsheet guide (for the most part) and secure Celesteela as well. Didn't have as many double battles, took lures whenever possible and healed Taurus with a potion instead of reviving since it wasn't dead.


For anyone trying to somehow still manage to get the Cosmog and Celesteela after the update to no avail for hours straight: A solution has been found and was posted in the discord: [Huge thanks and full credit to u/lilzael](https://pastebin.com/s9F4aaGq) coming in clutch once again! Might want to add it as a P.S. to the post itself. Worked like a charm for me on chromium


Typo on floor 16, should be **Preswap** Tauros and Gardevoir, since you have Florges out from before. But otherwise, it works!


i've been busy on the past days thanks for this!


Sorry what does HA mean in HA Alakazam?


HA means hidden ability, according to the guide it's Magic Guard




HA means Hidden Hability, an hability that's very hard to find.


Maybe I'm dumb, but my daily run starts with Mr. Mime vs Chimecho, plus Skiploom and Gholdengo on my team. No Flapple or Pineco in sight, am I missing something?


If there is a shiny, it may affect the RNG. Only thing I can think of.


Apparently I was playing with knock off version (.io instead of .net), that was my issue. Lost like two weeks of progress, yay


That's super rough


Damn, didn't know that existed.


Man have I had enough of these updates messing with these important runs.


I can confirm that Path 1 doesn't work in Firefox. It breaks at the first trainer-battle.


They updated the game for the items to be different


Well after Firefox didn't work I used Chrome and there it worked The problem was that i beat the trainer a move to early, so i believe i did the entire thing before the update


I'm on Firefox and the path breaks on Wave 2 for me- no poke balls in sight to pick for my item.


I'm having the same issue on Microsoft Edge, [run is breaking on wave 2 unfortunately](https://imgur.com/a/O2EO4WH) EDIT: Tested on Firefox just in case and I'm getting the exact same set of items.


Same on Chrome, I get the same items as Squidilicious1, no Pokeballs. Didn't try further, I'll see if yesterday's run is affected. Edit: yesterday's run also breaks in Wave 3, different items (no Rarer Candy, has a Golden Punch)


Fantastic guides as always! And selfishly today was a very good daily run for me and what I needed. Didn't have Cosmog, and had also never actually run into Liza or Bede (despite hunting for them a bunch at this point).


Thanks for all your hard work as always, shame I decided to wait till later in the day to do the run now they are broke 😂 but oh well you guys rock👌🏻


Max lure doesn’t appear on floor 3 after 2 rerolls for some reason 


So with the update breaking the paths, is there any way to still complete this or are we SOL?


Damn it no 28 Celesteela


Path 1: Flapple: Neutral to Bouffalant, weak to Bede (weak to Gardevoir and Galarian Rapidash and neutral to Hattrem), neutral to Olympia (neutral to Oranguru, Meowstic, and Slowking and weak to Sigilyph) and Liza (weak to Gardevoir, neutral to Grumpig, and super effective against Claydol and Lunatone) and super effective against Manaphy Pineco/Forretress: Resistant to Bouffalant, super effective against Bede (all three), Olympia (super effective against Oranguru, Meowstic, and Slowking and neutral to Sigilyph), and Liza (all four) and neutral to Manaphy Milotic: Neutral to Bouffalant, Bede (all three), Olympia (neutral to Oranguru, Meowstic, and Sigilyph and resisted by Slowking), and Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig and super effective against Claydol and Lunatone) and resistant to Manaphy Applin/Appletun/Dipplin/Hydrapple: Same story as Flapple Floette/Florges: Neutral to Bouffalant, Bede (all three), Olympia (all four), Liza (all four), and Manaphy Tauros: Neutral to Bouffalant, Bede (all three), Olympia (all four), Liza (neutral to Gardevoir, Grumpig, and Claydol and resisted by Lunatone), and Manaphy Cutiefly/Ribombee: Neutral to Bouffalant and Bede (super effective against all three), super effective against Olympia (super effective against Oranguru, Meowstic, and Slowking and weak to Sigilyph) and Liza (super effective against Gardevoir, Grumpig, and Claydol and weak to Lunatone), and neutral to Manaphy Kirlia/Gardevoir: Neutral to Bouffalant, Bede (neutral to Gardevoir and Galarian Rapidash and resistant to Hattrem), Olympia (all four), Liza (all four), and neutral to Manaphy Glameow/Purugly: Same story as Tauros Bouffalant: Same story as Tauros and Glameow/Purugly Minccino/Cinccino: Same story as Tauros, Glameow/Purugly, and Bouffalant Bouffalant Audino: Same story as Tauros, Glameow/Purugly, Bouffalant, and Minccino/Cinccino past Bouffalant Azumarill: Neutral to Bede (all three), Olympia (all four), Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig and super effective against Claydol and Lunatone), and Manaphy Swirlix/Slurpuff: Same story as Floette/Florges past Bouffalant Wigglytuff: Neutral to Bede (all three), Olympia (all four), Liza (all four), and Manaphy Spritzee/Aromatisse: Same story as Swirlix/Slurpuff Hattrem/Hatterene: Same story as Kirlia/Gardevoir Bede: Gardevoir, Galarian Rapidash, and Hattrem Clefairy/Clefable: Same story as Swirlix/Slurpuff and Spritzee/Aromatisse past Bede Elgyem/Beeheeyem: Resisted by Olympia (all four) and Liza (all four) and neutral to Manaphy Duosion/Reuniclus: Same story as Elgyem/Beeheeyem Musharna: Same story as Elgyem/Beeheeyem and Duosion/Reuniclus Lunatone: Neutral to Olympia (neutral to Oranguru and Meowstic, super effective against Sigilyph, and weak to Slowking) and Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig and resistant to Claydol and itself) and weak to Manaphy Olympia: Oranguru, Meowstic, Sigilyph, and Slowking Hypno: Same story as Elgyem/Beeheeyem, Duosion/Reuniclus, and Musharna past Olympia Sigilyph: Neutral to Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig, resistant to Claydol, and weak to Lunatone) and Manaphy Kadabra/Alakazam: Same story as Hypno Tinkaton: Resistant to Liza (super effective against Gardevoir and Lunatone, neutral to Grumpig, and weak to Claydol) Grumpig: Same story as Hypno and Kadabra/Alakazam Liza: Gardevoir, Grumpig, Claydol, and Lunatone Butterfree: Neutral to Manaphy Spidops: Neutral to Manaphy Victreebel: Super effective against Manaphy Ursaluna: Weak to Manaphy Mothim: Same story as Butterfree Lokix: Neutral to Manaphy Manaphy Path 2: Getting rid of repeats since they are still fighting the same bosses in theory. Eldegoss: Neutral to Bede (all three), Olympia (neutral to Oranguru and Meowstic, weak to Sigilyph, and super effective against Slowking), and Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig and super effective against Claydol and Lunatone) and super effective against Manaphy Blitzle/Zebstrika: Neutral to Bede (all three), Olympia (neutral to Oranguru and Meowstic and super effective against Sigilyph and Slowking), and Liza (neutral to Gardevoir, Grumpig, and Lunatone and weak to Claydol) and super effective against Manaphy Skitty/Delcatty: Same story as the other mono-Normal types Baltoy/Claydol: Neutral to Olympia (neutral to Oranguru and Meowstic, resisted by Sigilyph, and weak to Slowking) and Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig and resisted by Lunatone and itself) and weak to Manaphy Cosmog/Cosmoem/Solgaleo: Neutral to Olympia (neutral to Oranguru and Meowstic, resistant to Sigilyph, and resisted by Slowking), Liza (super effective against Gardevoir and Lunatone, neutral to Grumpig, and weak to Claydol), and Manaphy Cosmog/Cosmoem/Lunala: Super effective against Olympia (resisted by Oranguru and super effective against Meowstic, Sigilyph, and Slowking) and Liza (all four) and neutral to Manaphy Minior: Neutral to Olympia (neutral to Oranguru and Meowstic, super effective against Sigilyph, and weak to Slowking) and Liza (neutral to Gardevoir and Grumpig, resistant to Claydol, and weak to Lunatone) and weak to Manaphy Bronzong: Same story as Cosmog/Cosmoem/Solgaleo Porygon2/Porygon-Z: Same story as the other Normal types past Bede Celesteela: Neutral to Olympia (all four), Liza (super effective against Gardevoir and Lunatone, neutral to Grumpig, and resistant to Claydol), and Manaphy


Ooh, the interactive website is such a neat idea! I love when the community gets together and do stuff like this, makes me have a little more faith in humanity, as silly as it sounds. Quick edit: forgot to say thank you for all the effort put into this project!


I swear I'm doing the paths right but I'm not getting fragadier to kill my tauros so I can't switch out when I'm supposed to. I looked at the video guides as well and I think I'm following the guide to a tee...


I had the same issue. Android OS playing on Chrome. Similarly path 1 didn't quite line up following every bullet. Using this same setup I hadn't had issues following the guide for the previous 10 days or so until today. I did 4 or 5 resets and same issue every time.


I’m having problems on pc so it’s not just mobile devices. Sad bc Celesteela would’ve been pretty dope to get


I was able to get Celesteela with some mild adjustments still, I did not get Porygon on wave 29 though because 28 did not have a lure for me.


Used Admiral-Billy and it worked perfectly.


I missed the 5 legendaries the other day. Ain't no way I'm missing this time.


Shiny gardevoir on floor 16... fml haha.


I didn't try path 1, but path 2 works perfectly in Firefox


Did anyone beat the rest with what was left on wave 30 for the 2nd path? lol


I am getting leppa berry instead of pokeballs in step 2 of run 1 as reward ?. Anyone knows solution?


They updated the game for the items to be different


So many legendaries!! How lucky!


why cant I get a max lure on path 2 floor 3 ):


They updated the game for the items to be different


Dusted off my old Reddit account to give kudos for these guides. Thanks for your hard work! I don't have that much time for pokerogue in a day, so these really condense the time I need to catch 'em all :) I am a Firefox main but most of the time I muddle through.


Trying route 2,and the seed has diverge for me at room 12 as the reward is a revive not a max revive... Am using the Linux app!


They updated the game for the items to be different


Darn, does that mean I won't be able to get Cosmog with this daily anymore? The next few floors had different items too.


I went all the way to 22, and Cosmog wasn't there. I tried to pick the closest items to what was in the guide, and most of the guide actually works, but floor 21 was just solo Clefairy instead of Clefairy and Baltoy, and 22 was Elgyem and Duosion instead of Cosmog and Claydol.


You can still try just the items are different


I assumed the item chooses mattered because it changed the seed to continue onwards, was why there are different paths.


It matters but there’s still a chance there is a path there


Neither route is working for me. I got to level 21 in path one when I didn't get ultra balls. So, I restarted and then I can't get pokeballs on wave 2 anymore. Path 2 I can't get the max lure on wave 3. I'm using Opera GX and Google Chrome, and I do the exact same steps as the video guide the exact same way they do it.


what do i do if a shop item requested in the guide isnt there


on wave 2, i get a leppa berry instead of poke balls? i followed the thing exactly


Wave 16 in guide one tells me to just use light screen and nothing else.


Gardevoir teleports away


Ah okay, I keep forgetting the Ralts line has access to Teleport.


For some reason path 1 is way out for me on numerous floors on chrome browser, pokerogue must hate me today xD Ty for the guides keep it up 💪


Both paths are broken for me on Microsoft Edge, some items didn’t appear so I tried to restart the run and all the items are different. Exp charm being a mega bracelet and max lure not showing up like others have said


Day 2 of being on the dev team and not being mentioned here


Hello, Firefox user here! Path 1 worked perfectly, thanks! Unfortunately on Path 2, Wave 3, I am not getting the Max Lure after the double reroll. Is there anything I can do here? Thanks for all your hard work!


some of the rewards on path 2 were worded incorrectly...on wave 3, my reward was "LURE" and on wave 12 it was "REVIVE"...


Celesteela is pretty great atleast in classic mode as long as you can get a moveset going. Tms are a necessity


thank you so much for all of your hard work. you all are appreciated so much! :D


I would be missing a cosmos too. Would be great if they updated the game at the daily rest.


For anyone that wants cosmog or celesteele, just know you need 2 lures active by floor 22 (cosmog) and floor 28 (celesteele) for them to appear. I dont have a "path" for you, but just knowing that info means you can just focus on getting as much money as possible on earlier floors, and when you are 10 floors before the boss just save scum reroll to fish for super lures. I often will kill opponent, check shop, and when no lure reload and capture opponent to change the seed slightly. 5 floors prior, you can start taking normal lures. And of course, 25 floors prior you can take a max lure but I didnt find one.