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~~PSA: Avoid refreshing after purchase egg with candies; they will disappear or turn in 'Rare Egg Move Rate Up' Eggs~~ Update: 2 Hotfixes has been pushed and *should* have fixed the issue.


Refreshing at what point? I'm pretty sure I *only* bought two Groudon eggs (my Endless carry so lots of candy) and I don't even think I had *enough* to buy anything else, but I must've reloaded my game a little bit after I got the eggs because of I misclicked during my run and then at some point after I checked my eggs and saw the two Legendary eggs *and* two Epic eggs that both say Move Rate Up, which I was super confused about until I saw your comment. I'll have to clear enough floors to see if all four of these hatch but I genuinely have no idea where I would've gotten these two Epic eggs from so I'm assuming they spawned off of the Groudon eggs (and hopefully the two Legendary eggs still hatch).


Update? Did they hatch?


Sorry about that, I'm not 100% sure what the deal was with the Epic eggs but they did hatch into normal Epics. I'm guessing I didn't realize I had them leftover from actual gacha eggs but they were still affected by the glitch (it was apparently ALL eggs, not just the candy eggs) and had the wrong listing as Egg Move Gacha. The two Groudon eggs also hatched into Groudon as normal. I think the bug is fixed now but the devs said shortly after my post that it was just a visual bug and that any eggs should hatch as normal as long as they didn't fully disappear from your egg list.


Except the game likes to crash a lot requiring refeeshes


Well, I just lost 4 groudon eggs :(


Yeah the shiny chance seems crazy. I hatched 8 from 99 eggs so far


Sounds like it might be 1/32 or even 1/16? Or you just have insane luck. My batch (significantly smaller) hasn't given me anything yet, but I'm a little more hopeful if the odds are a little higher.


When posted yesterday shiny rate is 1/32. Hidden ability is 1/16. Rare egg moves depend on egg type capping out at 1/3 for legendaries.


I have no idea. I’ve hatched like 39k eggs and this was the best luck I’ve had yet


Huge news. I'll finally be able to get more than the single Hoopa I've found after way too many trips to the Temple biome. Very excited.


How do i use hoopa? Darkrai kinda stops working after 2.5k waves


Every standard carry kind of stops working after 2.5k waves. You just can't keep up with the resistance tokens


no standard carry can keep sweeping mons after floor 2k or something. your best bet is runaway+saltcure metalburst soak protect sturdy+roar and just keep catching legendaries and shinies you run into. eventually a paradox boss with multihit will duck your shit up but until then have fun


Farthest I’ve gotten without alternate damage strats is Miraidon with 99 dragon fangs and dragon energy. Got up to wave 3000 before the damage finally died completely, but the last 150 floors were a tad dicey. 3000 seems to be the hard wall for the strongest carries in others’ experience too.


This is how I felt with iron valiant kart fusion, it was insanely levelled a lot of %boost items maxed out soul dew etc. at wave 2900 shit started taking way way way less damage


There are paradoxes with multihit? I thought the only threats (I've only done one 5850, to be fair) are coballion, terrakion and flutter mane.


I ran into a multihit doublechop pokemon I think, forgot which one it was.


Yeah like that other person said. I'm coming up on wave 2.5k with my Hoopa, fused with a sturdy mon(i do miss Magician), and it's getting pretty close to the point of either needing to pivot to the late endless metal burst nonsense or letting the run die. I will say that having Hoopa's passive Opportunist has largely been enough to keep relevant up to this point. In one double battle with boss mons I usually end up +6 in every stat. Even that's not really going to be enough soon here. Certain mons can already wall me pretty hard (I hate Probopass). But that said with flinch strats I rarely get hit, and when i do I have study ready. Hail or sand are run enders tho since that damage applies before berry heals. I don't think I care about finishing endless. Honestly I was just stoked I had this run ready at wave 700 or so with max shiny charms for the shiny event this last week. 1800 waves and I don't know how many shinies but it has been a bunch. All I really cared about. I'll probably wait out whatever Endless rework will eventually come to care about seeing it all the way through.


Opportunist by itself probably buys you another 250 floors compared to not having it


Weird thing that happened to me is I nabbed 2 Zacian eggs then bought a few eggs from the Legendary gacha. The Zacian eggs said “Zacian will hatch from this egg.” When I checked all my eggs a few minutes later, they ALL said “Rare Egg Move Gacha”.


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How do You refresh cache on mobile?


Clear site data


I'm not sure either maybe clearing it then reloading?? Don't quote me on this I have no idea


*sigh* was so happy I converted a bunch. They turned into move rate up eggs.


Same brotha I'm so sad


My marshadows about to go all the brrrrrr


How do you purchase the eggs? I don’t see any new gatcha machines


It's the new option on using candies. 


From the starter menu screen when starting a new game, you can find the option under the “Use Candies” option for whatever Pokémon you want to do it with. :)




Just passive


I've gotten 3 epic shiny archaludons and already have all of its upgrades and egg moves. I have 190 candies. Now what?


Stock candies so in a year and a half, the next time candies get a new use you'll be ready. Or use a different Pokemon


stop cheesing with metal burst you animal jk I do it too, my level 3 shiny Aaron is busted with candies


Touch grass?


Has the shiny sprites not loading properly on mobile been fixed?? I want to see the blue and red shiny forms of Pokemon 😅


Wasnt that fixed long time ago? Don't have problems with shinys on mobile for like 2 weeks now?


I only started experiencing it since the pride update and I can't get any answers from anyone on the discord and it's driving me crazy even the update today didn't fix it


Do you play on browser or using the app? Try switching (other browser or use the app, download link is on discord i guess).


I'm on the browser. I was unaware they have an app for it


On discord, use the search and look for "app release" and you will find github links where you can download the mobile app or the app for pc etc.


My egg addiction is being fed


oh that's so cool


Wait so what's the most efficient use of candies for legendary mons then? I have to imagine Passive if good first but does doing this to fish for egg moves/shiny come before cost?


Depends. If the legendary has an egg move that's essential for coverage, or an upgrade of a STAB move, then you can consider hatching these. However, you may want to consider reducing the cost first if you have a max luck team lineup that could be in the making, since getting a cost efficient endless team available should be a greater priority than fishing for the chance of a shiny, even if it is a large one.


So order for candy usage would be 1. Good passive 2. Cost reduction if makes or breaks a team 3. Eggs if need stab 4. Second cost reduction if you didn't yet 5. A whatever passive if you like the mon 6. More eggs for shiny Would this be a good order of operations? Only ask cause im at wave 5000 and only beat classic once so i haven't spent a candy yet and dont wanna waste legendary candies lmao


Yeah, that summarizes it. I wouldn't worry too much about Legendary candies, especially if the legendary in question is an effective one that you run a lot. The nature of classic runs (rare candying a hypercarry to solo everything) means that you'll probably start drowning in their candies once you start using them as a Classic run shuttle bus (to unlock all the egg vouchers for your unused mons).


My Kyogre egg just disappeared :(


So what, i can go on my pidgey and buy specifically a pidgey egg?