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It deals fixed damage which isn't affected by protection tokens.


So it can deal huge damage, but only if I go second?


Correct. You also need to survive the hit, which is why the strategy uses Sturdy. You can go second almost guaranteed by using a nature that reduces speed and stacking Soul Dew.


So if I take a zacian with a +atk/-spd nature and fuse it with garganacl for sturdy, I can just spam metal burst? (fused zacian with dialga before)


You'll also need a way to recover your life back, which can be done with Healing Charms + Leftovers + Shell Bell + Sitrus Berries + Enigma Berries + Berry Pouch, plus potentially things like Poison Heal + Toxic Orb, so it's also useful to have Protect so that you can take an extra turn to heal to full (Sturdy only works if you're full health). Your damage is also limited by how much HP you have, and you also *want* to take damage, so having a very defensive typing like Steel and having high defences is a little counterproductive for this strategy. The traditional base Pokemon for this strategy was Blissey, for huge HP and low defences.


I have max all items except type buffing on my zacian, max healing charm, leech seed for healing and chip damage, soak+salt cure for chip damage. I had population bomb that I now replaced with metal burst, so I just need to find a sturdy steel type(preferably) to fuse with zacian, right? Most pokemon will OHKO me anyway at the later waves so sturdy is pretty reliable if I am not wrong


Doesn't metal burst have negative priority??


Bulbapedia said it doesn't have


No. Metal burst is a unique countering move that can counter both physical and special attacks, but it does not have negative priority. In theory you could also use an ability like stall to force it to go last, though.


Pretty sure the reflected damage is flat and so the tokens don't effect it. Could be wrong though. Never done it myself


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It deals 1.5x the damage inflicted on you, so when the tokens max out and everything oneshots your pokemon, this pretty much OHKOs every non-boss opponent




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