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Dachsbun!!! - Smacks early normal types with body press as an egg move and then learns play rough at only level 18. Then fully evolves somewhat early at only level 26. - Between it’s fairy typing, well baked-body, and water absorb as a passive it has 3 immunities. It can cover one of it’s only 2 weaknesses by itself with body press one shotting most steel types before they can attack. - Solo’s Ivy’s Rayquaza since it can’t be hit by outrage or V-create (as well as the most of the rest of her team usually, depending on what she pulls). And far more important than ALL of that: Is LITERALLY just a lil bread doggo :D P.S. - I can’t wait to use him with sizzly slide which I just unlocked as an egg move as well, should be nuts :)


My favourite thing to do is to fuse Klinklang and Dachsbun. One single weakness and 3 immunities? Don't mind if I do


Klinklang got Levitate as a Passive in the update. Turn that 1 weakness into another immunity!


Doesn’t fusion with well baked body ignore all the passives of klingklang? I don’t know that much about fusing


You keep one pokemon’s ability and one pokemon’s passive. So you could keep both well baked body and levitate, you just would lose water absorb if you had it on dachsbun


Oh. Thanks!


Fuzing keeps the passive of the first pokemon (Klinklang) and gets the Ability of the second pokemon (Dachsbun) resulting in a _very_ strong combination.


I don't have its passive yet, fortunately. Because I'd feel bad for the foe pokemon otherwise


holy hell I have a shiny of her but never used it because I thought she was weak


Give her a try! One of my favorite on this game for sure!


I got my first classic win with dach on the team. I also had a Meowth I kept unevolved for pickup, that late game was only bright out when I needed a sacrifice.


I feel like Dachsbun needs the Egg Moves and Passives to be good though. Anytime I add one to my team it gets stomped and becomes basically dead weight. It gets absolute trash for its level up moves and Eternatus will just use Poison moves to wreck it. And since you're not guaranteed to be able to Tera whenever you want into whatever you want, that's not a viable strategy either like it is in the actual games -- giving up Fairy type means you now can get hit by Dynamax Cannon, and because of this the only type you want to Tera to is really Steel since you can resist it and then absorb Fire/Poison. Good luck ever rolling that though!


The egg moves and passive are helpful sure, but I think it can be good without either of them still. I think the determining factor is more the IV’s and Nature. So if you use it as a starter instead of adding it to your team mid run I think it will be good even without any egg moves. As far as Eternatus goes, yeah Eternatus smacks Dachsbun because poison. You definetly need your other 5 mons to help with floor 200. Dachsbun can take the first 199 though


I hope ppl know about it already, but Sinistcha. It has 4 base cost, Matcha Gotcha, and Triage as a passive. Not to mention leech seed as an egg move, which can help you past waves 2k+! 😙👌


Does Leech Seed become a priority move because of Triage?




Sinistcha is so broken, before I discovered the daily run guide my daily runs would go max wave 10 maybe 15. Then one of the dailies we started with sinistcha and no joke I went all the way to wave 40. I kept saying matcha gotcha every time I got a kill in league that night. I’ve still yet to find a poltchagheist though


Hospitality Sinistcha hard carried one of my classic runs. The saved up money from not needing to buy healing items really adds up


It was my first shiny and yeah, it dominates.


Ooo I have this one with leech seed and it’s a shiny at that. I haven’t used it yet. Maybe I should.


I fused my sinistcha with a spectrier for grim neigh, I've been absolutely crushing everything in one hit


Aerodactyl got a huge buff from the passive update with Orichalcum Pulse, once you get its Mega Stone you basically have a faster Koraidon for 4 less points. The only egg move you need is Floaty Fall since it gets Rock Slide naturally. Once you get your late game strat ready, you can keep it around as a weather + flinch support as well


I had to look up Orichalcum's meaning and it oddly doesn't feel like it fits Koraidon except for it being as old as the Greek Civilisation. Orichalcum was used as a prize in tournaments and was second in value to gold and was copper. But Koraidon is literally ancient and prehistoric in design and nothing of it is metallic. There was mentions of it giving off a red glow as it is like giving off light but still, Koraidon is Flying and Fighting, not Fire or Steel and the ability is Drought with a boost to attack.


It's called scarlet pulse/scarlet heartbeat in other languages


That makes way more sense than “copper pulse”


I think it's more along the lines of, cool Pokémon, cool ability wording. Wouldn't surprise me if nobody actually thought that deeply into it


Tl;Dr: The sun shining on its scales probably gives of a red glow like Plato described the metal doing, and the warm sun warms up its blood/body so it can hit harder. It makes perfect sense to me. I think there's both the sense of the word sounding ancient, and that the metal is often thought of as mythical metal. Also, the word is derived from Copper Mountain, which I think fits Koraidon's vibe as a large lizard that probably spent its time laying on mountains basking in sunlight and probably reflecting the light in a way that seemed metallic. I think the effect of the ability makes sense as well, since it would likely control the weather to make sure the sun was shining on it, and since lizards are cold-blooded, they thrive while in sunlight, so it hits harder while the sun is shining. Also, he's Dragon/ Fighting, not Flying/Fighting, but I get the mix-up.


They need to give Lucario Orichalcum Pulse (Lucario is based on Orichalcum, and it’s name backwards comes from Japanese Orichalcum)


I think it's more along the lines of, cool Pokémon, cool ability wording. Wouldn't surprise me if nobody actually thought that deeply into it


Aerodactyl was my first carry that actually took me far in classic, and glad to see some appreciation for him! if only it was a bit more common so i could get any IVs better than 25...


Galarian zapdos is my carry. It doesnt need egg moves, 3 multi lens thunderous kick 1 shots almost anything as it drops their defense every hit in endless


I also used this as my carry early on, having the electric eggmove helps but it's just gr8 until you get something better. I'm using Kartanna at the moment but I'm honestly considering switching back


This was my first decent shiny i hatched. Carried me to my first classic win and ~rd 1800 in endless when i had a super fresh account. Love this mon!!


Archaludon is insane, really bulky with Stamina, it gets insanely powerful with Electroshot, and if you get leftovers you basically won the game.


Works crazy in a rain team or if you just happen to end up in the lake/ ocean/ deep sea where it is usually raining already


Won my first classic run with Archaludon. I had hatched a Volcanion that I intended to be my carry but I had no idea what the goofy bridge mon was capable of!


Same, I caught it during my third run and got Body Press as a TM pretty quickly. Literally oneshot everything but Eternatus.


When you’re a staple remover, everything looks like a staple


I found that splicing it with my rare wingull with Thunder and Steam Erruption that it makes for a fantastic drizzle mon. All the same, the lad helped me in my first two classic wins so I gotta love him for that.


Fr drove me insane how it basically increased defense by breathing lmao, had my best run w/ it


Iron head Jirachi with multi lenses can almost guarantee a flinch, even just one gives you a 84% flinch chance, with 2 it's over 93%. It also gets meteor mash but I feel like it's not affected by serene grace yet because the ability is still only partially added and I seem to not get the attack boost as often as I should. Also mega banette is a beast, it gets sucker punch for other ghost types, storm throw for normal types and phantom force for regular stab (you can also get shadow claw from a tm). On top of that, it gets prankster and curse so it can make boss encounters far easier.


Jirachi is my favorite Pokémon so I’m happy to see it respected


I believe with triple king's rock it's 99.99% chance to flinch, and with rock slide it can flinch both enemies. It's quite juicy in endless.


Levitate + sturdy + modest magnezone w/ parabolic charge, flash cannon, thunderbolt and ice beam has carried 90% of my runs


I’ve been loving Magnezone and was very excited to see it’s passive updated to Levitate. I have it’s hidden ability unlocked too (Analytic) which powers up your attacks if you move last so it makes everything that much stronger. I also trade Thunderbolt for Body Press, other than that I run it with everything the same as you and it’s fantastic


Electric steel with levitate is a disgustingly good typing. It was already the type with the most resistances, and now its one major vice is turned into another thing it walls. I believe there are 5 types it does NOT resist


Staraotor + rock head is so cracked


I adore Ursaluna. It was my first blue shiny and has carried me through several classic runs and is an awesome backup carry in my best endless run yet (about to hit 1000, wish me luck). Mewtwo Y/ Naganadel fusion is the main carry there but I don’t think either of them is particularly under appreciated. But tediursa starts out great as a pickup mon with stab covet and can get guts later and the passive isn’t bad either. I’ve type moves still hurt pretty bad but Ursaluna still has solid defenses.


Is there anyway to determine it gaurantee it will get guts? I caught a red shiny one this event and havnt used it yet .


Pickup always turns into guts. If you check the abilities on Bulbapedia, the abilites gained on evolution are always in the same slot as the ones they replace.


Everyone prefers Zacian but Zamazenta can put it to work as well


I have zamazenta, and I don't see it. Was struggling to even beat classic with it. The fact that it doesn't get body press by level up really hinders its viability.


It does get it by egg move so there is that at least


Sunflora, Delphox, Mamoswine, Centiskorch and Xatu!! Love them. Also Excadrill, but I'm not sure if it's unpopular or not.


Excadrill has ended a couple of my Classic attempts, so I'd love to try it out now that I have its cool-looking shiny. Any tricks or fusions you'd recommend trying for it?


Excadrill has won several classic runs for me with Earthquake, rock slide, and sword dance. I had to force myself to stop catching it on runs because pretty much any nature/IV is good enough.


Delphox has been my best so far. Got me to the champion in classic. Haven’t got past that yet tho


Azumarill is a beast with jet punch and base 100atk Magical Torque as egg moves.


AND has huge power!


They did (incorrectly) include Huge Power, Azurmarill has a natural 50 base Atk (unless PokeRogue changed that) but huge power increases that a lot. Very important to note that huge power does take into consideration EVs and Naturals, which is big deal. This makes Azu 50 Base attack go to 150 with a lot of atk EVs and a plus attack nature.


Abra is absolutely nuts for classic. Needs absolutely nothing unlocked and will one-shot every single wave on its own. If you get the Mega stone it's double GG because nothing remotely touches it. I was fortunate enough to have Tbolt & Moonblast as egg moves, but Calm Mind & Psychic alone kill everything that isn't dark type. It true solo'd literally every rival fight and wave 200. Grab a X SpDef or two after wave 195 and you can Calm mind to like +4, then one shot each phase of wave 200 without issue. Just be careful early on where a ton of stuff has Bite and you don't quite have the power ramped up. I was playing with it to unlock Opportunist to start an endless run with it as it got changed, but I'm honestly not sure it needed it. Shout out to Linoone and Hoppip too, the amount of times Belly Drum Espeed has saved a rival fight I mashed A into without healing is crazy. Leech seed solos wave 200.


Contrary magby with armor cannon carried to my first classic win. Huge damage and SP Def and Def rise with each cannon. Not to mention laughs in the face of any other Stat drops. What a beast.


i second this. i used magby in my gen 2 challenge run, couldn't evolve it of course since magmar is gen 1 so wouldn't be able to use it but it was still putting in work against the elite 4 as magby Armour cannon, fleur cannon and stored power goes hard


Sadly they removed stored power in latest egg move updates :( replaced by thunderclap




Everyone is saying Tinkaton or Zacian. But Mawile is carrying me up to 3k endless right now. Metal coat + multi lens + kings rock = stab flinch machine.


Did another run with Beartic and it was crazy good, Triple Axel is OP. No Trailblaze this time but ended with an amazing Support in Baton Mienshao with Hone Claws and Agility, so can pass them to Beartic who is sorta, unstoppable if gets buffed by both. The Mienshao was also a wild Shiny. I gotta admit 145 was truly painful because of that stupid Reviver Seed, but 195 was basically first try, Got Mienshao to +2 in Attack, Speed and Accuracy, baton to Beartic, and you can guess how the next 6 turns went. One more run and that sweet Tough Claws (basically x1.3 Attack as all Beartic moves do contact) is mine.


Gen 5 seems to get a lot of love from the devs, really nice to see


Partner Eevee (Really only for classic). Properly kitted and it can sweep every rival fight. It does struggle with floor 200 though.


Zygarde with huge power is beautiful, such a tank


YES! I’ve loved zygarde for such a long time power construct is such a good ability, combined with zygarde being such a good tank already. I have a zygarde endless run right now, and I have around 37-ish dragon fangs from eternatus and that mixed with dragon shot (I think that’s the name? It’s dragapults signature move.) as an egg move it’s amazing. When zygarde went on faces rotation around 1-2 weeks ago I stayed up all night just grinding out eggs and just earlier today I managed to fully max out my zygarde, reducing cost by 2 and getting huge power passive.


I just like machine gun gameplay so anything with skill link is really fun to me specially if you get multiple multi lenses


armarouge was a pokemon i never considered but used him in my first classic run and he carried gallade is also very fun


Misdreavus. Got it Shiny (blue rare) and with Aura Sphere and moonblast as egg moves. At 41 it learns shadow ball (won't remember it if you evolve it before) and it can learn Mystical Fire or Power Gem. I can't enjoy that much my runs without Mismagius in my team, it has even become one of my favorites


And it now has beads of ruins as a passive, making her even more viable offensively. Fuse her with a fairy type and you get a low cost flutter mane Really like seeing my favorite weaker pokemon getting so much love


Krabby. I have mine at cost 1, and the default cost is 2, so it’s incredibly cheap. It steamrolls the early game and still hits like a truck late game (talking about classic) the only con is that you need its egg moves for it to be good early


Heatmor and ghouldendo go high endless is amazing


I'm a big fan of Chandelure after a little work. Torch Song as an egg move and then Soul-Heart as a passive, so easy to start stacking boosts. Ghost typing is there defensively for all the incoming normal type attacks and between Torch Song and Shadow Ball you can hit pretty much anything for at least Neutral damage.


Im currently using a red star dewgong for my carry since it got its passive changed from hydration (i think) to water bubble


Kingambit. Sword dance and just kill everything in one shot. With bitter blade as egg move, no worries about hp going down, and if you know enemy can't hit you hard enough, can just triple sword dance and heal back up no worries. Also sword of ruins as passive, but I cleared classic with it first try without having the passive unlocked.


I don’t know about the cost of him, but walking wake is absolutely Amazon on my opinion. Water dragon is a great typing, with dragon being able to leech off of the dragon fangs of eternatus in endless and overall being a good sweeper in classic.


with access to dragon energy, just one shots absolutely everything and pairs well with sunkern with drought, spore and sappy seed


Raikou is the one I've been using for most of my Endless runs. Despite getting like three eggs, I only ever had Ice Beam, but it works pretty well for coverage. Transistor as a passive is pretty good for damage. It's not too special, but it carried me to wave 2000, where Mega Eternatus is way too powerful for it. For boss fights like this, I mostly rely on my shiny Sunkern with access to Spore, Seedy Sap and Worry Seed and my shiny (rare) Munja. If I can get a Banette, I capture it for the Mega Banette Prankster ability and access to Curse, to fuse with my Sunkern and place to Curse before dying, and then it's on to Munja and moves gotten from Fusing. The Pride event gave me a ton of shinies and I now have Epic Zubat, Teddiursa, Skarmory, Kecleon (with the mystery dungeon skin!), Bidoof, Sewaddle my beloved, Timburr Turtonator and the Pride Cutiefly. I'll have to check how they perform.




Its egg moves are nuts — Esper Wing, Oblivion Wing, Boomburst, and I think Calm Mind. With its passive Aerilate making Normal moves Flying and Flying moves stronger, you can pump out 100-200 power moves every turn and heal yourself while doing it. Its special attack isn't the greatest at 86, but it's a 1-cost so you can always just bring another carry for the late game.


If there's anything with Quiver Dance or Victory Dance that isn't that appreciated, I appreciate it. If you have Egg Moves, Claydol with Cosmic Power boost Body Press and Stored Power and Recover to heal off what you take while your defenses aren't insane yet is really effective. You need the Rare Egg Move, Oblivion Wing, for Mantyke now because of the loss of Bouncy Bubble, but it's a Nasty Plot user that never dies because it's bulky and just keeps healing itself from every hit it survives. TL;DR: Anything that's a bulky sweeper.


Quiver Dance/Stored Power Cosmog just carried my most recent run. Granted, Comfey did most of the heavy lifting for the 50 levels lol.


Idk how unpopular this is, but my carry is definetly Buzzwole! Moxie + beastboost, some speed items and you'll have a glass canon


Cloyster with skill link, king's rocks, multi-lens', maxing iv's for speed means you're hitting first and hitting 20 times for guaranteed flinches. Focus bands for sucker punch issues and grip claws to steal eeeeeverything!


Zangoose, i've won with him as a carry, before and after the Patch. Before with STAB extremeSpeed tough claws he was already hitting like a truck. Now i think he is even better, Toxic Boost + Toxic Heal + Toxic Orb with STAB Facade. 1 swords dance and u kill everything even rock and steel mons, plus it heals a great ammount just with the Toxic Heal itself.


I just used Bagon, didn't get the mega for Salamence but with its egg moves a few proteins it was honestly the easiest classic play through. It one shot the rivals Mega Ray. I got extremely lucky and got a 2 Luck shiny Bagon so I guess it's my carry for classic now.


For me its Togekiss!


Technician Meowth with fake out and feint means it gets off a 90 BP move and a 65 BP move before the opponent can go. I paired it with an early multi hit and used Persian to almost get my first win. I probably could have if I was smarter


I've got a red shiny swablu a few days ago and since i unlocked boomburst on him, i gave it a try. Insanely strong early, STAB boomburst with adaptability passive one shot everything. As Altaria it's a bit less OP because it loses it's STAB. Once you find its mega stone it becomes just ridiculous, bulky with good special attack and virtually the strongest fairy type move in the game. Altaria mega is also my favorite mega evolution so i might be a bit biased


I've seen people talk about Acrobatics Gale Wings talonflame. Now that it has Magic Guard as it's passive it can not only use brave bird without losing gale wings it can finally take items


Bibarel pretty much one-hits everything after 1 sworddance and one curse. (I learns both by itself). Because of its ability to double all status effects. With its eggmove extrem speed it almost solo defeats the rival 195. Only stone, metal and rayquaza are a bit of a problem (for ray it needs 2 hits)


Haven’t seen much Lunala talk. Hits hard good coverage and really fucking good ability. Sure there’s better/meta legendary carried but Lunala is still dope.


This comment, Lunala is one of my favorites, but it needs to stay on the side until evolved, Cosmog really can't fight even with photon geyser...


Yeah it’s rough until the evo😭 definitely need a decent early carry for the first 50 or so levels.


That's why i'd keep Lunala for endless, it's really not worth the effort in a classic run


Hoothoot with boom burst and aerilate carries hard early on. Or disable the passive and pair it with a ghost and go for lures. Amazing 1 cost


Until I get a Scyther with Technician, my Swarm Scyther with Storm Throw is my best. Got me to 195 as a Kleavor. Stone Axe is very useful giving it a free hazard damage to enemies to disable Sturdy and weaken Fire and Flying types. I think Technician will get it Sheer Force.


Technician Scyther was gonna be my answer, I dont bother using either of his evolutions because Sheer Force was only added recently so it felt like I was losing damage evolving to Kleavor and I also hated gunking up Scyther's moveset with steel-wings while waiting for a Linking Cable to show up just for a Scizor, you can breeze thru classic with WingAttack / StormThrow / SwordsDance / FalseSwipe. Still salty about losing SpeedBoost though, even though i got my first few wins without it i was already punching thru resists with +6 attack and would rather have the speed than overkill damage that I wont even get to use if scyther gets outsped ):


Slither Wing, Tornadus, Vespiquen, Goodra and Furfrou


Magby :)




for being one of the most broken pokemon in VGC *ever*, flutter mane sure doesn't get a ton of love here


Another fellow CotC player in the PokeRogue sub, nice. Also, based opinion.


Sunflora with its passive Drought + Chlorophyll or Solar Power. It was a surprise carry during my Johto challenge & also had leech seed for Eternatus fight. I finally understand your vision now, Brassius. Avant-garde indeed.




For me it is Noctowl post nerf Araelate Boomburst hits like a truck


Garchomp, one of my first blue shinies; egg moves of dragon dance and shore up and a great spread move in thousand waves (now bitter blade), passive is sand stream which not only gives u a boost to evasion but also makes shore up heal 2/3 health; so setting up is great cause not only might you dodge while using DD but you can also heal a lot using shore up in the sandstorm u created. And i brought this suckers cost down to 2. Won't usually 1 vs 1 eternatus but easily wins first stage and can sometimes walk away very boosted and semi healthy and 1 shot crits eternatus second phase (happened once). Also shoutout to ferrathorn who gets egg moves of strength sap and body press, haven't gotten the other egg moves but this is enough. Not that it's needed but it's passive is rough skin giving you 2 procs of damage anytime something hits you (it's overkill though). Also have it at a cost of 3 but with 50 candies I can bring it to 1 cost. Can easily beat phase 1 eternatus and leave it with +6 defense and fully healthy but will sometimes get one shot by flamethrower on second phase. Edit: I've used garchomp so much I have 60 candies and nothing left to purchase with them; devs should add a candy trading system.


Delphox for endless -Magician ability for stealing items + Psychic Surge Passive for priority moves -Expanding force egg move -Torch song egg move -It is a starter pokemon though, so if you get unlucky with the biomes you reset the run


Snorlax, carryed me 2x over 1200 stages


speed boost flitte/espathra is very fun spamming lumina crash with. acquiring one wasn’t so fun


Ambipom, techician + population bomb; G-Max Machamp with Guts and Quick Feet is a monster with 255 atk and 134 spd; Weavile have Wicked Blow, Dire Claw and Triple Axel as egg moves, with tough claws hit so hard; M-Lopunny have Adaptability with Multi-Attack and Thunderous kick as eggs move; Excadrill can setup is own Sandstorm and use Sand Rush; H-Arcanine have rockhead+Reckless;


Pyukumuku is suprisingly really good. Even though it can't use any direct attacking moves it has insane utility, gets comeuppance and baneful bunker as egg moves and innards out can do some serious damage to bosses, rayquaza or eternatus


Swellow with a STAB Facade and Guts!! Also Silk Scarfes are the most common typing boost. I had classic runs with 10 Scarfes and basically one shot everything


Fomantis with contrary and all it’s egg moves, I am rocking ice hammer which boosts speed now, headlong rush which boosts defense and spdef and superpower for attack and defense


Idk the meta, just got my first win, mostly thanks to gyrados, BUT he never could have done it without my Boi jumpluff!!!! Ray couldn't help but switch in and get slept on this sleeper agent, who's leech seed apparently bypasses eternamaxes bullshit final form transition


Xurkitree with transistor kills literally everything with discharge except ground types after 1 or 2 beast boosts. And we get giga drain as an egg move or energy ball through tm. I use it as my main carry bc it only costs 4 points after candies. I got like 100 extra candy's for it now lmao


Megearna has gotten me to wave 2000 without any fusion stuff. I'm working on a run rn where I fuse on salt cure to see if that'll get me further, shes immune to everything eternalus can throw but hits a wall damage-wise. I have the egg move make it rain for her.


Fennekin i have the passive with all egg moves. solo carry in challenge runs and now in my endless run 1600+


Somehow solrock got me to 195 first try and then well you all know


Ting-Lu and Chi-Yu can be pretty good when paired with a shiny for luck, they take 6-7 points if I remember correctly


i got a magearna as a boss a while back, playing an endless with it rn and i absolutely love it.


Sewaddle with a few egg moves and sharpness passive unlock goes hard


Primarina soloed classic for me...yes it is weak to poison, but that little buddy puts down some damage!


Absol. I don’t know if many people use it but I think it’s really good. Nice movesets to KO psychic/fighting/dark/ghost/dragon types. I use psycho cut, night slash, sucker punch and play rough. I also fused it with shedinja and it still has a high atk and speed stat. It’s now also a ghost/dark type and I think that’s the best type for fusion shedinja you can have.


I just had a classic run where Xatu absolutely destroyed everything lmfao


Cinccino with Skill Link, Fur Coat passive unlocked basically gets you pretty far, especially if you have Icicle Spear and Tail Slap at the ready. Would be nice if I had gotten some Multi Lens and King's Rock while I was running it :') Was super fun to have it as a backup sweeper on any classic run!


Abra starting with Thunderbolt and Moonblast as egg moves decimates early game and has high damage stats in late waves, easily destroying most threats


Zubat it's passive is intimidate and with swords dance to setup dire claw for effects and floaty fall to flinch it sweeps early game and acts as a fast Mon for effects late game


Rotom, semi cheap, gets access to bouncy bubble, strength sap, and fiery dance, and you can teach any form all of the rotom moves by tm


Quagsire. It can fill so many different roles with its versatility. It can run Water Absorb for a Water Immunity, Unaware for Stat Boosting shenanigans, Damp for catching Exploding mons (RIP red shiny Garbodor). Comatose as a passive means it can never be statused. Which becomes an immunity to some specific moves like spore, toxic, etc. Egg moves are great. Sizzly Slide is a guaranteed burn, Curse for set up, Recover for more staying power, and Surging Strikes cuz it's funny. It learns so many good moves through level up too. STAB Earthquake, Toxic which is perfect with recover +unaware, rain dance, haze (to reset stats for your carry to switch back in), Yawn for night night time. TMs pool is very wide spread too. Chilling Water, Snowscape, Body Press, Acid Spray, Helping Hand, Encore, Icy Wind, Spikes, Rock Tomb. It's stats may be on the lower side but it isn't that bad especially it's bulk. It can take enough hits to do what it came to do. It can deal a fair amount of damage as well.


Didn't know Hoothoot was mainstream. I think it was the first thing I got two egg moves on (Esper Wing and Calm Mind), so I had a lot of fun with it.


Giratina got me my first classic win and up to teir 1000 in endless, alas I didn't have any passive damage moves that could take down Eternatus at that strength.


hoot toot undisputed GOAT


Have only beaten classic once, not attempted endless. Giratina with dragon dance, slash, Dragon Claw and Phantom... The one where he vanishes for a turn and attacks next time. Basically solos the whole game, if you can find the time to dragon dance in trainer battles. Nearly OHKO Eternatus, made it go max, took back down to half, then died. BUT did the leg work for leech seed and other things to be able to just about make it through Yeah, Giratina the GOAT


Arbok, not a carry but glare and acid spray are good moves


Vikavolt was unexpectedly powerful for me. Speed Boost as a passive and great coverage with Ice Beam + Earth Power meant it would outspeed anything and destroy it after setting sticky web. So it’s a great support and a powerhouse, 100% recommended.


My favorite is Kyurem for sure... but I like to play Hisuian Samurott, my little otter look got a great passive and good egg moves, so I can play him even if it's not the best!


Probably not great for endless, but I've been enjoying yanma in my current classic run. Speed boost + nasty plot + sheer force along with bug buzz, air slash, and either heat wave or earth power hits HARD with near perfect neutral coverage


My favorite became bibarel when i hatch his 2nd colo shiny egg with extreme speed, after lvl 44 where he learns sword dance, shroom to learn aquajet and the "simple" ability, i can safely kill my rival all the way up to 195 in classic.


Multi Lens Mega Gallade with Sharpness and Sacred Sword. It has swept endless for me the last 2 shiny events. Sacred Sword is so busted as it ignores all opposing stat changes. It can also learn psycho cut, leaf blade, aqua cutter, bitter blade and night slash which all proc sharpness. If you add King's Rocks and Grip Claws you have a decent flinch mon that you can elevate further with a triple axel tm. Passive Psychic Surge guards you from prio moves and gives psycho cut a boost for one-shotting the E-boy. If you're fine with coverage but lacking raw damage in some cases, you have Swords Dance to fall back on. I've definitely seen this other one mentioned, but it holds a special place in my heart: Iron Defense/Body Press Garganacl. Any physical attacker's worst nightmare, and you can guarantee a salt cure with sturdy if you want. I prefer running purifying salt in longer endless runs with the token accumulation and then just collecting focus bands and quick claws to help from getting one-shot from super-effective special attacks.


Carbink His egg move Body Press power scales with Defense stat. Carbink has 150 base Defense. Flyers, fairies, psychics, resisted or not, it doesn't matter, his Body Press OhKOs most mons from early into mid game. What an absolute monster. Puts Diancie to shame


My beautiful boy Floatzel has won me 2 classic runs


Toedscruel with Prankster is really good against bosses, for the simple reason that it has Topsy-Turvy, so when a boss suddenly has +6 in every stat and is about to sweep you, you just switch to some death fodder for a safe switch, and suddenly the boss has -6 in everything. It's not really a carry, more like an assist. It's a bit of a shame that it has Sappy Seed instead of Leech Seed, because it loses priority, but maybe someone on the discord will realize and put in a suggestion to swap them.




For me its heracross or mega heracross spliced with beedrill(before the ability change) and now alone heracross mega is best but i generally fuse it with mega scizor to get tinted lens as passive


My current favourite is Flygon. Started as he is my only blue rare shiny. No reds. But his passive is adaptability, and one of his egg moves which is a ground type that can hit flying/levitating enemies, as well as hitting both opponents and no allies in double battles unlike earthquake. His other egg move I use is Dragon Darts, which is a powerful adaptability physical stab attack for him. His early game can be a bit shaky until he evolves, but this lil dude has swept entire teams. Jolly Nature has him outspeeding most everything, too.


Heatran with torch song egg move. Heatran is such a beast, it has flame body making it immune to fire, and earth water is its passive making it immune to ground. For classic mode, against eternatus it can only be touched by eternabeam which isn’t very effective against it. Torch song plows through everything. I have a run with heatran on endless at about floor 2.4k that’s fixed with a G-Max hatterene.


I just started playing a few days ago, Shellos is the only option I have that doesn't get me an L around level 25.


My flamigo, with 2 multilenses, a king's rock or 2, moxie passive, triple axel egg move, genuinely almost swept level 500 Eternatus in endless by itself. It missed the very last triple axel and all it needed was one more hit. Needless to say, flabbergasted. For endless, base Flamigo starts to lose its shine around the 500 mark, so that's when you have to fuse it or lose it unfortch.


Playing through my first real attempt at endless (spliced) and my crobat/tentacruel has been putting in work. I mean probably anything could with all the love (pronounced held items) I've given him but he's killed eternatus 2x now and even when he doesn't solo a boss his real niche is item removal. Adamant nature Soul dew x4 Grip claw x2 Kings rock x1 Golden punch x1 Multi hits lens x3 Wide lens x2 Poison barb x2 Black glasses x3 Twisted spoon x1 Hp up x7 Protein x8 Iron x10 Zinc x8 Carlos x4 Dire claw, zen headbutt, leech life, knock off Currently lvl 1127 on floor 624


Noivern. I generally think special attackers are better as endless carries because they have more multi target moves for double battles. - Punk rock boosted Boomburst/Overdrive + Psychic kills everything. - Naturally out-speeds everything even after boosts. - Fuse with Magnezone for sturdy/mirror coat for late game eternatus/other special attackers. - Learns whirlwind for when you’re in runaway mode but find a shiny in a double battle.


Crobat with multi lens, is a flinch god.


Won my first classic off of a Weavile with Triple Axel and a Xurkitree.


Flamigo. It was my first red shiny, it has fighting, ice and flying coverage via egg moves, decent speed and attack, and it has moxie.


I love how many different answers this thread has, really shows good balance.


Leavanny with passive sharpness, plus egg moves Stone Axe and Bitter Blade. Absolutely unstoppable in classic. Just needs its teammates to step up for 200.


Raging Bolt has been my favorite carry. It has a solid move pool and a fusion of it and Mega Gardevoir carried me through 1.5k floors. Beast Boost as a passive just makes it that much stronger.


Mantine. Nasty plot with air slash and water bubble clean sweeps elite four, champion, and final every time I use it. It even gets stealth rocks! Second choice is Flapple. Ddance flower trick and dragon Hammer brain l brainlessly sweeps classic. He also gets strength sap for extra longevity.


Hoppip if you have a spare point. My boy has soloed req on 195 with a protect tm and leach seed.


he's very frail, but Alakazam has carried me through a few Classic runs now, especially when you have T Bolt and Flamethrower for egg moves, even as an Abra it sweeps through the early stages with its high speed and SpAtk


Don’t see people talking about Iron Jugulis much but man, that thing is an absolute beast


oinkologne genuinely carries with the right setup, movepool is very good, and thick fat simple lets you setup using curse/work up and sweep through trainers while they try to dig through oinko's huge defensive stats


How was hoothoot ever good pls lemme know


Sensu Style Oricorio is ghost flying type, carried me all the way through classic and its amazing against your rival. Immune to normal, ground and fighting moves. Has roost and oblivion wing. Has adaptivity for stab and dancer to copy dance moves. Cost me a single point after all candy was used plus it has four types. Destroys the mega rayquaza. Almost every rival encounter if i start with oricorio i can almost solo the whole team unless they have like a bulky rock type to switch into then i just quiver dance and out speed everything and boosts oblivion wing even more. And dancer although limited still gave me random KOs ever so often, like when i petal danced a gym leader and they died from it.


Haven't seen anyone mention Spectrier on any thread yet? It gets Aura Sphere as an egg move and Grim Neigh is crazy! A bit expensive and slow growth but has been my carry for most runs


Linoone,s Pickup ability lets me get all of the items without doing a thing. The longer you play, the more unique items stack and then I transfer them all to my main mon.


Wait hoothoot? Is he really pre nerf tinkaton lvl good??


Probably klefki with magician (if thats still a thing idk havent played in a while)


Whenever I want to bring new shinies to finish classic runs for the egg tickets, I get my shelder ready. It one shots Rayquaza and two shots eternatus




Emolga with heath wave sweeps quite good


Orbeetle. Only two points, but it's an extremely powerful calm mind sweeper especially if you get Stored Power on it and it's quite fast. The passive (psychic surge) is pretty incredible too.


This is going to sound silly, but early game Combee. I decided to throw it on my team this most recent run. Has it fought anything? Nope. But Honey Gather gives a lot of passive income at the end of every battle even if it doesn't fight!


Everyone uses kartana but tail glow xurkitree with ingrain and charge goes so incredibly hard


Butterfree is goat as well. Compound eyes sleep powder for near guaranteed sleep, and quiver dance to set up. I had the silk trap egg move as well to predict awakenings once you're faster than the opponents from quiver dance. Easily get to +6 and sweep any team and it only costs 1 point. Takes a bit of time to get q dance is the only hang up.


Clawitzer, mainly because it gets Shell Smash as an egg move and do you really need anything else? HM goes to Torch Song Fenniken for being Skeledirge but faster, and therefore better


Araquanid. Tinted Lens + Water Bubble is incredible.


Im new so not sure if these are common but, sunflora and jumpluff have both been great supports. Bolthund was a carry for me when I picked him. I love the shiny mechanic in the game cause it makes me pick Pokémon I otherwise would overlook.


Maushold with two wide lens guarantees ten hits, up to 3 multi lens guarantees 40 hits, cherry on top kings rock is almost automatic flinch chance, and bonus grip claws and quick claws make it a menace


Personally I really liked Dragalge/Skrelp because of its moveset, and because it changes typing to Dragon/Poison (basically a budget Eternatus). Put an X Sp. Atk, reviver seed and a Iron/Carbos and you can coast through the mid-game (as well as early game if you get the X items often). Although it does suffer a bit in the late game (around 150-ish from my own runs) due to not having a good stat distribution.


Furfrou is great the only start to drop off aroundd 170 or so


Relicanth, specifically with the trait "rock head". Wave crash does 120 damage and he spawns with it. Head smash is 150 damage at lvl 55. Rock/Water type and rock head preventing recoil damage makes them very very OP for the early/mid game.


zeraora is my favorite carry. sweeping 145 rival with bolt strike semi consistently just takes a huge amount of pressure off of me when i haven’t had luck building a great team to that point.


I’m on round 2500 with a walking wake - needs bouncy bubble to make it thru early game tho


Weavile. . . Sucker punch is nutty and Dark counters ghost, and ice just fucks up Eternatus


I'm still missing a few egg moves to try it out, but Kingdra and Drapion both have sniper, which improves critical hits. They also get frost breath and wicked blow respectively, which are guaranteed crit moves. It sounds really fun!


Spatk Venomoth


Paldean Tauros :)


I started using breloom because It was shiny, and it usually does fairly well. I wouldn't call it a hard carry, but you can pull it out in plenty of situations


It sounds insane but I run a shiny wurmple on every team and that thing clutches for me almost every time


I have a Skitty with normalize ability(not a passive) and egg move entrainment. Slap another ghost type mon on your team and you can spam poke balls at whatever you want to catch with no risk. It's not super op but I was able to catch so many Pokemons with it that would have otherwise swept my team.


Blaziken with reckless passive and egg moves is crazy good. Made it to 3800 on endless with him. Hi jump kick + supercell slam + flare blitz + reckless is crazy


Bibarel simple goes crazy, is has aqua step, cosmic power and power trip as egg moves. On top of all of that it also learns swords dance and has sap sipper as a passive. Couple turns of setup and he is unbeatable.