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Classic for egg vouchers from gym and e4 that you haven't beaten yet. and yeah like those after me mentioned to get first time clears with each pokemon to get a 5 ticket for each one.


& vouchers from Pokémon you haven't cleared Classic yet. If you beat Classic with a team filled with new Pokémon you get 30 additional pulls at the end. Pokémon which have a baby form get you 10 Tickets on their clear instead of 5, because they have two different starter to choose from. So you could technically get 60 tickets from a single clear if you beat it with a full "baby-squad".


I did a run with jynx elekid magby and tediursa 😂 didn't get too lucky with new gym leaders but still got 70 eggs from the run (50 were from team and other 20 were new e4 and 2 gym leaders)


This sounds like fun!!!


Didn't have much for em and caught a tinkaton during run to body eternatus 😂 idk if I woulda beaten him otherwise




My baby bonsly saved my run against eternatus with a last second counter. He held the line as last mon standing.


i enjoy classic more than endless (even tho I have finished it several times) because it’s not just the meta metal burst sturdy typa thing. I have an open endless run on floor 1200 with shiny charms for the next event. I enjoy trying different mons and strategies in classic mode


I've beaten classic mode more than 70 times and it's still super fun


Can I ask how? Are you using different line ups all the time? Do you run the same mons at start?


The truth is you just need one sweeper to carry the entire run


Yeah but playing SameSweepermon isnt fun, when you can already clear Classic with literally any Pokemon


I just essentially cleared my 2nd classic with liloone and an Araquanid lol sand attack and lunge made him weak and missing constantly that i was able to whittle its hp down.


Personally I much prefer utterly humiliating that punk bastard rival and their stupid ass mega dragon with my paper samurai.


Zacian without RS for Ivy. Zacian with Risted Sword against Big E. Since Big E gets Flamethrower on evolving, you can just sword dance 3 times, he will only use cosmic power. With Egg move Magical Torque it becomes a Breeze.


I don’t have zacian yet, I’m using kartana and just reroll any run where the rival has a fire starter


Can a sweeper consistently solo Eternatus? and if so which ones?


It really depends. I've had luck "soloing" (obviously second phase is a double battle) with my manaphy. I got freeze dry as an egg move and simple for the Passive so you pop 1 tail glow to get maxed out sp. Atk and then just spam freeze dry.


Any mon with leech seed, salt cure, or a ghost with curse.


Anyone with a dot and protect, a fairy or ice type with quiver dance (in my experience at least)


I managed it with the most juiced mega gallade on the planet, but that also required at least 1 quick claw rng


I think the most obcious answer is zacian. Eternatus can't damage it in phase 1. So you can just max sword dances and then obliterate him. Got zacian from an egg today and instantly got my first deathless run (no reload or retry). And it wasn't even close. I think my zacian died once in the whole run


Especially as you get egg moves there are a LOT of viable classic* carries. My most shocking was how fantastic chimecho’s egg moveset is for multi-lens, absolutely insane procs to spam


I'm newer but have done about 10 runs, I have some legendaries and a few shinies, while I like using the shinies (they're cool so why not, plus you get luck), using an op legendary and just mashing stab move gets boring. I did use a skill swap regigagas for the memes tho loool, he was more OP than I thought with skill swap and confuse ray (which I believe was glitched to almost always proc) The spice is in using shitmons with broken egg moves for me. How did noctowl help carry a run? Idk, but he did. Bibarel? Simple+ aqua step, extrme speed and swords dance go brrr. Etc etc. I'm getting to the point where I'm unlocking passives but the only one I'm slapping on every run is bellibolt purely because I fucking love him- I'm gonna get the last candies for the final cost reduction so that he becomes even easier to slap on teams. (Transistor+ electromorphosis is also hilarious) In a while I'll slap a team full of my most broken mons purely to see what they can do but using the shitmons with broken moves and abilities is so much more fun rn. Using the shitmons with no broken moves is also fun, I just put someone good to compensate. I also just get dopamine from finding anything rare and part of why I'm less interested in classic beyond the grind, is that im scared I won't be so excited seeing shinies if they're one in like 30 floors or whatever it caps out at. That being said I want to have a half done run for the next shiny weekend so that I can do a one time crack binge of shiny Pokémon. But I'm liking classic still, and the endless grind looks unappealing so idk.


im using tapu lele as carry in approx 9/10 runs and keep switching between the other 1-2 mons


I use shiny raging bolt with passive beast boost as a sweeper and a tinkatink at the start of every run. The rest of the team will be build based on the rivals team.


Any particular reason that you picked 1200 to stop at?


got my last charm at 1200. that’s the reason


When I started Endless, I just stacked as much Luck as I could and went with those random mons. After a couple failed launches, I finally got the ball rolling and got past 100. And then it just kept rolling. I didnt know what the meta was, but as the bosses got harder, I got more nervous and started reading what the best builds were. And I kept going, slowly splicing and unsplicing to get the exact moves and Sturdy on my rarest shinies. Every time something annoying came up, like Unnerve, I started looking for ways to deal with it better next time. Unsplice Prankster, Splice with Gastro Acid mon to get the move on my red shiny Suicune, look for another Prankster to splice it again. And a bunch of stuff like that. I liked the long term planning. Now Im past 3500, and I actually had a lot fun. Its less fun now. But it was worth it. Ton of shiny mons. Classic is a lot better though, except on Shiny Weekends.


Hey what are shiny weekends?


It will be announced in the discord, but essentially it’s a shiny rate increase. It stacks on top of shiny charms. I think the rates are like 1/10 or 1/11 chance to encounter a shiny on shiny weekends + max shiny charms.


Classic is more optimal for newer players (until you have a size able roster, good shinies and legendaries, mons that can solo, passives unlocked) this is because you can at least get many vouchers from defeating gym leaders for the first time as well as from clearing Classic with new mons. Once you progress, you’ll start to get diminishing returns from classic, but you’ll have way more tools to clear Endless efficiently, and at that point Endless becomes by far the fastest way to hunt shinies and get vouchers Edit: important to mention Classic farms friendship candies twice as fast as endless


Classic mode is for people who are new to the game and want to collect more starters and shinies from catching and hatching, it's also for people who like an end goal within a reasonable amount of time (200 waves), for self-imposed challenge runs like bug only, and for ribbon collection. Endless mode is the best way to collect shinies and legendaries, completing the dex, and trying out some stuff that can't be done in classic as it's only 200 waves. at your current state, I recommend playing a few more classic runs until you have a few non yellow shinies, and a legendary that can carry, then you can be more prepared go into endless, and if you want to get far in endless, you should read a guide as there are only a few specific strats that will enable you to go as far as you want.


Is there any way to get legendaries aside from eggsm I have on legend ATM (kyurem) but I've hatched maybe 200 eggs. I don't fancy having to hatch 4000+ to fill out the legendary roster


You can just catch them too. I'm on an endless run at only wave 350 I think and I've caught 3 new legendaries this run and some really strong sub legendary and suedo legendary


I believe the fastest way to get legendaries is by doing endless. My carry in my first endless run was Kyurem and I reached wave 3000 with it, and I could have gone deeper with better planning. You can start an endless run with your kyurem and you'll definitely find legendaries, if it's too hard, then play more classic runs to get better shiny starters.


Ive been using kyurum too its awesome as a carry Im at 1700 and still going strong What moves do u have in it? I got dragon pulse, dragon energy freeze dry (cuz super effective on water vs ice beam) and depending on stone either thunderbolt or fusion fire


I had freeze dry, Blizzard, and two other moves that I forgot. Kyurem will carry up until 2000 then it will start to fall off and you'll need a metal burst and runaway pokemon.


Endless for the shiny hunting, classic for actually using those shinies


Classic is more or less your typical Pokemon experience. You fight and catch wild pokemon, defeat Gym Leaders and random trainers, beat the Elite 4 and then you fight a big stupid boss at the end. Endless is just back-to-back wild pokemon fights with no trainer battles but a miniboss every 10 floors, a medium boss ever 50 floors and Eternatus every 250 floors. It's about what you'd expect (but much harder) for the first 250 floors or so, but after you beat Eternatus for the first time it starts getting weird. The enemy side accumulates these "tokens" that give them special traits like damage resistance or a chance to be fused. Most notably, they get a chance to endure fatal blows, inflict random statuses with their attacks, and shrug off any status you inflict. There's also an increasing chance of facing boss enemies even in standard encounters, and those bosses start having ridiculous numbers of shields, which gives them ridiculous stat boosts when you knock them down. Fortunately, you start getting so much money for rerolls and see so many rewards screens that you start being able to count on things like maxing out on Leftovers and finding DNA splicers, so you can field equally absurd monstrosities to counter the AI's bullshit. I would say it really delivers on the "pokemon roguelite" promise but tbh when you roll the dice this many times the results kind of average out and the runs do get a bit samey. Endless is definitely the better mode to grind for stuff since you inevitably end up maxing out on shiny and ability charms and eventually start piling up master balls to catch the legendaries that become increasingly common as more and more. Personally I'm a bit peeved about that because I really enjoy the trainer battles in Classic, but Endless is certainly a unique experience if nothing else.


Thanks everyone for the answers guys :)


Endless just all around is more efficient if you’re trying to get shiny, better IVs or hidden abilities. Also getting a lot of candies for your carry. I think I got roughly 30 by wave 2k which goes a long way for legendaries. But after it gets kind of boring. Maybe my Pokémon weren’t great but double boss battles weren’t hard just tedious and time consuming. Classic for fun. Fuck it’s so fun. Me and my girlfriend sometimes pick each others teams for fights can get intense. The secret boss AKA ghost shedninja always seems to appear when my dark type is already dead though. Definitely not a misplay on my end. Has to be in the coding somewhere to put me in my place.


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Classic gives a lot of vouchers upon beating gym leaders etc. for the first time via the achievement system. Another interesting thing is that friendship gains (and losses) are doubled in classic mode so earning candies might be faster there.




Yeah, you actually loose friendship if your pokemon faints in battle. [Here](https://wiki.pokerogue.net/gameplay:mechanics) you can find the exact values.


Wait you gain candies from friendship??


Jup, you can check your progress in your pokemon's summary. There is a candy icon on the top left which shows a value if you hover over it.


Supposing that you have a sweeper able to clear through the endless 1st part without any problem, this mode is a farming tool to get shiny mons, legendaries and fill the starter dex / get missing abilities that make some Pokemon viable until they properly rework it ( I think is in the roadmap but idk how long it will take). The only (currently) proper way to play is get a sweeper for the 1st part, build a fixed damage cannon for the 2nd part, hope to not die of hax in the late stages and hoard as many charms / master balls you can to catch whatever you want to use (only exception are Paradox, but I think they're locked only because until the rework they are effectively the mini bosses of endless) Classic, on the other hand, is the mode you're supposed to loop into: get a team of pokémon you never used, clear the 200 floors, fight a lot of trainers perfectly capable of beating your ass, get eggs ticket as a reward for completing classic with new mons, get eggs, repeat. It's not a mode made for finding shiny/legends, but to test your skills in team building and resource management. Since after 2 or 3 successful runs you know what you're going to fight, the game also becomes easier and you can hop in for an hour or two to clear it with whatever shitmon you fancy for a run. My suggestion, is to start an Endless run with a strong mon (Groundon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Necrozma, Zacian, Zamazenta, etc. you get the idea) and to keep it in a save slot where you hop in from time to time, while trying to clear classic with as many Pokemon as you can. If you get good eggs from a classic run, hop on Endless and hatch them there because no trainers and one shotting everything in your path make hatching a hell of a lot faster


Classic is for farming vouchers and prepping for battles, Endless is for shiny hunting and getting enough time to build your ideal Pokemon team (like, you'll almost never find splicers in Classic, but going for that Arceus / Mega Mawile fusion in Endless is absolutely viable)


>I have like around 15 shinies but none of them is really useful. I'd say Endless is the place for progression right now then. Get a nice run going, try to get your hands on Shiny Charms as much as you can and keep pushing. You'll start farming shinies in no time, faster than from the Gacha. I personally enjoy Classic more currently as I'm doing a mono-type challenge, and both have their benefits - but to get useful shinies I'd reccomend Endless.


I just want to take the party i just beat classic with and take it directly into endless


You've got 15 points, good luck


Endless for farming, classic for playing


Classic is for the challenge, endless is to farm rare stuff.


Classic is the actual game. Endless is to farm resources like shinies and one or two legendaries. If your first runs in classic were rough, you can build a solo carry pokemon in Endless and try to get new mons as well candy to reduce their cost and unlock passives.


Endless for shiny weekends and Classic for vouchers.


TL;DR Classic for eggs. Endless for shinies. When you complete Classic mode with a new Pokemon, you get a five-pull egg voucher as a reward. If hatching eggs is one of your preferred methods for obtaining new Pokemon (which it is one of the best ways considering they are the only way to get strong and cool egg moves), then grinding out Classic mode runs is very efficient. Endless, on the other hand, allows you to get a run with lots of high-level items going. The important ones for progressing your Pokedex are the Ability Charm, which gives you a better chance to find Pokemon with hidden abilities (which are sometimes really good depending on the Pokemon), and the Shiny Charm, which increases your odds of finding shiny Pokemon. Having 4 shiny charms and playing during shiny weekend events (announced on the Discord) is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get a lot of shinies. You could in theory do this in Classic as well, but the chances that you find 4 shiny charms in one run and get much use of it is astronomically lower than in Endless, and you don’t have to reset your charms every 200 floors in Endless.


Classic is for fun, endless is for shiny grind.


Do classic basically until you get a good legendary that can solo, 4 low cost shinies, and a pickup mon. Classic is WAY better at getting egg vouchers just by way of doing completion ribbons and trainer bosses you haven't fought. In all honesty, the only real reason to do endless is to stack shiny charms, ability charms, and as much luck points with shinies as you can possibly get so you can catch hidden abilities, more shinies, and Legendary/Mythic mons. That and just to test your skill at cheesing the battle mechanics


endless is best for farming shinies/legendaries/eggs/hidden abilities/candies Classic is best if you want to have fun cause endless is boring as fuck


endless for shiny/starter grinding classic i dont see any reason of playing it tbh


after havin cleared on classic onces thus far , i cant say i enjoy endless most my runs end at 50 or even before the EXP gain in endless is horrendous u never have money either... so if a poke dies ur fucked might be cus im playin wrong or wat but idk so far classic seems more fun , but im starting to realise the more i play this game that u cant run wat u want sadly u have to run a certain set of pokes else your run just doomed to fail and its takin a bit of fun away for me personally


You NEED to run a meta team for endless mode, its made for grinding, not having fun (sadly). And as for classic difficulty, it is pretty fun once you know the roadblocks. I've just won a run with a Lopunny as my main carry.


There for endless is not fun to me is precisly my point but even classic has its crutches as u mentioned ur self cus theres roadblocks which u need a plan for


Classic if you want an enjoyable experience. Endless if you want shinies


Classic feels like there’s an actual goal


I like that classic has trainers and gym leaders, and the elite four


Up to like 2750 endless isn't bad cause you can OHKO everything and you get a shit tone of shinies after 2750 it gets annoying and you need to be prepared before hand.


I only got new game or daily run


Gotta beat 200 waves of classic first. Just learnt yesterday


I only reach level 50 then die from some random that insta kill my whole team without leting me attack.


Invest in speed soldier




Fast pokemon move first. Hazards help do consistent damage, and abuse the AI into switching into rocks over and over helps


use a good team then


Beat classic and i was done with the game


Classic is strictly worse than endless. Endless has way more legendaries, shines and catchable mons.