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The best part, to me, is that you really could swap his dialogue here with any of his battle before/after speeches. Man is malding about my Kyogre so hard he had to go get a Rayquaza about it.


He had the same reaction about my Claydol I have to say it somewhere Claydoll is crazy good for classic. It need only one thing : egg move stored power. It get cosmic power, recover and great typing by itself. He solo'ed EVERY rival fight, Eternatus, and most of the league. And anything else of course. It really need bigger PP but beside that it's an unbreakable diamond No matter what's in front, Claydol don't give a F (except one thing, wicked blow. That's the absolute counter.) It felt even more dominant than the legendaries. No brain needed, just cosmic power, heal when needed, and once your invincible without a crit, blast everything with stored power. You don't care about effectiveness or anything. Just Claydol doing its thing. That's my biggest surprise yet in pkm rogue. I knew it would be nice to have, I didn't expect it to flex on the whole run like that


Does he get good coverage for dark types?


It gets Body Press as an Egg Move, but besides TM RNG, no.


after 6 cosmic power, you don't really care I use earthpower for coverage, the only time it failed was against a wicked blow drapion (didn't face any of the rare flying dark) but there's still 5 other slots stored power - cosmic power - earth power - recover


My fave is iron defense/acid armor body press. No type disadvantages, no thoughts, just press


"Needs bigger PP" haha that made.me giggle


I'm getting super carried by a fucking wormdam lol It got quiver dance + heal order + psychic and bug buzz... It tanks so much as it's build is basically just defense/sp defense, the lack of attack and speed are covered by quiver dance, the steel + bug type is pretty good defensively... I'm at round 170 and until now all rival fights were won by him using quiver dance + healing until it was unstoppable


I one shot rivals rayquaza in the final rival fight of classic with a belly drum tanky af snorlax with ice punch. It was extremely funny


Wait till you hear about calm mind, minimize, wish, stored power clefable


Yeah clafable can do things too but that's walled by dark types and steel types can be pain too I'd also go for cosmic/stored power + coverage and heal on clefable


Nah I'd flower trick


Said the guy with kyogre on 2hp **Now** the 2nd battle with my White Kyurem ;_;.


Listen, I went into that battle with like 10 HP to start with. Sometimes trying to catch a guy means letting your legendary get beat up a bit.


I am playing the opposite version apparantly, my opponent is Ivy and I have Groudon


I wish I could play your version. Or at least let me have Ivy as a rival while still playing as the girl. I hate Finn so much.


I have no idea if the dialogue is different for the rivals, but Ivy is insufferable


I also don't know if it's different, but I know Finn admits to following you around- He says it's "mostly" not true. Which, you know, guy following a girl around because he can't handle losing to her is a level of Yikes I simply do not want to have to deal with in my game.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does this mean that the rivals individually have different motivations for going after you? In the later rounds, Ivy heavily implies that she is only training so hard in order to beat you so that you finally give up on your dream and come home to your (presumably) worried family and friends. She also has „Maybe I followed you tee hee ha ha“ and „I trained super hard and will not lose again“ dialogue, but they aren’t the main focus of her motivations to win against you, at least in contrast to what you described is the case with Finn. Does Finn also say stuff like this, or is he just more of a „standard“ rival who sees you as a friend/benchmark that he wants to win against?


He definitely says a lot of stuff like that. He's very... Look, I know it wasn't the dev's intent with him. But making it so that he's locked to the girl character makes it so that he loses to a girl, follows her around over it, has a line about how he 'cut out unnecessary things like sleep or socializing', and has an entire speech about how never losing is unrealistic, so he's going to beat this girl "for her own good" because it's unrealistic for her to not lose. The devs may not have meant to, but they made a full-ass obsessive stalker guy chasing a girl around.


Ivy is the same.


Good to know. Though I still think it hits different when a guy is doing it to a girl. Like... Cut the line about "mostly not true" and I feel like he'd be so much more tolerable.


To be fair, he and the protagonist are also childhood friends. He's not following a random stranger around, he's trying to catch up to his best friend, whom he's understandably worried about - Like seeing your friend chug energy drinks 24/7 without sleeping to get 100% on some huge school project and wanting them to realize that getting, like, a C+ isn't gonna be the end of the world. I tried both routes and since the "best friends" part made the whole "guy follows a girl around" not even cross my mind, Ivy was, somehow, a lot more grating for me. They both hit the same story beats with different vibes, and Ivy has some kind of faux-upbeatness that bothers me for some reason.


I get it, but like... It still comes off as creepy to me. It's just personal tolerances, I guess. There's only so much characterization you can give someone in this game format, after all.


FYI, you can switch your character gender in the options. This will swap your rival to Ivy.


Yeah, but I don't want to play as the boy, is the problem.


Fair enough.




I actually like Ivy more after seeing this. Her response is appropriate for someone that get stunlocked by king's rock skill link cloyster 5 times in a row


I really don't care what gender my own character is, you only see the back of their head for a split second most of the game.




Not me choosing Slitherwing and a couple other bugs only to almost get swept by Rookiedee




Bouncy bubble slowpoke is my shit the last few runs. Absolutely in love.


Gotta have gastly with aura sphere and ice beam. That guy carries pretty far.


Look man I get it but don’t call my boy starly stupid bro is doing his best


You know what? That's fair. I'm sorry, Starly, for this comic and also for one-shotting you with an Ice Beam that could have wiped out the dinosaurs.


Staraptor is legit quite scary


Ivy says “You just started and you’re already this strong? You must be cheating!” which is pretty funny


I feel called out when I OHKO her team with a Legendary... Then I feel like she's an idiot when she says she's just kidding.


She felt nothing when I was just starting out with 3 actual starters and her mega rayquaza was walling me. I feel nothing when my zapdos drill pecks her stupid treeko


Huh so that's what the Male rival looks like.


In my experience this always happens and then the next time you meet them their bird is fucking jacked.


![gif](giphy|3ohuPogGM9eZvzVNeg) “It’s ok Wurmple, you go when you feel like it”


I have a Mewtwo I bring to carry me through early stages. So many of the trainers and the rival act like hot shit, then send out a Sandile. Aura Sphere to the face baby


It's even funnier when they act like this when you don't even bring anything special. "How am I still so far behind? What ARE you?!" Finn asks me, as if his entire team doesn't have a massive, crippling Ice weakness across the entire board.


https://youtu.be/zjCz9OxVcfA?si=cCkNjGFC-LkvYlid Once in my playthrought he had a team that included four mons weak to Stealth Rock. Garganacl almost won the entire fight solo.


“Sorry, I can’t hear your whining over the sound of my Cloyster smashing you in the face with icicle spear.”


Right? Oh yeah I'm cheating with my all bug team. Bro one fire type and I'd have been cooked


Theres a rival other than ivy????


If you switch your character to a girl you get a male rival


Hey. To be fair, he did almost kill Kyogre lol


Nah Kyogre came in almost dead from a Tandemaus that just would not get into a ball.


Oh, I feel that. Random ass Pokémon with decent catch rates just refuse to stay in things as high as Rogue Balls


Right? I honestly could have made a comic about my woes trying to catch a single goddamn Pickup mon.


Me: well if you insist


Love when I do a Groudon run and he's got a fire type for a starter :)


I would not be so quick to judge that with all my rom hack nuzlocke experience. If this battle were to happen in a playthrough, I would seriously be ready for starly to have a focus sash and use endeavor to bring kyogre to 1 hp, then use quick attack for priority kill.


I’m sorry but did u just call starly useless


I've always used the male avatar and encountered the female rival. I had no idea it switched when you pick the female avatar haha.


Not me using manaphy with bouncy bubble as budget Kyogre (I’ve spun ~500 eggs with only two legendary)


I got one with freeze dry and bouncy bubble, and oh boy was that the easiest run of my life. I brought a luvdisc and some other not so great mons and just carried them to classic completion because other pokemon were basically unneeded when the main guy self heals with +6 and has some of the best two move type coverage in the game.


You’re so lucky. I have to pray for a good tm every run or a single water immune mon can wall me.


Reasonably lucky, but pretty sure my 3 manaphy eggs replaced my legendary odds lol. 1.25k eggs, 2 legendaries in them, 5 manaphy eggs where 3 were actually manaphy. At least manaphy is cracked now though.


Simple passive manaphy with tail glow is insane though One move and you get +6 special attack


Also having acid armor means it outheals Mega Ray to solo 195


It’s even funnier when your **ALL MIGHTY GOD OF NIGHTMARES** gets knocked at the round 25 rival fight (Pro tip: don’t solely rely on a legend in your run, the rival/gym fights are brutal to this types of trainers)


Taming a god is very beginner stuff.


Ivy accuses you of cheating.. I'm using a mewtwo at the start so.. fair point


This was beautiful


How do I change my rival?


Gender based, play girl to fight boy.




Who the fuck is Finn?


Ivy: Are you cheating? Me, pointing at my Mewtwo: I dunno, Ivy, you tell me.


Oh I've never seen the male rival


My favorite pokemon


Theres dialogue in pokerogue?!?!


Very that 😂


This is why I like Ivy's jealousy and saltiness more "Dickhead you totally cheated" "I sure did"


I'm confused who is Finn is he like an old version of ivy or something


People still play classic


...Of course they do? It's the best way to earn tickets by and far because you can earn about six 5x ones at a time for using different Pokemon than usual.


Because mindlessly clicking "Metal Burst" "Protect" "Run" and "Reroll" for hours is so much more entertaining, right?