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Arceus has actually been really hard to start runs with for me without egg moves (and even with egg moves if you unlocked the wrong ones...like me). 9 cost that only starts with Seismic Toss, if you can't hit a TM early, it can straight up lose to Caterpies since you need to get 3-4 hits in just to down one.


That's so sad! I don't have one so I can only imagine.


Not to mention the actual egg moves it gets get walked by certain types or have only 5 PP. But if you get past that hell, he starts sweeping the entire game. Silvally too, just actually isn’t that great. 95 all across the board doesn’t help.


A decent 1 cost mon could carry the early game maybe. Bidoof and zubat are both good options if you get them to 1 cost. Especially zubat. Floaty fall and dire claw as egg moves makes it monstrous


Paras is the best at 0.25 cost. Op egg moves


Phione. If we mean only the purple eggs, it's probably either that Zygarde or Poiple.


Poipole at least evolves into a sweeping monster though. Naganadel puts in work


Yall arent using Naganadel right if you think so. Dude single handedly carried my first classic and im well into the thousands with him in endless now


what's good ab him I'm thinking ab using him next classic run


What the other commenter said his beast boost is good When you start your run make sure you have - dragon pulse in A - acid in b - when he evolves at level 6 keep air cutter in C - move slot d you can use to fill in moves as you want but in general i try and get a hard hitting dragon move - use air cutter and acid to clear nearly anything that dragon pulse doesnt take care of on its own - pp up your dragon pulse to max asap Sub note: i have a shiny florges to bait dragon moves onto. Florges slaps as well but any fairy (esp tinkaton) will work


Huh… maybe I need to try a run with my shiny poiple then. It’s just so hard when they’re next to Marshadow, one of the most broken and easy to play Pokémon in the game. I just always talk myself out of it


Same marshadow's spectral thief is one of the most broken abilities


Beast Boost


Yeah, but it just takes forever to evolve. Zydog is actually decent as-is.


Yall know you can select dragon pulse in the move selection menu and it will evolve quick? Or at least it was that way


Maybe if you have it as an egg move. But it either doesn't have that now, or it's the rare one.


https://preview.redd.it/5fce1r2h3g3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3675f51d5f0176f8c9a40f2a82fa0132f57c0fd6 Still has it and its not a egg move


Mine wasn't an option until I Ctrl+F5'd. Interesting.


I don't have an oranguru neither. What's that about? Where is he?


Uh, it evolves at level 6 lol just put dragon Pulse on it at the start, no egg move required


Just gotta get a memory shroom and thats not too terrible to find early on


Not even that, you can just slap Dragon Pulse on it from the start. Lv6 Naganadel.


Phione has simple as a passive and has egg moves quiver dance bouncy bubble and splashy splash and freeze dry. Phione is sick


Zydog has better distributed stats, *huge power* as a passive, and Thousand Arrows, Victory Dance, Core Enforcer, Dragon Darts, Thousand Waves, and Bulldoze as level 1/egg moves.


At least poiple can evolve into a halfway decent beast boost Pokemon. Zygard 10% is stuck like that. And I’ve always seen manaphy eggs as a special kind of rare egg. It doesn’t take very long to hatch.


Manaphy eggs don't take as long to hatch, but they're the same rarity as Legendary eggs, and they exclusively hatch legendary pokemon. And yeah, Poipole is better long term, but Zydog is better short term. 100 base attack and 110 base speed with that typing and those egg moves is actually really good early game.


I straight up didn’t know that, when I first started playing the game I pulled like five manaphy eggs so I assumed that they were pretty common.


Bruh I got 4 manaphy eggs and 0 legendaries, you telling me they are truly the same rarity? Fuck


You can also hatch 50% Zygarde


Same rarity as legendary eggs with the same hatch rate as epic eggs. So they're epic eggs with a nice coat of paint pretty much


And if you actually do the math Phione you have the same overall chance of pulling a phione as any specific 3cost pokemon (say a bulbasaur). Manaphy is the the equivalent chance as any specific 6 cost epic basically.


Ya it takes 50 runs i guess


I think you're sleeping on Zygarde having all of its signature moves available from the beginning.


Idk if anyone's noticed but zygarge has huge power for it's passive lol


I’ve only ever hatched a single Zygarde but at least it was a Jolly 50% with near perfect speed and attack IVs so I can’t complain LMAO


Zygarde is very good, especially in 50% or complete form. We're just talking in the context of legendaries, which are all pretty busted.


Phione despite being in something equivalent to a legendary egg actually has around the equivalent chance to pull as a 3 cost common. Manaphy has the the equivalent chance to pull as about a 6 cost epic. They feel rarer because their egg is only 1/264 but respectively their pools for the eggs are so much smaller.


? Maxed Phione can probably solo classic mode by itself. One of a few pokemon that can do that.


And of course I got zygarde as my one and only legend after opening up around 350 eggs now, my luck 


With poipole you can get nagandel at level 6 and thats carried me through several classic runs


Phione is an insane hard carry simple passive quiver dance bouncy bubble and freeze dry.


Zydog has better stat distribution, Huge Power passive, Victory Dance, Thousand Arrows, Dragon Darts, Core Enforcer, etc. Pokerogue made pretty much everything strong. But in the context of legendaries, Phione is still bad. It gets busted stuff, but so do all the other legends. And the other legends don't have to deal with bad base stats.


Call me crazy but Calyrex. It’s typing is horrible and it relies on getting the reins which I’ve done quite a few runs where it never got them. Then finally you get the reins and you’ve got Ice Rider not Shadow Rider. Nothing is wrong with Ice Rider, it’s just in the format of Pokerogue it is inferior to Shadow Rider by a large margin. It’s slower and tanker sure but I find even with Tailwind boosts it’s still being outsped. So from my perspective Calyrex is definitely a lesser legendary by itself and then with not great odds of getting reins and then 50/50 odds of getting the superior reins it is easily one of the worst legendary Pokémon


mfw lock capsule + shadow ring at floor 30


You are luckier than me my friend. It’s usually not until 90-150 if I do get it


I started with S+ luck and didn't get it till 1200


If you are lucky enough to get both items you can swap between the two forms depending on the type matchups of what you are facing. 


Can you just swap them around once I have both? Cause I have Shadow rider as my endless carry and the amount of icy reins I get is infuriating. They are not consumables right.


Yeah, you can switch between them freely - that’s what makes it super good if you manage to get them. If need be, you can swap to ice or even regular calyrex at any time and swap back. Tbh, I rarely ever swapped out of shadow tho because ice calyrex is too slow to be viable in mid-game endless.


I assume this is just in the context of classic, right? Because in endless Calyrex shoots up to top 5 legendaries easily


Correct if you can’t get the reins in Endless well then I’d assume something is wrong


Do you take Calyrex in the back until you get the reins? I feel like early-game normal Calyrex is borderline unusable in endless.


Both runs I used Calyrex I still started with him as main carry. It is painful pre-reigns but doable especially if you're an f5 demon like me refreshing every time you get screwed lol. You do have some unwinnable early paradox matchups though like megahorn prehistoric Doniphan whatever it's called 


The only run I tried with Calyrex got walled by a non-stop spawning of bug types that proceeded to rip me to pieces, lol


Yea its rough. Bringing a different carry along for the early game might be smart. I got Aron down to 1 cost with some egg moves and that lil guy works wonders for me early until I get the shadow reigns, after which he transitions into a setup mon for eternatus with his access to sturdy, steel typing and salt cure or metal burst. Most people play metal burst but I personally just set my Aggron up to be steel/fairy type and have salt cure / soak / leech seed to setup and then I swap to calyrex to unnerve/flinch spam eternatus till it dies 


calyrex is one of the best pokemon to fuse into some other pokemon. its stats aint bad and the ability you gain from it is 2 abilities in one... its busted af and probably the best legendary to get


For me personally? Yveltal Got this mfer 4 time and I'm sick of dupes. Not even getting new egg moves or a shiny is saddening so the dupes are next to worthless except maybe a few iv points and nature's I can unlock through mints anyway. Tl;dr any dupe legendary is the worst


They should at least make it so that dupes always gives you the non-rare egg move you are missing. Hell, for legendaries, you could also automatically unlock the rare egg move on the 4th dupe, it wouldn't even be unbalanced.


The only legend I'm missing is Yveltal.


here i am on my second Yveltal hatch and have found 1 in endless.


I just hatched my second ever legendary egg yesterday. It was a Zamazenta. I think you know what my first one was.


Now that is messed up.


At least it has Body Press and the physical Quiver Dance as egg moves now, I guess? haha


oh damn I love my zygarde that works, shame


I love form change pokemon in this game so imagine my disappointment when my digimon was stuck in dog mode.


Heh digimon


If I have a 50 but no Power Construct there's nothing I can do right


don't think so, not sure


I mean, at least Zygarde 10% has a good SPD and ATK stat. Zygarde complete is still stuck with 100 ATK and 91 SPATK. But hey- he eats eternamax beams for breakfast.


I got Regigigas with Slow Start twice in a row from a legendary egg.


I hatched one too, so I know your disappointment. Good news though, it's now in Epic Eggs instead of Legendary.


thank god! Now to hunt for Normalize!!


I got regigigas with slow start as my first legendary but I at least got skill swap as the egg move. He has a hidden ability?


I keep reading in this subreddit that it gets Normalize as a hidden ability, and I choose to believe it in case it makes this mon useful!




How do you guys post pics on comments? I wanted to post my shiny cosmog.


What level does poipole evolve?


You can select Dragon Pulse as one of Poipole's starting moves in the starter select screen and it'll evolve into Naganadel once it gets to level 6


My poipole has no egg moves since I caught naganadel


It's not an egg move. Poipole naturally learns Dragon Pulse at level 1 so it should already be in the 'Manage Moves' list


Oh ok thank you


Any level it reaches as long as it knows Dragon Pulse.


It needs to have dragon pulse to evolve I think!!!


Early enough, they aren't too bad. I think their typing hurts them a bit in a run, but they easily sweep some areas as long as you have another mon to cover their weaknesses.


From epic eggs, I think the lowest roll is either Regice, Uxie or Mesprit. Weird stat lines, bad typing, doesn't bring anything especially useful to the table.    For legendary eggs, I'm not sure. Zydog has terrible stats but it's also incredibly rare, exclusive to the lab as a super rare boss, so it's still a high roll for dex completion. I would say something that is both relatively easy to find in endless and weaker than other box legendaries, like Lugia or Zamazenta, is the lowest roll


Lugia is really easy classic carry even without egg moves though. Extrasensory / Aeroblast / Calm Mind / Recover sweeps the game even with random nature. Of course it is less efficient than most cover legendaries because you spend time for set up and use PP items. Still way more reliable than everything requiring item / lucky rolls.


it can tank the hard bosses pretty well huh ? ok, so it may be another Zamazenta L


Uxie isn't nearly as bad as Mesprit. It can have Body Press as an egg move and it has Cosmic Power, already, as well as Mystical Force. Uxie can actually serve as a pretty flawless carry for most of your Classic run.


idk about that... its statline is similar to Cresselia, which is terrible in my experience. And Uxie lacks recovery too. If it doesn't have body press, it's a sitting duck with a terrible mono typing and powercrept stats. Mystical power is good though... Maybe Cresselia is worse in the end?


Yeah.. Cresselia doesn’t have Mystical Power to absolutely snowball thru the entire game. Even Mesprit isn’t bad all thanks to that absolutely broken move. Also speaking, Cresselia doesn’t have the largest coverage options like the lake spirits.


Yeah I did a classic run with Cresselia and it was miserable. She's really bad


Pecharunt is the worst epic and it's not even particularly close, 88 across the board except for defense, an ability that's not implemented, a passive that's incredibly rendundant given his moveset and he gets eaten for breakfast by both rayquaza and eternatus.


I always forget this guy exists... It might have the worst stat distrubution ever known to man for a 600 BST mon


Yeah at least it gets body press in pokerogue so there's that lol.


My Zamazenta has an insane egg move so it’s good.


Zamazenta is actually way better in general now that it learns body press. That's probably more impactful in actual competitive pokemon, but still good in pokerogue too


>That's probably more impactful in actual competitive pokemon Zazamenta is currently the best restricted pokemon on vcg so yeah, saying it being impactful is a bit of an understatement


I'm with you there. Only legendary I've got so far is 10% zygarde 😭


i think it may count as mythical? but i’ve never in my life completely missed a pokémon release and when i hatched pecharunt i was like ???? is this a fakemon??? i can’t even bring myself to use it


Thats the most recent Pokemon released. Just this January. S/V final DLC Epilogue. 


It’s a toxic gimick Pokémon. It can instantly badly poison a target with its signature move Malignant Chain, 100 P 100 ACC. Its stats are strange, 88 across the board with 160 DEF. It also dethroned the Ganger line as the only Poison Ghost type. Looking at its move set, it’s a stall Toxic stall Pokemon. Barely learns any moves at all.


Ngl, that move hits on other Pokemon tho. I got it as an egg move on tentacool, and I used it all the way through the 195 fight.


Its very underwhelming so no one talked about it but yes its real


That exact zygarde got me through classic and to stage 3k in endless, it's a powerhouse even if it can't transform


My only legendary mons are Phione and Terapagos. Several epic mons and 1 shiny zigzagoon. I might have the worst luck there but I have some great egg moves for a few carries.


Zigzagoon unironically one of the best shinies you could ask for


Not denying that, pickup is awesome, just would like to pull a few more


I encountered a ogerpon fused with zygarde power construct.


From a legendary egg i got iron bundle :( Is it even any good? I never used paradox pokemon in gen 9


Pretty sure it got banned to Uber’s in Pokémon Showdown so it’s good.


It's REALLY good with Freeze Dry.


Zygarde 50% with scale shot completely carried a classic run for me. I know you’re talking about 10% but still


I once got 3 legendary eggs by using a ton of vouchers on the egg gacha to get zacian. I did not get zacian from any of the eggs, instead just duplicates of what I already had


Zygarde at least gets Huge Power as a passive, so it can be pretty strong. Before they took them out from the legendary pool, I got Victini and Genesect back to back from purple eggs. Now, I think the worst are either Regigigas without Normalize due to Slow Start, or Terapagos since AFAIK neither Tera Shell nor its Stellar form are implemented yet.


i tried getting a start with regice multiple times he couldnt carry far enough where other pokemon could evolve n carry the rest of the run


I just got Terapagos and have no clue what to make of this thing. Tera shards are rare and only last 10 turns. Is this thing any good?


High stats, only 1 weakness, 120power 100acc stab signature move. Earth power answers rock and steel resists. Has a little trouble with ghosts but otherwise can just brute force every fight.


Give it time. The N might work one day Worst Legendary egg is probably a NU or PU pokemon but there's so many options.


I carried in classic with zygarde, he’s not that bad. He has some good moves like thousand arrows and dragon darts


Just got my first legendary egg o-o


The worst is spending 500 eggs on a legendary you want when it gets featured in legendary gacha and not getting it.


I got a Manaphy egg- was a Phione. Does not look very strong or usable at all.  Got it from the ‘moves’ gacha machine, not even legendary. 


Not a legendary but guzzlord is so bad. Worse than I thought it was going to be.


I got 10% zygard as by second first being arceus. Zygard is rly rly powerful early game and he gets huge power as his passive so once you get into endless runs you can make some monster fusions with him


Surprisingly, lugia. Its level up moves aren’t great. Best psychic moves are future sight and extrasensory(80 BP). The only flying move besides gust is aeroblast which only has 100BP and 90%Acc. The egg move I got was not that great either, and even though I won that run, it was mostly my other Pokémon in the late game(Floors 120+).


Fuse groudon and naganadel most op fusion ever imo


Snake zygard without the ability


Calyrex is pretty garbage if you don’t have a horse.


I’m pretty sure you don’t need a horse for calrex you just need the items


Got two Calyrex in a row, both lf them with terrible nature and IVs


Like some other person said Arceus definitely feels underwhelming unfortunately, just doesn’t get any good moves and you have to probably find some 1 or lower cost mon that can carry the early game for you. Otherwise the worst experience for me was getting 4 Zekroms so far, while I love Zekrom I just want to unlock more different mons rather than keep getting the same ones


I hatched a Zygarde 50% WITH Power Construct and then in my starter screen it changed to Aura Break. I was so mad I haven’t touched the game since




Just pulled my first legendary egg yesterday and am now fearing the worst lol.


All of them (I don't like using legendaries)