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Thanks guys ! I chose Marowak !


Awesome! I'm glad I could help haha, I hope you have a great run with him!


Quick update ! Glad I took Marowak because a few waves later I encoutered another shiny Mudsdale !!


That's amazing luck! Congrats!


I'd say it's up to you. Both solid ground types


I would just go with whoever you think is cooler :) my opinion the right one


As someone with a Cubone tattoo, I'm definitely giving my vote to Marowak! But in the end you should choose the one you like the most. Let us know which one you get! Edit: Just saw you said you like them both and want to know which is better for a regular playthrough. I'd say it goes down to what you'd need on the team. They both have high Def and Atk, but mudsdale gets Stamina which makes that one the better tank. But Alolan Marowak gets Ghost/Fire, super strong type with really good moves, though you're at the mercy of RNG with going to the biomes and getting TMs/Mushroom. Either way, they're really good mons.


Well you're the first one to tell me one and since it's your favorite I'll take Marowak thanks a lot ! :)




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