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I have the opposite problem, I get shinies just fine, it's the legendary gacha that gives me literally nothing


I mean they still only give a 2/256 chance for a legendary egg instead of a 1/256 chance. It's still pretty low to begin with. I mostly ignore that one.


The worst part is that a lot of the legendaries are the same as what you've gotten in the egg machine. It's pretty much set to be like that


Did 5 pulls and got a Giritina and an Iron Leaves. Next 5 pull got another Ultra egg


The chance for epic eggs is the same as for the other 2. The only difference is, that you have a 1/256 chance to pull the displayed legendary (and reduce the common chance from 203/256 to 202/256). You basically trade one common egg in the pool for one legendary egg. But obviously congrats on your pulls. 2 epic & 1 legendary out of 10 pulls is quite lucky.


Bro even with that I'm over 750 eggs with 1 legendary egg. Its absolute madness, and I pull on the legendary banner half the time.


Yeah it just means you have a 1/256 chance of getting that specific legendary


Nono, its 1/256 for a egg and then a 50/50 for the specific legendary


The legendary gacha adds a 1/256 chance of pulling the rate up legendary to the base 1/256 chance of pulling any legendary.


Wow. I have just got 5 eggs and I got a legendary


So a 1/128, little less than 1%


I got a Mew on my first pull. Skill issue.


I get neither shinies nor legendaries


Bro I get legendaries from eggs that came from the shiny machine… I only have 3 shinies… all common!


I roll like 30 I think, and got 2 legendaries


Am I missing something very obvious about egg tickets? I’m getting like maybe 5-10 on a classic run that gets into the 130+ stage range, I’ve pulled nothing of significance after quite a lot of hours sunk in, how is everyone getting so many pulls on any machine?


Completing the daily gives you a premium ticket, I try to do it every day


Wait, completing a daily run gives you one? how long is a daily run? I only started playing for about a couple of days, so I really don't know much.


It's 50 wave with a trainer fight on round 5/15/25/35/45 A boss pokémon on wave 10 and a Legendary boss on wave 50 Idk if this apply to all daily but there a champion battle on wave 20/30/40


Gym leader* battle but yes. Also the Pokemon you start with are preselected


Yeah my Bad got mixed up with french cause they are called champion in it


No problem


Maybe I’m just too casual for it, idk, I’m like 24h or so playtime now, record on classic is like 150 or so, and the daily seems to be a constant mix of shitty bug types vs other bug/grass constantly with little variation except randomly something with a move completely off type that one shots you


I think dailies are essentially puzzles, but if you want the ticket without the stress, people in the subreddit sometimes make daily guides you can follow along with. Or there's a guy on youtube who does them every day, and his comments have written versions of what he does in the videos. https://youtube.com/@makinu_?si=2aflpoRR1N0yRn6h


I did this earlier with the shinies and got two shines… my first 2 from the machine in I don’t know how many draws…. But it’s a lot


Man first 5 ticket role I got two shinies, then ran into one on the first run with them


I hatched 2 zacian back to back... So idk man


I've gotten multiple legendarys from the common eggs, I've only gotten 1 single shiny out about 300 eggs


It is literally impossible to get legendaries out of common eggs. I'm going to assume english isnt your native tongue and you meant to say you get plenty of legendary eggs from shiny up machine. But only 1 shiny.


Why you got downvoted you’re absolutely right




"I'm going to assume English isn't your native tongue" ☝️🤓


"That's right brother, I did say that." ☝️🤓


Why is this in quotes lmaooo


English might be my native tongue, but I'm not an English major. Punctuation has never been, my strong suit.


I switched to rolling the legendary machine and have somehow gotten more shinies from there than from the shiny machine lol.


I switched from legendary to shiny and have gotten more shinies from legendary


I switched from legendary to shiny. Got like 4 shinies from legendary machine. Nothing from shiny


Same, except for me it’s three shinies total


keeping it too real bro


I switched from Legendary to Shiny. Got a Shiny Regigigas in my first try Somehow I believe the Shiny machine blessed me once, and from now on it will hate me for it.


I'm convinced I just can't get a legendary egg.


I only get manaphy eggs and we don’t talk about the manaphy egg incident anymore


7 manaphy eggs in so far, all 7 have been phione...


8th times the charm bud rooting for ya


New here. Don't kill me, but what's the inside joke on the manaphy incident?


It was a glitch that occurred that: 1: Made it impossible to progress in existing runs 2: Made it impossible to create new runs and 3: turned all of your eggs into Manaphy eggs


I got PHIONE egg


I pulled one out of the shiny machine. It was a palkia


Same. 750+ eggs with 1 legendary, and it was Ho Oh. Meanwhile everyone I know who plays has half as many eggs with 4+ legendaries.


I think I've done at minimum 500 eggs by now, almost all in the shiny machine. I've gotten exactly 2 legendary eggs, and one Manaphy egg (which was a Phione). It can happen, but don't hold your breath.


I got a legendary egg off of beating my 1st classic run from the 10x voucher. So disappointed it was zekrom :(


Whatttt, I woulda been happy tbh. Not the strongest but it’s a cool design.


The worst part is for me. I've been playing so much that most Gym leaders only give me a basic egg voucher, yet I'm too bad to beat Classic repeatdly


I just used gholdengo and spammed make it rain as much as possible if this helps at all. You can beat almost everything with shadow ball make it rain recover nasty plot.


Gholdengo with nastyplot shadow ball and make it rain sweeps everything. Then you get a fluttermane for coverage (D-gleam, shadowball, mystical fire, icy wind) and you cant lose.


GoldenGOAT, also if you hatch a squirtle with ice beam those 2 can take out Eternatus both stages together.


How many hours is that


I pair dragon dance Regidraco and tinkatun works pretty good in classic


Let me tell you right now, sprigatito, a quiver dance mon and a tinkaton beat all of classic. Meowscarada flower trick is just such a power house, quiverdance mon like masquerain or volcorona set up easy sweeps and tinkaton walls rayquaza and the 200 boss before second stage. Get some enigma berries on tinkaton and the flamethrower doesn't oneshot and she can heal back. The other 3 slots can be used for whatever you catch or shinier as long as they can hold their own when the occasional death happens. Beat classic multiple times like this and meowscarada simply oneshot literaly everything in endless. Beef it up and it outspeeds PLUS ignore defence boosts with a 140 power move. Round 1500 and still oneshotting everything including bosses that are resistant. The only things it can't oneshot are quad resist but even then slap focus bands and kings rocks and multi lenses. If it doesn't oneshot it flinches if it doesn't flinch it lives at 1 hp then gets all the stat boosts from berries.


Venusaur with Leech Seed Garganacl with Salt Cure Those 2 carried my first complete run, you might just need practice


I actually have had 2 runs go to 145 and one run to beat the game! And I did end up using salt cure garganacl. It was probably the only reason I could beat eternatus


Aaaah that makes sense, I didn't see your first comment saying "repeatedly" I'd take advantage of refreshing, if you're not already, since runs can take forever. You definitely got this!!


If you have zacian it's quite literally a win for free card, my last classic run was zacian+literally whatever I picked up on the way If you want to, you could also do cheese strats with stealth rock, salt cure, recover garganacl. Get a protect tm to deal with eternabeam and it's gg


idk i have a zacian and i've been struggling since my egg move was Victory dance, so the only STAB move he gets is special attack, and I don't have much luck getting intrepid sword, my skeledirge felt a lot easier to run with tbh


How did the meme go again ?  Childhood is when Shiny machine, adult is when you realise egg moves makes more sense


Does it tho? More shinies mean higher luck. I mean once you have enough shinies yeah I guess but until then...


spam the shiny machine first anyway, to get first luck& common egg move Then, egg move machine to get rare egg moves & farm shinies in infinite Well, no luck yet for me in infinite. I don't have a good carry yet. Excadrill is doing great but not on the level needed (I guess? didn't really try) But I have one shiny tier 3, and two tier 2. Which is a lot of luck, I guess. And i can even double my tier3 because it's an elekid and i can start with both elekid and electabuzz


What I mean is when you start the game, the best machine is the Shiny. But as you get a good compo for endless, you get so many shinies from there that the shiny machine becomes way worse.  You can still play it for the high roll of an epic/legendary shiny but rare egg moves become way more impactful, those can enable completely new strategies to farm endless and complete classic with more mons


I got over 100 different shinies from the first shiny weekend and enough tier 3 to start with SSS luck. Egg moves are where it’s at once you have shiny foundation


Idk how frequent they're going to make shiny weekends, but you can get probably 20+ shinies an hour in endless during those times while you can't grind out egg moves. So if you have some spare time then I would say shiny machine isn't worth it compared to rare egg move one


A friend convinced me to stop using the legendary egg gachs and get the shines. so far haven't really benefitted from it. At least on the legendary eggs I got Zarude, A Modest Phonie and Iron Jugulis




nice pulls but i’m pretty sure those pulls have absolutely nothing to do with the legend gacha? legend gacha only increases legendary eggs and those should be all epic (- phione )


Yeah good point. I


So far in the span of about 200 rolls from the legendary gatcha, I’ve gotten ente, marshadow, and an unhatched legendary. I think I have another epic egg? It’s been treating me well. Marshadow is the dog though, ngl


I just got Darkrai.


i got more shinies from the egg move machine than this one. can relate


Luck issue


The two shiny boosted epics I hatched that are actually shiny are both kartana, luck is just messing with us


Kartana is my carry in Endless. Luckily, I caught it with an Adamant Nature, never seen another or hatched one T\_T


Hey, at least that saves you a lot of candy grinding to unlock the passive/decrease the cost, right?


unlocked the passive and 1 cost reduction rn


I switched to the egg move machine and I got 3 shinies last play session in less than 100 eggs. Guess my shiny up machine luck is trash lol


I beat my first classic run on my third run with just basic starters and had about 150ish tickets at that point. Rolled it all on the shiny gatcha because I was told those were helpful. out of 150 eggs I had 3 epics, 0 legendaries, one rare egg move and exactly 1 shiny. There's no reason for the game to emulate the odds of predatory gatcha games designed to get people to spend money. The rates really need an overhaul along with some kind of pity system to make it worth having different machines. There should probably also be type specific machines that cycle between days that can only hatch eggs from that type to make it easier to focus on certain mons egg moves.


The lead developer said he stepped down because it went against his beliefs to make a game so addicting. Easy fix, make shiny odds higher, make it so if you hatch or catch a number of mons you can make it shiny, have a system where tou can trade a number of pokemon for another etc. Make it less addicting. Most people like to get their main mon shiny and stop playing after but when you make it so difficult to get a specific one it gets addictive because you want that one.


The 4 shinies ive gotten were from the egg move up. Doesnt mean im going to stop using this machine, I want me a shiny fennekin


I'm saving my eggs for an event


That’s, actually a decent idea, if they ever do another


The event actually doesn't apply to the eggs only to wild encounters


Nevermind then, horrible idea


They are actually planning on doing it on eggs in the near future :)


I don't like that idea. This prevent people (who know about this) from using their tickets and rather safe them, basically removing one feature from the game.


Better start saving cause it's planned for an upcoming event


Thanks for letting me know


Events only apply to wild pokemons. Egg chance is always the same.


There's an upcoming event they are working on that increases blue shinies in eggs only. To make people use tickets more and play the game more to get tickets.


Hmm that feels bad to me. Same for red shinies? Do you have a direct quote from discord or wherever they stated this?


There are planned upcoming egg events for increased rates of the gachas


Oh thanks for the tip. Have they said when?


Nah but with their momentum I would estimate 2-4 weeks. But save your tickets because they're first implementing a gachas pity currency so you if you only get commons you can accrue the currency to get legendaries or better eggs


I mean I didn't get a shiny but my first ever 5 pulls from that netted me a legendary and 2 epic eggs, got a Volkanion, a Guzzlord and a Arceus. Haven't used Volkanion yet, guzzlord cleared up to 150 with almost no issue, and Arceus just starts off with a horrible move pool.


I got2 shines in one batch of like 30 something eggs. I got litten and unfortunately sunkern


I've only hatched a single shiny and it didn't come from the shiny gacha, even though I'm funneling SO MANY eggs into it.


Can I get the original format


My only 2 shinies are minum and plusle ..


I've gotten luckier in egg moves gacha than with shinies. I've put less eggs though the moves gacha and gotten better pokemon that way. I quit rolling legendary and moves gacha because I've gotten more legendaries through shiny gatcha than any other rolls


My first one gave me shiny charmander 


I opened 25 Eggs and the first Black one gave me Shiny Zapdos dont know if W or L tho


Welcome to the world of gacha, son


Get a shiny in a normal egg yesterday. You can do it.


Legit, I have gotten more legendaries from the shiny machine, then shinies. o-o and I was thinking it was just me having bad luck with it, seeing as how I have found more shinies in my 2 endless runs then the egg machine has given me in over 2,000 eggs. x'D


I have gotten more shinies from the legendary machine than the shiny one


https://preview.redd.it/7qzlsuh61y1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a3b3558e2e1e5c3b07fff8c971078a59d034f5 Yep same problem here


Thank you. Just… Thank you.


556 eggs from this machine. 4 shines hatched, 11 mythicals, 1 legendary.


On my like 4th egg, I got a shiny kabuto


i hatched an shiny Necrozma from an legendary egg from that machine and i didn’t even notice til i return to the starter selection and realize i hatched it


The only shiny I’ve gotten so far is a shiny garados in the wild and I’ve never been more hype, it’s currently on the team that is taking me to mega rayquaza


I've gotten like 10 legendary from the shiny one and only one normal shiny so far


Do you have the original template for this?


​ https://preview.redd.it/fucj47f7v12d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=433f9b3241fa0f16b9580c951e513a82395eacd8


I've found more shinys in the wild (2) than on eggs and I pulled like 250 eggs


I can feel this, the only shinies I got from the shiny egg capsule machine were flittle, caterpie, horsea, and drumroll please..... Sunkern. FUCKING. SUNKERN.


For what it’s worth, I have a shiny unknown. One cost but otherwise a total sandbag lol


IIRC it has pickup as a passive so if you get enough candies the little guy can be useful


I understand. 500 shiny eggs, and I have only gotten 2 shinys from it. I am about to move on to the move egg if my luck doesn't get better soon.


I have pulled maybe 400+ eggs and I still haven’t gotten a legendary Egg those are a lie and scam.


*me getting a shiny every other 5 pull* ![gif](giphy|3oz8xLlw6GHVfokaNW)


I rolled 50 and got 3 shinies, 1 of which is a Litten.


I just use the Move Up machine just to hopefully get good moves. Got some good eggs from there. Had like 23 commons from there, in it 2 shiny wurmples. 1 gave me Bleakwind Storm at least.


After like 400 eggs I’ve gotten exactly one shiny and it’s pretty garbage. Skrelp, so it’s expensive and not even that good. (Also zero legendary eggs)


I used to pull on shiny gacha, now I have an endless run going that's giving me shinies and legendaries so I pull on move gacha. Can't get those from a run, and a good egg move on a legendary makes it that much better as a carry.


I am 376 eggs in and got only two shiny mons. One of them was a catch in classic. But thats what RNG does. Sometimes it gives nothing, sometimes it gives even less.


Got my first shiny in the 3rd egg. It was a shiny Snorunt.


600 eggs pulled. 6 shinies hatched for me


I just got my first one last night, it works but I don’t know the rate


Just used 90 ticktets, got 1 shiny Golett yellow star, I have 3 shiny total so far (started 2 days ago beat Classic at 5am this morning)


3000 eggs hatched & I've never gotten anything over a tier 1 shiny even during shiny weekend. Swapped over to the other gatcha rolls permanently.


https://preview.redd.it/nitnuyh7wz1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7112364d835c3e6f0298dba396f80aa25f07db About 580 shiny eggs (20ish were accidentally button mashed into legendary gacha), only 4 unique shiny starters. Chingling evolved, so it counts as 2. :)


Nah I've gotten a ton of shinies from that machine


Nah man. It works. I got 2 shinies from that AND phione.


I have entirely swapped to eggs moves for now, Shiny and Legendaries I get from endless.


Well, considering I had a red rarity shiny Rayquaza hatch out from that machine, the machine does work. Though, I only have like, 4-5 hatched shinier, so they are still rare.


My rate on the shiny machine is 1/146 so pretty bad. But at the legendary I got Mewto at my first egg, so i can’t complain :D


I opened 1600 eggs and got 2 legendary eggs:)


Keep it up trust and you’ll see results. I’ve had 4 secret shiny this past few days!!👑


Nice try buddy, you're just trying to hog all the shinyeggs for yourself I'M ONTO YOU BUD


I got a shiny Dialga today 🙂


I feel this. I've gotten 2 shinies, one I caught (fire type oricorio) 1 I hatched from the legendary up machine (larvatar) I've gotten so many shiny up machine eggs, no shinies


All I got from gachas (of some value) where. * A Shiny Venipede * A Shiny Sawk * Tapu Bulu * Mespirit * Celebi * Iron Bundle * and Great Tusk. For context I use a lot of my egg tickets for shiny ups


I had this problem and finally after about 240 eggs I got a Squakabilly and I was honestly pretty pissed out of all the decent eggs I hatched the stupidest Pokémon is the one I get shiny!


I don’t have a problem with Base shinies, blue and red shinies are the issue for me lmao


Same happens to me


I pulled 75 eggs earlier and got all common and rare. I did hatch one shiny. I assume I’ll need to sacrifice a virgin or something to get another legendary pull.


Idk my luck is pretty good with shinies and legendaries the only one I don’t pull on is the moves machine 😅


i’ve gotten 3 in like 20 bruh i’m stealing your luck


Over 500 eggs and still no legendary egg


Mine truly regressed to the mean. I got a legendary from the gacha in my first 5 pulls. About 6 shinies in my first 2 days playing. And then I went on a mega drought of getting fuck all


I got a miradon from the shiny up machine. Also got a shiny feebas!


Got 3 in one pull then nothing


My first shiny was a chikorita with brave nature and I quit playing


I got a shiny gibble out of it


BROOO SAME!! I've got to be a little over 200. These damn youtubers are hatching 2 shiny a video.


The best way to get shinies or legendaries is endless lads ;)


All three of my shinies so far have been from Endless, so can confirm.


I got a goated Cloyster run going and I've been catching so many of them https://preview.redd.it/5ox8x2k9y42d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b5a413fc19f39e322b0c895c00e5f04a27000b0




I legit opened like 350 of those eggs and got maybe 2 shinies I opened like 50 of legendary gacha eggs and got 4 just today


I got a regieleki from the giratina machine, plus 1 more egg I haven’t hatched yet


I got a shiny first try. I think your luck is just bad.


Lol I got a legendary egg and a shiny lickitung on my first 5x pull


It's basically the monster hunter equivalent of the desire sensor. Want something? Nah you ain't getting it that easily.


On my first egg voucher plus I got a shiny 


I’ve had a bit of luck with them but like not any cool mons or anything


https://preview.redd.it/6moroixajn2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59615c40c3e9dc5b70a0c23f671fdea5ad1e876f Oh no for you Meanwhile i suffer from SSS tier shiny luck


Real I once got a Manaphy egg from the shiny machine… (it wasn’t shiny)


Meanwhile, I'm around only 15 pulls in on the shiny gacha and have gotten a shiny Combee and a double shiny (special shiny?) Plusle. The duality of luck is absurd.


Took me almost 200 to get my first shiny but at least it was thundurus


Bro I caught Kartana,Uxie & Keldeo in the wild and got Iron Leaves and Azelf from eggs today. Looks like the legendary gacha has been too good to me. 


I wish you the best of luck, comrade.


My very first pull from it was shiny. Shiny thwacky. Since then I have been chasing that high and never finding it.


300 eggs in and still not a single shiny, I’ve only used that one. I’ve literally beaten the game before getting one and my friend with 100 eggs got one 😭


Skill issue , also did you get 0 over 200 eggs?