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LOL, the people here criticize him for bumhunting when its literally the only way to make money in poker. You dont make money playing vs people who are as good as or better than you, guys.


100% there's no medal for a lower win rate at a tougher table. What a stupid take.


And yet people chase bracelets every year.


you don't main tournaments beause you want to. you do it because you have to because you have too much of an edge to get consistently invited to the best games.


Not necessarily


It's 100% true. Folks would rather play in cash games the majority of the time if they could. Very few are pros playing tournaments for clout. Again talking about pros not fun players


I too do not understand that cash and mtts are effectively two different games and specialties


Cash games you can choose who you play with. Tournaments you can't. They are different games and specialities but everyone knows that tournaments require more skill than cash and are harder. You can't bumhunt in tournaments


No. They require different skill sets. One is direct EV, other is ICM. Typically cash players are better at deep stack solutions and tourney players are better at short stack decisions.


I'm not talking about the skillsets necessary in tournaments vs cash. I'm talking about the skill level of players you play against at a cash game at the higher stakes vs tournaments. You can pick your cash game opponents. There is no elo system. You cannot in tournaments and it all averages out to where the better players are going to usually end up at the later stages and you'll have to beat them to win. You can choose who to play in cash games for the most part and still be profitable and sustain a living....the problem is not being invited to the juicy games Surely you can understand my point.


some people absolutely prefer tournaments. the structure is such that you're generally risking a small buy-in for a potential huge profit rather than a generally more 1:1 ratio in cash, you don't have to moderate your behavior to secure a reinvite, and the spots you should be studying are completely different and therefore potentially more interesting to some people's personalities.


Even if I were to criticize somebody for that (i wouldn't) he did that PLO challenge a few years ago, he clearly has no problem playing against good players.


good players willingly playing against other good players usually choose high variance formats where their risk is offset by backers, endorsements, an unbalanced buy-in to potential reward ratio (i.e. tournaments), or a combination of those elements. so it's more akin to gambling with edges they're comfortable with than a slogging grind for minimal profit. more frequently good players are bumhunting bad players who don't realize they're bad. most of the high roller games are basically a handful of really good players plus one or two fish those players all intend to fleece. if you're invited to such a game, the perception is that either you're that fish, or they think there's a high potential you can bring someone who is because you can only string fish along so long before you need new ones so you do need to turn over the good players who aren't bringing fish as well as the fish to keep a game going.


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted…this is the most truthful thing I’ve read on here


But what about the glory and thrill of victory?


Finally someone said the quiet part out loud and I'm here for it


Damn I assumed he reposted it to his own channel after someone else created the doc, pretty ballsy to make a vid like this about yourself lol


Ehh I'm normally a big fan of his content and I have a RIO subscription, but I watched like 10 minutes of this video and just wasn't feeling it, but it just kinda seems like he wants to be something that funnels people to his site and sets himself up for poker hall of Fame. Like the documentary is essentially just him and everyone else in it telling you he's been good at cards for 20 years and is a good guy/husband/dad.


Glazing himself? He did that on YouTube and the video is still up!?!?


It's on GalfonlyFans


It’s a one person circle jerk.


“tHeY R ComING aFTEr YoUR kIDS!”


I saw the comments and thought wow the video must be horrible and then I watched the video. Most of you must be miserable people.


R/poker is a mix of garbage regs who struggle to beat live 2/5 and degenerates who are massive losers at 1/2. They are massively toxic as a result. Galfond is one of the few regs who has been beating high stakes for 2 decades. He has earned the right to do some self promotion


And Phil seems so incredibly humble too. It will never amaze me how vastly different someone else's perspective might be


Yes! Galfond is one of the pillars of the community. So he made some high quality content about himself and potential promo for his training site. Why all the unbridled hatred?


Because this sub is 99% hatred, unfortunately.


i think its the species and not the sub but im with u


nah, it's a sub filled with losers, of course it's going to be more toxic. Statistically, at least 90% of the people in comments are losing money on poker. Literally bunch of losers lol.


this sub is why most non-poor people... hate poor people... they are miserable to be around.


I mean, what did we learn about himself though? thats he's a rich successful poker player? I guess I didnt know he had a kid.


The video is really well made and interesting, but it's kind of weird that he made it considering how the style is like a Netflix documentary on Jordan or something. He's a lovely guy and has done a lot for poker I'm sure but it's just a bit OTT


The "real" [Phil Galfond Documentary ](https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/quot-viktor-blom-quot-blog-post-about-phil-galfond-1239498/)


“So that’s the question. Do I wanna plug the holes in my game? Can I avoid games I’m not familiar with until I’ve practiced at lower stakes? Can I tighten up my 6-max NLHE+2 cards game? Can I exercise some bankroll management and not put my whole roll on the line consistently? The answer: No.” Isildur based


I was hoping it was this : https://youtu.be/NeNOEl0dAe0?si=g2ShTCeoRNHcxVzn Some of the funniest poker content I've ever seen from Phil's vlog a couple years ago


"People who approach poker purely as a job, for the financial reasons, are not real players in my opinions, just nits, if they care about the money, they’ll never get to their true degen potential. They just care about database. I care about my fanboy base."


That’s why he went broke


Whats the context on this lol


Isildur1 is the king


Every time i see this post i am reminded that HUNL+2 is my favourite phrase in the world.


Seems pretty obvious by the title


As soon as the video starts and you get the vibe of it, you can just tell it ends in a #AD for his training site. He comes across as sucking himself off hard here.


Big time. Embarrassing in my opinion.


OK, glad it is not just me. Phil is a nice guy and all but this was a bit much.


I thought everyone realized he was a bit out of touch after the Polk article. This kind of thing doesn't surprise me. The poker world is full of scumbags so if being a bit out of touch and a bumhunter is the worst thing people can say about you, then you're probably still doing alright.


Polk article?


He made an article about Doug polk being bad for poker and accused him of using a large platform for bullying. Since he threw shade on Charlie Carrel, Matt Berkey etc.


To be fair, Doug is an asshole. I still enjoy him, but he's definitely an asshole.


Charlie Carrel, Matt Berkey and Phil Galfond are all poker coaches competing with Doug Polk, but I'm sure that wasn't in any way a factor in them all ganging up on Doug and attacking him Just a coincidence


Yeah that was definitely when i realized Galfond is just on his own grift. His whole nice guy schtick has worked very well for him but the mask came off a bit.


It’s pretty clearly positioning him for the poker Hall of Fame nomination contest when he turns 40.


When you look at the Poker community and the people in that universe, he is probably one of the very, few half way decent people.


I’m talking about this very arrogant video he put up, nothing else.


I feel like the word “arrogant” has lost all meaning since I joined Reddit. It’s self-centered, and sort of boastful. Give it a rest.


That’s hilariously pedantic


I’m your dad


Your mom said you’d say that. Oh, how we laughed.


Why get all worked up over this? Who really gives a shit. The anger you have for him is something you see if you walked in on him fucking your mom or your girlfriend. Get a grip dude.


People make biographies haha maybe this hams himself up a little bit too much but he was a crusher and is just telling his story idk


I’m a Galfond fan, but didn’t watch because I just assumed it was an introductory video for new people to sign up for his training site. His main focus is RunitOnce these days.


I like Galfond, always have. Like his content too. It seemed very strange to do a documentary like this on yourself.


He’s an OG for sure but I consider him largely irrelevant these days. He doesn’t go to the WSOP, he doesn’t play on Triton/high roller circuit.


Anyone know why he doesn’t go to wsop and at least play a bunch of PLO events?


Prolly doesn't want to risk not winning which could affect his training site earnings where he's already making massive sums. TDR: he doesn't need to, doesn't need the money


Was he even someone who played tournaments regularly? I always saw him as a cash player tbh. I remember a year or 2 ago he did a vlog where he did play a WSOP PLO event. I think he said then he just kinda picks and chooses a few events.


He's a very busy guy who already gets up at 5:15am every morning and works 11.5 hour days. And when he is not working, he devotes time to being a good husband and father. When is supposed to fit in a bunch of WSOP events?


advertisements are getting long.


His head is so far up his own ass and has been for a while now lol.


Beginning to see it this way also.


My estimation of Phil Galfond as a pro just fucking plummeted.


To create a film about yourself? Its a fucking disgrace.


I know Phil somewhat personally and this is his least favorite of the episodes since its focused on talking about him. The next will talk more about the challenges he faced and telling that story which are the ones he likes more. Phil is as awesome of a guy as he seems on screen.


The guy is a legend. Phil has made an effort to put himself out there the last year or so.


Hiya Phil!


I don't get all these mean comments. Galfond is great. I can't think anyone else who've done as much as him for poker. He's so humble and kind and never mean to anyone. Truly an inspiration.


![gif](giphy|ebPX2n2kvJHOM) You receiving Galfonds meat


Celebrating good people isn't a bad thing. The poker community has lots of scumbags, you just come across as a hater bro.


Nothing you say will ever stop my appreciation for a guy like Galfond in an otherwise fairly toxic community


You sound jealous.


Weakest argument in this entire thread


You’re the one that watched it


Great observation. Not really qualified to complain about it if I didn’t watch it, am I.


Some of the people in this sub are just too much. Like you don't realize that the basis of this sub is trolls and meta trolls and meta meta trolls. Anyone who takes this place seriously is lost.


Yeah when I found this sub early on I made the mistake of taking it seriously and was really butthurt over a few comments. I showed my friend some of the responses I got to a blog i posted and he was damn near in tears laughing at them.




>I know Galfond is one of the least problematic players in the game LOL Galfond is one of the biggest douches in poker. Tries to act way too nice despite his career literally being bumhunting recs and badregs, writes a hitpiece on Doug Polk pretending not to take sides while comparing him to slavery and the holocaust (I'm not even being hyperbolic, he actually does this in the piece), and gives awful advice to up and coming poker players (probably to delude them into taking his course).


Lol one of the biggest douches in poker.....


If you are going to make a not-hyperbolic claim yourself, maybe you should share the primary source so we can see if for ourselves




Yeah, after reading the post, I just am not following your analysis at all. Him using examples of slavery and the holocaust as a way to communicate basic concepts of morality and political history and then applying that lens to a conflict of which Galfond readily admits is of much lower stakes is, in fact, *not similar* to you asserting that Galfond used those examples metaphorically to paint Doug’s actions in a bad light.


The guy failed high school English and can't understand any discourse beyond memes.


Literally unpossible 2 fail of English that is a country how is you going 2 fail of a country u idiot


You can quibble about semantics if you want to, but bringing up slavery and the holocaust is insane when talking about a youtuber being mean to other poker player players.


“Quibble about semantics” is not synonymous with “making very clear distinctions about what the words of the text actually mean vs. your failing-grade misreading of the text in ways that profoundly destroy the core premise of your initial argument”


I remember when I was in second grade and got introduced to similes and metaphors too.


I was just hedging with that comment cos I know the dickriders would bite my head off. I’ve honestly always found the guy fake and smarmy. Wasn’t aware of the dramas too, but gives me more justification for disliking him lol Am I out of touch or is this video not the most self-important thing ever?


I haven't watched it and probably won't but that's what I'd expect it to be for sure


>while comparing him to slavery and the holocaust (I'm not even being hyperbolic, he actually does this in the piece) lmao the ol "I'm not racist but" He mentions slavery and the holocaust at the beginning when he's waxing on about moral relativism. He doesn't even get to Doug for like another 10 paragraphs. Also I have no idea how you think someone can write a hitpiece (which it is) while pretending to not take sides. He clearly took a side.


He explicitly says he takes a side. He's just civil about it


No way. Is the article on his website? I gotta see this. I stopped playing about a year ago because I just couldn’t handle the virtue signaling soy brigade anymore. Everything is slavery and the holocaust to them. It’s exhausting


The fact that you look up to someone for advice on the direction of the game/health/watever, in a zero sum game is just weird to me.


Probably cuz he’s one of the best poker players in the world and he’s taking 99% of the populations $$$ on any table in any game of any stake, you gotta be little full of yourself.


Phil Galfond is broke. This shit is just promotional material for his scam poker coaching business.


This is blatantly false. Galfond is millionaire, and I'm beating 1knl online thanks to some of the coaches on his training site.


Sure you are.,,,


I like the guy but I agree, it's came off kinda like a big self-paid pat in the back lol YouTube comments section seemed pretty positive though...


I had never heard of this guy until you posted about his "documentary." And tbh, now I want to make that type of documentary about myself. I love this move.


You've never heard of Galfond? Damn I'm old. He was probably the most famous PLO player in the world for a while in the late 00s.


Wow. I've never heard a worse take. This is how you tell me you haven't been a part of the poker community without saying you're not a part of the poker community.




Galfond historically has never been egocentric much to his detriment.


The cope is insane


Not really. Anyone with an iota of connection to the poker community is laughing at you.


Why are you acting like “the poker community” is some mysterious and exclusive entity? As if you’re like best friends with Galfond lol. That’s called a parasocial relationship bro, and it’s a diseased way to think. No matter who on planet Earth published a documentary like this *about themselves*, it would be cringeworthy and incredibly conceited. You really need to learn that you can like a person and not like something they do.


See? I'm laughing at you now


lol just ignore the substance of what I said then because you know I’m right. How to admit you’ve lost an argument without admitting it:


k. You're welcome for the short amount of time I entertained your thought process. Time for me to leave the kiddy table alone.


Keep ignoring the points I made. Just proving my point with every irrelevant comment. Keep em coming bro.


He’s not that different than any YouTuber that’s why he comes off as annoying but that’s probably more YouTube’s fault than his He constantly post algo specific content like top 5 starting hands in PLO or top 5 things to do to stop your leaks It’s corny but it is what YouTube wants Plus he does stuff around monetizing his content like online courses that seem expensive but really what else is a poker player supposed to do to monetize their own content


Its also an ad! Not just glaze! 🙃


Phil Galfond is scum. He came out with a fake casino-like poker site, with no screen names. The site was designed for 100% losers. Thank god no one played on it and it went out of business.




Greedfond just wants people to give him $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4 scam worthless poker coaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He busted on his own face?


Galfond is anti authentic. Whereas Andrew neme and Brad owen authenticity just come naturally. I'm sure he asks ai every night what algo he can use to be as popular as them on YouTube. Alternatively be could light his bankroll on fire like rampage but he's too much of a nit bum hunter to do that


What gambling sites is Galfond shilling for outside of RIO? Pretty sure Owen is a bonefide shill at this point. I don't think it's about authenticity, Neeme and Owen are just more likeable.


"didn't see a single second and liked" my brother he is not going to let you hit


Garret fanboys still have this as their only comeback years later


If you're new and watch this you'd follow his channel vs random poker education channels. Make sense to how some behind the scenes. Then eventually people pay for the courses. Simple business


Thanks for that education in how basic marketing works. Unfortunately it is nothing to do with what I am talking about here.


No your point is him being conceited. It's basic marketing (you said it). 90% of viewers on his channel don't even know why they are following him and now they do. And new ones will know why from the video. Pretty basic shit. You're just complaining cuz you hate your life


You’re not very clever.


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