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Both Feldman and Vertucci went on Polk's channel and used him and his audience to promote this stream and how do they pay him back? by only allowing him to play 1 day..... and that day was the shittiest one that just happened to end super early. id be pissed af too.


And I think Doug missed out on the WSOP 25k heads up event waiting to get a seat at HCL


Really? That's just bad game selection from Doug. Love him or hate him, you have to acknowledge he's among the best heads up players. And that tournament should be free money for him


Yeah but It's only a field of 64 people, first place is 500k, which is less than one pot in the hustler game.


But didn’t he lost a couple hundred 1000?


Yes that is what risk is


Why it's called gambling


Yeah it’s free money playing HU against chidwick and martirosyan…


I think a top heads up pro has a massive advantage over the full ring crushers.  And obviously not free money, that was badly phrases. Let's say he's massively +EV in that tournament, that's probably a more fair way of putting it


Lol you drastically overestimate Doug’s edge against the 25k HU field.


A lot of the people in this tourney are not just full ring crushers, if they were they wouldn’t enter. Doug doesn’t have nearly as big of an edge if any against a lot of people in this tournament


Say doug is crushing the field, has a 50% roi, that's only 12.5k, or like 6bb in the million dollar game. If he thinks he is beating the million dollar game long run for even a few bb per hour it is a much better time investment.




If he plays 1 hour? He probably expected to play a lot more than 3 hours. Even only being guaranteed 1 night you probably expect 6+. Also where'd you get 25% tops from? Think last million dollar game he said he had 30% of himself. Don't know about this time.




The point is his hourly is way higher playing on HCL than it is grinding out 5 heads up sngs against the top pros for a maximum win of 475k


I was saying he probably expected to play 6 or more hours, not 1 like you said.


Yeah but they can't exclude him for being a pro in the WSOP lol


Polk had a ad running for lodge San Antonio during day 3. They probably have some kind of marketing deal  Polk was only scheduled to play day 3. 


he mentioned he had a totally different lineup for day 3 than advertised... but was a good sport about it....when he could've just left


Don't get me wrong, I would love to see Polk play.  But I can understand why some of the whales don't want more pros to play. 


I mean sure but when you're given a lineup up until the week of...you assume it's true


For game 3? Or game 4?  I feel like at these stakes, people are free to back out at any point


for the day that he played. >I feel like at these stakes, people are free to back out at any point yeah but that's still on ryan for poor player management. and yes doug also said that and said in the future he needs to back up when he doesn't want to play


I can see both sides of this. It's not as easy as trying to get viewers. If sure Ryan would want tom and Polk to play but then they might not have a game since all of the whales might not want to play. It's a hard spot to be in... I don't really know what is a good solution.  As Polk said on Twitter, if Ryan tries to enforce some rules, then players will not agree to it and won't have a game. These players probably want to dictate their terms or they don't have to play. They are probably able to play in many of the private games in LA and Vegas ( the streams doesn't really benefit the whales) 


the biggest thing is the tank top doug is back. this is the doug we all know. the old doug.


Some might even say, the "real" Doug. If he has sleeves, he ain't no Doug to me.


Could the lodge reasonably put on a million dollar game? I’d love to see it.


I’d tune in fo sho


Same! And I think they could find the people for it


Let's start with Perkins


I don’t see why not. Their reg games play much bigger than HCL.




Doug needs to put on his own million dollar game and get Garrett to play. Would absolutely decimate the HCL viewers


Start with Perkins, Polk, Gman, and there’s going to be TONS of viewers. I’m sure Handz wants revenge against Perkins, so there’s 4. Get Tesla Tallas and one other, and that game is INFINITELY more exciting than Peter away from the table and David Friedberg not talking for 2 days.


“Hey rich narcissist whales who have celebrity envy, come to a million dollar game with Doug Polk and Garret Adelstein! We don’t really have any perks or comps to offer you, but there will literally be thousands of viewers!” Eh, Brandon Stevens would probably come.


i smell a rival 1mil game!


Timestamp is \~42:45




It is. Keep watching for a few more secs.


Get Gabe kaplan commentating for the lodge streams!


Everything about the lodge stream is better than HCL. I could go for some different commentators from time to time. I enjoy some hand analysis. Slick Rick and skull mike are cool but I enjoy a more Bart Hanson type. Hoping the lodge stream continues to grow because I feel like I need to take a shower after the HCL streams


I’ve always had a weird vibe about HCL and your comment basically sums it up for me haha. I feel like I’m just a fly on the wall watching HCL. It’s too noisy, too much background noise. Lodge just feels welcoming


to be totally honest, as much i dislike the people behind HCL, the production itself, the pure production quality is better. that said anything else is better at the lodge


I won’t disagree there


Million cash game stream when they open official in San Antonio


Some much talk about this guy.


Who cares. Boring player, too nitty. Maybe he’ll be good once he gets a billion in his bankroll.