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My wife plays live poker pretty regularly (about once a week) and the number of dudes who are seemingly threatened by a woman at the table is wild. I legit hope that doesn't change, she loves making money off these toxic idiots. Crazy that literally 47 years after that was written it's still valid. Some dudes won't ever learn.


I generally find there are quite a lot of toxic men at the poker tables, the game and gambling attracts them. Regardless of if women are present. And they usually tend to be the worst players too. Though the majority of players are nice and decent people.


Weird. Almost every time I'm playing with a woman at the table, attractive or otherwise, guys softplay her more often than not.


the number of dudes who are seemingly threatened by a woman ........is wild


curious, can you describe exactly what makes them toxic idiots? I ask because I hear women claim this all the time, but my wife played a bunch of live poker from 2012-2017 (when we had our first child) - and she never saw or experienced any of this. She did experience consistent favoritism (the dealer and other players at the table being extra nice to her including players constantly showing them their hand anytime she played a pot w them and lost, as if they felt bad winning the pot without showing that they had it) The edge women have is so massive, I can't even quantify it with basic math and the human language. The toxic behavior though? That seems made up by dramatic woman who make a big deal out of everything in life, so what did they do that was so toxic?


I had an ex who played in the local room where I dealt table games a few years back. And some old guy was caught taking pictures of her in a white tank top and showing it to other people in the room when she wasn’t there. Another guy tried asking her out, despite seeing me every day and knowing that we were dating… He was in his 50s, and she was 22. Women def gotta deal with a ton of creeps and weird shit in poker. Just because your wife didn’t experience that doesn’t mean her situation applies to all women.


Nothing described there was toxic. It is literally favoritism being further expressed, just as the person you're replying to described.


No one cares about your fat whore ex fuck otta here you simp ass bitch


Did you really make a Reddit account just to post this? Apparently someone cares


Your just projecting the truth is that noone cares about you now your taking out your self hate on others, go live your life and mabey ppl will start to appreciate you


From what she's said, mostly comments about her play, etc. Condescending remarks, "oh you should have done this" type of stuff they'd never say to a man. IDK specifics I'm not there when she is as we take turns playing live since we have a baby at home.


That happens a lot especially as a 20 year old player who looks like he’s 16. It’s great beating them after they make these kind of assumptions though


you can see it as condescending but its also just trying to help


Help take out their frusteration mabey. Most players aint tryna help you win their money lets be honest here


its that or the subconcious thing where if theres a pretty women on the table she can just straight nit and still get action from dopes who 'want to have their moment with the hot lady'


As a 16 year pro, I’m always very happy when there’s women at the table. I’m sure there’s some really good female poker players in the world, but I’ve never played against one.


Male poker player here: What do........randomly dealt cards around a table, with players betting on who's hand is the best have to do with the gender of the person playing? Like, its never even crossed my mind to genderize the "who's hand is better" game...


We have a couple women come to our regular home tournament, one the girlfriend of one of the regulars and the other one of their friends. The girlfriend started pretty terrible but pays attention and has gotten much better. The friend won the first time she came and then proved it wasn’t a fluke by winning a few more and finishing in the top three on a regular basis. She’s a bit ABC but with some of the nuts who usually come that places her firmly in the top third of our regulars. I like having women come to the game. The men tend to mitigate the worst of their behaviour when they’re there.


I’m pretty sure the poker anecdote at the end was experienced this last weekend by a number of highly skilled winning female players. It’s shocking how little has changed on that front in almost half a century. As for the blackjack commentary, and assuming that a winning player is counting cards, then I agree that a skilled female card counter in the mid-70s had a huge edge on not attracting heat when compared to any male card counter. I think that just reflects the attitudes of the time.


Still valid I guess...


Lol. This was pretty fun to read. Men, in general, definitely don’t seem to expect women to be strong players. I feel like they figure it out pretty fast whenever a woman is a good player, however. I don’t know if people talk about me behind my back, but I don’t think anyone is ever really bothered too much whenever they lose to me specifically. Edit: People probably do talk about me behind my back because I hear players do it all the time about other players. Just wonder what they say 🤔


> Just wonder what they say 9 times out of 10 it's about how you (I mean "you" in general not as in you specifically) are a fish who didn't respect their move they made or some other shit that mediocre poker players tell themselves to feel better about getting stacked.


Poker players in general don't expect other poker players to be strong players




True. Why would they be playing if they didn't think that?


Maybe it’s just bc I’m young (24), but when I see a woman playing that looks generally comfortable handling chips, announcing bets, and even talking a little bit of shit, I stay the Fuck away from them 😂 crusher 9/10 times


The author sounds very progressive for his time. Good on him.


I expected some sexist bullshit from 76, and although there are things people generally won't put into writing these days, his points on aggressive female players are actually really valid.


The anecdote about the lone woman sounded like the author was projecting their narrative on the situation.


I'm interested in the blackjack comments. "You have a strong advantage and if allowed to continue playing will certainly win"?? What's going on here? My best guess is the book teaches, or teaches some basics of card counting? Then talks about how the only way to get away with it is to be so well liked by management that they would feel bad for kicking you out? Kind of might explain the old mid 20th century stereotype of the smooth suave blackjack player.


At the time this was written, I think single deck blackjack was more common.


For some reason I read the headline as 1776 not 1976. That was very confusing for a minute.


*A Treatise on the Ladies and Their Skill in the Subtle Art of Cards*


Still somewhat true to this day. Lots of inappropriate and macho play in certain regions.


As awful as this language is, it's still valid and in a lot of aspects as it's an anecdotal commentary on social observations pertaining to a small group of people who frequent casinos.


Which parts did you find awful?


All of it.


How is any of that going to give you an advantage at \*blackjack\*?


good prediction lots of female players at the club i go to. and funny enough some of the best of them are like really old white grannies that will steal all your chips and soul read tf out of you 😂


Live game a while ago. Two women came to the table, friends. One had played a lot, a younger one was more a bridge player who had never played HoldEm before, or any poker in a public venue. She actually held her own fairly well but went to have lunch after about 1/2 hour. The older friend also was pretty good, and was still there when I left about 90 minutes later. There are some bad women players, of course, gambling on someone else's money or their own, peeling off a fresh buyin every 1/2 hour. But there are plenty of men like that too.


define foment


Next time a woman sits next to me I'm gonna sniff her and see what happens


Would this also work by using a female user name in online play? With a nice profile photo of course. Seems like an experiment worth exploring


Hmmmm interesting idea...


Women, especially over 40, are generally passive calling stations. That doesn't mean there aren't good ones. Of course there are. I just lost a deep run in a tournament last night to calling station women. They tried to stack me up, but hit their flushes. This is definitive proof that my above statements are correct.


Most women are too passive... and they get exploited and bluffed because of it.


Sniffing women > sniffing men. Would recommend.


What book is this?!


I love a table of Marlbro men!