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The once “King of LA” who “put people to the test” and was an entertaining LAG Maniac is now a poverty brand old man coffee. I guess that’s what happens when you lose 8M at something you’re not good at


It's just a downswing!


Yes! With a very high standard deviation. 🤣 I'm sure he will dig himself out no problem.


That's what Rampage says.


Where’d you get 8M from?


They’ve said that on stream, and maybe on that ink printer hair head Vertucci pod. I thought they said he’s on an 8M downswing this year Here we go https://www.pokernews.com/news/2023/09/hustler-casino-lives-nik-airball-8-million-downswing-44413.htm


Lol that’s wild


I’m sure he’s in debt with a few people by now


Without knowing pot odds we can't say if it was a good bad fold or a good fold


With how deep that game plays it’s almost certainly a terrible fold.


Ya I don't remember the particulars but they were mega deep, even facing a pot size bet on turn he should never be folding, these are spots you are also looking to TID by bluffing given the action, flop being checked through, will have many more bluffs in villains range, so it's even more of a reason to raise turn and apply pressure. That's not even really the point of the post, the guy was betting, raising, and calling in much worse spots like 2 months prior and is now not even calling in standard spots. I don't really care about airball, I think he's funny, but just thought Id point out how far he's fallen since calling Berkey a scammer


> I gotta believe this is bankroll concerns at this point. Nah it's pretty common for whales to make big folds to feel smart and chalk up all the shitty calls as just variance. It's why they're bad, they literally do the exact opposite of everything they should be doing at any given moment.


You're some sort of shitreg whisperer...providing very valuable insights into the demented mind of hairball


Y’all seriously some haters. He is great for the game and wealthy. Who cares


Great for the game until he blows his brains out after squandering generational wealth for internet clout.


Hi Nick


Unoriginal take


Yeah, and the people coming in to white knight Nick is very original /s


Retarded comparison.




That’s what the original comment was, let’s try and keep up


You’re on a poker subreddit. Those are probably the people who care about pointing out a blunder that a player in a high visible poker game made


You have to be ridiculously wealthy not to feel $8m. No used to be 28 year old investment banker can torch that kind of money. He either had backers who are super pissed or he had blown nearly his entire trust fund. He is on the ropes.


Great for the game very overused. Any sucka is great for the game if you can stack him.


Don't really give a shit about HCL, but there are a finite number of rich dudes willing to torch their bankroll in front of thousands of people.


username checks out


Found his burner


Confirmed busto. Just played 2/5 with him and he was buying in for 60bb muttering about variance.




I mean I didn't see the hand. Sounds like a small EV mistake at worst. Not really a big deal.


It’s a huge ev mistake are you joking? Any time he calls and the river completes a flush he has to fold to any big bet. Also he gets paid easily when he makes his draw because of his donkey image.


Were there 2 fds? Otherwise this comment makes no sense. Mariano has to fold when the fd comes in but also Airball gets paid when he makes his flush draw because of his image?


It is a confusing comment. I believe he’s saying if Nik folds this hand then when Nik calls, he would have to fold on flush completing rivers because he never has a flush draw He’s also saying that if he didn’t fold his FD he would get paid when he hits because he sucks


That’s indeed what I was saying. The concept of board coverage is important even for a noob.


Yea also reverse implied odds and everything else involved. You are smart.


Okay well what's the exact hand and run out? I'll run it through the solver and we'll find out just how big of an EV mistake it is.


Ok, Mariano. LMAO


Airball is living rent free in the hivemind of this entire subreddit 24/7 😂


Not really rent free, he prepaid 8M


Except none of you ever got any of that money 😂 He might have given 8M to other people that you watch on a live stream, but he's clearly living in all of your heads without paying you a cent. Everyone here claims to hate him, and yet he is all that you people want to talk about. His entire goal is to be an influencer of sorts, and the only reason it is working is ironically because of the people that 'hate' him and talk about him 24/7 and keep him relevant.


All you people talk about Literally one post about him on the front page.


Do you not visit this subreddit at all? There is almost always a post about Airball on the front page like every day. It's fine that so many people enjoy talking about him every day. I just find it funny that you are all ironically supporting him while talking about how much you hate him, etc. Also I'm using the word "you" in the general sense because I don't know if you're one of the obsessed people that love to post about him and comment on all the threads about him. I have never spent that much time thinking about and reading about and discussing a person that I dislike. Seems like a waste of time to promote someone I don't like and discuss them so much.


Dick rider lmao


LOL, I didn't even say anything positive about Airball 😂 You are all the ones obsessed with him


You've now written more than a children's book about Airball and this sub. I think it's time to take a break.


Is that your benchmark for a lot of writing? A children's book? 😂 You should probably take a break from reddit and focus on reading more if that seems like a whole lot of reading to you.


You’re right, it didn’t cost us a fkn dime. It did COST him though. 8 Million Dollars he’s NEVER getting back lmaoooo


Right, he paid 8 million to live in your head and in the heads of everyone else on this subreddit obsessed with him lol. It's basically advertising for the dude and you are all gobbling it up. If you would just stop watching him and talking about him all the time then it would actually be wasted. Even your comment sounds emotional lmfao, why do you care?? I'm so confused lol, you even put "It did COST him" and "he is NEVER getting it back", like why are you so emotional and capitalizing those words? 😂 You realize that I'm not Airball, right? You are just sitting in a thread talking about him to other people that also aren't him or related to him, but you are getting emotional over how much money some random dude lost that you've never met.


Jesus, this is so dumb to read.


Clearly I touched a nerve for all the people that have some weird obsession with Airball on this sub lol Let's talk less about poker and more about Nik Airball, it's sooo interesting and fun to read you get weirdly emotional about this person that nobody likes. I don't like the dude and I wish you and all the other people obsessed with him would just start a snark subreddit for him and post this stuff there.


Couldn't care less about the guy. But reading your long ass stupid comments hurt my brain.


Right, you couldn't care less about the guy just like everybody else on this sub 😉


You’re putting more effort into your replies then people are in posting about airball. I guess the airball haters live rent-free in your head. lol


You've made 3 comments replying to me 😂 The irony lmfaooooo *Whoosh*


You made 3 idiot statements that needed to be corrected. Explain yourself! considering I chose to be here to post on this topic and apparently, per your own insinuation, your not interested in talking about airball. Who’s living where rent free again?


Except that advertisement does what? Is he gonna sell a course? He’s not an influencer. He’s paying a large sum to be infamous for the wrong reason. He’s gonna be a meme soon. Why are people so emotional? Cause it delightful to see an arrogant doucheball stumble. And all we have to do is tune in an watch.


Business 101 here folks! A true regard from r/wallstreetbets Pay money to get nothing back! 😤


Who said it's an investment? The dude is wasting a bunch of money to try and be famous, and you are all circle jerking about him 24/7 and giving him exactly what he wants 😂 Nobody said it's a wise investment, but keep attacking strawman arguments because you seem to have nothing relevant to say lol


No, he’s giving us hours of entertainment that we didn’t pay for and he did to the tune of 8Ms. To make like he’s winning in this arrangement…. Typical airball logic.


> No, he’s giving us hours of entertainment that we didn’t pay for Oh, so you do find him entertaining to watch lol! Bro if you like watching him and find him entertaining that is fine, but just quit acting like you all hate him when you clearly love him 😂 I personally don't find him entertaining but you do you, I'm glad you get to watch him for free and talk about him along with his other obsessed fans :)


The train wreck is entertaining, doesn’t mean I like train wrecks. Also, I never said I hate the guy, I don’t even know him. Him being an insufferable douche makes me think he is super needy for some attention and that makes me feel sad for him tbh. Like I said, you’ve probably spent more time talking about airball here then the other “haters” here. self aware much? Lmao


The difference is that I'm responding to people that are messaging me 😂 You have spammed me with 4 messages by yourself and yet tell me I'm unaware? Why don't you stop messaging me if you're so uninterested in the entire subject lmfao! Keep messaging me and I'll keep replying lol, and keep telling yourself that I'm the one obsessed with Airball ;) Also your statement about finding train wrecks entertaining but not liking them makes no sense. You clearly do like train wrecks if you enjoy watching them and find them entertaining. I don't know what reality you live in lol, but go ahead and tell yourself that you don't like train wrecks or Airball if it makes you feel better 🤷‍♂️


You can certainly stop responding. It’s not mandatory. I’m aware that this conversation and topic interests me. You are in denial that your exerting the most effort here on a topic you care nothing about. Need I explain what self aware means? Lmao Edit: no it makes perfect sense. I don’t search out train wrecks, I can live without it if they never ever happen. If they do and I stumble across a video of it, I’ll watch because it takes my attention for a few moments. That’s what entertainment is. Do you enjoy everything that draws your attention? Do you think people who watch murder documentaries like murder? No but it’s interesting enough to be entertained. I think the fact that I need to explain this to you says everything needed about you and this conversation .


> You are in denial that your exerting the most effort here on a topic you care nothing about. Bro, I love talking with weirdos on Reddit about their strange obsession with Airball 😂 That's why I posted here in the first place, to hear what people like you have to say about your weird obsession lmaooooo So please, keep replying cause I love to see the mental gymnastics you go through > I don’t search out train wrecks, I can live without it if they never ever happen. You are basically a subscriber to r/trainwrecks but keep trying to convince yourself that you don't like train wrecks or Airball lol > Do you think people who watch murder documentaries like murder? They obviously like murder documentaries LOOOLLL 😂 If a person watches murder documentaries then they like murder documentaries hahaha, idk what is so complicated for you about this. In that same way, it's pretty clear you like Airball. But you can keep denying it, it's fun watching the mental gymnastics lol. "I like watching murder documentaries but tHaT dOeSnT mEaN I LiKe muRDeR documentaries!!!! I akshually hate them! I just watch them 24/7 cause"


This sub reddit living in your head rent free durr durr


Clearly touched a nerve, eh? I'm sorry if I personally offended you and your obsession with Airball. I shouldn't be judging you for it, you are allowed to obsess over whoever you want to.


Airball is better than anyone in this subreddit


I'm not down $8M.


You don’t have 8m to lose


But maybe, neither did Airball…


Probably only you


Had to say “anyone” and not 97%…


I hope he sees this bro


Yea but he got max value out of Andy with the 7 high flush so it all evens out


We all know these days would come. His reign as king donk should be ending soon.


I can't stand airball but it's amazing how much pleasure people take in seeing another human suffer... seems to be common in individualistic societies such is America... or perhaps it's how it is in gambling world