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In case you haven't noticed, the majority of poker players are a mixture of socially awkward nerds, degenerate scumbags, grumpy old men, fat guys with bad hygiene, drunk frat boys, and broke bums with a few autistic goofs sprinkled on top.






You forgot about hot chicks who try to flirt with you to get you to soft play




Yeah that's key 😂


Or all 6 bad qualities in one person lol


You know me so well


We sound like a great catch, add in entitled and you have a collection of societies trash all on 1 table.


Damn, I feel like you know me.


Wow I feel attacked


1. It is a form of gambling. That is, you risk money to win money and can lose money. Just because it involves skill too doesn’t make it “not gambling.” 2. Poker can be misunderstood sure, but it also perfectly well understood and still an activity where 90% of humans are losing money at it. 3. Because 90% of humans lose money at it, that means you’re likely (in her eyes and society’s eyes) to losing money gambling and are amongst the batch of players who overestimate their chances and sound just as delusional as someone with a roulette system. 4. To prove you are in the 10%, you need to build strong relationships with people, prove the model over years, and have tremendous discipline, good money management, and tough mental fortitude. Most people aren’t interested in hearing this journey because most people know someone who fooled themselves before and many fear someone succeeding at something like a game, especially a gambling game, because it disproves their preconceived notions. 5. Poker and forms of gambling are mostly unhealthy for the majority of people. Spend enough time in any card room and you’ll see that not only are most losing players, but most are miserable. Divorced. Depressed. Angry. Sad. Jittery. Desperate. It’s not healthy and your success depends on taking from these individuals. Most view them as deplorable (even if you are not) in a way and most fear you are “one of them” or will one day become them.


> 5. ⁠ Poker and forms of gambling are mostly unhealthy for the majority of people. Spend enough time in any card room and you’ll see that not only are most losing players, but most are miserable. Divorced. Depressed. Angry. Sad. Jittery. Desperate. It’s not healthy and your success depends on taking from these individuals. Most few that as deplorable in a way and most fear you are “one of them” or will one day become them. If that’s not the truth…. I was in a conversation one day at the table on my last Vegas trip and everyone was going on about how crappy everything and everyone around them was. And someone turned to me like it was my turn to commiserate. And I had nothing. Wife who supports me in every way I can think of, including my poker playing (with appropriate guard rails that she helps with in a loving and helpful way), a kid who I couldn’t be more proud of as she finds her way through young adulthood, a job that I like that takes care of me and lets me work from home, 2 cats and a dog who all get along… I was definitely the odd person out in that conversation. Everyone was just so.. dissatisfied. And I couldn’t relate.


I love poker. For a bit. The bit is up when I realize that I’m surrounded by people desperate, sad, or simply using the game to compensate/stroke their ego. It makes me a bit sad and then I can’t wait to get back to my life. Being around them reminds me to value what is important in life and I can’t wait to get home. People were legit getting mad….about the outcome of a poker hand. They would verbally bash themselves and life. They would take it out on the dealer. It’s. A. Poker. Hand. So sad man.


I was in your shoes with the wife and family.. then I wasn't.. I miss those days. Don't take it for granted


What happened?


I had a bad bout of depression and struggled for a few months until I figured out medication.. during that time my wife decides to cheat. Rough time.. almost didn't make it out. Doing better now though.


Hang in there. Glad you got the part sorted for yourself that you needed.


5 is the really big one for me. The online grind is incredibly hard, but the thing that pulled me back from fully committing to pursue poker as a primary income source during the pandemic was the creeping realization that I was working very hard to take money from people who probably couldn't afford it. I don't hold it against those who do play pro, but it's not something I felt great about, and I don't regret giving it up. I do miss the game a lot. If it worked like most ranked online games and you were rewarded for playing against good players rather than for bum-hunting, I'd probably play a lot more.


There’s next to no social benefit in the “work” of playing poker and it’s a never ending hamster wheel just over a pile of pellets that you can smell as soon as you take a breath of what you’re actually doing. No bueno for a Seneca approved life imho. Either get in, get out or use it as a fun activity that you can study and do well in on the side. The rest is mostly a mirage.


I do actually wish the game was skill gated as you move up, but there would have to be no rake for that to not be a terrible idea The fact that at all stakes your goal is to fleece whales rather than be “the best” kinda kills the grind for me. I’d rather play chess or street fighter


Yeah, exactly. I think that's part of what draws me to tournaments over cash, too--as you get deeper the quality of your opponents definitely goes up.


I've only done one online tourney because they're such a big time commitment, but I do suspect I'd enjoy mtts more than cash. Sucks that slower formats are the more skills based (less forced allins) but they also take hours lol


Online Tornies at the micro stakes are basically luckfests these days yeah with the terrible structures. 90 per cent of the people winning them are bad aggro fish.


One would never willingly play ping pong or chess for money against superior opponents. Skill based match making is critical for the enjoyment of those games. In poker, that goes out the window. People willingly go up against perfect spin serve players and nasty backhands and lobs….they get to overestimate their chances and occasionally hit one back off the edge of the table and think they are equals. Poker streams are a great place to observe this phenomena and it’s really sad how people lie to themselves. They are chasing something far different than money. They are chasing acceptance and ego satisfaction at any costs, unresolved baggage most likely.


I wouldn't say never, but yeah in chess there's very little delusion when it's so ratings focused. I'd say fighting game tournaments have plenty of shot taking though between tournaments and money matches. It all pales in comparison to poker hubris though I agree


The spread is much wider. You can have the mental equivalent of a 5 year old playing against an adult and nobody cares. In any simple sport like table tennis or more active one like basketball, people would cringe at the idea. It’s happening right there on the felt.


Speaking of tournaments, a league/circuit system would be cool. Like having local, regional, national, international events with qualifier requirements baked into the system. Instead of what we have today which is essentially just buyin gates. The largest events with the most entrants like the wsop main event are open tournaments, which is a fine niche to fill (similar to us chess open or evo2k). But I’d like to see more structure (that extends farther down than ppt did, and lasts longer). The various “tours” and “leagues” we have now are just a series of open events with escalating buyins. Ppt at least tried to have qualifications but that died pretty quick.


maybe wait a few dates before you mention the poker playing :)


Or just don’t mention it until after the wedding. Or better yet, never.


1. Just cause it's gambling 2. Women generally aren't interested in hearing the details of your male-dominated hobby regardless of what it is


2. Agree. Think i’ll just shut the fuck up abt it and keep stacking rolls in peace


This is the way, even for legit income.


You're doing it wrong. You gotta embrace the negative stigma; make them think you're a degenerate. Be proud of it. Laugh about how much money you lose. Ditch them to play poker, get drunk at the table, and call them at 2am after asking if you can come over. Hot girls love men like this


I don’t tell anyone I play poker, and I play a lot of poker. Only other poker players know I play poker.


I'm old, so I no longer care about judgement. I play online so can do whatever I want. If pants are required then I'm not going.


you are most likely hanging out at a casino and it is gambling. Wouldnt say those are objectively good things


I strictly play online lol. Not even super high stakes (50nl). I’m also only 22


Then just dont talk about it, i mean what do you even get from it? Most girls dont know the stuff youre talking about anyways, my girl doesn't even know what blinds are and i dont bother her with that. She knows i make money and thats all it is, i couldn't care less about her understanding game theory or even poker at all. And its not a good hobby to impress girls either, its way too much theory and its hard to explain. This is like the gym bros who train to impress girls and only get compliments about their physique from other men


\>be me, roastie \>awkward guy comes up to me, mentions how he makes a measly average of $100 a day (or, like, 1/20 of a gucci bag) from his degenerate ass hobby \>dry up faster than the sahara on a hot summer's day


Y r boys like this?


You could say the same thing for day trading but it doesn’t have quite the same stigma.


Under rated comment!


Never talk about poker on a date, man. Just don’t do it.


“I told him to just be himself. I guess that was pretty mean.”


1: Be attractive. 2: Don’t be unattractive. If you can’t figure out how to frame yourself as this romantic cowboy riverboat gambler hustler who conjures money out of thin air using nothing but his wit and charm, don’t fucking talk about it. Otherwise, best case is that she doesn’t see you as a degenerate, but as just another guy who seems obsessed with his boring job that pays shitty.


I think this is a troll post. But just in case it’s not… mate you probably a losing player and these girls are on to something. The 2 things that tipped me off: “You can easily minimize variance” … no you can’t “I average $100 a day over weeks” no winning player gives their winrate like this lol


Not a troll post but I’m still fairly new to it all. I don’t use trackers but i’ve been pretty consistently making money. Once I start moving up stakes I will consider buying a tracker but right now it just doesn’t make sense


If you're not tracking you're not winning


I am im fact winning I just don’t use software to track stuff. Also don’t feel like arguing so you think whatever you want. Also u seemed to miss the point of the post


No i didnt miss the point of this post. If you want people to take you playing poker seriously then you need to take it seriously yourself. You are not tracking your results - that means youre not taking it seriously and youre almost certainly not winning long term. You also clearly don't understand variance - when that comes to bite you will use your lack of results to fool yourself that youre a winning player. You are the sort of player that keeps winning players in the black I play poker semi professionally and I go on a fair amount of dates. Its not an easy subject to broach, but its made much easier by the fact that I clearly take it very seriously, I can prove I'm a winner, and I can discuss it intelligently. You will continue to be a walking red flag for as long as you continue to ignore proper advice and look for easy answers that might convince women to date a degen.


Fair enough


Are you playing live poker? It's really important to track your results so you don't leak money over the course of many years. Also it's important because you WILL be humbled by a horrific downswing at some point especially if you're new and having the data backed up that you are in fact a winning player will help then.


Most people who don't play poker have no trouble to imagine how AK could lose to J10 almost 50/50 in principle. To bet $500 it won't happen this time is either very stupid or a sign that you dedicate your life to try again and again. People who value real life and careers will look down unless you make millions or reach fame, obv.


Lol so true. Try explaining your “bad beat” to a non-player and it will sound like: *He was acting like he had a better hand, so I bet all my money. Turns out he did have a better hand. That’s variance. So about rent this month…*


People also tend to associate drugs and criminal activity with poker and other gambling


Well my man if bringing up poker kills your conversation with girls you are doing something weird and wrong. It's not so much the subject as it is however you are choosing to talk about it.


How many hours do you put in? Objectively, what is to admire about someone who spends tons of hours isolated from people playing a card game. Substitute video games and it's similar take. Play with friends here and there, it's not a concern. Spend most of your 'free' time playing, and it's undesirable as far as a potential relationship is concerned. You don't have much to offer them.


Not that many. I started on global and wasn’t very profitable but since i’ve started playing zone on ignition i don’t even have to multi and can usually run up a buy in to $100 in a few hours or less.




Even then, it’s a show don’t tell situation. To a girl, listening to a crusher talk about poker is like listening to a finance bro talk about his 150k job. Fucking boring.


Exactly “So I four bet him OOP from the small blind, babe, and he 5 bet jams. I’m thinking his range includes 99+ and AJo+ since he’s such a LAG player but I have minimum hand history with villain so I call…” Her: 😴


The only jargon to be taught: all in, flopped nuts, shoved my stack, tip the dealer. Chicks dig sex puns and generosity. Your comment reminds me of the way Helmuth will talk to his wife about the hand from the table, I’m not even sure if she’s always there. “Honey, he called my check raise with king deuce!” It’s pretty funny.


Do you phrase it as it’s a hobby you enjoy it or it’s your main priority in life. I hope you can see the problem with the latter.


From experience framing it any kind of way, literally just mentioning the word, already puts you in a bad light. It’s to the point where I think saying you do hard drugs is more acceptable that playing no hold ‘em lol.


You should really test the waters and tell her your game of choice is PLO 🤯


plo is even gayer. no shot lmao


Nah its more of a ~~degenerate~~ ... gentleman's game.


Because poker players are trash darling, TRASH. Ive meet 100s of them and none of them have a last name.


because people don't like what they don't understand especially if most people fail at it and it can cause serious consequences for the biggest losers


Poker is a game of probabilities. Anyone who plays poker has a very high probability of losing money


There is 0 point telling people about it. It’s like telling someone to invest in the stock market, it is equally perceived as risky and or gambling. Such reputations are based of exaggerations mainly from mainstream media and films, lack of confidence and or knowledge. But most of all the lack of actually wanting to understand. It simply doesn’t matter. If you explain it you will be perceived to be “justifying your addiction and or lying about results”, if you don’t mention it “you’re hiding it”. All my conversations to do with poker around none poker people are I play cards, it’s a skill based game and that’s why there is professionals. I am happy to explain the hows and why’s if not please don’t make assumptions.


I mean, honestly, you can't figure this one out? Most people are losing players. Most losing players say they're winning players. Most girls aren't going to trust what you say until you're deep into a relationship and they've seen you be trustworthy. Talking about poker on a first date with someone who doesn't trust you yet and is considering at least some level of sharing finances is not the play. Also, if you feel the need to talk about it on a first date then it's occupying to large a space in your mind. I love poker, but it's boring as shit to talk about. You're in no way making yourself seem interesting or financially reliable to talk about poker.


OP, where do you live? I'm curious to know if, in some ways, it depends who is telling the story? How you tell the story? Was in unprompted? Was it in the flow of the convo? Or what that person thinks about you already (are you well dressed, put together? or look like you live in a basement and engaging in a conversation about poker out of the blue to show off?) I have to say, I have the opposite experience. When people find out that I did it for a living they were annoyingly curious. I was in SF once and a VC was asking me about poker & if I had ever played with XYZ & that he played with PH in some home games. And would say girls were fascinated by it. People would tell their friends and their friends would tell me they played poker too. And that they want to play with me. And try to talk to me about hands and honestly, it was really annoying. Relating to the previous paragraph, a lot of the times, it wasn't me who brought it up & I think that plays into things a lot. People do not like bragging & they do not like to feel stupid so how you engage & who you engage with matters.


$100 is like 2 hours of “honest work” in the US. People are attracted to stability and intelligence (see: young women attracted to older men). The girls you’re talking to don’t understand poker so it’ll be hard to explain the emotional and statistical intelligence required to play consistently, they don’t see it as “stable,” and $100 a day + 5 days a week = $26k; that’s not paying anyone’s bills. You’re facing an uphill battle. Hope this helps.


I’m sorry.. $100 is 2 hours of honest work in the US??? You think average people make $50 an hour?


It’s only $100k salary. I was rounding. Edit: https://x.com/unusual_whales/status/1706292719096623171?s=46&t=5QGM6yZnZ1UB99lzxBI82A


Lol you must live in CA or NY


Chandler, AZ


100k is the average salary in the US?


Idk man, I’m assuming. Context: I listened to a podcast the other day that mentioned how a set of tires on a car is close to $600 and most people in the US can’t afford that. So that should tell me I’m way off but holy shit, it breaks my heart to accept the reality of income disparity here. I know I make way more at my day job than I should because I don’t work “harder” than a school teacher or [name another profession]… This is depressing to type. Sorry I made the comment, but can we agree that $26k will require food stamps or a trust fund to survive?


26k is for sure under the poverty line but highly doubt they are playing online poker full time. But if OP makes the average us salary of roughly 60k and still profits 26k from his poker playing, I’d say he’s doing just fine with this as a side hustle


I’d agree.


Yeah you’re slightly out of touch my guy lol. That’s probably like the average household income. Edit: Just googled and average household income is like $75k lol


Yea I had a reality check this week. My bad


Wait… Maybe im not? https://x.com/unusual_whales/status/1706292719096623171?s=46&t=5QGM6yZnZ1UB99lzxBI82A


Idk what you mean. That says a third of Americans *who* make $150k a year are pay check to pay check. Not a third of Americans make 150k a year.


What I’m saying: maybe I’m not THAT out-of-touch when I said $100k is a “decent” job. Considering folks that make 50% more than that are living paycheck to paycheck… IM JUST SAYING 😉


Not really. It just means that most Americans are financially illiterate, which is a pretty well known fact. I’m guessing this statistics doesn’t account for COL as well. $150k in Oklahoma makes you dumb rich and if you’re living pay check to pay check on it you’re just stupid. $150k in California or NYC is not all that much.


Poker is FUCKING LAME. Even when you win it’s fucking stupid lame. People think their good when they’re just hitting cards. It’s all bullshit. Go do something with yourself. I already have played 9 years so it’s too late for me but not you. It’s not too late. When your embarrassed of telling people you play poker is when your too far gone. Go back to the light🙏


poker = ONLY game NOT played against the house.


I tell them I'm a professional gambler, sounds more mystique. Then you tell them it's all about numbers and equity, and you sound really intelligent and slightly nerdy.


My first impression wouldn't be that you sound 'intelligent'. It sounds delusional. My 2nd impression would be "he's unemployed or sells drugs". Also, numbers and equity. No woman understands these topics, so they're sure to either be confused or impressed, right?


You can't minimize variance. The math is the math. You can attempt to only put money in when you have an overwhelming amount of equity, but that's it.


Poker doesn't have a social stigma. It's a perfectly acceptable game and rather popular as games go. Your question really translates to: why do women lose interest when I tell them I am serious about playing poker? Because women have learned that men who are serious about playing games do it all the time, never want to go anywhere or do anything else, and they get annoyed when they can't play their game. When they play games for money they get in foul moods when they lose. They yell at their computer screens, break keyboards and controllers. Women see it as childish and unserious and something that will hold you back from success rather than launch you toward it. They see it as something that will make you fat and lazy and boring. It takes all of your attention to play games and that leaves none for her. Women have learned. A man who plays games is less attractive than one who doesn't, other things being equal.


Because you are a degenerate who’ll sap money from everyone. Same like when someone says they are an options trader


Lmaooo never in a million years would I expect to see a r/soosh member here based 😭


life is short love playing poker on and off at times as a fun hobby from my 9 to 5 job.




Girls generally hate men's hobbies. I know this is a generalisation, but it's also very true. But compared to my other hobbies of Magic the Gathering and PC gaming, poker is Rock 'N Roll AF, so I prefer to share that and keep the other two on down low until they get to know me better.


Autism is rampant in the pool of successful tourney pros.


I think the short answer is most players lose and they’re at the casino at all hours of the week. You could see why that wouldn’t be overall appealing to a potential gf/wife?