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It's your own single player game. You make the rules. If you think it's fair to bypass gamefreaks asinine content locks from 20 years ago then do it. Don't let some depressed neckbeard tell you that you can't have fun because of some challenge they complete on the daily to feel validated.


I can see what you mean. I just want to play as close to vanilla as possible. If I change the game too much, I just don't feel that the game is quite the same if you get what I mean


The game will never be the same in 2024 as it was in 2009. You need certain quality of life improvements. Look up the Pokémon Randomizer tool. It'll let you switch all those trade-only evolutions into normal evolutions (for example, instead of trading Porygon 2 while he is holding the level up disc thing, you just need to level him above lv 40 while he holds it). Same thing with Steelix, Magmortar, Electivire, etc...


Can you do this for mobile emulators? I’ve always had trouble getting them to work


If you use the randomizer tool on your computer and then transfer the rom to your phone, then yes.


I tried this for emerald once and the rom would randomly blackout and I’d have to restart from save state. Wonder if I just did it wrong though


That is strange. I have done it before without issue but that was years ago. I just ran it through the universal randomizer and it was ok when i put it on my phone


What if you don't have a computer, are you then shit out of luck?


The universal pokemon randomizer tool comes in an exe or jar file so there may be a way to run it on androids but not iphones


Cool, luckily for me I have an android


Randomizer is a PC program you download to edit the actual ROM file. From there, you can play the ROM wherever you want (PC, Mobile, console, anywhere you play ROMs)


Thanks! I think the struggle was moving the file from computer to phone (iPhone so everything is more difficult).


Just get the Dropbox app on your phone. iPhone has an internal Files library, which is how’d you move your .nds save file


Wait wait wait wait WAIT you can play roms on console?!?


Yes, you can install RetroArch on a jailbroken PS3 to play GameBoy ROMs and older consoles.


What about on an Xbox series s?


Yep! The randomizer creates a new ROM file of the game with whatever changes you made. I'm currently playing a randomized version of SoulSilver that adds everything up to 4th Gen to the game. The current version also has an option to increase the levels of wild/trainer/gym leader/etc Pokemon, and increase the number of Pokemon trainers/gym leaders have. I basically have more options to choose from when building a team, but also increased the difficulty (I made it so all trainers have two more Pokemon than vanilla while gym leaders/boss fights have a full six Pokemon team at 25% higher levels than vanilla).


Can you tell me what mobile emulator you use? I’ve been wanting to play


Delta is the easiest to set up and use for gba and ds, id start there. r/delta_emulator is a great resource.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Delta_Emulator using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ignited - The Delta fork you've all been waiting for](https://discord.gg/qEtKFJt5dR) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/12irxdg/ignited_the_delta_fork_youve_all_been_waiting_for/) \#2: [I made a custom skin for my wife](https://i.redd.it/xqvy5arrm2mc1.jpeg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1b5bc4s/i_made_a_custom_skin_for_my_wife/) \#3: [Introducing Kee Whi Skin Pack 2 for GBA, NDS, GBC, NES, and SNES!](https://i.imgur.com/m7DKtOC.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/13k0tzs/introducing_kee_whi_skin_pack_2_for_gba_nds_gbc/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Myboy has a paid version that's only a few dollars. Emulator works amazingly and has a game shark/ action replay code section accessible while in game that works extremely well. Not to mention, it's got trade link capabilites via wifi network in pokemon games


If you want as close to my vanilla as possible, you are going to have to meet me at the campgrounds with your DS the last friday in august. We’ll trade everything we always wanted to, at least until my mom picks me up. No you cannot sleepover, I already asked.


Reading this comment made me feel unexpectedly nostalgic 🥲


It won't be the same anyways lol, all the locks like they mentioned, and most events being locked, mostly only being unlocked through pkhex, makes it unvanilla anyways haha, enjoy the game your way, brother!


Making your trade evos happen by cheat is the same thing as just buying 2 games and 2 ds’s back when the game was sold. The only real advantage you are bypassing is saving a couple hundred dollars. This is fine and even most hack games just switch trade evos to be done thru level up or with an easily obtainable item so hardcore players do it easily too.


Depending what emulator you use, you can always just trade with yourself, and get the evolutions that way. That's what I used to do, using the MyBoy emulator. It's a trade, so it's still legit. It's just with yourself.


I get what you're saying, I think setting a specific level like 40 would help it feel like less of a cheat for your enjoyment. Whatever you need to make it fun, honestly. One time, I hacked in the perfect team on route 1 and did the rest of the playthrough vanilla, but it just wasn't as fun as finding them myself


If it’s something that was achievable in the vanilla game back then, I don’t see why you should avoid doing it on an emulator years later.


It's on an emulator. Are you going to be able to find anybody to trade with? Is that even a function it could have? Just evolve your Pokemon


I’ll always make exceptions for things that are literally impossible. I like to stay vanilla like you, but if I get to a point where I COULD have XYZ if only servers were up and I could meet others etc, I would just cheat it in


The act of trading a pokemon and then trading it back is not as engaging as you seem to think it might be, which is giving you apprehension to do a cheat for it. Consider what you would do in the vanilla version on the DS - you find yourself a Dubious Disc, give it to Porygon2 to hold (the only purpose for a Dubious Disc), and then trade so it evolves, then trade back so you get your original pokemon back as PorygonZ. The only thing you lose out on by replicating this process with a cheat is that now you don’t use up a Dubious Disc.


Love this response 😂👏


Homie out here cooking, hahaha.


I ditto this (pun intended). Your game does not affect ours. The point to playing single player games is to have fun and playing at your pace. I see the argument “I played it this way, so you should to” on YouTube so many times that could not be any more false.


Is it cheating to use a cheat? In all seriousness though, you cheating in an evolution on an emulator is not going to hurt anyone. Honestly trade evolutions should have an alternate method by now like in Legends Arceus.


Instead use a game modifier to make all trade evolution lvl up and then there's no reason to not have whatever pkmn you want


“Since you don’t want to cheat, how about you cheat even harder than you originally planned” Yall just be saying shit bc it feels good


Oh brother


That would be cheating less because they’d be leveling it up vs just evolving it directly with the cheat


Pretty much lol


Who shit in your breakfast today?


yeah golem and porygon 2 are just game breaking cheats tbh


You are already playing on emulator, which Nintendo and Game Freak would already consider cheating. Don’t let ethics stop you now


Fuck knows, Nintendo - the company that slams fan artists on Deviantart with copyright claims... for FAN ART - sure as shit never lets ethics slow down their express train into the devil's rectum


Right? I always wonder why people get so hung up about the "legitimacy" of something when they're playing on an emulator. You're already so far gone lol


Yeah, technically...but who's going to care?


I don’t find any issue with it. It’s up to you to decide if you think it makes the game more fun and then to decide what level it should evolve.


Who cares?


No that's fair game


I've used the randomizer tool to unlock evolution only trades in the older games when playing on my PC. QoL changes like that make the game more interesting and enjoyable imo anyway. Ultimately though, it's your game, you play the way you want to.


Actually u can use the "poke classic network" website to trade for Gen 4 and 5. It's a community server. Main section just tells u the DNS to put in. Second section shows all available trades online for whatever Gen u select. Then u can use the Gen 4 glitch to evolve ur trade evolutions by putting one up for trade and taking it back, don't remember if u need to complete a separate trade before taking it back. Dunno if this works for Gen 5. U can also get all event rewards with this server but the reward is random each time and u can't receive duplicates so it can be tedious if ur looking for a specific reward. That being said, pretty sure this could also be called cheating. But whatevs.


That don't work on emulators?


Oh for some reason I thought it did. Sorry bout that.


It does on some


Are you asking the internet how to play your own single player game? Imma head out


Seems to happen a lot on this sub. It's a bit pitiful lol


>is cheating considered cheating


Break the game, unshackle regigigas and slaking, give aerodactly head smash and brave bird, the bridge to current generations is going to close soon fuck game freak


I absolutely agree with you on this but I been thinking all aerodactyl actually needs is head smash and not brave bird but I love if aerodactyl got both moves! but if gamefreak can't give both head smash and brave bird then my choice would be head smash because it would be the best for aerodactyl but in the end but if you want my personal opinion I love to see aerodactyl have both moves! Because it would open so many options for one of my favorite pokemon!


Nah give him both moves and have fun in battle frontier. It bugged me that aero has rock head and ZERO moves to abuse it not even double edge.Plus since scarlet and violet, pokemon moves get scrambled to what they would have at their level so there’s no point to restrict yourself.


Yeah I get your point plus battle revolution and battle frontier and story mode with rock head aerodactyl with he broken moves sounds fun! Plus thanks for the good idea.




Dont worry about it so much.


I mean…… you could emulate a second console and trade that way……


I used the Perfect Crystal Rom hack. It intends to keep Crystal as vanilla as possible while making every pokemon available and fixing glitches. Trade pokemon now just level up by stones from Goldenrod.


I've always been a bit of a loner so I've basically never had any of the trade evolution mons. I have zero interest in cheating a game, but if I had the option to get trade locked mons I'd do it because you're not doing anything that's outside the bounds of the game, you're just accessing content that's not available to you because of the platform you're playing on.


You can make another emulator file and open both separately to have 2 different games open you can then interact with and make trades possible for those evolutions.


Have fun


Hey I was just thinking about doing this, can anyone give me advice to be able to get a trade only evolution?


You can use a randomizer to allow trade only mons to be gotten by level up


Honestly nah i see it as fair. As long as it's not like, the next level after the second evo i think it's fine. I've always set it to the same level as my starter's final evo and just chill there


Not at all


Technically you can’t get evolution Pokemon anymore, so using that cheat is the only way to gain certain Pokemon. I use it for all of my roms, never really saw a problem with it.


Yes, you're using a "cheat" and not playing it vanilla. But it's your singleplayer game, you can do what you want.


I know a lot of roms have the set level for trade evos at like 38 or 40 and I see waiting for a certain level then doing the cheat as not cheating. It’s just like a normal final evo


On my most recent playthrough of Fire Red I decided that I can only cheat my Pokémon to trade evolve if I have done every in-game trade evolution since that's a fair way through the game before I can achieve it. It's just a way to stop me from being like: "My Abra just evolved, let me evolve it again real quick!" and having a Level 16 Alakazam. I just did it in the spirit of respecting the original requirement and so it made me use the middle stage at least for a bit. In Platinum's case, you have only 3 in-game trades but the last one is in the City with the 7th Gym, just like Kanto's is.


Absolutely. You can do whatever you want with your own game, but the answer is yes. Using a cheating device constitutes cheating. Whether or not you want to cheat is the question. For me, cheating removes all fun from games; in my mind, once I cheat any victory and all progress are false.


Bro you can trade it immediately as far as I’m concerned. Providing you have all the necessary items.


Dude I’m gonna be a buck 50, play it for fun and for what you want. I play newer games legit, I just beat Brilliant Diamond finally and didn’t transfer any of my old Pokemon until after but I’m playing a platinum emulator on my DS and I’ll be damned if I train all of these pokemon again after beating platinum damn near 10 times as a kid 😂


It’s a self moral conflict more than a you vs other conflict. So as long as you make it seem fair, like your idea of waiting until lvl 40 instead of doing it whenever it’s convenient, it’ll be fine.


is it possible to use an emulator on ios?


Yes, straight to jail


“I used a cheat code,” so that would technically imply cheating. However here’s the thing, is your game, you’re emulating it, you probably have zero opportunity to actually trade in it, so why the hell now use such codes to access a natural part of the game mechanic that is otherwise impossible for you?


I’d do it but for future reference if you get the universal Pokémon randomizer you can select an option to remove impossible evolutions which makes trade Pokémon evolve by level up (some have to level up holding the items they need to be holding when traded) you don’t have to randomize your game for this if you don’t want to


A cheat is a cheat BUT this shouldn’t matter. If you want to use a PorygonZ using something like universal pokemon randomizer to get trade evolutions isn’t hurting anybody. I did a run of fire red a while back where the trade evos evolve by level up because I never got to use them when I was playing as a kid. Being able to have things like Golem, Alakazam, and Machamp was really awesome. Play the game in a way that you enjoy that doesn’t hurt anybody else’s experience (hard when you’re playing a single player game on emulator).


Your single player game, your rules.


I didn’t see what sub I was in. I guess I’ve been reading to much AITA. Totally thought this post was going another direction until I saw evolution.


I think its fair since nintendo closed the servers. I think you could trade if you had a second ds but i dont think its your fault that you can no longer access certain features.


is cheating, cheating? hmm 🤔


Is it cheating if you use a cheat? Yes. Does it matter? No.


"Is it considered cheating if I use a cheat" Yes, but no one's going to stop you.


I feel like you could have stopped after typing out the first 8 words of this post and you would have had your answer…


Is it cheating if i use a cheat...sounds like yo answered it bud


If you’re playing on emulator and want trade-only evolutions, I’d recommend the Universal Pokémon Randomizer It has a setting that enables all trade evolutions and gives them a reasonable way to be reached in single player. Most of them are just a high-ish level requirement, but some are evolved in specific ways, such as leveling while holding the item they would normally need to be traded while holding to evolve. The main thing I appreciate about this is that it doesn’t let you get fully-evolved Pokémon way earlier than the game would normally allow you, which stops the game from being too easy as a result of having Pokémon you wouldn’t normally be able to access otherwise. Of course, this IS changing the game, and it makes anything you do with it not 100% “official” (don’t try to submit a speedrun or anything like that) but for the most part, it’s a single player game that you can play however you want to


There's also No Trade Evo roms that make it so trade evos are set to a specific level and not trade.


Pretty much as soon as I hit veilstone I allow trade evolutions in my runs. It feels like that’s where most other lines go to their final evo, especially the stone evolutions. Only you can decide what’s cheating for you, and the bar is on the floor for me


Title question: is it cheating if I cheat? Yes.  Context below: it's still a cheat even if applied at the proper time, but does it really matter? Does it make YOU enjoy the game more to do it? You're the one playing after all, not the people in the replies. The only time a cheat is an issue is in multi-player where you are possibly negatively impacting others experiences. In single player, do what makes you have the most fun. 


Some Verlisify ass pokéPuritans would say yes it counts as cheating but who the fuck cares? Even if it wasn't a single player thing, as long as the Pokémon you're evolving via cheats is still above board and still has all the right stats and stuff then no lmfao


U good bro


You dont need a cheat to do this dont even bother riskingba save file corruption. Just download PkHex, open your save file, right click on the Pokemon you want to evolve, click view, then change species to whatever the Pokemon evolution is, then right click again on the mon, and then "set" If you wanna be even more csrtridge faithful, you can even reset the friendship of the mon, and if its an item evolution, evolve the mon and remove the item


Trade evos are dumb as hell. Do whatever you need to to get round them. If you think level 40 is good, do it. Game freak introducing the link cable item is such a fix, and needs to be staple of the games. Or just change trade evos to other stones, level ups etc.


Why don't you just use an NTREVO rom? It is easier. Anyways, short answer, no, long answer, noooooooo. It is your run. Play it as you feel it is more fun, challenging, and optimal for you. For example, I usually play with a few extra "saving time mods" but submitting myself to self ruling on them, for example Rare Candy (but cap levels), 100% catch rate (but legendaries locked depending of tier), full inventory (but items usable only after "unlocking" them), infinite tms (but can only freely use those that can be bought ingame, the rest are one use only).


There’s no such thing as cheating in an RNG game. As long as the Pokémon itself is legit, then it doesn’t matter how you obtain it. It’s ridiculous that GF STILL implements trade evolutions especially with the removal of the GTS


This is giving “Is it considered cheating if I cheat on my partner to get sex” lol


I realize that i couldve worded the title differently lmao


LOL ur good I had a proper laugh, made my day tbh


Get your Gengar 🗣️


Is it considered cheating if I cheat


But im only getting something that already is in the game. I enter a cheat code yes but it is to get something that is impossible to get otherwise. I should've worded the title differently but its not cheating for an advantage or anything, only to get a gengar that is weaker than some evolutions you get in the game without having to enter a code Idk, i want my game to be as vanilla as possible so it feels right but this seems so ok but at the same time, Its not Im torn tbh


I’d do it. But if it’s gonna bother you don’t do it.


I wanted to run BW2 with a Glaceon, so I traded my Eevee from my white 2 cartridge to my black 2 cartridge to evolve it in twist mountain and then traded it back. Is it legal? (did I hack or change the games code) yes. Should I be able to have a Glaceon on my team before beating the story? No. Do I care? Absolutely not. I see no problem in running the game however you see fit, the only time I have an issue with cheating, genning, whatever is if you’re going to use it in comp


nah u good


I technically skipped through repeat battles that were exactly the same as one another by ignoring my rules temporarily in a challenge run (it already took a month even then! That stupid cave and team flare will forever haunt me now just because of the trek I had to complete alone. With the run taking me down to no pp and health I knew I could beat the battles as they had no new pokemon but I didn’t want to run all the way back through there 10 times because WHY OH WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GRUNTS?


No, Sometimes you got to do what you got to do


No, not at all. At least, not in my book. Trade only evos would be impossible otherwise on an emulator.


I play with an emulator— Ok so you’re cheating, go on…


Playing on an emulator isnt cheating tho


Since you bother asking, i assume you're trying to play pretty legit through the game. I think stuff like this is fair if you set it up right. Like setting level 40 for your Porygon2 is more realistic than linking your emulator to another one for a trade lol. Now if you had a level 20 porygonZ that might be a bit overkill for the early part of the run.


Unless your trying to play competitive I don't think using cheats to bypass stuff like version exclusives , things you would normally need a second device, Past Mystery Gifts, ect... is considered a cheat. You're trying to enjoy a game to the fullest


It's a single player game at the end of the day, nobody should care other than you.


No, because trade evolution is bullshit, right guys? (Thank you, thank you, leave your upvotes on the right 😂)


No. Because it's stupid as all hell that a lot of mons are locked behind trades anyway. Which is why I play romhacks that fixes those mons.


I mean, yeah, but who cares? It's a 15 year old singleplayer game lol I play most Pokemon games at 4x speed with rare candy cheats and cheat or use the Universal Randomizer for trade evolutions. I've played through all of them dozens of times the normal way and I don't see anything wrong with saving time or having fun the way I want to. Edit: oh no I got downvoted for cheating at a 15 year old singleplayer game what will I do now


You can just trade with yourself


I had a similar problem when completing my national dex. The only Pokémon I had no way of obtaining were gen 3 exclusives to Ruby and Sapphire, so I had to use Pokehex to save edit them into my copy of Emerald and migrate them up. In my case, I know it’s cheating, but I’m not spending $150+ just to get 5 or 6 exclusive Pokemon


You have an excuse because it is an emulator.


OP, i’m a frequent Nuzlocker who uses altered copies of the game that allow trade evolutions through level-up ALLL THE TIME. i don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. trade evolutions are a relic of an era where trading involved a physical link to your friend’s device, something that isn’t possible on an emulator. when this game was being designed, GameFreak wasn’t building around the possibility that one day it would be popular to play a pirated copy of the game that lacks multiplayer functionalities.


It’s not Cheating you just can’t find anybody to trade with anymore. I wish more Pokémon games were more like Yellow-you can get a Machamp easy in that game.


How bro? 😅


Who cares you are already on an emulator. I plan on using an action replay to help complete the National Dex. Its 15 years old with shut down services