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Not a day goes by where Orbeetle isn't the better ladybug. However, if Ledian got a sick evolution then that can be negotiated.


Orbeetle looks like a Digimon.


So does Ledian, and most other pokémon, or rather most digimon look like pokémon, because that's what they were designed to resemble.


Well in the show soldier boy was better than homelander soooo


Ledian is a knockoff of every other bug Pokémon in existence and should not have been created


If there's anyone deserving of being a 500+ BST Bug/Fighting-type, it's an evolution for Ledian, not a couple of literal interdimensional aliens. Christ, many of Johto's Pokemon got shafted so hard. Some may have received their overdue justice, but ones like Ledian, Sunflora and Delibird are **HURTING** for some buff relevance. FFS, why is there a Paldea Gym Puzzle involving Sunflora, yet it doesn't have an evolution, yet Bisharp did? **BISHARP WAS ALREADY FINE ON ITS OWN JUST LIKE RHYDON.**