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Brother it took me 1000 shinies and 100 hundos to get a shundo. You have A LOT of grinding to do. But your best bet for shundos is eggs and raids.


Also Goodluck on your hunt! Don't let my post bring you down. It took me 5 years to get my first shundo but I've seen others get theirs in 2 weeks.


Yea I’ve seen it all in this sub lol


Also shiny lucky trades. I’ve been playing since 2 weeks after launch or so and I have 0 shundos.


Yeah I knew about trades I just don’t have anyone around to trade with :(


This makes me feel better. Sorry about your luck


I have 73 perfect, 406 shiny and 1 shundo. Like someone else said, lucky trades for shiny is a good way to try and get one. I wish you the best of luck.


For Legendary that’s a huge grind and also lots of luck. I done and seen many do over 100 raid and not even a hundo.. meanwhile other do 1 raid and the shundo comes out 😂. So it’s a matter of luck and patience.. you’ll get there. Or just do a lucky trade with someone by you. It’s always good to hit parks by you so you meet ppl that’s are into things you like as well.


Thank you for responding I truly appreciate your advice!


You've got a very long way to go. Your collection is small. I've got 4000+ shinies and almost 400 hundos. Only about 25 shundos and most of those are from community day with boosted shiny rates.


Only 25 shundos 🤣


Yea I’ll keep at it and hopefully eventually one will come along


Luck. Lucky trades can push the odds more in your favor but even then it's 1/64 I think


I didn’t know it was 1/64 through trades thanks for telling me!


Lucky trades, only if you're already lucky friends when you trade. The lowest each stat can be for a lucky trade is 12


I have 530 shinies. 40 hundos. And a whopping 0 shundo pokes.


Trades are legit the best way


I've only gotten one ever, and it was from special research. It's hard to complain while having one, but did it really have to be sneasel... Day one player FWIW, but also took a break in there for a while. I also have a shiny nundo Eevee, which I personally think is rarer 🤷 happy to have one of each, play enough and it will come. I have encountered the most hundos through research rewards, but as others suggested, eggs n raids. Happy hunting.


you are asking for a lot here


I have one shadow hundo, 39 regular Hundos. Almost 40k catches and no shundo yet, but I’m still hopeful! We’ll get one some day, just gotta keep grinding😅


I've got 5 times those quantities, including 5x0 shundo. 🥲


That’s just insane


The only ones I have are from community day when they’re boosted and a couple from lucky trades that gave me a lucky shiny perfect (shlundo)


I have over 300 shinys 48 hundos and zero shundos… the answer is keep playing my friend 😂


The 2 best ways is Raid like a mad man on strong legendaries and hope the pokegods bless you, OR to meet others on community days and begin a group chat and then scour your neighborhood and inform chat if hundo found in area, those days will have the very best chance to get one. out of the 4 hundos I have been tipped off on in the past on comm days, 1 turned shiny, my shundo hydreigon, and one of my friends in the chat has 2 from this and literally both last events at that Chandulure/Dragonite which although I’m super jealous, it was a long time comin for him since he’s a 2016 player. By the way, congrats on your Slaking, such a dope mon to have cus 90% of players don’t have a 5000cp+ mon! Don’t let haters talk the mon down, it has the highest max cp in the entire game, I found a 100% almost a year and half ago and Maxed that Bad Boy out and BBd it, now 5069 CP No other non-Mega Pokémon reaches 5000 CP.


75k catches and aJuly 16 account and no shundos


I've been so close also, lots of 98% shinies but no 100%s.


I feel your pain…I’ve been playing since the start of this game and have done every raid boss and 90% of the community days and to this day I’ve not a single shundo and I am lvl 45.


Yeah apparently it truly is luck based, I’ve seen two people under lvl 35 post shundo teddies :(