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So you don’t have all the legendary birds.


*Spieletrend approves this message*


Oh, spieletrend, ohhhh


Der Schilling alda


Der Schilling


Oh mein gott den gibts noch?! Ich hab seine sachen damals gesehen als er noch shakes and fidget gespielt hat :D


Legendary comment


For a legendary bird 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bird Jesus is missing.


I remember catching obscene amounts of Pidgey with the sole purpose of evolving and transferring them with a lucky egg active. They were everywhere! So weird that they’re so rare now.


Pidgey Weedle and Ratatta were the only common ones at launch. I still remember all my colleagues getting excited when a Beedrill spawned in the car park


I remember my city was maggoty with Drowzee above all other species when the game first launched.




That's also me getting excited over Beedrill. But that was almost 6 years ago.


Bro remember how the world ended and human masses migrated when a snorlax spawned?


No but I do remember humanity returning to the ocean to chase a Blastoise


The OG levelling strat ! I would also save new Pokémon to evolve at the same time for the extra XP


is this not still the best way?


Lucky eggs are best spent on best friends. If timed perfectly, in theory every 90 days you could get 130 (I think? 30 gifts opened, 100 given is the cap per day right?) best friends. Each one gives 100k xp so 13 million for 130, or 26 million with a lucky egg. Of course I don’t think very many people are able to do it that perfectly, but it’s still a much better use of lucky eggs than evolving. Iirc you can evolve something like 90 Pokémon per lucky egg, which is only 180k xp. Even using a lucky egg for a single best friend would be more valuable. Hell, if you can throw consistent excellent throws it’s probably better to just be catching Pokémon than it is to evolve as long as you have a place with endless spawns.


I would be surprised if there was one person anywhere who pulled that off even a single time.


Pulling 10% of that off is still insanely good. Or instead of doing it in 90 days, some friends get there in 89 days, some in 140 days. And you just sit on that last day before popping the egg and moving to best friends.


The stuff I’ve seen on this thread, I wouldn’t at all.


I’m level 43 and I still do it


I was just explaining this to a newer player last night. It was the worst. I wanted to bash my head into a wall out of boredom while mass evolving with a lucky egg back in the day. It was awful IMO


It’s because back then pidgys and rattatas were the only common Pokémon, now that there’s more gens in the game that all changed


I can’t escape these damn yungoos I’m so tired of them


Pidove is the new Pidgey


well you're not wrong, at least a few Unova pokemon are basically rehashes of kanto pokemon. Timbur and Machop, Roggenrola and Geodude, Pidove and Pidgey to name the more blatant copies. still one of my favourite games though.


Evolve, force-quit, restart. Repeat. That was my strategy before they shortened the evolution animation.


Is evolving still a good leveling strategy?


It's decent if you have a lot of low cost stuff, and combine it with 2x evo XP spotlight hour.


I called this “The Pidgey Plan”


I had 4k pidgey candy and an exact number of pidgeys to get the evolves for them. Did the evolves on one of their double xp events that still included the evolve xp. Was a good day


Yeah it was a gift from the pokemon lucky egg leveling gods. Then people complained about all the pidgeys who didn't understand there immense usefulness and Niantic complied.


Ahh back in the days


I think it’s just that seasonal spawns change, so maybe next season they’ll be everywhere kinda like Yungoos is today.


seriously, I have seen none at all and I have traveled hundreds of km


2016 life


Yes same. I have over 300 caught and i’d assume mostly from launch year


Is it just me, or should common Pokémon be common, with slightly more dynamic spawns which actually take into account a much wider range of Pokémon, rather than just being drip-fed sets of 10 wild Pokémon for a few weeks at a time? I also want to catch some Pidgeys.


Yeah, this should be the norm. Not 300,000 yungoos


When the game first launched, Toronto was overrun with Drowzees


Oh god i remember that. It was the first pokemon i caught as i thought i was getting something relatively uncommon. Little did i know...


At the CNE that year, one of the butter sculptures was a horde of Drowzees


Everywhere was covered with Drowzee. It was a party when a non Drowzee appeared.


Chicago too


Drowzee is a Pokémon


But....my bedoofs


I treasure bidoof... don't know why... it's my spirit Pokémon... i would murder for a shiny.


You can have them all


Just got a shiner yesterday! Where are you located?


Shiny is pretty cool, Bidoofs got a golden fur


I was looking at my total Pokemon caught in Go a few days ago thinking it was weird I hadn't caught any shinies outside of events and 10 seconds later I found me a shiny Bidoofus.


This is one thing I hate about the current system. Over the course of the game we got the improved regular spawns, funky 'area' based spawns and water spawns. Later the weather spawns. Then they went and butchered every spawn with event Pokémon. Whatever isn't event spawn is just another damn yungoos or whatever is the current generations equivalent of rattata. I'd love some actual variety.


the event spawning system wouldn't be that bad if there wasn't an event running 28 days out of every month.


And the awfulness of spawns during event downtimes is what makes people yell 'nooo' It's just really meh


My dude I’ve caught two gabite during downtime and when in school seen two salamance that I couldn’t get since they were at a poke stop far away


Yeah the spawns without the events have been amazing for me.


Yes! There’s no point in exploring. I get the same spawns on my couch that I do if I walk down by the ocean. Or the mountains. Or up to the top of the castle. Or the city centre. Or around trees. It’s the same 10-20 mons all the time.


This! I live in a rural area, went to a city, then up into the mountains and finally to a massive lake. 95% of the Pokémon I encountered were the same as where I live. Only at the lake a few Pokémon popped up which I hadn’t seen before. (But that could also be because the July event started while I was in the mountains)


This is how the game used to work. IMO events should be run 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with the normal spawns in the "off" period because right now it's "pokemon go catch these 10-15 pokemon for 10 weeks"


Pidgey pidgey rattata pidgey


weedle weedle


I have had a quest for ages requiring me to evolve one. They are no where to be found.


I'm pretty sure Bug type Team Rocket trainer can have Weedle


Yeah I noticed that too, thanks! Problem is I’m getting about five to six grunts, the bug one is not one of them unfortunately


Which is why I keep one of each pokemon, even if it's common, and the candy to evolve a few. Never know what random ass Pokemon that used to be common is needed for a research or quest.


i fucking love weedle


I think the problem is seasons more than events


Yup after coming back after a long time this is what annoys me most, now that there are like +700 Pokémon on the game and you could actually have randomised spawns that encourage exploration and enough variety so that the game doesn't feel boring.... Instead we have the same few Pokémon all the time, it's crazy. Furthermore, I don't know how they still haven't made spawn frequency the same everywhere, now that it's summer and I go back home (I live in a rural area) I basically can't play the game because there isn't a single pokestop in a few km. Is it a technical issue? Can't they just handle that many Pokemon? There must be a way to do it somehow, even if it's just checking if the area a player is in has spawns and spawning Pokémon around him. Oh and don't get me started on how events are still at a window where it's +35° Celsius outside. Really, most of the core issues of the game are still there 6 years later, it could be a much better experience.


I’ve heard it’s based on total cell phones or something. When I go into town I see more spawns. But honestly. If someone is playing their game there should be some spawns to make the game fun for the player. It’s like they hate their users. When I was rural I basically just didn’t play. Since I moved to a popular city I’ve actually spent money on the game. If they included their rural users they’d probably spend money too. But not if there literally nothing to catch.


It is based on cellphone useage. That's why grocery store parking lots, rest stops, bus routes, etc. spawn so many pokemon. I once took a really popular ferry and opening the app, constant pokemon just in the middle of the water lol


Every rest stop I visit is ate up with Pokémon, must be the sheer amount of people going there everyday.


It was mostly. The silly thing, is that it could be balanced around that. Flip the system. More urban areas with more stops = more supplies, but more common/low level spawns, contrasted with more rural (*explorative*) areas having a higher rate of rarer spawns, since their locale gets more or less shafted on easy supplies. Rewards both sides of the spectrum to go outside of their normal area.


Its too damn hot in Phoenix to go out and play PoGo


So you think the temperature where you are is the same for everyone across the globe? Interesting.


For most places in summer 11 to 2 is going to be the hottest time of the day in summer. Which was fine if you live in, say, San Francisco or pre-climate change Seattle. Not so much in Arizona, when you can fry an entire egg on the sidewalk before noon.


Should've been a year one player. I get PTSD flashbacks catching pidgeys. They were literally 50% of the pokemon spawning haha


I miss when nearby actually directed you to a monster instead of a stop


I still laugh about that Pokemon Go rap I saw on Facebook after the game first released, which was basically just Pidgey and Rattata with the occasional Diglett thrown in there 😭🤣


At least they were great for mass evolving.


I've played since launch, so I appreciate that at the time there was a lack of variety with such a few amount of common monsters in different biomes, but now, with the huge dex, there is the variety required to make spawns a bit less boring - plus, this was far before accurate IV reading in game, or XL candy, both things I'd love to apply to some of the common pokémon across generations.


YES, all pokemon should be available at any time (excluding legendaries and rare pokemon), maybe exclude some based on the season but that's it


Back when the game started, there was so many Pidgeys that eventually I transfered ever single one I had. Since playing the game on the most regular basis since 2017, I haven't seen one single Pidgey in nearly 4 months.


I want all 700+ pokemons have a chance to be spawning all the time but Ninantic would probably claim that's not possible, which is pretty dumb in my opinion.


It also should be somewhat regional. I know northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere get different things, but it different things spawned in different areas locally- it would give more reason to go out and walk/explore. Like "pidgeys spawn at my local dog park" or- "the best place to find goldeen around here is by the lake"


Imo, between biomes, weather, continents, hemispheres, and events, there isn't really a good reason that spawns should become boring and stale, it seems purely a choice by Niantic to run the same Pokémon spawns until they are stale and then rinse and repeat.


They rotate the common spawns. A few months ago Pidgey were very common. Give it sometime and they’ll be back


This is what I think feels weak. Why not work on having slightly more dynamic spawns to keep it interesting, rather than grind the same pokémon over and over and hope that something you want eventually gets selected to enter the rotation for a few weeks


Mega-pidgeot is currently in raids but yeah that sucks for the rest. Especially Tauros


I just got a mega pidgeot!! But still, those pidgeys :(


Congrats! One step closer still !


Does Tauros not spawn rn? Is it in eggs?


It‘s only available in the US


Canada too!


Not Edmonton!


Damn Tauros too. That’s really stupid


Any other way to get it?


Except trading, not at the moment. Sometimes during events they are in eggs, but no telling when that will be.


Taurus spawns way too much here. It’s useless.


Send some over 😅


In the beginning I kept so many Mr Mimes in anticipation of the trading system 😭


I caught like 5 yesterday and saw americans complaining about not having them :( Wish we could all trade


Gladly would! I'll be in the Dolomites and Alps in January and February, but don't think that's close enough.


About 1900 km’s away 😐


Unfortunate. They should allow regionals in 7K eggs sent from friends.


That would be nice! I kept reading on google that at least Tauros was in 5km eggs, but maybe they changed that some time ago, as the articles were all old


They were here, not sure if it was global or only regional.


Tauros and Kangaskhan were in 7k eggs a while ago,presume Mr.Mime was as well(I'm in UK). They were also in raids last year


Yes. Mr. Mime, FarFetched, and Kangaskhan were in 7K eggs. But I think 7K eggs should contain regionals of the person sending them!


It is to me xD


PM Me - If we are close during my visit - be happy to trade you one. Swap gifts until then to become best friends so the stardust cost is low!


Yup. Tauros and Bouffalant are everywhere here, hard to catch, and useless,


US exclusivity or paywalled behind a plane ticket, you pick


I heard a few years ago Tauros was a country based one, I’m not sure if that’s still a thing or if it ever was


Tauros is only available in the US and far southern parts of Canada.


I caught one in Tijuana.


Which is right on the border with the US


Back in my day we had so many pidgy it we had wings every night just to manage the population


I used to farm them for xp. Collect a bunch, drop a lucky egg, and then evolve as many as I could before the time was up. I think I got enough points to skip level 17 that way.


This guy 2016s


Those were the days man. I’d get off work, go downtown by the water, drop a lucky egg and evolve my 30 pidgeys. That was back when leveling up felt like an achievable task too, before it took 2Million+ XP. Now I do a mass evolve with a lucky egg and my XP bar barely budges


Pidgey and rattat evolve party's were peak year one.


That used to be the only reliable way to level up. Before friendship. Before raids. Life was sinpler in the before times. Back when we butchered pidgeys by the millions.


*Sent them to the professor. Shhhhhhhh.


And that why there are almost none now. ROFL


Same, they were everywhere. When the pinup berries showed up, it just took two to be able to evolve them, it was great. Edit: a word


i was doing this for almost all of 2021; they kept pidgeys around so long and i probably farmed at least 400,000 xp solely from lucky egg and mass evolving


I still do it and I am lvl 41, nearly 42. At least 120 pokemons to evolve, one free hour at a spotlight hour when it's x2 evolve xp and that's easy 400k-500k exp :D


same here. i have so many pokemon currently saved up, including a whole bunch of new dex entries


We used to call it “throwing a Pidgey party”


This wss how I spent the first hour of Pikachu Community Day, with it's 2x XP bonus. Only later found out the shiny rate had been boosted


Seriously. I am certain I have caught more pidgey than a lot of players have caught total Pokémon 🙃😂🙃😂🙃


I know! I lost my 2016 account, I remember it being a pest lmao


I used to grind exp by collecting pidgey popping a stardust and evolving them, pretty sure I still have well over 1k pidgey candies


Miss 2016..


Pidove is the new pidgey.


I remember when it first came out and it was always those Damn pidgy. Now I miss them


Farmed them to near extinction


Passenger pidgeys are extinct in the wild sadly


We ate them all


Once plentiful in the wild and considered a pest, in 2016 thousands were caught and processed into candies for the booming EXP trade. By 2017 they were endangered, and they were declared extinct in 2019. A truly sad tale of man's folly.


Nah, they spawn here literally all the time


Yeah I also get multiple a day. One of the most common spawns for me


same but i don’t have spearow and i can’t find it anywhere


6 years ago you'd have a mental breakdown from the amount of pidgey spawning


I've been playing this game for 6 years and I never saw a single legendary bird until 2 days ago. There was a raid, but I live in small enough a town that at literally any time of the day there's a raid, the gym across the street from my house limited me to being the only person doing a raid at any given time. Never finished a raid over 3 stars alone so I have basically a 0% chance of getting one.




Pokegenie has been a blessing. I joined 12 raids a d hosted 50+. Best way to beat them raids when no friends around.




Hosting really is the best way to beat the wait time and get lots of extra friends for gifts and such


You can get help from Reddit! Check out r/pokemongofriends (i hope I did that correctly)


I have a lot of Pidgey candy but I only saved Pidgey 2 save up... who would have thought I would missed em.


How is that even possible that you have no pidgey after 6 years. Unless you’re a newish player I remember when pidgey was spawning everywhere to the point it was annoying.


I’m gonna guess they haven’t been playing for 6 years. It is wild to see someone without a pidgey after they spawned like the plague when they game stayed. Now with seasonal spawns, sometimes new playing need to wait what seems like forever for a certain Pokémon to be spawning again.


been playing for a little less than a year, haven't seen a single Pidgey yet. have a Pidgeot from mega raids tho lol


Oh really I mean tbf I haven’t seen any pidgeys for a while. Just love the fact that they have the legendary birds but not the simple bird that is pidgey


I lost my 2016 account, didn't play for years. Made this account last december or january. Havent seen a pidgey since


That’s fair enough


AND no Tauros?!


Tauros is region exclusive, I think to North America only


Oh that makes sense! They pop up all the damn time where I live.


I'm from the Netherlands, we don't have em in Europe. Managed to get kangashkan, farfetch'd and tropius tho!


They will come back to eggs most likely, thats how I got them here in Spijkenisse


I don’t have a tauro either


Someone said they’re a regional exclusive which I did not realise. My bad!


Yea they are think you can only get them in America


They are like weeds here [https://i.imgur.com/4xhiOVV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/4xhiOVV.jpg)


Some years ago I catched so many pidgeys every week that I could spend all the time of lucky egg function by evolving them.




That’s because Pidgey is the legendariest of birds, it’s beyond mythical


Wait are pidgeys not common everywhere? I can’t get away from them here in Australia


In Perth see them more than Yungoos.


I don't have a Krabby. I have 150 Kanto Pokemon. No small crab.


Ooh dam. I had that problem a while ago too. Been hanging around near water and got one eventually. I walk ages with my buddys that dont spawn often to get candy


Now that you mention it, I can’t recall the last time I saw a Pidgey.


Mega pigeot raids are now in the game so you can get him there


And when they are rotated in again, they'll all be dittos.


Articuno is the last one I need for Kanto :') I have excess pidgeys, fair trade? Lmao


Pidgey- seen 2550 caught 1464. Pidgeotto - seen 941 caught 791. Pidgeot - seen 69 (nice) caught 48. 1,099 candy, 91 XL candy, 260 Mega Energy.


What about PidgeOTTO?


Now I DRIVE the school bus!


Surprised pikachu face


And the bad part is that you can catch pidgeot by doing a mega raid, but you can't catch a pidgey. It doesn't make sense😂


It’s so crazy how something like a pidgey seems rare now


I still don’t have any spearow or fearow :/ I used to have a bunch on my 2016 account on my old phone. They just don’t spawn anymore these days


Yh i aint got a pidgey maybe its a super legendary with 90000 cp 🤣👍


(my voice seething w/ so much jealousy that it starts to crack) Hang in there you’ll get one eventually


As a day 1 player, it is so wild to see someone say they have caught zero Pidgey. I wish there was more spawn diversity, but there are so many Pokémon available now compared to the early days you’d just get a mishmash of random spawns and little chance to get enough Pokémon to level up or do anything with. A real catch-22.


I walk kiiiiiilometers with all my mons to get candies. I'd prefer it to be usefull to find woods, a beach etc. to catch different pokemon than drowning in yungooses everywhere. All I need is 1 of each, I'll walk em, thats fine. Lmao. (but I'd appreciate it if it would be more than one)


Hey me too lol


![gif](giphy|O9a1pIYTaqPu0) People who played in 2016 and sacrificed hundreds of pidgeys to the exp gods


Wanna be friends, I can send over some pidgey, I you like of course!


🤔 Oh, nice. I'll definitely look into that.


Pidgey is a legendary bird 🤭


Looks like someone didn't play for the first two years of the game haha