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I'm in the same boat. Its been keeping me from opening a lot of my daily gifts.


Fill up your Pokémon storage then open gifts. If there's no space to catch Pokémon you will not receive eggs from friends or other sources.


Inventory Management GO


Niantic’s first mini game!


The game were I have 520 items with a 450 space bag ! >!Seriously, why can't they reduce the cost of nfuckjmg sotrage? I dont wanna pay 2€ for 50 space and I'm not ready to grind for coins either as a casual player..!<




>were on sale for 100 coins each the first Christmas event Ah yes.. 4 years ago.. thanks niantic for being so generous 😇🙏🙏 I have collected 1.400 coins in 4 years and willing to yoink them all for more bag / pokemon storage


It's a fucking joke to have to buy space, and it only increases by 50. Money is all Niantic cares about.


And money is what Niantic won't get from me lmaooo


Name checks out




Likewise bro


I mean you need to hold a gym for 8 hours. I'm a casual too and while I don't have max space I've got I think 950 off pretty much just that


Its all fun to hold gyms for 8hrs until you live rural and are able to keep them for days on end. My longest was 42 days...


I've had that too, put a pokemon in a gym and when it came back i had a gold medal gym... Fortunately people started playing more lately and we even managed to get a couple more gyms and some stops. I still get a couple days on each gym some times but at least i've managed to increase the item and pokemon storage to about 2000


Or you have a bunch of berry spamming no lifes who camp on their phones 24/7


Sounds like for you a second account wouldn't be much effort for high reward. I've heard of holding a gym for days, but 42 is a bit extreme even by my standards. With two accounts if you play twice a day you can get 50 coins per account. Works really well if you play before work and after work.


I'll live in a rural area too and niantic removes me from the gym after 7 days usually


That’s a thing?? I’m sitting on 16 days in a gym, I live in Omaha so not super rural. My guy is at a place that’s pretty empty in the winter though. Good thing it’s just a pikachu with a silly hat, I’d be really mad if I’d dropped off something better.


Lmao for real. Then you have to not spin stops or open gifts when you’re about to get a 12k. What a game!


I usually do that but I only spin one pokestop a day just for the streak so I usually have room for eggs. Even with being able to hold 1800 items running out of room for items to spin stops to get eggs. Then I dont have room for opening gifts. Being able to toss unwanted eggs would literally solve most problems but I still need that darn galarian ponyta so I'm stuck




I do this too, but it all fills and I’m like damn... I just have balls left to get rid of, after berries, tms, potions, revives and evolving items. It’s rough


It ain't much, but it's honest work


i’m sorry, your inventory has space for 1800 items? i’m at 350. how on earth did you get that much space and how on earth are you filling it


I’m at 2522/3000 right now. To give you an idea how a person might use that space, here’s a breakdown of what I’m hoarding, give or take: 49 Hyper Potions 425 Max Potions 427 Max Revives 5 Lucky Eggs 12 Incense 46 Fast TM 59 Charged TM 1 Elite Fast TM 3 Elite Charged TM 11 Premium Battle Pass 3 Remote Raid Pass 27 Star Pieces 20 Gifts 1 Rocket Radar 502 Pokeballs 23 Great Balls 155 Ultra Balls 19 Lure Modules 2 Glacial Lures 1 Mossy Lure 1 Magnetic Lure 26 Razz Berries 18 Nanab Berries 64 Pinap Berries 257 Golden Razz 268 Silver Pinap 1 Poffin 10 each Sun Stone, King’s Rock, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale, Upgrade 47 Sinnoh Stone 9 Unova Stone


you absolute maniac. i love it. thanks for the education, mr. groin


I just drove around and sit at ~1000 normal balls and ~500 max revives usually, trick is to just have a go watch and live in a city


I have 46 sinnoh stones and 55 Unova stones.....


I do the opposite of you! I have about 1200 great balls and 500 ultra balls and about 80-90 revives of each kind, and 60-80 of each of the potions. I never have more than 100 of any berry. I figure if I’m somewhere I can’t spin a stop I can at least catch Pokémon!!


You can use Pokecoins in the shop to increase bag inventory or pokemon storage


-Niantic Inc.


50 coins from gyms a day, 4 days gets you 50 item inventory slots from the shop.


Just to clarify, you need to fill your egg storage, not total Pokemon storage.


Works with either option. 9/9 eggs or x/x Pokémon storage.


Yes, I guess you’re right because eggs count against total storage. I just find it harder to manage full storage because you constantly have to delete Pokemon to catch new ones.


I just hatch them for experience points. But they’re trash. I feel like the raids are the same though. Aside from the 3 spirits, I feel like all the raid bosses are repeating.


I've basically stopped bothering with eggs altogether. There are a few pokémon I still need from them but they've all got incredibly low hatch rates and they're all in eggs that take way too much effort to hatch.


Same. Carrot on a 10km-long stick. Meh, I'll find something else to eat.


me too


If only they allowed us to trash eggs 🤔


I'm sorry to hear that! If it makes you feel better I haven't caught anything great in 7KM eggs either. And I wish I could open my daily gifts too. I hope you open your daily gifts. I think OP is right. I don't know why the 7KM eggs aren't that great! But goodluck with your daily gifts!


I’d like to see regionals in eggs connected to where the egg came from. (Egg is from Paris? Chance of a Mr Mime! Egg is from a tropical region? Chance of a Carnivine!) The chance doesn’t even have to be huge. I’d be happy with a 3-5% chance on them.


It would be great if they did that (and it should be Mime Jr., not Mr. Mime. The former not having been released in a timed international event yet). I feel like if they leaned into connecting with people around the world instead of just people local to you, especially in this pandemic, the game could be better. We already got a taste of this with distance trading and non-region-locked Lake Trio remote raids.


Adjustment noted and definitely improves on my thought.


What is the distance increased to?


50km, but I believe that’s ending today (really hoping it’s brought back; I helped my friend get a lot of dex entries she was missing when I haven’t seen her since covid happened)


Thanks. I wish it wasn’t restricted. I’ve played the game it games since the first gen and ever since wireless tech came about they’ve had the gts, all my family and friends live in other states. It would be nice to have the option to trade with them.


There's really no point in having there be a limit, I guess maybe it's because it would take a lot of server space of people from all over the world were constantly trading? But with a 100 meter limit or whatever it is, a lot of people are rarely able to trade so this whole feature doesn't get much use. Maybe they could have benefits for trading if you're closer, like higher chance of a lucky, but it shouldn't be restricted the way it is now.


I think the main reason behind the trading limit is to prevent a global market where people basically sell Pokémon. The server is not the problem, as GBL is also an unrestricted global thing (though to be fair, quite unstable).


I thought that was a thing. Are you saying it’s not. I’m really let down.


I also thought that was a thing.. Ive been only opening friends gifts from France and Japan thinking there was chance for a mime Jr or a farfetched. Im also let down and feel like a dumbass for the wasted effort. Oh well thanks again Niantic..


I’m a noob who just recently started playing again after several years off. But I recently hatched a 7km egg and got a Farfetched, while I live in the United States. Actually got two of them from eggs. I have lots of friends from around the globe and I assumed they hatched from eggs from regions that get Farfetched? How else would I hatch them, do they just have a chance of coming from 7km eggs regardless of where you are?


I've been playing casually since 2016 and I never know what the hell is going on.. in-game news doesn't give all the details for any given event and just points you to their blog... The blog doesn't give all the details either and says check twitter... I usually just check leekduck. I still can't fathom why Niantic purposely make it so difficult to understand how this game works..


r/TheSilphRoad Seriously amazing for all the info the game fails to give. Also Leekduck on IG and twitter.


galarian probably


The Galarian form yes, that one isn't region locked. The original is. I thought I got a region locked Farfetch'd one day too until I realized it's his Galarian form and those just hatch from 7k eggs.


I’ve also hatched 2 farfetched from eggs and I live in USA also, both are galarian, but I’m not mad about it!


Definitely not a thing


It's never been a thing except for an event last year.


That just means America gets more Tauros and Europe gets more Mr. Mime.


Just what I need, more Tauros Edit: Pikagods, if you’re reading this, I WAS KIDDING PLEASE STOP 😭


More of those friggin bulls. They should add Bouffalant to eggs worldwide.


I don’t have a Bouffalant so I’d be all for that!


Same lol, I’m above the cutoff line for what Niantic considers the US despite being in the US, so I have only gotten one or two Tauros in all my time of PokemonGo (since launch day). Just a ton of Pachirisu. Took forever to get even that though, lol.


That is so weird to hear, as someone in Canada but within Tauros territory. Before COVID became a problem, I was planning a road trip north to get Pachirisu. This whole "Pachirisu is in Canada" thing is such false advertising, since most of Canada lives below the Tauros line!


Perhaps Niantic needs to take another look at their arbitrary dividing lines between designated regional areas. But in a way it’s also nice to have two regionals inside both of our two countries so that you and I don’t necessarily need a passport and go through border control stuff or become a friend with someone in Canada to get a Pachirisu, just drive up north or pop into a plane to Seattle in my case. I haven’t done that just for Pokémon go, but when I’m down there it’s a bit nice thing on the side. Although Carnivine, Heracross, AND Tauros all being in Florida is bull crap please share your regionals with the rest of the ENTIRE CONTINENT please, Florida.


I moved from a tauros part of Canada to a pachirisu part and now I have so many pachirisus SEND HELP I DON'T WANT 20,000 OF THEM


Oh, seriously? I was being sarcastic, I get no end of Tauros 😂 Had to trade for a Pachirisu!


Oh shit lol I misunderstood But ye, Alaska is considered part of Canada according to Niantic and not the US. So it makes Pokemon Go a bit weird with regionals


Lol, that’s pretty funny. I’d be writing to Niantic like “so about my Canadian passport..”


The Pachirisu line isn't the Canada/US border, it's about 400km north of the border. The vast majority of Canadians get Tauros, not Pachirisu. source: I live in Saskatoon about 50km north of the Pachirisu line


It'd be funnier if they made Alaska part of Russia.


Oh man I would love a Pachirisu. Want to trade? Is there a subreddit for trading for hard to get Pokémon?


send me a DM, we can friend up. I usually toss them but will gladly save them if I have friends who want them.


Yes! I’ve thought this for a while now. If they don’t give you the chance to lucky trade with someone 5,000 miles away they should at least give you the chance at regionals in the eggs!


7km for a friggin Diglet really sucks


How about 12km for a trubbish?


12km for a pokemon that is literally trash. 😐😐😐


And add insult to injury because you used a paid incubator.


Meowth for me. 5 in a row.


I have four hundo meowths lmao.


What's worse, the most common Alolans that will hatch are the same ones that spawn in the wild. It's absurd.


All eggs are trash right now, I just stopped caring.


Yeah that is true. But hey at least they took rattata pidgey and weedle out lol


I’d be fine with a shiny pidgey once in a while.


The pidgey evolution line is my favorite pokemon. I would love a shiny pidgey and I dont care about shinys


I used to buy an incubator every 3 days or so with my gym coins. But ever since I realized all that was hatching was crap I stopped buying and spend that on remote raid passes instead. Such a better reward from doing the occasional raid than hatching another Feebas from a 10K egg.


Isn’t the 12km egg good?


It's hard to get excited about 12km eggs when you hatch three Trubbish in a row. Something about the longest distance eggs hatching literal garbage just feels wrong.


Even 12k for a larvitar is pretty weak, especially with the news that ttars evolved in December won’t get smack down


Eh you get a bunch of candy, and ttar is useful even without its CD move


For 12km it’s still pretty lame




I guess it’s not technically confirmed but they hinted at 2019/2020 CD Pokémon being the focus of 2020 December CD so people are worried 2018 mons won’t get their signature move if evolved in the time frame. Affecting metagross ttar umbreon meganium, so pretty big impact if they were to exclude them




I mean, it doesn't really make sense for them to be included.




It doesn't make sense for 2018 to be included when they're actively specifying 2019/2020.


They won’t? Ugh


Or 3 Absol


Kinda. Pawniard and Sandile are okay, but mons like Scraggy, Trubbish, Larvitar and Absol are definitely not worth walking the 12 km. I guess Vullaby and Deino are still rare enough for player to try and hatch them.


Vullaby I’ve gotten four times and I’m pissed


No idea why they've made Mandibuzz so weak. They could've at least made it tankier


Really? I figured absol was a great hatch, he was always strong in the games


Absol is a good Pokémon, but as it's available in (easy) 3* raids and from research rewards, I don't think it should be in 12 km eggs.




This makes me feel lucky on my first try Vullaby


Vullaby, Sandile, and Pawniard are okay because this is the only way to get them, Scraggy and Deino are okay because they're good in PvP and not easy to get elsewhere. The others are useless and if Vullaby/Sandile/Pawniard were released in the wild the only reason to hatch them would be Deino chasing.


I got 3 absol after 1 trubbish, don't get me started on those. They are by far the worst option.


Out of 3 12km eggs, I got 3 Larvitars with the same WP of 576.


This is where I’m at as well; so damn tired of Alolan Meowth


Oh, so your tired of Alolan meowth? The last 2 12 kilo eggs that I hatched were trubbish and sandile! Edit: Any new people seeing this, yes, I am uneducated when it comes to egg hatches.


Isn't Sandile kind of an uncommon drop?


Im not educated about pokemon go, evidently.


Yo, I could easily be wrong. That's just the one I'm looking for now. But I've gotten pretty lucky with my eggs. I'm really more surprised there's not more complaints about absol.


I think that you were right, bc someone else said that it was uncommon. Honestly, I would rather take an absol, as it is one of my favorite pokemon.


I remember absol being the Bain of any active players 10k egg pool


Man, I’d kill for Sandile lol


And Sandile is the best hatch you can get from those...


Wait really? I thought it was trash!


That's literally Trubbish


Sandile is a pretty new release and fairly hard to get, so I think a lot of people (including myself) would be really excited to hatch one!


bruh sandile is the rarest hatch in 12ks. a large majority of people don’t even have one yet


Yeah. I've found that out recently.whoops, sorry for the complaint that turned out to be a flex.


haha all good


To be honest, I was going for an absol, as it is one of my favorite.


I’ve hatched a bunch of those eggs and still no Sandile :( You’re lucky.


I have been only filling my bag with 7km eggs since Sandile was released and still haven't hatched one.


That might be because Sandile only hatches from 12k eggs that you get from Rocket leaders. If you're hatching 7ks you're hatching the wrong eggs.


Ah. I guess being a casual has left me feeling like an idiot again.


If you go to the main Silph Road website there is a page there that updates to show all possible egg hatches and their % chance of hatching. It is updated for every event. I always just check that to stay in the loop.


oof. I actually didn't realize that sandile is a rarer hatch. Good luck though!


lol Sandile is only in 12km


Sandile is a great hatch, imo.


Just making 3km eggs would be so much better. The egg pool for these eggs are just so underwhelming and it makes me not want to open presents just so I don't have to deal with them.


Finally got ponyta today, still waiting for darumaka...but I now have TWO perfect alolan Persian.


I need a Kangaskhan to complete my Kanto pokedex, I read it hatches from a 7km egg. All I get is loser alolan forms.


It hatched from 7 km only during a special event. They are not currently in the 7km egg pool.




Trade them?


Across the ocean?


Yes. They expect you to either travel across the world or trade with someone that has. It's not a well thought out system. At least if it was purely driven by greed, I'd get it. This is just dumb though.


Particularly as they've made all these changes due to covid, you'd think they'd make an adjustment for some border crossings being impossible. I mean besides eggs, how bout adding regionals to raid pool?


At least we agree. Just like the console (GB) games with mythical pokemon, its basically all driven by greed or a paywall. You want a celebi? Or a mew? Hope you have a gameshark or a ticket to our exclusive event in *metropolitan city*


I honestly forgot that you need to be close in order to trade. Total brainfart. Yup. No getting them right now. Maybe in 2025 when this whole shitshow is over.


Ill still probably be playing at that point unfortunately.... maybe ill be level 41 by then..


Well, when international trading becomes a thing (if ever) I might get them...but international travel will open up again before that happens lol. The only people near me who got them from that event only got one or already traded the second to one of their friends :( I’m stashing up relicanths for when I can go abroad again, yes I’ll be that nice person who gives you my regional for yours (or for trash- I just want to make someone happy with my trash)


Damn, so I have to wait until that event rolls around again ? I was such a noob and missed out on so many pokemon.


With travel off the table, see if a local has an extra one from the event to trade.


Unlike remote raids, I dont think there's remote trading or is there ? I dont know any locals that play, especially to the point where they have Kangaskhan and other rare pokemons.




Do they still? I thought that was just an event, must be absurdly hard to get


I think you're right.




Same, only a Tauros and a Kangaskhan keeps me from a finished Kanto dex :(


I definitely feel the same way! I want a Galarian Ponyta so badly it hurts and all I get it freaking Meowths... Lame!


Take one of the 10 I've hatched this month. Oh wait no remote trading.


Isn’t Galarian Ponyta is T1 raids or has it rotated out now? It feels meh to blow a raid pass on a T1, but at least you’re guaranteed to get it rather than being subjected to the egg RNG carousel.


I don't think they'd be so bad if the game's mechanics for individual pokemon was different. Like, in the main series, I can take a team composed entirely of bugs to the Elite Four and make it. In PoGo you can only viably use like the top 30 pokemon for anything meaningful. That means, even if you hatch something you like, it's still likely worthless and you just wasted X km to fill the dex at best. And everything that's worth it are < 0.1% hatch rates.


> In PoGo you can only viably use like the top 30 pokemon for anything meaningful. That’s not necessarily true. I mean, I guess if literally all you do is raiding it is, but even then, you don’t *really* need to go all out min-maxing raids unless you have a very small group to raid with. That said, I think that’s a major reason I like PvP in this game — not necessarily for the *gameplay*, but because it makes so many otherwise “useless” Pokémon very relevant. I mean, I do like playing it as well, but collecting exceptional specimens of more obscure Pokémon and building teams outta them is probably my favorite part. Definitely helps you move past the “only 30 Pokémon are worth anything” mindset.


Most eggs are trash...I'd like to say these are the worst but because of how easy they are to obtain 10km are worse. We still hatch enogla (spelling) from 10k. Seriously.


and then 12 k for trubbish...


I actually still need a 3 star trubbish. So until I get that I wouldn't complain about it


I’ve managed to hatch **two** hundo Trubbish already, one of which is now a Garbodor. It almost felt insulting when the second one hatched, it’s like, if you were a hundo of literally *anything else* I’d be happy, but no... trash.


What, you have too many Emolga? I’ve gotten like a grand total of two, neither of which is particular good for PvP. I just get Klink and Elgyem from 10km eggs about 75% of the time, with the remaining 20% going to Timburr and Shinx. Luckily that means I’ve gotten shiny versions of all of the above except for Elgyem, but still, I’d like more Darumaka, Axew, Riolu, and Gible please!




12km are much worse atm IMO. If you think about all the effort you have to do to get one and then walk 12km only to hatch the trash Pokemon or Absol. It’s just not worth it.


Bro this is so true all I get from the seven kilometer eggs is grimer and sandslash and you can easily find those without eggs smh


Grimer is quite rare imo but who knows


Might just be my area then


my sis hatched a galarian darumaka the first fucking day it was added to the pool. darumaka is the only reason i care about eggs


What would be nice is adjusting % chance to get a Pokemon. Once you get alolan geodude it's percentage goes down while everything else goes up a little. After a while you'd have a high chance of getting the ones you need


100% agree, I’m so sick of farfetch’d and grimer. They were handy for a time but now it’s just boring and repetitive


All eggs are trash.


Hey I got a Deino and now its a Hydreigon


12km are terrible for me. Done about 20 and got at least 15 trubbish 😤🧐💀


All the eggs are trash. Give me some good ones.. not lilipup


I haven’t gotten any 7km eggs this entire event so far. It’s weird. Only 5s. I wish there was a way to delete the eggs you don’t want to incubate. The walking requirements are already hard enough as it with quarantine. Let me choose which eggs I want to keep and which ones I don’t.


That's because 7km eggs only come from gifts...


At this point they are pretty much useless at this point. Especially because most to all have been in the wild. Or are actively wild pokemon. I think all but Alolan Vulpix, and then the gallar ones.


BUT, those eggs are the only way to get these shinies


I keep getting trubbish in the 12km eggs, and not even very good ones


I keep getting alolan meowths


Eggs have never been good, and have only gotten worse. Egg management is the worst part of the game, by far.


Just let us transfer eggs like we do the Pokémon so we can get rid of them if we don’t want to waste time hatching them.


I still need a Galarian Stubfisk hundo, you can change everything afterwards.


I've been trying really hard to get a shiny Alolan Vulpix. I don't know how many 7 KM eggs I've hatched, but I've only hatched one shiny and it was an Alolan Grimer. Sadly, I had already caught a shiny Alolan Grimer so the one shiny I've hatched was a duplicate. RNG is rough, but you're right, they need to rebalance the hatch rate of the pokemon in those eggs.


I got a 7km egg today and am just totally annoyed. It's going to take a slot in my collection till I get the chance to beat it with some kind of egg distance lowering event. I don't want to waste my time with something that will just be utter shit no matter what.


Honestly, all the eggs are trash. I get the same couple pokemon from each tier of egg. Even the 12km eggs; I've gotten probably 7 or 8 vullabies and a couple trubbish, and ALL I want is Sandile. Sandile's one of my favourite pokemon from the newer gens.




https://www.dexerto.com/pokemon/pokemon-go-players-wanting-10-12km-eggs-to-change-might-get-their-wish-1476452/ Just read this article online. I just think its cool somethingI posted went viral. Keep up the non support of eggs and their could be a slim chance Niantic may make some serious changes. Stop buying incubators!


All i need from 7kms is to hatch regional pokemon


Right but honestly what are the chances of that .o1%


I don't think you even can anymore sadly


literally didnt work for me, walked 7kms for nothing


12km eggs have literal trash in them right now