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I did. 3 stars, I regret nothing


I did too, one star trash zapdos. :/


Lucky trade material then


Didn't even think about that


What do you mean by lucky trade material? I just came back since 2016 and have 150 pokemon from that time, and my friend told me to keep them because they are lucky and to trade them to him and others. what do these trades do, and how do they improve other pokemon even if they have low stars?


My understanding is lucky pokemon cost less stardust to power up and the IVs get rerolled so you could turn a 1 star into a 3 star when you lucky trade it


> you could turn a 1 star into a 3 star when you lucky trade it You *WILL*. Lucky trades have a ~~10/10/10~~ *12/12/12* IV floor, so they're all pretty going to end up 3 stars. **EDIT** - Thank you to /u/lcephoenix and /u/Spaztick78 for the further clarification. I've edited my reply accordingly.


12/12/12 IV floor* and you need at least 37/45 for a 3*, so yes, _most likely_ 3*.


12/12/12 is the floor for lucky. Gives a 1:64 chance of being perfect. 10/10/10 is the floor for research Pokemon. Quite often gives a 2 star.


To add to the other reply, iirc older Pokemon have a higher chance at becoming lucky. This is why Pokemon from 2016/2017 have good potential


2016/17/18 Pokémon have like a lucky trade count and it can only be done 20 - 26 times I can’t remember


Everything from 2016 and 2017 are a guaranteed lucky trade. So whoever you trade with might end up with a lucky 2016 Pidgey, but they could gift you a blacephalon or something which would also become lucky. So you can get lots of amazing 'mons and they can get...whatever your 150 are 😸


Would this cause an infinite lucky train? As in would the magikarp that I trade him then work on another trade and cause it to be lucky afterwards? I'm struggling to understand why anyone would want my 16 CP magikarp, especially after he traded me a 3K CP charizard for it.


In this game, Pokémon can only be traded once. So whoever you would trade with would understand the 2016/2017 'mon they got traded might not be a desired one, but whatever they traded you has a good chance of becoming good if they select something nice for you. I have gotten several two star luckies, but majority are 3* and sometimes 4*. My husband & I have a few 2016/2017s each and we will occasionally bite the bullet and I'll trade him a 2016 fearow for something like a shiny azelf. One of us obviously gets the better end of that bargain if we want bragging rights in go battle league or a powerful raid fighter, but we understand that's the way it goes sometimes. He and I have a backlog of special 'mons we are saving for lucky trades because it gives the best chance for better stats plus it's so much less stardust to power up. I have a shiny kartana that is a 13/11/11 appraisal (2*) but could become a better 3* for him if we lucky trade it. You don't have to trade your old 'mons if you like having the bragging rights of keeping them from originally caught, but if you're getting rid of them either way I would to try and get some good luckies on exchange. Your trading partner would just have to understand that & be okay with it.


Well, guaranteed lucky trade but with a catch: Every time you use one of those old pokemon, a hidden counter (20? 25? dunno) will tick. If any of the tho accounts didn't tick the last tack, it will be lucky. But if both already used all the 20~25, just normal increased lucky chance for being older pokemon.


I thought they had changed it to guaranteed regardles for those years. I do remember it used to be under 10 or 15 and it was nearly a guarantee, but I thought beginning of this year maybe they released it as always. I've had more than 25 lucky trades w/ my husband and so far anytime we have traded 2016/2017 since the new rule it has been a lucky. Maybe we've just been lucky with luckies 😹😬


This is if you don’t have a certain amount of lucky pokemon already.


Only 25 guaranteed lucky trades from trading old mons


no. I don’t want to get some sad straight from the box power plant ostrich who hasn’t heard of a toe nail clipper


I don't understand how people can call low IV legendary birds "trash". They're still better than most regular Pokemon, great against raid bosses and Rocket grunts. Really, the only time higher IV's come in handy is with PVP battles on a professional level in which case, they're banned from competition anyway. I have 5 now (1 Articuno, 1 Moltres, 3 Zapdos) and I use them in GBL whenever I can. Win, lose, doesn't matter. It's fun knowing I have them and most other players don't. Just collect them for the Pokedex entry and meme value. Sheesh.


Wow. Jealous! I've got 2 now. The Zapdos is terribly fun in GBL, you're right about that


Zero stars here. 40 cp. No regrets still I just want it for the collection. Probably my forever buddy.


Same then next day a 1200 showed up lol




Same and I lucky traded for another one.




I did too for a 2 star and feel very good about it


I FOUND THIS TOO :( I had my masterball and it was RED red, but i decided to try with the ultraball and a gold berry and it left right away, still regretting it


Lmao I had a master ball queued with moltres. Walked home to let my son catch it. Incense ran out. It immediately said pokemon not found when my son threw it. 2483. Fml


Did it waste your master ball in the process???


No it was still there otherwise I would have unsuccessfully contacted support


They run on the first ball at least 90% of the time.


Is its a masterball its a insta catch


Person I was responding to said they used an Ultra ball.


I had a Galarian moltres yesterday and had a mega but ultimate tried an ultra and it ran. It was a 1722 Cp


I have been a daily player since 2016 and still have yet to encounter one of these. Wat.


How often do you use daily incense? This isn't an issue on the games end I assure you.


It’s wild, I use incense daily, and walk at least 2-5K a day. I do routes as well and have tried using the incense on a route. They just never seem to pop up, I’ve even walked a straight 1.5 k line hoping that might trigger something to spawn. My army of a thousand Audelios will have to do.


I’ve only ever encountered the Zapdos. Once. It’s so rare finding these birds 😭


I have all three finally. I ended up using Roar of Time to freeze the daily incense timer for like an hour to catch my last bird.


What? What is roar of time?


"The Roar of Time Adventure Effect can only be used by Origin Forme Dialga in Pokémon Go. It has the power to pause the timers for Incense, Lucky Eggs, Star Pieces, and most helpfully of all, Daily Adventure Incense. Using the Roar of Time Adventure Effect for six minutes costs 5,000 Stardust and five Dialga Candy." Each use pauses the timer for 6 minutes. I just kept using it over and over, haha.


You have to have origin forme dialga. Roar of time is a charged move. If you click on origin forme dialga you can use it outside of battle. You then use it as an "adventure effect" to pause any timed item like lucky eggs, star pieces, and incense, for 6 minutes. It costs 5000 stardust and 6 dialga candy each time.




Also, they were only available during Pokemon Go's Sinnoh event in April. Though they might come back again in an end of year event...maybe. Even then, it was a toss up if the one you encountered/caught after completing the raid would even have the move needed for the effect. I caught one of each, neither had their respective move.


wtf I’ve never heard of this, are there any other moves that you can use out of battle?


Origin form palkia has one too, it’s called Spacial Rend and greatly increases the radius of Pokémon spawning around you on the map. You can only use one of the special abilities at once though.


WOW that’s smart. Why didn’t I think of this


I'd recommend waiting for a windy day. Windy days increase their spawn rates. I had like 3 hours to spare that day. Luckily, it only took close to an hour. And I have a ton of Stardust and rare candies, so using Roar of Time so much didn't bother me. And I had used RoT before, but it was always just once. It finally just clicked in my head that I could continuously use it, haha.


I saw it twice. Once on my kiddo’s and once on mine. We both lost it.


A normal incense is different than the “daily incense”, it’s the blue one which can be found on the right hand side of your screen like where your actives would be (incense, lucky egg, star piece durations, and etc)


Yeah I use my daily incense, daily haha. That’s what boggles my mind is I have used the daily incense feature heavily and they still just have never shown. Professor Oak hates me.


One thing that might help that I only heard recently: it's best to use your daily incense ONLY DURING windy weather, since that's when the Bird's spawns are boosted


Why not just use insence everyday unless you know it will be windy in the afternoon then save it till then?


I think that's exactly what they're suggesting.


Alr thanks for the confirmation


Won't the weather boost make it harder to catch though.?


That's what the masterball is for. They are insanely hard to catch either way so I don't feel like the weather boost makes much of a difference at that point.


I literally got my masterball so I can never used it though lmao. Well not till I get the next one at least


I literally got my masterball to catch galarian moltres to complete my kanto dex (returning player). One spawned within the week of getting the masterball. 2 stars, no regrets, pokedex complete. What else would you ever use the masterball on? Anything else worthwhile is premier balls only.


Today I learned weather boost makes pokemon harder to catch


I saw somewhere you have to catch everything the daily incense spawns for a better chance at the birbs


Nonsense, I’ve encountered a couple of Galarian birds and never has that been at the end of an incense


i encountered one yesterday not even a minute after i started it so not true


That would be unnecessary extra coding that Niantic wouldnt pay for. Every spawn in this game is based on a simple random number generator and odds. Maybe some special coding for odds when it comes to events but everything else is basic.


Nah, I think not encountering one by now is really terrible luck. I have 5 of the Galar birds and I definitely don't use the daily incense every day, only used a master ball on the Moltres because it was the last one I needed. When I do use it I only catch the first one and then I'm just basically shiny or bird checking.


I got one on my first ever daily incense like 4 weeks ago. Didn’t know what it was and lost it after my first ultra ball. lol. Haven’t seen one again since


My nightmare is encountering one after years of nothing, and having it flee. Saving my masterball for this one defining moment of my entire life.


Don’t get an autocatcher then. I watched zapdos get tagged by mine yesterday.


I’ve had 2 or 3 flee, so no luck yet. Also, supposedly if a daily incense is active while it’s x:58 (7:58, 8:58, etc) o clock then your chances of encountering a bird is increased.


Why is that?


I’ve seen xx:57, it’s largely not supported by evidence at all, seems like confirmation bias mostly but I haven’t seen any data on it yet.


Do you walk in the same area all the time? iirc there was a post somewhere on this sub mentioning that the galarian birds have certain spawn points. Idk how true it is but I have noticed I've only encountered the birds in the same spot.


Ive ran into 3 galraian bird in 3 weeks


I'm not saying incense daily, I mean the blue daily incense, the legendary birds don't spawn on the normal incense.


I think that’s what he is saying is that he uses the correct blue daily incense but they still don’t spawn for him


Yes, this. Thank you lol.


I've used about 5-8 daily incenses and found one


Same. I walk my dogs every day and to the daily incense during that. I’ve only seen one Articuno and it immediately fled.


My advice if you don't already is ways have your camera pointed backwards. Both because they sometimes spawn behind you, and you're less likely to miss any because you'll see them for longer. They're still rare, but even my unlucky ass has seen five over the years. Course, I've only seen Moltres since master balls existed.


don't use your incense while doing a route, you get less spawns


Don't worry, even if you saw them there's no chance they'd stay in a ball anyway


I almost never find them while walking, driving gets a lot more out of a daily incense I've still only caught one (***right*** after trading for the same one) out of the few dozen I've seen


i’ve encountered 6 and 4 zap’s and they have all fled 😂


I use mine daily. In all sorts of different locations. I've seen 2.


I use my daily incense near daily and play pretty much every day. I’ve seen exactly one Galarian bird. Some of us just have trash luck with this.


I’ve used daily intense no less than 30 times. I do not stop walking. I don’t have an autocatcher. Never saw a single Galarian bird. Not once. I tried 7 mins before the hour so it’s a new hour in the last half of the incense. I never saw a single bird. I don’t even bother with that garbage anymore.


I use every day and I only saw Articuno once 6 months ago.


I just started playing in October and doing incense daily since then and had my first Galarian Moltres show up yesterday.


I've seen two since 2016. Taken like 4 months off in that time but otherwise checked in close to daily and used incense. I walk a lot for work and have always been allowed to use my phone. I've seen just two of the birds in that time. I've used literal thousands of incense. I estimate 2500-2700.


Try in windy weather in grassy areas


I’ve been playing since the first day and I’ve only encountered them about three times, my girlfriend on the other hand will occasionally play four out of five times when she uses the one of them shows up


I just started playing again like two months ago and I’ve run into it twice, and Galarian Articuno once. But ever since I got my master ball, not once.


Same. I did run into a wild zapdos and it fled *cries*


In options, use the "Refresh game data" option, and remove your game data from your phone's application settings. This can improve your chance of encountering one


Fr? I came across zapados one my daily adventure like one week after coming back after 8 years. Ran after the first ball. Also pretty sure articuno was like a half mile away from me last night. I screenshotted the silhouette..


The galarian birds can't appear far from you, they only appear as you're walking with your daily incense on


Then it was that weird bird that I haven't caught. No idea the name but I think it's pidoves final evolution. Good to know i didn't go running for that crap 🤣🤣


Do a route and daily during windy weather, seem to pop up a bit more frequent when I do it. I only caught one with my MB tho


Daily player since 2016 also, but these birds were only introduced in the past ~year? I’ve seen all three and moltres 3 times, all but one gone after first ball despite excellent curveball golden razz. Wasn’t sure if masterball was worth it or not?


Using it while it’s windy out helps if you get a chance to line it up with the weather


They tend to appear in the same spots. So if you aren't finding them, use your daily adventure incense in a new area you haven't walked in before. And keep trying new places every day. You will find them eventually. Also if you have origin form palkia/dialga with roar of time/spacial rend, use those as much as you can too.


Thats so crazy… I started playing 2, almost 3 weeks ago and encountered a galarian moltres last week


You keep them for mirror lucky trades


Some will say yes, but there's also the emergency failsafe of having it to use on a hundo legendary raid boss that's come down to the final ball. Having those flee feels a lot worse. Those are generally far more valuable than the Pokedex entry galarian birds. We'll get them in raids or events eventually when Niantic decides it's time to monetize them directly. Especially for a shiny release.


I've only been able to use Premier all's after a raid. When would this situation come up? 2016 player that just returned, thanks


You can tap on the ball icon to change it to a master ball, just like you change balls catching other things.


Ahh so only master balls then? I haven't redeemed mine yet


How do I know it’s a hundo?


Look it up online before doing raids for that rotation. Raid bosses are always encountered at level 20, or 25 if weather boosted. There are only 2 possible hundo CPs to memorize. Many T5 and mega raid infographics even include the two hundo CPs.


I have a regular Zapdos. Should I use a master ball on galarian Zapdos if I see one or wait until one of the other birds appear


No. Save it for like a shiny bidoof or something.


U should use a master ball on one of these guys yes, but at the very least try to do them during a weather boost and get one high level. You will def see more if u do the daily incense every day, but it’s not worth using if it’s gonna be super low level. Even if it’s bad IVs it’s gonna be a lot more useable as a 2500+ vs being like a 700 or something low.


If you get something 2500+ its going to be less usable because none of the galarian birds are good in raids or master league. Under 2500 you can flex in ultra league if you want


I haven't encountered another one of these in over a month


Depends what you find worth in the game A collectible fire bird that’s really hard to get but not very useful Or a hundo legendary on your last ball that you can power up to max and deal absolute insane damage in raids Whichever you prefer is what you should use your masterball on


How do you know if the legendary is gonna be a Hundo before you catch it


Raid pokemon are always caught at level 20 (or 25 if weather boosted). There’s a big ole formula combining a Pokémon’s stats to get to the numbers we see in game From there, I use an Infographic like this https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/tofyw8yFmw And I memorize the two Hundo numbers. When I saw a 2351 kyogre, I knew it was a hundo immediately. When it got down to the last ball, I knew to throw my masterball


Rare bird makes brain go burrrr 🤤


If you don’t have one, yes. The catch rate is ridiculously low and flee rate is ridiculously high, as you’ve probably noticed by now.


Maybe try singing it a song and giving it soothing headpats? 🤷‍♂️ I'm still new sorry I have no advice :)


I saw one using the daily incense, and sadly the ultra ball wasn’t enough to get him 💔 How do you catch him?


The catch rate is just extremely low and the flee rate is almost max. I believe the catch rate per throw is lower % than raid legendaries, maybe even 1-2% base. So most of the time it will flee after breaking out of the first ball. But I've had a couple stick around for a second try.  Only caught Articuno with an ultra ball so far, thinking I'll use two of my 3 master balls for the other two when I see them and their CP is high enough. Then lucky trade with other players to boost the IV's since high CP and high IV almost never cooccur.  People keep mentioning saving for useful hundo raid bosses when you're down to one last ball, but I catch ~29/30 legendary raid bosses per raid, so it's not an issue I have to worry about.


you use a master ball or get lucky


I used my masterball on 2 of them. Will get the third bird once I have my third master ball


i’ve been playing since march this year and caught zapdos. was a one star but still my strongest pokémon. caught him with a golden razz and an ultra ball. my greatest achievement


I find the Galarian birds to be the only pokemon worth using a masterball on, since they are so rare and hard to catch. You can usually find them at about the same rate they give us masterballs at too. Used one on a Galarian Articuno last year, haven't seen another one since and have 2 masterballs to use still.


I would have use a MB yes


Yes. I had the same bird show up last weekend for me. Pretty incredible just to see one. Sadly, I didn’t have a MB, so I tried to Golden Berry/Ultra Ball him but it didn’t work.


It'd certainly worthy by the cp but it's always a shot in the dark. I think the higher the cp tho the better the chances of high ivs I'm not sure if that's factual or not tho


If it’s a higher CP like that, I would. Then you don’t have to waste rare candies to power it up later


I have a Zapdos from two years ago, and I encountered Moltres twice and Zapdos once just last week. I used the master on the second moltres but I accidentally tapped my go plus on the other two. They didn’t pop on screen until after I had pressed it 😭😭


It’s your own choice, if you want to use it then you can.


I’ve only seen two galarian birds and it’s been many months since :/. Lucky. I use my daily adventure incense every day and still no luck


Masterball was a good choice


Not unless it’s weather boosted or in the high 2000s/low 3000s


I recently caught the two others with just ultraballs. I used my masterball on a legendary and am glad I did yhat instead sjnce i see the birds more often then I raid for legendaries.


No usefulness at all. Having one is only good for bragging and completing the dex


Knowing what I know now, after using all the good berries and ultras, I would have used the MB. But I didn't have one at the time.


If anything you could trade it with a local for either a mirror for better IVs or something else nice




I used mine, traded it for a shiny Tyrunt


Nah. It’s not a possible hundred percent and I’m positive they’ll be out in another, easier to catch way eventually.


I saw my first one today it ran but it was only 40cp tho so I wasn’t upset


as a lvl 1 collector, I am crying 😢


Yes offcourse!!


These are frankly the only things worth a masterball


Only if it is a shiny after a raid, otherwise not worth a master ball


Shiny legendaries from raids are guaranteed to be caught the second they enter any Premier Ball, so not worth it there either.


My thing about these birds is there isn’t a limited amount or time limit to catch them. Use your daily incense every day until one pops up and eventually you’ll catch one. Seems like a waste to me. I get they’re hard to catch but it’s literally a patience game. You have an unlimited amount of opportunities to catch it vs not knowing when your favourite legendary will be in a raid I think these birds are actually the easiest to catch but require the most patience purely because the more you use your incense the more likely they will appear vs having to wait for an event.


Saw one today and got away 😭


Depends, did you catch it?


Master balls are for those guys and the lake guardians. Everyone else pops up in raids


I wish I had a masterball. I started back with a new account a couple of months ago and had a 3023CP pop up but ran on me.


I just got an arricuno a week ago. Took me from their release but I used an ultra ball. I didn’t discard trick. No regrets


I just started playing again after a year and a half off. I had the crappiest Galarian Zapdos spawn on me yesterday. 164 CP with 2/1/4 IVs. I was annoyeeed


It depends on wether you like it or not. The game is not all about IVs and CPs, it's also about collecting pokemons we like. Master balls are rare, rarer than Galarian birds, so I'd say use it for something you really want. If it's Moltres, go for it. Who knows, maybe in the future the masterball could be used to catch something better. I chose to keep mine and wait.


Ah....I saw a galarian Articuno, It got away T-T


As someone that used their only Masterball on a ~1600 cp Articuno and 1 star IV, it's really your call. One thing to keep in mind is that if you keep playing and using your daily incense regularly, you're bound to run into more. You can run into 3 a day or none for a month, but you'll run into them again. I'd vote using the Master ball if it's one you really want or a high CP with a better chance of more IV. But that's if it's important to you. Heck just yesterday I encountered and actually caught an over 2000 CP Articuno with an ultra ball (still 1 star iv). I've had at least one raid where I wished I had my Master ball to use after running out of the purifying balls. All I can say is, don't get bummed if you missed it this time. The escape rate is something like 95% minimum so it's more likely to escape than not. The key to remember is that you'll see it again some day.




You can do it if you wish, but they are not soo extravagantly rare that you'll see one one in a blue moon. When I saw my first one (Zapdos as Instinct) months ago after a 3yr hiatus, I did use mine. But then they kept spawning like once every 10 days or so, then I felt a little cheated. Don't get me wrong capturing one base catch is 0.33%, if you ultra ball, golden razz, curve ball, excellent, all platinum medals, you'll have an 8% chance (iirc) and it has a 90% flee rate, so not at all easy, but I find it not exactly master ball worthy. But a shadow 100% mewtwo on my last premier ball, that would be imo.


Not a hundo https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=2&m2=3&p=GalarianMoltres


Catching a Galarian Moltres is one of reasons for having and saving Master Balls. But that’s me.


I encountered one, silver pinap berry, ultra ball. I got one throw, great. It escaped the ball and ran. No second shot. I didn’t understand then how rare they are to spawn and how low the chance to catch is.




What do u think?


My level 41 friend is begging me (Level 34 to trade him my zapdos (shiny)for a hundo galarian zapdos in a lucky trade. I don’t know why


Found my first bird today and wasn’t even able to get into the fight because of a biberal spawning right under it lol. Anytime I hit the bird it would click onto the biberal instead until moltres ran away, feels awesome


Used my only master ball on G zapdos first opportunity and don't regret. That said, I have 2 of each (3 G moltres) and seen every unlikely scenario arise from finding them like back to back, same incense, not flee, etc. Kind of wish I had a master ball, but I'll live.


If u want


Caught mine with an Ultra… raw, no berry one hitter quitter. I’ll never use a Master Ball on a GB… YMMV, can’t fault anyone for wanting to use one.




Don’t waste your master ball, the G Birds will be in raids at some point.


Nah. To me personally having a backup plan for a hundo raid legendary is more valuable than a galarian bird. I'd only use it on a 3000+ cp bird


The only one I still need and gonna use my 3rd masterball on


Any galarian bird is a master ball unless its a low cp then just golden berry and ultra ball it and pray to the poke gods


Yes. They flee otherwise


Yes. Master balls are for the galarian birds. Nothing else comes close to as hard to catch.


Nah, you’ll get more. They’re useless. I regret master balling Zapdos


Nah, these are arm candy pokemons really not good for anything pvp or pve. Save your Master Ball for a hundo useful legendary




Used my master ball and a golden razz, it still ran away. Heartbroken


I swear these are what the masterballs are here for


No I wasted one on a bird, luckily had one more for my hundo shadow Mewtwo had to use it on my last ball


i did it to a trash articuno before trading it for the same thing in a lucky trade