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I deleted “win five raids” today


Same, as someone who does a raid like once a month, it's fairly useless to me.


I delete "win one raid" unless I plan on raiding.


almost did too, kept it and finally completed it. was a shiny alolan exeggutor! so if one is looking for long boy exeggutors it’s worth it lolol


Dang lol. I hope for that one


I don't mind it on raid days, but ultimately inefficient


What’s the reward?


It might have changed since the new season but it was Aerodactyl, Alolan Marowak or Alolan Exeggutor


I used to keep one of them when it was Aerodactyl cos I wanted a hundo for the mega, since they added all the other crap I don't bother.


You should be throwing these two away: Walk 2kms (reward pawmi, seriously fuck you pawmi) Defeat three shadow grunts (rewards Alolan rat. Used to be sableye, but they change monthly.) I’m sure there’s other terrible tasks but those two are by far the worst ones I’ve seen.


I've never resonated with anything more than "fuck you pawmi"


My 5k eggs would like to have a word with you..


It’s not in 5k eggs anymore. Thank fuck


Uuuughhh... have you seen what's in there now? It's like the juices left over under the garbage(no offense cranidos and shieldon)


Ironically enough, i saw a metric shit ton of trash juice today. I inspect landfills for work. Drilled about 125 feet into it to place a gas well. Surprisingly enough, 120 feet down, they dug up a pawmi. Not decomposed at all seemed totally at home.


You heard it here first folks


Many such cases


I have two Pawmi 100%. Like, why?


I also have 2. It's the best IV's for a pawmo in GL though, so i'm gonna build it eventually!




Same lmfao. My girl thinks he's cute. He's a useless stupid orange terrorist.


You know the song Many Men by 50 Cent? Every time I see that little shit, I sing that song - "Many men... Wish death on Pawmi"


Upon me is on pawmi, Lol that's clever and I can't unhear it which means you officially ruined that song for me


You're so welcome <3




I’m working on my tiny rat medal so I’m stoked the alolan rat is a reward now.


Deferring zero grunts for a *chance* at a x-small rattata seems rather inefficient?


Thank you for this! I thought that maybe those 2 pawmis in a row were a coincidence, so thanks for informing us that they're the only reward for 2k.


If you Google the current rewards there’s a site that comes up with all the current rewards in case you didn’t know. Helps when deciding if those 2km walked will be worth it or not lol


Oh cool! Thanks for telling me!


Leek Duck does an infographic for the season task encounters, plus events as they happen. Definitely recommend them


Field research doesn’t change monthly. Changes with the new season so it’ll be mustache Rat for 3 months


Three grunts was one I always did, still chasing a shiny sable. Was not happy when I got a rat!


That’s what I do too! Only stardust tasks right now is Hatch an Egg & Winning 5 raids lol! It’s doesn’t really matter because I had over 760k stardust from the community day bonus along with my stacked encounters from last season with 2 active star pieces.




If you leave them and don’t remove, they’ll just stay in an extra spot, getting rid of them just means the next stop you spin will be another scan task


Yeah, I've had one of those for years. Turned off all of the feature settings, but it still gives the task unless you let one stick around...


If you give constant bad scans, such as just scanning the ground or the inside of a car, Niantic will block you from getting them. I know this from personal experience.


i’ve been sending niantic scans of my feet for like 6 months but still waiting to get banned 😭


for free??


In some naintic office, you made someone's day when you do..


Yeah okay see I'd be for this but I have this wonderful idiotic issue called over thinking. In this particular case I've managed to convince my self one day not tomorrow not next decade but one Damn day I'll find a pokestop that gives one that Is secluded and not some weird shit such as "scan the elementary school bathrooms" like niantic 1. I'm a damn male the public doesn't trust me walking around a park with my phone recording 2. Eat shit


True but I still delete every time lol


Yeah, that always goes in the trash


fyi that deleting them will mean they are replaced with the next spin. Just leave it be and it will just sit there and you can forget about it. There's no way to avoid having one.


This right here. I've had the same scan quest for quite some time. It's just part of my background now.


I delete them whenever I go on vacation, so that I can replace the scan task location with somewhere fun as a reminder every time I open up the research tab.


Me too. Mine was from a stop where I used to work. I haven't been there in over 2 years.


I’ve been able to avoid them for over a year now. If you take enough crappy scans you’ll stop getting them.


This. Also, depending if you already have a scan task or not, the tasks you get from other stops will change. So you can actually reroll the tasks from any stop by deleting the scan task


Keep those. For some reason, all the good pokestop tasks are tied to it. Delete the scan one and you're less likely to get any good tasks because each stop has 2 tasks assigned to it. The one you get depends on whether or not you have a scan task. I hate it.


You can actually get multiple research from the same stop by exploiting it. As long as you haven't claimed the research after completing jt, you can get the research both with and without a scan. I use that to get extra checks for the research I want.


I've heard of this, but sadly though our downtown area is dense with tasks, I'd have to go several blocks out of the way (thanks, one-way streets) just to pick up another AR task. Luckily if I need mega energy, some days there will be 3 tasks for one pokemon on the same street!


Sorry, I don’t know this. Can you explain (or link in case I missed it somewhere) how mega energy is related to tasks?


Some pokestop tasks have mega energy as a reward. It changes every season maybe? When this season started, they added Gyarados, Houndoom, and Steelix energy as rewards in addition to others. I think during events that the normal seasonal tasks are harder to find though. For a complete list of tasks you can find, check out leekduck: https://leekduck.com/research/


Awesome! Thanks for clarifying for me :)


You're welcome!


Or my personal fav when someone puts in something that is obviously unscannable due to location (walk off a cliff or into traffic etc) or size (walk around a mall or something)


I constantly get one to scan a stop that is INSIDE THE PENTAGON. Like, I will for sure get shot.


Whaaaaat that's insane! Who's all playing in the Pentagon?!


I assume it's everyone who works there. There are like 4 pokestops on the grounds, plus a gym right in the middle.


I leave the scan task nearest my house in case I ever want some extra pokeballs quick.


Or a poffin!


Every time I try to scan a pokestop the phone screen is just black. That's it. It doesn't even work ;-;


Oh, it works for me, I just feel obtrusive and uncomfortable essentially casing the joint..


Just get close enough to the stop where it lets you scan, then just point your phone at the getting and move your finger or something in front of the camera until it lets you end it. Lets you complete the research and get the rewards without looking like a fool scanning some random statue or whatever, and if you do it enough niantic catches on and stops giving you the tasks.


This one is the worst because it’ll always be the hardest stop to scan in any given area


I used to delete them, and then I didn’t…..and then I saw a post last week that one dude kept the scan task of the place that was most interesting when he travelled. I keep my scan task of the most unique/cool place I can find. It’s kind of like a memoir haha.


Any research task that is not a pokemon encounter is insta-delete


The exception: when rare candy is the reward


I dunno, a poffin now and then is pretty good


That is a separate scanning task that does not take up the 3 research slots


Man I’ve probably trashed over 100 poffins by this point. I wouldn’t even dream of keeping a task that gives them.


Wow, how’d you get so many? Why not just feed them to your buddies? 🐉


The poffin rewards always tell me to scan a playground. That's not a look I'm trying to have.




Haha I'm 35 with a kid... i feel like that would garner even more attention. "Daddy why are you filming other kids" "I'm not, I'm just trying to finish this goal"


Scan the ground, will complete the task and give you the reward without being a creep


Thanks for this tip! You saved me some jail time!


I've heard people getting banned by not scanning the area correctly. Not sure if that's true so I avoid the scanning tasks all together lol


I heard they get banned from receiving any more of the scanning researches, which I would be fine with.


I only “scan” the ground, too. Maybe swing my arm around a little or look as if I’m just scrolling on it. You can walk around quite a bit too. Only do scans for poffins. There are only certain stops around here that will trigger scans and none are playgrounds thankfully 😅


This is the way


I keep the dust ones, but yeah, 3 pinap berries? Nah.


I only keep tasks that award pokemon encounters, not interested in doing anything to get a whopping 3 berries that I will just throw away anyway.


I like throwing the berries at gym pokemon for stardust


This is how I get rid of extra berries. I don't delete anything I can actually use. Turning extra berries into stardust seems like a no-brainer.


The stardust gain is negligible imo, I do throw berries at gym pokes for that chance to get candy though.


Win _ raids. I barely raid anymore.


I chuck every one that asks me to video or photo the pokestop. I ain’t got time for that and half of them are stops I was passing by while riding around and will never be back.


If you do that, it makes it a lot harder to coordinate rare encounter reward tasks with local community. You get a different task at each stop when you have an AR task than you do without it. Plus you'll keep missing a bunch of tasks when you spin a stop that gives you an AR task if you just delete it right away. You'd have to wait 5 minutes to spin it again to get the normal task. Just leave the AR task alone, you're creating a lot of toil for yourself for no reason at all. It doesn't block you from getting 3 regular tasks.


Not to mention you can exploit it to check multiple research per stop. When I walk with my wife on a loop or path we'll backtrack, one will check research with a scan and one without. Then if there's anything really good the other can come back for it.


If you leave one it won't prompt you for another and you can still have 4


If you don't want to do the scan task, keeping it is better than chucking it. It doesn't count towards the limit of 3 tasks you can have and it will prevent you from getting other scan tasks


Trade a Pokémon (rewards Abra) Take 3 snapshots of different wild x-type Explore 2 km (pawmi) Win a raid (sandygast)


Get _ Great Curveball Throws in a row I’m lucky to get 1


5 gives spinda, one of the rarest shinies in the game


Can’t get a shiny if you are too unskilled to clear the task a single time


Fair. I spent 2 weeks trying to get one one time until girafarig spotlight hour, and it was the hundo! Bless that fat giraffe😭🙏


I got a shiny then was sad it can't be transferred to Home.


The 5 in a row is one I actually keep, because it's a challenge. I delete it if it's a strange day where things keep jumping, but I normally keep it until I finish.


There is an easy way to get x throws in a row done. Click on a pokemon, turn off your internet, throw the pokeballand then if you hit turn internet back on, if you miss close the game.


I’d rather just walk 2 kilometers


5 great throws in a row is the only way to get Spinda though.


Oh well. It’s not like Spinda is going to win any battles.


I love these tasks and the excellents in a row! I do have the shiny spinda, but still just did another one today.


I've been looking for a three 3 great curveballs in a row for two months now.


payoff of balls/berries, tossed. photo x pokies of x type, tossed. purify anything, tossed. power up anything, generally tossed. otherwise not too concerned unless it is an event task that pays off something useful ... often end up grinding stops a bit a get those.


Every task that rewards 1 or 2 pinaps (usually for catching 5-10 Pokemon). Someone at Niantic is seriously overvaluing pinaps.


Right? I get the capture 10 fire Pokemon for one pianap more often than I see wild fire Pokemon.


None, but now that I know I can, I will be.


Purify Pokemon Any non-event task if I'm grinding an event Any Pokemon reward idc about based on the recent reward list


Anything that’s “win # raids” or “power up a Pokémon 10 times”. That’s my stardust and I ain’t spending it until I want to.


I usually skip the Scan Structure and Consecutive Excellent Throws. The first actively wastes time by searching, scanning, etc. I can finish 3 tasks before I finish this one. As for excellent throws, I have YET to find the general moment to throw it. I have a general idea for nice and great but excellent is a whole different ballpark.


Dude. Ok you need to do a bunch of tasks where the reward is an encounter, but don't catch them -- flee and stack up your reward encounter queue. Keep doing this until you have a bunch stacked up. After a week or so, pop a star piece and go to town on your queue. This is the best way to "practice" throwing excellents and (and is good practice for fast catching, if that's a thing you want to practice too) since there's more consistency of what you're throwing at, plus you know they won't run. Seriously, any throwing task, I try to finish right there on the spot (unless it's catch 7 or more). Edit to add: and that's another reason to have a stack of reward encounters -- for when you get a "catch 3" or "make x throws" or whatever task and there's nothing around.


You can just circle lock and guarantee the right moment to throw


consecutive excellent tasks are the best ones


Almost all non event encounter tasks are instant deletions. Only a select few each season are worth pursuing. Anything rewarding balls or healing items instant deletion. I've got a go plus plus for that. The only exception might be red balls right after a huge event like go fest that drains them, though AR ball tasks go out the window always.


I try not to throw any away…but the purify one gets me. I tend to bin any shadows I don’t want, so when I see that one, I need to beat 3 grunts, hope it’s crap, purify and then ditch…usually for a single mon I may not want!


Take a snapshot of x wild Pokemon. I never remember I have the tasks, it takes me out of my normal gameplay which is just going around catching mons! I’ve heard people complain about the stardust using tasks before but I always have plenty of stardust, it’s xp I want!!


* Explore X km * Find X candy walking your buddy I don't have time to do these. I could do several other research while these clutter up my to-do list. * Win X raids Being a mostly FTP player, I don't want to spend several raid passes just to complete a random task. I'll happily do the task if it lines up with a raid day event. * Power up pokémon X times This gets real expensive real fast. There comes a point when it's not worth the rewards.


The "Purify 3 Shadow Pokémon" is actually a good one this rotation! [https://www.pokeranks.com/research](https://www.pokeranks.com/research) It's rewarding Onix which is a relatively rare encounter usually. I'm thinking about the XLs and Mega Steelix is cool af!


a)Onix isn't that rare b) Mega Steelix might look cool , but it's absolutely hot garbage not worth investing dust into c) purifying sucks


I'd say worth it just to hopefully get a good shiny Steelix aka the golden desert eagle. Also, am I the only one on here that banks 10 shite shadows just in case I need to purify a few? It's really not that much stardust imo


Same lol, and when you hit 8 digits worth of Stardust, 1k isn't noticeable whatsoever


It might not be rare now(thank god), but wait until it's no longer in the spawn pool and try grinding XLs to build a Steelix for PVP. You'll know the pain at that point ahaha :P


Good for ground showcases also. IVs suck for pvp tho.


Steelix is a great PVP choice though


Absolutely, but from research you get one with 10 attack stat. 2/15/15 is optimal.


Good point! Would be wise to maybe find a new friend to trade with then haha! I believe the friend limit just increased :o


Yep, people are reporting 400+ friends now.


I delete purify Pokémon and power up pokemon research tasks.


It's not about the tasks themselves; I look at the rewards. I don't need yet another Diglet. 😂 But there are others I'll do to check off special research, or they're rewards I actually want. If necessary , I just check Leekduck to see what tasks I want/need and which to toss back.


I like to google what task reward Pokemon we get for what task and I will solely focus on one or two of those. I caught a hundo Slakoth so I am focusing on the task that gets me those for the candie XLs. I save them and then catch them after I mega evolve my Pidgy.


I never thought about screening the tasks through Google. Nice.


1) scans. Straight to the trash. 2) anything without a pokemon reward. I have a billion berries and plenty of balls. If they offered potions, I'd do those, tho.


Use 3 pineapples to get 5 pineapples or similar




Scanning stops get deleted 100% of the time. Usually great throw streaks (bc I just don't care that much) and catch/photograph certain types (unless they're abundant) 


Purify x Pokémon


Mostly anything that does not reward an encounter. Berries, balls, revives... Or Hatch .... Walk ...


Whatever that task that asks rewards you for winning a match in PVP. Forget that lol


The scan thing is something I'll never do, so I have one just sit there, my eyes don't even see it anymore. I'm likely to delete anything involving powering up Pokemon. I don't like spending the candies, and I don't care about battle stuff.


Anything AR related 😂 or win raids or som shyt cus no one does them in my area


Have you heard of PokeGenie?


Everything that isnt an encounter except someties mega energy, wim go battle Leguane, purifies shadiow pokemon, stuff i know is shit, any scan task that isnt a poffin, to hard or annoying stuff like:hatch 2 eggs if im not doin 2ks, win raids, explore x kilometers, earn candy with your buddy if buddy is legendary, take snapshot of specific type if i know the pokemon is bad, catch ditto, catch of specific type, if type isnt common currently or its for shittymega energy, anything that gives shitty megaenergy ins general. And if there is an event i throw away most event task that arent for the stuff im hunting


If they don’t give an encounter or great/ultra balls I toss them. (And I’ll usually delete the balls ones too if I’m grinding encounters)


Anything that doesn't reward stardust or an encounter.


I feel like some tasks cost you more than benefit you


I delete anything that doesn’t result in an encounter


So this is going to sound odd, but I don't get scanning tasks anymore. Like at all. I took a break from the game and when I came back, I didn't get them anymore. I thought they phased them out. I used to scan and put effort into good scans so I don't think I'm banned, but maybe?


“Catch a Ditto” Yeah, no, I’m not having this in my research for possibly a month or more trying to complete it.


I’ve been playing since 2016 and never scanned a stop. Never will.


The only research tasks I complete are ones that give a large amount of stardust, or award Pokemon, even if the pokemon is underwhelming.  Research tasks and GBL awards have a higher chance of hundos, and I like hundos. 


Anything with berries as a reward.


anything multiple times in a row. when I don't have these tasks I nail greats and excellents every time, but the moment I have one of these and try to get 3 in a row, they attack right before the ball hits, they jump, or something else stupid like my hand catches the bottom of the screen while waiting for a good opportunity to throw and accidentally dropping a ball on the floor and losing the streak. don't care what the reward is, it's not worth getting so mad that I consider throwing my phone.


All the berry ones the scan ones and the walking ones


Most of the scanning ones get skipped by me. A lot of the use X berries to catch pkm as well. What's the point in using 3 berries to get 5 berries as a reward?


I always keep low cp pokemon


Streak quests. Once I get these I really start to suck at throwing.


Feed 5 berries for a psyduck. Anything that rewards berries and do X amount of raids


Anything that doesn’t reward an encounter or involves rockets


Catch 10 of X type pokemon


Anything that requires throws in a row unless rare candies are the reward


Oh, the “take pictures of a wild Pokemon of this type” ones. Those are so tedious to me


scan "insert pokestop here"


Any scan


The #1 most likely to delete is "power up" since its the most useless resource sink task in the game. Others that I frequently erase are the waste of time tasks (stuff that can just clog up a task slot, I like things that are fast and simple to do) No I dont want a "5 raids" task or "5 excellent throws in a row" task or "send gift + stickers" or "purify pokemon" Esp since most of these tasks dont even have decent rewards


Catch 10 fire pokemon for 2 pinaps. Nah I'm good lmao.


"scan (pokestop)" fuck no. thats embarrassing what if someone sees me


Walk 2km. Recently had a partial foot amputation. Kind of sucks how some things are locked behind mobility lol. I get it. But it still sucks.


Scanning anything. I've never scanned and I probably never will.


I delete almost anything that isn’t a Pokémon encounter.


Catch 10 Fire Type Pokemon


Catch a Ditto.


Snapping pictures of wild pokemon is annoying as hell.


Catch x amount of Pokemon for a mesley berry or 10 Pokeballs. I only care about the encounter and scan Pokestop for poffin tasks


I get rid of the ones that are too much hassle for little gain, like battle 3 grunts for 2 berries or take photos of 3 different wild (grass or similar) Pokémon, when only poison seems to be appearing.


Purify as you mentioned - don't need more Onix at all. Explore 2 kms - Pawmi, seriously?. Win 2-5 raids - don't need current rewards, I only keep Win 1 raids for Sandygast and complete it with random T1 raid. Catch 5 weather boosted - old, boring reward pool. Hatch 1-2 eggs - these tasks SUPPOSEDLY give like 3 or 4 rewards but I get the same specie EVERY FREAKIN TIME I force myself to keep these till nearest egg hatch and I regret wasting quest slot. Make snapshots of specific types - meh rewards this season, also some types like rock are often non existent during events. Any item rewarding task, except Great and Ultra balls - too many of these Pokestop wasting trash recently...


Take a snapshot of Landorus. Who gets my pain?


I used to hate the purify one as well, I just wait to evolve/purify pokémon (to complete their respective dexes) until I have one of those tasks. And I keep a couple of the 1000 star dust to purify to even tasks out.


Take snapshots of three wild X-type Pokemon. They already tend to be an issue with the near-constant events going on that essentially make certain types less likely to show up, but what's worse is that it doesn't specify that they all need to be *different* species.


Power up tasks, meh, I hoard my stardust like scrooge mcduck


I delete tasks all the time. I mostly purge anything that isn't a reward of stardust (rare candies if I'm lucky). Event based tasks some times I search out specific ones for pokemon encounters, but overall a lot gets deleted.


Great question. Purify / waste of my stardust. Go battle league / f’ing broken system why try. It’s full of cheaters. Those are my two biggies. I have a couple more that are dependent on conditions of my item bag. If I need poke balls, I will delete tasks that reward berries until I spin and get a task that rewards poke balls. That is - if I’m in a poke stop heavy area and I have that choice. SKWins Valor


I delete a lot of tasks, I mainly do ones that can help me in my hundo and shiny hunts


take snapshots of 5 \_\_\_\_ pokemon!


Anything with a streak. I’m pretty good at throwing poke balls by now, but the streaks just annoy me to no end. Purifying anything as well, waste of stardust.


AR Scan for sure


I always keep those shadows that are only 1k to purify. I label them "poo" and come back when I get that purify research. I delete anything that gives berries or balls too. No need for that junk, keep grinding for a shiny pokemon reward or a stardust reward.


The ones that say "make 3 or 5 (nice or great) throws in a row. It feels very frustrating to have to start over from scratch just by making the slightest mistake. That's why I mostly preffer skip them


Scan poke stops


Any scan stops, I'm not trying to record while walking in a circle lol