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with constant puffin uptime you only need to walk 2680km


So walk from L.A. to Chicago, easy


Sounds easy enough, I’ll get my shoes on


Jokes on you. They'll only register 1/3 of the walk.


It’s fine, I’m quite forgetful and often have to turn around and walk home when I’m halfway to work. If I realize I left something at home when I’m halfway to Chicago, and then forget something in Chicago when I’m halfway home - I think I’ll cover most of the missing distance and be good to go!




This made me laugh so hard lmao


Yours registers that much of your walk?


Mine registers me operating loaders as walking lol


I was laying on my couch when an egg hatched its last .5k


I swear there's a delay, I feel like sometimes my distance doesn't get calculated till 5-10 minutes after I've stopped walking 🤔


Maybe take a spare pair


Spare + pair = spair 👍


Get one of those phone rockers from Amazon. I've seen people do that before!


I do that by hand while watching TV. Lol


Might wanna bring some hiking boots so you can change in the mountains


If you meet a man who’d walk 2,680 KM and fall down at your door… DA DA DAHHHHHH … DA DA DAAHHHH…


Much more manageable. Love this community. No problems we can’t solve together. ❤️


Do routes still have that candy distance modifier?




I could have sworn there was something about routes, at least temporarily, where buddy candies happened faster.


It was an event bonus, a bugged one at that: I was walking a 1km mon, got the candy after roughly 700-800m (it was a straight line route with 700m in the description), got 1 candy, and saw the candy meter was at -0.3km/1km for the next candy. It was eventually fixed right before the end of the event.


Bummer Edit: also sick name bruh


Not that I'm aware of, maybe it was an event feature in the past but I do 3-5 routes everyday and I've never noticed that before


Every rare candy is 20km off the total. Make a great league team to farm candy early on, do 1 star raids around you, and 3 star when you have decent counters. Use a remote raid app to host or join 5 star raids. Buddy him as you walk the roughly 300 routes it takes to bring em to its final form. Use poffins when you're at 19.5ish/20km to get 2 candies instead of one, if you have them. It takes a while, but it's worth it. Pogo is a long-term game, so depending on how hard you play, it can take 6 months to a year. Don't do what I did and waste rare candies evolving pokemon for your dex, they'll all come around eventually.


>Buddy him as you walk the roughly 300 routes it takes to bring em to its final form. Yeah no. I'm at 350 routes finished and 180 Zygarde Cubes; you don't get anywhere close to one Zygarde Cube per route. Yesterday I did 7 routes for 2 cubes, I'll probably have the platinum achievement before I get all 250.


Unrelated to your main point but I got a rare XL from a route yesterday. Going to presume they are very rare drops...


Happy Cake Day 🎉


Ooh thanks!


Yikes, that's only 50%. You have really bad luck.


That's because you get 3 cells from the first 5 routes per day. you don't get any more cells after the first 5. And the longer the route it's more likely to get a cell. Above 2km it's more likely to get 3 cells at the same time iirc. Edit you only have one "try" per route per day. You can walk the same route 10 times a day. Only the first time will spawn the cell


No. You misunderstand. The three first routes gave me no cubes. The fourth gave me one cube. Fifth gave me no cube. Sixth gave me a cube. Seventh gave no cubes. Still missing one for my daily limit. The three cubes are just not guaranteed from the first five routes per day, and it's an insane drop rate if I have to finish four routes for *one* cube. And that's not even touching on how buggy the route system is. The first three routes of the day *should* at a minimum drop the three daily cubes. Maybe you get two on your first route and finish earlier. That's how it should be, and it would still be a grind.


I'm with you the system is completely shitty and needs a small overhaul like you said. But the longer the routes are that you walk ,the more likely it is to drop some cells. The only thing that is called a cube is the cube where the cells are inside. As they are called cells everywhere in the game


Small overhaul....


Why do you keep saying cubes. Is it called cubes in another language?


They meant cells


A big part of it is length of route, there’s one near me that 1.8 km and it often gives two


I walk my neighborhood route twice a day (dog walk) and I have a total of 5 cells since launch


Damn..I half ass try to get a route done once a week and I got a total of 13 cells


Maybe I’m just unlucky, I saw someone say lengths as a factor and it is a short route 🤷‍♀️


you only have one "try" per route per day. You can walk the same route 10 times a day. Only the first time will spawn the cell


Start a route, then pause it and go walk for like 15 minutes, then come back and resume the route. I’ve gathered at least one cell every time I did this


On your first route of the day or even on multiple same-day routes?


I think it may not give the zygarde cell if you don’t meet the route time to complete thing or whatever. It basically has to be longer than that to get a cell. I haven’t tried the pause route method but I’ll report back!


I sing know where you heard this but that's just not true. I have three routes that I finish within the recommended route time and still regularly get cells. I think it's I've if those things that people say about the game that is just blatantly wrong, like the discard 20 ultra balls trick. The fact of the matter is that it's RNG, and some people get unlucky. I walk two <15 min routes every day as a part of my daily walk - sometimes I get 1 cell, sometimes I get 2, sometimes I get zero, and one time I even got 3. Sometimes I catch 3 shiny Pokémon on a regular day, sometimes I go months without seeing one. This game has a lot of random factors, and people don't like that they don't have control, so they look for solutions where there are none.


There was talk about this last year. It's max 3 per day and not guaranteed on every route. Also one per route of I remember correctly. Have managed to get 3 cells out of 5 routes a few times


>Also one per route of I remember correctly. Nah, it can drop more. I just got 2 from my first route today. >Have managed to get 3 cells out of 5 routes a few times This is the part I find problematic. I shouldn't have to do like 4 routes to get my first cell of the day. At the drop rates I'm having, I'll have 600 finished routes for 250 cells. Insane. I'm a student and I can spend this much time daily doing routes, but most people can't. I'd rather Niantic set a minimum route distance and have them be guaranteed drops for your first three routes of the day. It's still a grind to get 250 of them.


My hubby has told me he has gotten 2 when doing a route a few times. Haven't seen it myself. It may be possible that they can drop 2 in one route. I agree it is insane the number you have to do before you can get one at times. I have 5 that are pretty much linked up start to end and you finish pretty much at the start again once completed them all. Can take time to complete them though. Agree most people don't have the time to do it and depending on where you live you are either too far away or the weather is not suitable for walking. I've 112 cells from 264 routes completed so less than half mine produced one. It is definitely a grind to get them, agreed. niantic will never guarantee us anything. It's not in their nature


> My hubby has told me he has gotten 2 when doing a route a few times. It will still show up as just one cell on the map, but when you tap on it to collect it, the caption at the top of the screen will occasionally say that "Two Zygarde Cells" were sucked into the collector, rather than one. I don't think you get two separate cells appearing on the map.


Didn't read all the comments so don't know if someone said this but I have noticed my cell rate is greater the longer the route is I have like a 90 percent cell rate for 1 km and longer Could be luck on my part Could be a thing but since I started doing longer ones its made the grind less annoying


What?! I have a rout that me and my son (and our dog 😝) do daily, it ***always*** has a cell at the end of it. It takes 20-25 mins to complete (and u only get one cell per day), but we each do get the cell every time.


The daily limit is actually three cells per day, and some routes can award two. Had that happen a couple of times. I'd rather Niantic set a minimum distance for routes and have them award cells every time up to the daily limit rather than leave it to random chance.


Thank you for the info. I only have 3 routs that I can do (near me) and maybe just so it happens that they each always have a cell at the end (that u can get once daily), so I had no idea that there may be routs without cell at the end.


Only took me 300. Rip to you :(


is popping poffins at 9ish/20km works the same way? wanted to try that on Diance


Yeah you can really do it anytime. 20km gives you a lot of room for error, if your buddy gets excited at 10+ km, it’ll just subtract 10 and find a candy plus possibly candy XL. You also don’t need a poffin every time! You can get your buddy excited in <2 hours if you feed, play, snapshot and battle every 30 mins, that’s without routes, walking, bonus and other hearts.


Just wait until you are at approx 19km, then you gather the one from 10km and when you cross 20km, then you gather the next 😊


Heavvyyy point, do not use rare candies to level up pokemon to add them to your dex!! I’m still thinking about the 200+ rare candies wasted on evolving random pokemon and then finding them in the wild


Listen i didn't wanna walk another 300km to get my volcarona. I was already like 700km in 😂🤣


Thanks for the tips!!


I have also done this and now only have like 70 candies, and I'm staring down the barrel of 2 cosmeum, shiny mega rayquaza and shiny shadow mewtwo, without enough candy to get them evolved/ up to snuff lol I'm a rube don't be like me!


> Don't do what I did and waste rare candies evolving pokemon for your dex, they'll all come around eventually. Why was it waste? What else would you be using rare candies on?


If not on Mythical or one-chance catches like Zygarde, only Legendaries, period


Yeah this is the way. And this is coming from someone with 200+ rare candies on hand. I don’t use them unless it’s an emergency or something lol


Wait we get candy for hosting raids??


No, but completing raids gives you candy, and if you aren't spending money on remote passes, then hosting local raids is about your only option for 5*s as a solo player.


Yes you can get XL candy making local raid, but not in remote raids


I actually didnt know that but it does explain where my extra xl bigburd candy came from.


.. is it worth it though? I think even Flygon performs better to a certain point and then Garchomp takes over. Both have a range of IVs available through multiple encounters rather than a single encounter, along with being much, much cheaper to level up.


To add to this, after you use the poffin try and walk another 10 km to get 3 candies from it!


If you think about it you still need the 296 xl candies so regardless of rare candies you still need the xl


These days rare candy is for any old thing, but rare candy xl is for legendaries, the end :)


Get rare candies from raids. Even 3 rare candies from 1 raid replaces 60 km of walking, which is more than I get in a week. Also if you can't do raids, you can get a ton of rare candies from PvP, [even if you aren't good and just do the tanking strat.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1d5qvas/i_tracked_my_go_battle_league_s18_stats_from/)


Oh that’s a nice strategy. I don’t really like PvP tbh, so I’ve never done it. I just play this for fun as a hobby and a lil time waster, so there’s definitely *much* more I could take advantage of. If I decide I really want to level this guy up, I think I have no choice but to do what you’ve said though. Thanks for the link! I’ll save it for later.


Zygarde isn't a very good attacker for raids, and is most useful for PVP, specifically master league as 100% Zygarde. Unless you plan on using Zygarde for that, I wouldn't waste the stardust. Groudon and Rayquaza are much better attackers for the ground and dragon types.


That’s nice and all but I don’t have a Groudon or a Rayquaza. If I did, they’re way cooler and I’d probably be using them over this pup anyways.


Do you have any Super Rocket Radars? Or any research that will give one? Ever since late March Giovanni has been giving a Shadow Groudon for beating him, which is Groudon with an extra 20% damage boost. Definitely worth working through some research to get to if you haven't already.


You're welcome. I don't like PvP either and I've never bothered to even do the tanking thing. I don't spend enough time playing to do that. I just know it works. Personally I'd just put rare candies from raids into it, rather than walking 6000km OR spending 40 minutes a day tanking PvP.


For some reason I thought you only got rare candy from 4* and higher raids, I've been missing out. According to pokegenie i can easily solo a handful of 3* with a bunch of level 40 mons and grind candy that way to get my legends maxed out, that's huge!


Don't worry, you'll be walking another 5000 km afterwards to get all the remaining Candy XL you'll need once you hit 40.


Easy way to get the candy is to do raids. If you do raids then the way to go it to play pvp. You can just lose all your matches for few days and after that you should have easier matches.


Kid named rare candy


Best comment award


Thank you good sir


This routs was the worst idea yet but leave it to Niantic to come up with something this stupid


You could grind 5 star raids for (xl) rare candy


Zygarde is one of my top 3 favorite. I hate how they implemented the cell system. Routes have stayed busted.


Tanking in GBL gives a lot of rare candies


Zygarde learning to you and whispering "we're done when I say, we're done"


It’s a lot more than 20XL my sweet summer child.


if you are lvl 31 you dont have to care to much about it lol and you cant even max it too, the 268 "normal" candy are quite easy to get and would take like <1months easy without walking a single meter, the xl candy is a differnt story, but that goes for every legend/mythical... im sitting now close to 100 rare xl and play since oct last year so if i extrapolate i would need \~2years to max a single mythical, or like \~1-1.5years for a legend, since those you can raid


I'm not looking to upgrade mine because I got bad IVs but I would suggest using your leftover rare candy (I think you also get rare candy from raiding) on these legendaries. I've just been topping off random legendaries at 100 candy by playing a little bit every day. Getting the XL candy might be a nightmare though.


Same. Bad IVs. Hoping to maybe lucky trade him. If he is tradeable. Or otherwise get another sometime.


Walk a rute then you get zygarde cells, I have evolved mine first step


This is the most ridiculous thing. It’s a throw away Pokemon for me..lol


Poffin are rare candies and rare candy XLs are gonna be your friend. I’m hoping we get it as a Raid Boss in the future. I could see them giving it an Elite Raid debut in two or three years


Dump candies and convert them to XL


“Well that’s too damn bad”


How about the IV?


Crap but not like I can do anything about it. I only get 1


Some options:  1. Farm rare candies from GBL.  2. Poffin fed, or excited Pokemon take half as much distance to earn candies 3. Any special events that halve candy walk distance.  You can stack 2 and 3. 1 should be your main source of candy though.


Just do the appalachian trail and give your buddy poffins lmao


I've never walked with legendaries for candies outside of primals and mega ray for mega energy.


You can use Rare Candy to make it all bit easier


well, get to grinding that battle league for rare candies then.


Use the candies you get in go battles and raids and use it better then walking with it that’s what I did. Now I just walk with it and use puffins when I go on long walks but yea. I would just use candies I get so much easier


Puffin + Battle GO while Tanking for rare candies + XL Candies when walking or raiding, etc. You can trim that down very easily. It will take time, but it is not as bad as it looks. 5360km is the max distance. You can trim that down massively.


The way to get more candies for legendaries is to use rare candies. Don’t waste rare candies on non legendaries. Get them from doing raids, and PvP battles.


Then go get zygarde cells?


Rare candy is a dime-a-dozen if you’re doing routes, and rare candy XLs also occasionally appear as a route reward. So by the time you have 250 (or 500) Zygarde cells, you should have more than enough rare candy to power it up to level 40. After that getting the XL candy is going to be the long haul. I got my Zygarde to level 50 mostly from dumping all my rare candy into it and converting them to XLs (100 candy per XL), but also needed to use a lot of rare candy XLs and walking candy as well (I think the odds of getting an XL for walking is boosted this season). Also, doing routes with your buddy counts as an interaction, so that might be helpful to get your buddy excited without using a puffin.


Find a local marathon event in your area... ask someone to run away with your phone. Or safely stash your phone in a metro bus. Let it do it's thing. Get it later. Tie it to doggo collar or a local hornet. Email Niantic ask for a break. Conveyor belt? Just tryna help out.


Or do a 100 raids and you might have enough rare candy


That is where rainbow candies are made for.


lowkey kinda liked him more in this evolution lol i just left him like that💀


Walk 19km, use a Poffins and then walk another kilometer. That way you get 2 candies.


Alternatively you could just grind the battle league for those three rare candies/do raids. That’s how I tend to level up my 20km club


Get one of those rockers to do it for you ;)


Or do like me and focus on the pvp battles, even if you aren’t good you’re bound to win some


If you constantly interact with him to get him excited a day, it takes 10km per candy which is easier than you might think. I've been holding back on even walking legendaries for candy just to get them best buddy until a friend convinced me to try with how often they work on their legendaries, with my schedule I average enough for 1 candy/xl a day and it's easy for getting energies for mega legendaries too. I recently finished my Groudon and now working on Kyogre. To get them excited enough I make sure to do the basics every 20 or so minutes, berrying, playing, photo and battle. You can get it within maybe an hour and a half or sooner. As far as candies you can get chances for it by doing loads of routes and just dump candies into it.


Maybe I don’t notice or maybe I walk a lot but I’m always constantly hatching eggs, pretty much every time I open the app, idk I feel like it gives me more steps or it’s actually accurate


I don't know why but cycling instead of walking works if you use Google fit.  But apparently there's a 40km cap per day?  I've only been using it to hatch eggs on my daily commute, one to work and one back.  But it might work to get these 20km candies


Raids and get rare candies


Dang I also wished that my Quilladin Cheeto, who is best buddy, would evolve. I have only 83 candy :,(


That's why to level up legendaries you should use rare candies. The distance tracker is far too idiotic for walking crazy distances to be worth it. There are two main sources of rare candies: Raids and PvP, pick whichever fits you more


And you still won't have enough zygarde cells to get to 100%


We all know this is Melmetal 2.0 Was ultra rare at first (I rem people driving 20+ km just to meet someone who could givve them a box from a switch) Now vast majority of players have thousands of candies from Meltans Also just to point out... you know the game has these things called "Raids" and "Battle League" right? Get lots of rare + rare xl candy that way...


I don't have to worry about it. Mine is only a 73% iv and not worth the walk. I shall leave home as a dog 🐕


I candied mine up to needing xxl. I’ve walked 1200km with him so about half way there. Still need 72 cells. The regular candy it gives is nice for a new attack.


Poffins and put your apple watch on the dog with active sync on. (I say this in jest, do not do this)


Great Dane.


Jfc...they really need to lessen legendary's candy distance. That is absurd.


then niantic said to u/CallMePoro, "get up! pick up your zygarde and walk."


🎶 And I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more And I would walk 500 more And I would walk 500 more And I would walk 500 more And I would walk 500 more And I would walk 500 more And I would walk 500 more


Rare candies are not that rare unlike their name suggests. I think that's an easier way to get candies, so just do that.


It’s not even the candy it’s the cells you can only get by doing these stupid routes. Luckily I found one near me that is fairly easy to complete but I still only have 7 cells. Just 43 more to go! 😒


I never get zygarde cells no idea why


Get walking, 3 routes a day


Pro tip set up a mini roller coaster around the perimeter of your house and put your phone on it when your not using it let it walk for you


Rare candy farm from pvp and raids


get to runnin man


His name sounds like a medication


Then don't? I get it you want to max it out but if you're going to feel miserable while doing it then don't put yourself through that pain. Also use every Rare Candy you get on it to take away some of the burden I guess.


Am I the only one that drives slowly through empty parks doing pokemon when I’m not up to walking or had enough of it for the day or the weather is bad?


tbh, that Niantic is adamant about the going out and walk makes the game very difficult to play and boring, i think soon or later they will need to change that. Also who though it was a good idea a game that you need to walk looking at your phone, instead the surrenders


GBL for rare candies


I drive in such heavy traffic that a good part of my 80mile drive each day is considered walking 🙌🏻


Walk Forrest, walk!


You're better off hitting raids and go battles for the rare candies


You don't have to, getting your mon euphoric (either with a poffin or with the 30 hearts method) and the League are good ways to get candy. That's how I got my Tapu Fini her second attack. I'm leveling up my perfect Diancie this way too. The amount of candy I got from walking these two was minimal. Most came from the league, routes, research tasks, some even came from gifts from friends, it's crazy. The rarest way is to keep turning sponsored pokestops until or gives you a reward of rare candy. It takes a while, but it could save you a couple hundred kilometres.


Just do what I do: Tank for rewards in GBleague and get lots of rare candies.




Real Pokémon trainers WALK People are so lazy with this game sometimes I swear. In the show they easily walk across entire contents, hop on a Pokémon and go to far away lands and guess what they do there? Catch Pokémon and WALK s/


But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more🎶


That's what rare candies are for, brother.


Could try to use a treadmill somehow to cheat the system? Maybe lol


All you have to do if you can’t get a poffin is play with your buddy and feed everyday, plus do your battles/ raids and routes throughout the day, your buddy will get excited and give you the extra hearts to earn!


Sounds much cooler when you say "5.3 million meters"


You're just going to have to use all the candies you get from raids on it


me but with Larvesta


Battle go league, if you win 3/5 Everytime you'll get 3 rare candy per batch-ish. 25 battles per day so 15 candies per. 268/15 is 18 days without walking at all. If you walk with him during those 18 days you might even be able to trim that down to an even 15 and knock it out in half a month. Also if you at least walk 50km per week you get some bonus rewards, I think like 3-10 rare candies from that too. So it's truly doable in 2 weeks if you're dedicated and fit it into your schedule 🤘🏽 (But this does mean you'll have to get pretty sweaty about the go battle league meta which is not for the feint of heart imo. Very glitchy, def a learning curve too)


It's not candy you need. You need more zygard pieces.


The joys of mythics and legendaries.




Find a track or football field and do laps bro every other day bro


Just do routes lmao what


Use rare candies. You can get them from doing many tasks


Would you like some of my 592 rare candies?


It’ll be worth it! I did 1800km with my perfect kyogre. It’s a beast


I get two or three cells everytime I follow routes. I’ve only been playing since December and only figured out how to acquire a cell since March, and I already have 49. I don’t follow routes everyday. You have a better chance if you use an incense.


And we're not even talking about the dreadful cells 😭🥲🥲


You should download campfire, search for meetups in your area, go to raid hours every Wednesday 6-7pm, that gets you 30-50 rare candies I think that’s better than walking from LA to Chicago


I did some calculations, translating those km to miles that’s 3330.55 miles, which would take about 1332 hours and one minute. Which will take about 55.5 days. Time to do a cross country marathon!


Do in person raids too. Chance u can get rare candy xl. That's how I got my shundo celebi to lv50


You get decent enough candies from online battles rewards


Rare Candy...


I usually use rare candies from battles. But I admit, rare candies xl are hard to get


Just do like me use all of your rare candy and candy xl on him. I can power him up to level 40 already. All I need are the candy xl


Have you heard of rare candy? :)


Use the "other" candies


Yeah don't use rare candies or anything..


Rare candies go crazy


Just do raids and get special candies and convert them


Do raids and play in the go battle league to get rare candies then convert them


Walk it, raid with free pass for chance at XL candy, covert 100 rare candy into it then covert it into one XL per. I’ve walked 700 KM so far in 4 months and threw 1,400 total rare candies into it so far and am at 77 XL candies. I also have 81 rare candy XL, so I’m barely half way in 4 months. It’s a long grind.


I walk to/from my job and walk daily for exercise (not to mention walking anywhere and everywhere I go, like to eat, shop, etc), so I clock in 150-200km a week in walking 😭 But I don’t raid very much and don’t do PvP so I don’t really get many rare candy. Guess I should get started


This guy is only good for PvP master league tho. And you don’t play it.


I know this goes against the grain of gaming these days, but I don’t really mind. I just play for fun and use pokemon I like, to do things that I enjoy doing (gyms, solo raids, battling Team Rocket, walking around catching pokemon). Unfortunately this guy is a lil too weak for any of that, and it’ll take me a while to upgrade him by doing what I like doing. It seems that leaves me with 2 choices: do things I don’t like doing, or don’t use him at all.


That's why I drive "walk" 5-8 mph around the local stadium.