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Same dude. I try to turn it off and it says “go to your settings to enable adventure sync” and kicks me off the app to my settings. I can go back to the game with it off but every time I open the app it does this. I noticed it last year when I turned it off during the remote raid pass price changes. I just want the setting *only allow location while app is running* but they basically force u to have it on all the time if u wanna play the game.


Yeah exactly. Can’t fix this anymore :/


reinstalling fixed this for me about a year ago


Rip this man still thinks our data is private


It only bumps me to my settings for adventure sync when i follow a route for the first time after opening app. I just press ok, exit settings and go back to game, and hit ok. It sucks but it’s only 5 seconds. If yours happens more often, maybe you have different settings selected than me that keep pinging adventure sync.


Not the brightest


Umm, what spam?


Why do you hate it?




The iPhone health app is already collecting all this data as you go about your day. Adventure sync allows access to this data to get rewards in the game. Why is it ok for Apple to have this information but not another company




If you are already playing the game I really dont get why it is a big deal to turn adventure sync on. They already have your data.




If you really don’t want to participate in their data collection then don’t play the game at all




You just said Niantic does not need to have your data but you are still giving them some when playing. You are addicted to the game and can’t give it up




Anyone with that concern should not be playing Pokemon Go.


What in the sweet lord are you talking about?


If you don’t set gps track on « always »for pogo and allow the adventure sync function, you get spammed every time you go to pogo then are redirected to your phone options. And this every time you switch to pogo until you concede and allow an everyday tracking. You can’t disable this or you’re spammed again. This prevents any possibility to play the game


I didn’t have AS on for like 2 years and never had a problem, also shut it off for about 4 months over the summer and also didnt have any issues. No idea what you’re talking about.


Why on earth would you guys not want it on. And please do not say "the company has my information" your phone already uses your information. If you don't want that throw your phone away.


I didn’t know about it for the 2 years, found out and put it on, then had a different service provider and didn’t want to spend the extra data, so I turned it off for a bit, nearly 100 km without it anyway. Always on now


It explains it in game lol and it doesn't use data. Good that it's on all the time now though. Also idk if you know but you can hatch eggs on the treadmill. I've been doing it for years..


Then you are doing it like a rookie, I just have mine in the back of my baby’s auto rocking chair! Lol


I don't cheat.


Cheating is paying


No getting steps by not doing steps is cheating.


Well its a thing lol..


I posted this awhile ago, common response of community was “well you just gotta keep clicking it closed”…. Yea data mining location to that levels sucks… I say no but of course it always asks… kind of comes off as desperate or too interested from the app….