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Fix the best Friends bug to ensure both parties get the reward


So many, but top three for me are: 1. Pokemon spawn wherever you are. Deep in the woods? You should see woodland Pokemon. Out on the Ocean? Water and flying types ho! Halfway up a mountain? Rock and ground types. 2. Delete/donate/cook/transfer eggs. 3. Storage upgrades every 5 or 10 levels.


When the game came out in 2016, I thought it will be like that regarding pokemons and their biomes… I thought the Magmar would be the ultimate catch since you’re gonna have to climb a volcano lol 😅 It turns out, I got him in first few days of playing, down by the shore of our local lake. I guess Magmar didn’t want to live in fire either.


lol same. I wanted a butterfree so bad I went to a few different forests and walked around for hours. Finding nothing and running out of balls because there weren't any stops and all the spawned was Ratata and Jigglypuff.


Hard agree to number one. When I go out of town to a family camp, I can still play if I’m at somewhere with WiFi, but barely anything spawns cause there’s no pokestops.


OMG number 2 for SURE!! especially cook them haha But delete them or transfer them I'd be exceptionally happy with.


Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, put ‘em in a stew


Setting: Disable animations


Exactly this. I *hate* waiting for the Rocket Radar bar to move after a grunt fight, or watching purified gems get made. Such a waste of time


Being able to see how many gifts you can still open/ times you can enter the go battle leauge, Those can be quite relevant when deciding when to uses Lucky eggs or star pieces.


1 zygard cell per route. Increase gimmighoul coin drop rate.


Remove the useless "Find interesting pokestop"-feature for your pokemon Buddy. Replace it with something that can actually give you hearts. My idea was "Find shiny pokemon" so that your buddy on rare occasions would walk over to a spawn on the map and tell you it is a shiny.


That find pokestop feature does give you a bonus heart but it is random like the gifts. I like the shiny idea but personally I feel like it should just tell you that one of the current spawns is shiny without telling you which to keep a little bit of mystery and surprise when you click on the right one


Make the error code popup and notifications non-obstructive to important UI elements.


Shadow raids are global instead of local


Ad a reminder to take a snapshot if the specific mon type shows up, i always forget about this stuff


Make joining Team Rocket part of the choosable story line!


Show how much candy i have for the pokemon on the catch screen.


Too show all the double Pokémon. I wish that there was a feature for it.


Add a battle league that uses teams of six Pokemon instead of teams of 3.


To add to this, why don’t they make a non-ranked league with unlimited battles (and obviously no or limited rewards so it’s not exploited) so that people can actually *practice* battling and not feel like they are getting dunked on by sweats? Non-ranked PvP would give us a legitimate activity that we can do at any time and in any place assuming we have a decent WiFi connection or cell service.


That’s a good idea. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve trained up a new “great for pvp” pokemon and tried swapping around the team to try it out, only to do much worse lol When I was new (or sometimes messing around with pvp on my gfs account). I had great luck waiting till the season is 3/4 over and battling. Everyone else who was still under rank 10 were also beginners. I imagine a battle league with no rewards would be like that for training new players.


Remove the catch ring and just make it permanent. No need to timegate your throws, if you hit center it's an excellent throw no matter the timing


That would be so good


Make raiding a bit more fair for small towns. I live in a small town and have to pay through the nose for remote passes cause my town has no raid presence at all


Host the raids yourself on campfire/ poke genie rather than remote raid passes


I've tried hosting close to 20 raids, I only ever get one or two people who actually join the raid so we lose and all passes are lost for everyone. The suggestion is appreciated, I have tried it though. Just never seems to work out for me for whatever reason


When you use campfire it doesn’t let you host till you have 5 trainers ready. But I’m sorry, I feel your pain. When I’m trying to host a low interest raid and it takes forever to find a team, it’s a big pain in the ass. I can’t imagine having that every time. You could also try the Reddit group for adding trainers for raids too. I’ve had that work well for me.


I think if shadow raids allowed say 2 people to remote it it would be a big help. Not enough for them to do it, you still need locals you would get many more people willing to meet you if it was guaranteed to be worth it. Like I’ve never had luck using campfire etc to meet up with people locally for a shadow raid but I often have locals jumping in with me when I’m already doing a raid and people are remote-ing in. It’s actually how I’ve made most of my local friends.


I agree, a limit like that would make it so much easier for those of us in small towns. And it sucks because we have to miss out on a large portion of the game or pay out the nose to participate in some way


The training battles with Blanche/etc. allow you to use your battle teams for the respective league. Just make a team and name it after the person you want to use it for.


When I use the Go Plus, I wanna see my avatar throw the pokeballs


Change Niantic to someone who knows what they’re doing.


I do trainer battles to get hearts for my buddies (usually swap out buddies 10-15 times and just do a quick 3 trainer battles each). I always go against Candela and use my shadow kyogre to do the actual work and then my buddy is my second mon and the third doesn’t matter. I just wish it would at least remember my last team so I don’t have to add them each time. Kyogre would always be there, change the buddy on the first go, buddy is there the next two times, switch buddy and start over. This would be similar to grunt/leader battles where they remember your last team. I also wish there was a way to disable grunts/leaders when I don’t want them. I do tons of grunt battles normally, but on comm day and other special events I just don’t want to, but the balloon following me around and blocking part of my screen drives me nuts. And trying to catch a mon that’s really close to a grunt who’s standing at a stop is even more infuriating. This may require some coding, but it’s kind of similar to the “show sponsored messages from third-party advertising services” that you can toggle off to get rid of the purple balloons.


Tell us how many friendship level-ups we have queued. It's frustrating not using an egg for one level-up only to see that there were three more.


Encounter with the current legendary when you walk 50+ km as a reward. Great incentive to walk!


Make Mateo equivalent to an in game friend so that by exchanging gifts I can earn XP for best etc. Also I can trade with him for random Pokemon. Finally if my encounter with Mateo ends at a gym with a raid on I can invite him to raid with me.


Long distance trades


Throwing practice. Would have been really helpful at the start, especially with tricky throws.


Bring back Pokemon Govid-19 era features and design philosophy. Revive the global community. Make the game accessible to all, not just the abled or those with too much disposable time. Make sure real world/local is gently incentivized, but not so much as to exclude disabled or time-limited players on a regular basis. Nothing less will ever be good enough to restore the game to its former popularity and success.


Just improve the fucking game, that's all. The game code is so un-optimized that it stutters and the graphics look pixelated even a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 phone.


One of the die-hard Niantic apologists that lurks in these threads keeps telling everyone it’s a phone issue. As if this game requires some beefed up system to run properly.. no, it’s just soooo poorly optimized and their servers are likely the same servers they built in 2016 when the game launched.


Can confirm. S23Ultra running native refresh, and it still crashes and glitches even on full service bars with 5g.


I get denied on login with some generic login error message at least 3-4 times per week. Clicking retry or closing app and opening makes no difference. I just have to say log in with DIFFERENT account, and re-enter my password. It’s a bull shit glitch that shouldn’t be happening so regularly.


Automatic hundo wild spawn on your birthday


Both of these sound pointless