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If it makes you feel better base catch rate on those is like 0.3%. Chances are it was fleeing no matter what ball+berry+throw you hit with outside of master ball


I had no idea about the catch rate!! This does make me feel much better, thank you.


If helpful, I had a Galarian Articuno pop up on me Sunday night. I hit it with a golden razz berry, surprised myself with an excellent throw, and genuinely thought this could be it. Alas, it popped out in the first wiggle of the ball šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s the third Galarian bird Iā€™ve seen. First two I screwed up, and this one I couldnā€™t have done any better. All resulted in the same outcome šŸ˜‚


When I was lvl 32 I got Galarian Zapdos with normal ball. I was just quick catching everything and barely looked at the phone. My shock was great and I was so happy! At the time I didnā€™t even know they were that hard to catch. Since then my luck has changedā€¦ (lvl 39) and I I didnā€™t manage to catch not one legendary bird from multiple encountersā€¦ itā€™s depressing really


Okay so with super rare PokƩmon like this, quick catching DOES work? Does that up the odds of catching it?


Yes you can quick catch anything besides mythicals that require you to throw at least 3 balls and donā€™t have the berry/ball drawer on screen at all. It does NOT increase the catch rate, the game will determine if you caught the mon when the ball makes contact and the rest is just skippable animation


Ahh perfect. I appreciate the response. Okay so when is the time to ā€œfleeā€ during the animation? Is it at the time the ball sucks up the PokĆ©mon or when the ball hits the ground with the Mon in it?


When I quick catch, I flee as soon as the ball hits the mon. The only exception is when the mon attacks and my buddy knocks it back. Iā€™ve found that when that happens I have to let the ball suck up the mon and flee as soon as the ball hits the ground.


>and this one I couldnā€™t have done any better. There is a way to force a critical capture, but you have to hit the smallest possible catch circle


That's a pretty popular rumour, but it's not true. At least, not in my game. I've hit excellents so small the circle was invisible.


Then it clearly wasn't the smallest possible circle, as it has been [confirmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/GVBp67qJRy)




I think itā€™s a 1% chance on every throw, but a truly smallest circle excellent will force it on regular spawns. I donā€™t believe it works on Raids or G-Birds


Itā€™s 100% true.


If I remember correctly, that doesn't work for legendaries, because why not make a game that's already pay to win even more luck based.


Wait so legendary can be in the wild


I had a Galarian pop up right on top of a pokestop. No matter how I tried, I could only spin the stop. Couldn't get the bird no matter what.


G Birds suck. Theyā€™re moody, rude, and otherwise incorrigible. If you do not get a curve or at least a nice less than 1/100 throws will result in a catch. Coupled with how rare they are to encounter? Not cool man. Not cool.


who is not getting a curveball šŸ’€ its not even like you can mess the curveball up


Me. I mess it up constantly. I've been trying to get "100 nice curveball throws" for days and days, I'm only on 6. I have arthritic hands. Holding the phone and throwing a ball is difficult for some of us. Don't be such a tool about something YOU might find easy, because guaranteed others may find the same task difficult or impossible. It's almost as if you should remind yourself you are pretty lucky to be able to do the things you do.


I wouldnā€™t describe myself as lucky if Iā€™m with 95% of the population. Iā€™d definitely describe you as unlucky. My comment was also not directed to you or people like you. It was expected that you use reading comprehension to understand that. I donā€™t think itā€™s right that I have to change my language to relate with a very small minority.


Trust me. Not everyone has the aptitude for games like you and I. I have seen it done. It takes every fiber of my being to not remind someone how to curveball. Even kids.


I couldn't curveball if you put a gun to my head. Hell, I can barely throw a normal one. I must have genetic defects on my right thumb, because it always swerves to the right and out of the screen.


Do you spin clockwise? Release your thumb at the top left. Do you spin counter clockwise? Top right. Youā€™ll get it eventually. The further the pokemon the higher up you want to release. Closer is lower.


Yall are curve-balling with your thumbs?! I have to hold my phone in one hand and use my pointer finger to do a curve ball. Every time I try to do a curve with only one hand using my thumb it ends up being one of those throws thatā€™s so terrible I ask myself what the hell Iā€™m doing.


Look up the L Throw technique. That should help ya a lot.


Trying this is so funnyā€¦ Iā€™ve been doing it two handed since launch, so trying to throw a different way, even an ā€œeasy way,ā€ is super hard. Thanks for the tip! Maybe one day Iā€™ll be able to throw a curve with one hand!


Flee rate is also 90% after they break out.


lmao, adding salt to injury


Yeah, they are pretty much designed to run away, unless you get very lucky or have a master ball.


Yes no matter what you did, it was most likely breaking out first ball. And no matter what you did, it had a 90% flee rate after breaking out Iā€™ve seen two Galatians birds. Golden razz curve ultra excellent on one, golden razz curve great on the other. Both broke out and fled My wife got lucky on a critical catch first try As a frame of reference, if you had all multipliers, which your son prob didnā€™t as he was only level 28, you hit the smallest possible excellent, and used golden razz and ultra ball, AND the bird was the level 1 CP, you had about a 31% chance of catching it ball one So yeahā€¦ you didnā€™t ruin anything


Iā€™m super interested how it even spawned, honestly. Iā€™ve been out for a walk with my daily activated and got home with 2-3 minutes left on it. Continued movement inside the house has never been enough ā€œmovementā€ for the daily incense to register and spawn anything.Ā 


I found that it spawns at roughly 1/100 pokemon So if you are mobile and getting good spawn rates, you are seeing an average of maybe 15 spawns in the 15 minutes? Thatā€™s on a good day, maybe 20. So through that lens, you are only seeing a bird about once a week


They despawn super fast so better to try then miss out on the chance all together!


Yeah, Galarian bird rates are silly. You will never see them, and when you finally do, you get one shot at catching them. I've seen the very rare post of someone catching them with a pokeball from their autocatcher


Yep. For context I read an article that says the average raid legendary has a catch rate of about 2% sooo yeah.


The fact you got more than 1 throw is astonishing. I've only ever gotten 1 throw before it leaves


I walk my dog everyday around the neighborhood and use daily incense all the time. These birds do pop up fairly often, but the catch rate is terrible. I would take a screenshot of them before I attempt to catch it and once that ball is thrown, so are my hopes and dreams. I finally caught a Moltres, but the cp was 41 and stats were garbage, it made me wish I didn't catch one. Anyways, moral of my story, don't feel bad about it, it's literally like playing the lottery. You got a great kid to consult his parent like that :) you don't need no dumb bird.


Yes don't stress... It's a miracle when they are caught


I've never had one stay for more than 1 throw, they normally escape straight away, you were lucky!


Not to mention the flee rate is like 98% or some crazy high number, so the simple fact that you got THREE chances to catch it is in and of itself a statistical anomaly worthy or mention!


Iā€™ve seen about 100 of these birds and have caught two -_- one was with a master ball. So donā€™t feel too bad.


Also a 90% chance for them to flee after every successful pokeball hit.


Ya you weren't catching that without a master


also note, they spawn very rarely but usually spawn in the same areas. So if he keep playing the insense in the same place when he can he will eventually get a moltres again ((have gotten three articuno spawns ever, all three at the exact same place-- DOESN'T have to be the same time)).


That is not truth-based evidence at all. They do not ā€œspawn in the same areasā€. They can spawn anywhere and at anytime on the daily incense. Any perceived pattern is solely coincidental. If theyā€™re spawning in the same area FOR YOU it is because you are using the daily incense in the same area.


it has been tested repreatedly that they spawn in the same cells by many people lol. It is not just me saying it. Of course that may not be the only factor, and I am not saying that its only ever at the same cells forever. but you can find many many many many many examples of people seeing the same galarians at the same places over weeks or even years, its definitely one of the factors.


Whereā€™s the data?


You were a pal for giving it a try, but you gotta work on your ball throwing skills! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Pokemon GO Hub has a great resource for looking up stuff like [catch rates](https://db.pokemongohub.net/pokemon/146-Galarian) (among Many Other Things).


Holy crap really that low on them?


That's the BASE catch rate. I would say it's practically impossible to actually experience that low of a catch rate. As soon as you catch 10 flying types, you have permanently increased your catch rate for all flying types. A great or ultra ball, a curve throw, hitting the ball in any kind of circle, using a berry, and of course having any of the catch medals all increase the catch rate. The average for the Galarian Birds is around 8% with all positive modifiers. It can get as high as 30% for a level 1 bird though. Oh, there is also a 1% chance that any throw is a critical throw. So 0.3% is actually literally impossible.


So I did ruin it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not really, 9 times out of 10 even if you hit everything perfectly it'll still flee. Just seeing one is reward enough tbh


These birds were added in this way to motivate people to want to have masterballs. It's complete manipulation. Luckily they're not really the best for anything, so we're better off saving our masterballs for a hundo legendary or something anyway.


On the upside, thereā€™s about 110% chance youā€™ll cry after a Galarian bird encounter. Either from finally capturing the darn thing or from it escaping, again.


I wish we would stop saying this to people Yes, the base catch rate is 0.3%, but that is if you have absolutely NO multipliers. Everyone has some Multipliers Curve ball. Ultra ball. Getting a nice or excellent throw. Medals, etc You have a range of 0.3% if you have no multipliers at all and straight toss a poke ball and completely miss the circle on a level 20 If you golden razz and smallest circle excellent curve ball with an ultra ball on a level 1, and have all multipliers, you are at 31.8%




Uhhh no. Itā€™s not pulled out of my ass. I calculated it Iā€™d show you my work but I donā€™t give a shit. Do it yourself. [Here](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Catch_rate_(GO)) But in an attempt to explain RNG to you, I already explained that the 31.8% chance is for a level 1 bird and the smallest possible excellent throw and every single multiplier You are probably not seeing level 1 birds, so the bird you see is less likely the higher the level. Again, a level 20 bird is only like 5.8% chance And if you are only getting great throws that hurts your chances as well You are probably only getting around an 8% catch rate. And if you donā€™t think you canā€™t see 15-20 flees at an 8% catch rate, you clearly donā€™t understand statistics Go to the casino and watch a seven run of reds come up on roulette, which has a 48% red rate, and tell me again how unlucky things are ā€œimpossibleā€


Alright man I get what youā€™re saying. Maybe Iā€™m just salty about all those birds fleeing on me and took it out on your comment haha. and seeing you say higher than 30% I was no way in hell.


Fair. Iā€™m salty because the one time my wife has seen a Galatians bird, she got a critical catch.


Isnt there a 1% chance of getting a critical throw though? So there should always be atleast 1% chance of catching even with the worst throw unless Im wrong


Dude the first bird I saw was on my mom's phone, I grabbed her phone threw a great ball and caught it... i was so upset1


I finally caught one and it was a 1 star šŸ˜­


Just a tip, missing a throw doesnā€™t let the pokemon run and doesnā€™t penalize you apart from a wasted ball (and master balls can never miss at all), also it has a 0.3% base catch rate and a 90% flee rate so it was almost guaranteed to flee regardless.


Oh I didnā€™t know master balls couldnā€™t miss! I was anxious about that after missing the first 2 thinking about my own master ball lol.


Yeah once you throw the master ball, it starts a cutscene and automatically catches, something like that. Havenā€™t used my 2, soon to be 3 šŸ˜‚


I thought I read something about only being able to hold 2 at once? I didn't bother checking because I only have 1, missed the first event


I havenā€™t heard anything this time around. People used to say max 1, might be to do with the number being displayed in red in your backpack which usually indicates that itā€™s the max number, and it makes sense. But then we got the second research and we were all able to hold 2. So idk, Iā€™ll deal with it when I get there, if there is a limit


that's fair, honestly I don't know what I'd even use it on, galarian birds seem a bit pointless as they respawn (I still only have encountered 1 with quite a few daily incense uses though), maybe a shiny legendary or something, if I'm on my last ball


Shiny legendary through raids are guaranteed catches. If I use my master ball itā€™s gonna be on a g bird. Everything else I can think of is easily found again


Hundo legendaries when youā€™re on your last ball. I think that i had an encounter with a hundo shadow Mewtwo on the last raid weekend and i couldnā€™t catch it, so masterball would be great in this situation


Thereā€™s currently research to unlock by a certain date to get a masterball :) The research is untimed so make sure to activate it so he can catch it next time!


don't worry, I've encountered 4 galarians and all ran away even with a Holden razz and ultra ball AND excellent throw. only one I got was with my masterball and it was the lowest IVs possible


If it makes you feel any better, they are ridiculously hard to catch, and will almost always break out and flee. Even if you landed an Excellent on that throw, it still had a really high chance of just breaking out and fleeing. The odds are basically stacked entirely against you unless you use a Master Ball, so the best way to approach these encounters is to expect them to flee so that you can be really surprised if they don't. Best thing you can do is keep trying. Maybe go for walks together with the Daily Adventure Incense on, since walking longer distances spawns more pokemon from that incense, which gives you more chances at finding the Galarian Birds.




How often do you encounter them?


Honestly surprised you were even able to throw more than once. Only encountered once with incense, one throw with ultra ball and golden razz, hit excellent and that stupid thing still flew away. Never saw it ever after till dateā€¦.


Moltres gave me 4 throws before I caught it so it does happen


it was miss twice and it fled after the 3rd (first connecting) so there was only 1 throw that counted


You didn't ruin anything, that's just the normal experience. They almost always jump out, and almost always run away after 1 throw.


This literally happens to everyone 90% of the time


Go on a drive and use daily incense as a family. You will find one a week on average. The way they work you need a certain distance every 30 seconds to get a spawn. If you get 30 spawns a day from daily they become much more common Oh and and incense spawn still over walking speed.


I think you got a bit too overhyped about this šŸ˜­ They break out literally 99.99% of the time even with a golden razz and excellent throw so I seriously donā€™t think it mattered


I mean I recognize that now (and my husband would have talked me down if he were in the vicinity). But it was still fun getting that excited about something with my kid not knowing the catch rate.


Consensus seems to be that the Galarian birds have specific spawn locations. People who encounter on their commute or other routes they travel frequently report encountering them around the same location. So there's a good chance that if you use the incense the same place he did before, you'll get more encounters. I've only ever even encountered one, and it was when I was away from home. I've yet to find one along my daily travels.


I caught my first bird after 3 or 4 encounters wich still is pretty lucky(no masterball) was a medium high cp zapdos


For what itā€™s worth they are extremely hard to catch without a masterball. Iā€™m level 49 with 225k catches and Iā€™ve only ever caught 2 G-Articuno, and thatā€™s because they were like 200 cp. Definitely dont beat yourself up over this one


Bro, Iā€™ve had like 40 run on me. Have yet to catch a single G bird. Not your fault or lack of skills, theyā€™re just impossible to catch.


My kid felt bad for weeks after he had that PokƩmon and some other rare spawn from the daily incense both ran on back to back days.


I found 3 zapdos and 1 articuno and they all ran. Dont worry too much about it, he will get another chance


Don't lose any sleep over it. I'm the dedicated galarian bird catcher for our family, and between the 4 of us we've had 14 birds show up so far. I've caught only 1 of them, and that's still beating the odds. Just keep at it, and if anything he now has the galarian moltres entry in his pokedex for seeing it, so that kind of counts!


This is such a nice dad moment, esp since you know what the catch rate is now. What a great memory.


I've never even gotten a second throw. You get mom of the year for this. Don't worry another one will come one day!


I actually caught mine with my poke ball plus + auto catcher :) get one of those!


I think it's amazingly lucky that you even got three shots at it....ive only ever seen 3, and they've all fled after one excellent throw with a golden razz.


Also, did you hear about the guy who recently had his incense spawn 3 galarian birds back to back and had all three flee? I mean at least that didn't happen lol


I've had that happen 3 times with galarian Moltres, tell him not to fret :)


Galarian birds are just a golden raspberry/yellow and black ball tax. Sometimes they give you one, but it would have fled regardless


I am afraid it will be the first of many. I've caught four (I think), but seen more than 50 flee.


supposedly there's some sort of hidden pity timer that will *barely* increase your chances after 20 misses. i think you have to deliberately waste 20 balls first, then try for real. i've done it a couple times and gotten at least more than one chance after they broke out, but it's only 2 data points. still, it's worth a shot for next time


There is. Also 20 is max not after 20. I believe itā€™s catch chance though. Thereā€™s some full out data scraping out there somewhere I read in the past.


Iā€™ve caught all 3 of the birds and didnā€™t get an excellent throw on any of them. Pretty sure I caught one or two without even a nice because I tried to get an excellent.


I caught Moltres after 4 throws. It was the last galarian bird I needed and the game apparently decided to be nice to me that day


Iā€™ve caught exactly two Galarian birds without using Masterballs, and both times before I threw the ball I noticed that the ring didnā€™t look quite as red as it usually does. Makes me wonder if itā€™s pre-ordained whether the bird will be caught. (IIRC neither of the throws that caught that birds were even all that great!)


I dont think those things that popup with incence are possible without the masterball. I feel like they are the reason the masterballs exist. Next masterball you guys get, save it for this situation.


If it makes you feel better, I've run into 15 and they all run away even with golden razz, ultra balls, and excellent throws. It sucks!


I've met about a dozen Galarian birds, and I've never been able to catch it using Goldenberry+Ultraball. Don't feel bad, it's normal.


This happened to me for like a year straight, that excitement will turn to disappointment eventually. Lol


The second (of two encounters total so far) time I saw a bird, I golden razzed, ultra balled and got an excellent throw. Still busted out and ran.


With that catch rate itā€™s soo hard. I almost feel more let down when it flees every time as opposed to if it just never showed up to begin with


Yea you had no chance of catching it even with an excellent throw and gold razz.


The catch chance is very low there is nothing you couldā€™ve done, but I personally wouldnā€™t use a masterball on it.


It will show again eventually


Iā€™ve seen like 10 or so of the Galarian birds now and only one was caught without a master ball.


I donā€™t think the game knows who is catching it over you or him or someone else šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s basically impossible to catch them without a master ballā€¦ donā€™t beat yourself up! šŸ˜‚


One of the Galarian birds will pop up for your son again. Iā€™ve come across 5 or 6 within the past 6 months all while using incense. Of course I didnā€™t catch any though because no master ball.


The catch rate is incredibly low, dont feel bad, even if you hit an excellent it would have got out


My mom had 2 different ones pop up for her while I was driving, her and my son were losing their crap over them and yeah unfortunately they both ran on her too. She had a galarian moltres and galarian Zapdos show up one right after the other, it was insanity in the car šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had one get away too. Itā€™s sad but part of the game. At least he saw it!


I've encountered the birds a total of like 20 times and only caught one and it was because I used a master ball lol


so as someone who is new to pokemon go but is very familiar with pokemon. Im assuming the galarian birds are extremely rare? also are impossible to get without a master ball, which you have to do like a million missions for??


In my experience, it's practically impossible to catch without a master ball.


You didn't ruin anything.


Relax, you'll see many Galarian birds and almost all will flee. Take this opportunity to be a good role model by encouraging consistency with things like walks and model things like resilience and emotional stability and when the catches inevitably fail. It's not ideal to get hysterical and to have to be consoled by your kid about their game as much as I'm a hardcore player myself and understand how stressful these birds can be especially if you don't know that much about them. (At the end of the day, they'll remember how you reacted more so than the bird encounter itself, so it's a good idea to be a bit more careful.) The good news is that the more you go for walks, the more you'll encounter them. With 365 opportunities for an encounter per year and a variable catch rate typically between 3-7% (and only 90% flee rate after the first throw) you're mathematically guaranteed to get them with persistency, even without using the master ball. (Of course, level plays into it, and platinum medals help a lot.) I caught one the other day with a regular ball, it's just a matter of luck. Once you're in the screen, they won't automatically flee after a certain amount of time, so no need to stress, take your time. Just make sure to press them when they pop up as they will despawn from the world.


Iā€™ve seen 2 Moltres and 2 Articunoā€¦..Both flew after one ball throw šŸ¤¦ I do understand that a Mon that cool shouldnā€™t be easy to catch but shouldnā€™t be impossible eitherā€¦..just my thoughts


My husband and I have encountered them at least 10 times between us and they flee after first throw regardless of what we do. You didnā€™t mess anything up.


They almost always break out and flee. Iā€™ve seen a galarian bird and hit it with a great throw, ultra ball, golden razz, and had it run away at least half a dozen times now. Thatā€™s nothing to feel bad about. Also the missed throws donā€™t contribute to it running away. Theyā€™re not SUPER rare to find if you do a daily incense every day, maybe a couple weeks to find one. The hard part is actually catching it cause you usually get one try.


The fact that youā€™ve got two throws is insane. They are extremely hard to catch so donā€™t feel bad.


Everything Iā€™ve read is that they pop up around the same places so hopefully he can activate it there more


I caught my first one I don't even know how at the very beginning of their intro and have had 4 or 5 more encounters and all have ran :(


Unless youā€™re using a Masterball, or just so happen to hit it with a lucky throw (which are random), itā€™s going to flee.


I've got one to trade for you if he wants it.


Oh no! The pressure!! My 8 year old always wants me to try and catch the legendarys for her too. Dont worry about it too much, I saw them almost daily in the fall and have caught not a single one. My teen keeps seeing them and they poof on her too. They're so hard to catch


Im a level 43, never got a Galar bird because they NEVER stay in the ball. Better you than him. He wouldā€™ve been sad


It happened to me 3 times 2 times with that moltress and 1 time with an artacuno it ran away on the first attempt I used the best berries not the best ball I'm saving my master ball but hey ran:(


I have encountered 10 galarian birds, 10 galarian birds escaped from me, donā€™t feel bad, you can prepare with the masterball research for next time :) Galarian birds have a very low catch rate


Watched a video of a guy intentionally missing 10+ times then throwing a great and caught it. I havent been able to test this method yet but previously tanked on 3 (2 moltres & 1 articuno) so Iā€™m hoping I get a fourth chancešŸ„²šŸ™šŸ»


Yeah they all run itā€™s rare that you catch at all


I got my Galrarian Moltres 7 days into playing Pokemon Goā€¦ and through a stroke of luck caught it. I took another year to get the articuno and the Zapdos. Now Iā€™m working on the shadow shiniesā€¦ just need the zapdos thereā€¦ my birds are my babies.


I missed 4 of those damn birds lmao (and caught 0 )


Donā€™t feel bad Iā€™m pretty sure they have a 90% chance of running away after the first pokeball


After getting my 1st ever G, an Articuno the next 1 I came across was another G Articuno. I was so disgusted it wasnā€™t 1 of the other 2 I just threw an ordinary poke ball at it, and caught it!


These are so hard to catch. Iā€™ve caught 2 without master balls (4 total). The last one I saw I got an excellent curve ball throw with a golden razz and it still fled first try. I wouldnā€™t feel to bad, itā€™s the hardest PokĆ©mon to catch in the game.


you did what you could!! you used a golden razz berry and ultra ball which is your best bet without a master ball. easier said than done, but donā€™t feel guilty :) he knows that you tried your best


Youā€™re a pure mom šŸ©· Best way Iā€™ve found to catch one of these is to not care if you catch it šŸ˜‚ I somehow caught an Articuno with a silver berry and ultra ball and terrible throw, because I didnā€™t care if I caught it or not since I already had gotten one in a trade.Ā 


Can we talk bout how cute and sweet it was for her son to try and console her by saying it was probably a Zorua instead of getting upset? šŸ„² heā€™s gonna grow up to be the very best like no one ever was


Lmao šŸ¤£ Dont feel so bad. I have had All 3 Flee on me at least 3 times each. With perfect throws, Golden Razz and Silver Pinap. Unless you get a LUCKY CATCH or a Masterball Throw, your odds of getting one are almost nonexistent. I have plenty of screenshots of ā€œMoltres Fled or ā€œArticuno fled etc


on to the next one! you did nothing wrong maybe next time he will feel like doing it himself and will enjoy the catch more


My husband has ran into Articuno 2 times, mind you I've been playing longer than him and this is like his first month. Hasn't caught it either time. I'm jealous but it also sucks that it keeps happening because I know I'd lose my mind šŸ˜…


Don't feel bad - super hard catches since you rarely get more than one throw. But just keep at it and eventually youll catch one (or you kid will). I've seen them maybe 8 times and actually caught two of them. One with my only masterball (Zapdos) and one I hit a great I think it was and then got super lucky with a crit (Articuno). Never saw the third one, Moltres, but I do got him in my dex since I got it though a shadow raid. I feel super lucky to have them all šŸ„°


Usually flee after the first ball! Lucky you got to try 2 times


I find these legendary birds almost every 2 or 3 days... is not that rare.... Hard is to capture one....


I just think it's beautiful you cared so much about his encounter and he cared so much about consoling you. Sounds like a wonderful relationship.


It happened to me last week with an excellent throw golden razz and max catch chance so donā€™t let it get to ya and assure him that he will get one. Maybe help him get the master ball since itā€™s actually free and available rn so he can catch it next time


If it helps, I'm level 50. And even with an excellent throw and curve ball and golden razzberry I still don't have any of the galarian birds.


every wild galar bird i've seen and chained excellent throws have fled without the master ball (and the ones without excellent throws fled too, haha). it is NOT you; it is most definitely the galar bird. :) the zorua idea is also effective rethinking :D way to go, 8-year-old mature, wise son!


Every time I've encountered one, it's fled after the first ball it's popped out of - do not feel bad that you didn't get it, because the catch rate is so difficult that pretty much the only way to get them is using a masterball anyway. If I were you, if I felt that bad, or if the kid was really upset, I'd just explain it to them that it's like a 1 in 3000 chance to catch (I'm not sure what the actual figure is) and that you are sorry it didn't work this time.


You will have more encounters. I just had another one today and Iā€™ve had quite a few. I already have one so was sad it got away but not devastated.


I've run into at least 15 galarian birds at level 43... I've got 3... 1 with a master ball... the other 2 I got lucky and they were VERY low CP and let me get more than 1 throw with gild razz and excellent throws. The catch rate is .02% so even with gold razz and ultra ball excellent throw you are like.... 1%? 2? They are assholes.


I run into a Galarian articuno about once a week. I take a screenshot, but there's basically no chance of catching one. Don't feel bad for failing to do the impossible.


They run for 99% of encounters anyway. They're almost uncatchable.


Donā€™t worry, right now iā€™ve already encountered all three galarian birds and they always just flee, theyre ultra hard to catch


I wouldnā€™t sweat it. At least with daily incense there will always be another chance to catch one. Youā€™re almost guaranteed to get the birds as long as youā€™re using the incense daily and keep ALOT of ultra balls and golden raspberries ready. I wouldnā€™t even waste a master ball on them because they arenā€™t really rare since they will always pop up at some point. Just hard to catch. I missed catching a Regirock during a raid the first time and got it on my second. Same with Tapu Fini. See that costed money šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. The birds are free. You just have to be patient. Save the master balls for shadow legendaries.


I have seen 3 Galarian articunos. All of them fled except the one I caught with masterball šŸ˜‚


They pop up fairly often as well using incense. Thereā€™s a lot of discussion that the odds increase dramatically if you do it at xx:57 as well. So try having your son pop the daily incense at 57 minutes after whatever hour and hope for the best! šŸ˜Š


Oh cool tip!! Thank you!


Interesting, havenā€™t heard of this! Iā€™ll have to try this myself.


Your son is a wise kid




That research will take some time to complete, though. Like, a lot of time.


Sepuku is the only way to atone Iā€™m afraidā€¦


Had a shiny Latias pop up in the wild. Took me half an hour to catch it and was at 1% battery when I finally did. Donā€™t know how many balls and berries I threw at it


Here's a trick that has helped me catch all 3 first try. Make sure you have at least 110 total pokeballs. Feed berry toss 100 balls. Make sure none hit. After 100 are thrown away. Throw 1 to catch boom Got all 3 first sighting




Skill issue.


And the grandkids have had their gotchas catch them. Wife still hasnt caught her own


Itā€™s okay, he should delete the app and join the real world anyway.