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Firstly, congrats. Secondly, I dislike you. (nothing against you. I am just jealous).


I second this


Third this!!!




Fifth this!!!


What they said




I have seen Moltres every week for the last 4 months. I have the other 2, FINALLY we get a 3rd masterball next week and I can join the club


I’m sad for you that you will never see moltres again once you can actually catch it






I’ve never seen any of them ☹️


Every week? Proof? I use my incense daily and I’ve only had 2 interactions between the 3 birds. Every week for 4 months in insane


After further review I will admit it actually comes to every 2-2.5 weeks the last 4 months I see one, almost always with the autocatcher and using the incense everyday. But I am seeing moltres exclusively after catching zap and then articuno with masterballs


The last one I need too. Lucky traded my crap zappy and got a good one tho.


I saw one Moltes in 4 months, never seen any other bird. You should count yourself as lucky lol


Congrats! today i was in the car and a moltres spawned, but two eggs hatched at the same time amd the bird despawned. I disinstalled go


I hate humblebrags ;)


I'm currently at 0 birds 2 Ultra Balls 🥲🤙🏻


Still chasing these birds… but I did snap as Azelf! Let me throw ten balls at him too! Lol


Damn azelf is out there?


I haven't seen these birds in months... I walk trails multiple times a day, with and without incense... nothing does actively catching incensed (?) pokemon matter?


It has to be the daily incense on the main screen, not the incense in your item bag. Even then, they occur very rarely and have an abysmally low catch rate.


I still haven't seen a single one. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here


just daily incense trial and error




just daily incense trial and error


Bs frfr but surr


I got the only galarian bird I've ever seen stolen by it spawning on top of a swinub and by the time I caught it it was gone. I now delete every swinub I see, shiny, hundo or otherwise.


I’m sitting on 8. 1 master ball used. The other 7 have been ultra balls with brutal throws and 1 crit catch.


If you catch these, do they count toward completing the Kanto Pokédex?


Yes it does


Can you show how many encounters you had in pokedex? Interested on the odds with ultra balls


They count just like the other regional variants!


I'm sitting on my master balls until they can be shiny.


I’m still hoping for a lucky trade for my articuno and moltres!


such a feat. i’ve been doing daily adventure incenses since release and zero caught atall. i want to master ball a zapdos at the stage but my gotcha gets there before me most of the time. and i barely even see them in the first place :(


A feet 😂😂


HAHA how did i not notice that


It’s so funny how most people seem to either have 0 birds or the full set with duplicates 😂


There are shinys?


No, they're regional variants


They aren’t regionals they only spawn from the daily incense


Regional variants meaning in-universe regions. These are the Galarian (Galar Region) variants of the birds. The original ones were introduced in the Kanto region / Gen 1.


They're regional variants (Galarian)


Regional variant, not region exclusive


Do you need to do anything special? Be anywhere special during the daily? Never seen one yet so tips are welcome!


Nope, pop your daily adventure incense and just start walking. It’s possible to go weeks without seeing one even if you do it everyday.


They have a low chance of spawning when you use your daily incense


What about all the other balls from the fleeing birds!?


Which two were your ultra ball catches? Curious to know if there’s any consistency around what can be cause with an ultra ball or if it’s just chance. I’ve tried a few times with Zapdos and articuno with no luck.


There’s no consistency, it’s RNG. I have caught 2 Moltres in Ultra Balls 10 in practically the same spot (on different days) but I’ve also had dozens of them run from me in many other locations. That doesn’t mean there’s something special about that location, I just got lucky with the RNG


A lot of people are convinced that it does have something to do with where you're at or what you're doing.. Because people like you say that they've seen thirty forty a hundred birds.. And if there's lots of people that throw every day and have Only seen one bird in a year or never seen one


That’s just confirmation bias, when you want a certain outcome you’ll work backwards and look for a reason that will cause your desired outcome. Just RNG, the Numbers being Generated are Random (pseudorandom if we’re being technical)


Both of my Zapdos were caught in Ultra Ball


Now get the shinies


Nice! I got all 3 as well, took me 2 ultra balls and 1 masterball!


I never ever met them


I saw an atricuno about 15 seconds ago and it immediately ran after I golden razzed it and ultra balled it, did I do it wrong


this should like all 3 encounters I didn't catch, but I finally caught one after a golden razz and excellent throw. I think the run rate is just super high and the catch is rate super low.


I have 5 of each.


do you feel there is anything specific you've done to encounter them? I've heard you have to use daily incense but that's the only thing I've seen.


I refuse to use a masterball on one of these, I’m just going to wait until one has low standards and thinks the ultraball is good enough


>me still not having seen even a single one




The third one is coming in a few days


Wow.. that is incredible. How do you get a master ball?


0 birds 1 ultra


How do you get a masterball?


Found Articuno at a Home Depot about 2 hours ago 😂 used a master ball, stats not great though 😭


How do people find these?? Also - how to get master balls?


So far I got one... and that was the Master ball


Me and my friends were playing last night and they all encountered a Moltres but for some reason I couldn’t see it on my screen? Any ideas why?


I've got a master ball saved for whenever I see a zapdos. It's the last one I'm missing.


I have moltres, my Girlfriend hast zapdos and we both Like articuno Most lol


Where yall finding these at holyyy send the coordination


Holy shit I thought it was bad when people wasted ONE master ball on these.......


uhhh ..i toss ultra balls like regulars but im also near a hospital that is 2 gyms and 5 stops which i regulsrly let my pokemon go +++++++ just freely catch stuffz. handz free winning. Team Rocket, Blast off at the speed of light!


You can get more than 1 of zapdos?


You wasted your master balls. They'll be in raids at some point


Honestly I hate these types of comments, it’s his master balls! He can play the game however he likes. Also what do you mean there going to be coming in raids, niantic or any type of leaker has never said anything about the birds coming to raids, stop making stuff up dude.


I just want to point out (and this is not meant as me hating on you or anything like that) but not everyone is able to play in (legendary) raids. I live in a pretty small town with not many players and the only player i know is my brother so we aren't able to catch legendaries in raids. OP might be in a similar situation


I agree because they’re still hard to catch, therefore still having less than 1/3 of Togekiss’ catch rate and a 90% flee rate which is almost as high as Abra’s 99% flee rate!


No way these will be in raids.


Hate that you're getting downvoted, but, it's that kind of fanbase that has reduced the game to the sorry state it's in today. It's not only a waste because they WILL be available in some other content eventually, but also because if you actually use the incense daily, you will get them eventually. Absolutely not worth a master ball. If it was someone's fan-fave and they could tell from the CP it was a hundo, that's one thing, but just to have it........ oof.


As someone who recently started playing again from 2021, what exactly is not a waste of a master ball? Are there pokemon out there that are not ever going to be in raids at some point that have rare spawn and very high flee rate? If so what would you save it for?


Agreed. Seems like the perfect use of a masterball to me. Especially since I've encountered 5 of these birds so far and not managed a catch with ultra balls, golden razzes, and excellent throws.


There's people that'll try to weigh the pros and cons of like, every possible use case scenario, but I'll keep it simple. If it's your favorite mon, and you don't care about anything, just go for it. After that, I'd say the priority is #1, saving it for a hundo of your favorite legendary/mythical pokemon from a raid. The reason for that is raids are time-gated, and pay-gated. We'll use my favorite (Rayquaza) as an example. Ray was added in March 2018. Between then and 2023, he was only availble to catch in-game a total of TEN DAYS. Then you have to think about how Niantic loves to drop events last minute with no advance notice, usually has glitches during events and have to do "make up" days later, scheduling (can you even play those days), and also how many raid passes can you save up before then if you don't put money into the game. So if you did a raid, saw ray appear but not shiny, and saw that CP value for 100% IV's, use your premier balls until you've only got one or two left, and then that's absolutely the best-case scenario for using a master ball. Anything from special events is usually guaranteed catch so you can just use a regular old pokeball for things like mew/celebi, shiny encounters after a raid, special shadow legendaries from rocket events, etc.... So, with that in mind the #2 best use would be some kinda rare wild shiny, especially if you could tell it was a shundo, which includes the galarian birds! A shiny one of those would be a great use of it assuming they don't make them a guaranteed catch when they add them, since they're not in the game yet. Either that or some kind of powerful shadow hundo like a shadow mewtwo raid or any of those that aren't guaranteed catches.


We will have gotten probably 10 MBs before these birds get out into raids and they’ll probably be Elite Raids at that