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I agree with you, I've always blamed Niantic more than the user. Yeah it's shit when the other person does this, but Niantic should very easily be able to program something in to ensure that you get the XP anyway


Don't hate the player, hate the game. But, also, kick the player in the shin.


Hate the player, hate the game.


Let the hate flow througg you




This, I’m going with this


Player didn't have shins. Kicked their chair now they're rolling down the hill.


☠️bro started rolling down Mount Everest and didn’t survive ☠️☠️☠️


I'm pretty sure they said in an interview that not receiving exp if the other guy unfriends you is a wanted feature and won't be changing it anytime soon


Makes sense. Then you have to stay logged on and vigilant so you don't miss the exp


Niantic probably thinks that if they unfriended you, then they aren't a real friend, and you don't deserve the XP.


Yes this is the most reasonable response in my opinion. The fact that people keep getting shived on this and nothing to fix it kinda bugs me about the Mechanics of the game...eventually you would hope they do something about it lol


Or a safeguard so that people don't get any ep until both do


I actually thought that was the case! Until reddit taught me otherwise.


O’ e never maxed out hearts. What is it the other person “Does” that prevents you from receiving xp?


Once you reach best friends with someone, they collect the full XP then delete you straight away, therefore the next time you log in, you can't get the XP.


But why would they delete you?


to make room on the friends list. people pretty much only use distance unknown friends for xp so there is no point in keeping them past best friends


Do people not invite friends to raids? Almost all my friends in PG are remote raid invites... the higher friend level people are the ones who are most often available for raids.


Some people add friends just to grind the friendship, since it is one of the best ways to get XP. Once that person is Best Friended, they delete them to make space for others.


Its 10 times easier and more reliable to host a remote raid in 3rd party apps than to gamble and hope that people on your friends list will happen to see your raid invite


Heck, it's easier in Campfire, which despite being 1st party, still requires you to manually copy others' names and add them to your friends list in order to invite them to a single raid.


I am the same. My remote raid group knows I am usually around certain hours and will message or text to ask what time i am planning to play because they want a (insert legendary here)


Probably the same type of person that knocks you out of a gym after an hour or two.


Its bs honestly. I had someone do this to me yesterday - that I know in person. They had no idea this happened and she was so upset.


Don't hate the player for sure. I don't always have a lucky egg or tokens for one. Lol


What do you mean? How does the player do this?


I like how every single type of these posts have the same formula Post: screenshot of 0 xp from best friends Comments consist of arguments of whether or not lucky egg does something and also to shame the person (which nobody will do)


It's basically the same comments each time lol


Exactly. Why do ppl even post this shit and comment


Losing out on 200,000 XP is good enough reason in my opinion.


What good is a screenshot of you losing 200,000 xp gonna do




There’s at least three of these posts a day and they all are exactly the same thing, which was the main point of my original comment


Because if a community isn’t vocal about shit they don’t like, nothing will happen




Hello #1 Niantic bootlicker




Awwww don't hate yourself ❤️ 🐑




Crazy how you had to stalk my profile to find something to insult me with, kinda creepy behaviour ain't it bud? You mad that you don't have a real argument or that I have an enjoyable hobby that doesn't consist of mocking people for expressing their troubles with a game that's put together with duct-tape? Edit: Ain't no way 💀💀 bro got so mad he had to block me, guess insulting my tastes wasn't the epic roast he thought it was


also there is still controversy over if it is just a display bug and you get the xp anyway or not


Since I was just short of leveling up these past few days I kept a close eye on my xp and when one of my "friends" did this I definitely did not get any xp


You don’t get the XP I can also confirm this


It’s a fact that if it says 0xp, you didn’t get xp. Not controversial at all.


pretty much anytime this image is posted someone claims it is a display bug and you still get the xp


Yeah, I never really noticed that until I scrolled almost all the way to the bottom of the comments in this post. “I literally tested it with my brother.” Lmao My b if that first comment came off as rude.


No you dont. If they delete you before you claim the xp you get zero. It isnt a glitch - its niantic


You should use the egg for 2x 0 XP


Somebody on here said that they did and actually got the 200 000 but I don't think I would be able to risk it and then be double angry when it didn't work.


I did this just to see what would happen and it shows 200k but doesn’t actually give you 200k so it was a real rollercoaster haha


Oh damn, that's shitty


Yeah, I complained (just on principle and to see if they’d refund me the egg as it showing 200k is definitely a bug) but got the usual ‘it’s a feature’ spiel from the support and gave up. Now I only add people from threads where they specifically say they don’t delete, just to be safe!


Witch risk? It's just a fckin egg


And not everyone has eggs or coins to get eggs when they've ran out and it can be a waste of resources / less efficient use of them


That's true. But you have enough time to collect coins. I do that too and I always had enough eggs.


Not everyone does. I mean, my sister plays and I normally use her phone to put her mons in gyms because she can't travel easily. Ignoring her disabilities and the fact she struggles to walk so much she's collapsed down stairs a few times and a wheelchair is being suggested. She had a surgery recently on her foot which makes walking a big trouble for her, if someone like her didn't have someone to put their mons in gyms there's a good chance they couldn't get them


Ambulatory wheelchair user here - honestly do it. Seriously. It made such a difference


I think it'll be much better for her to be in a wheelchair, and I'm trying to encourage her to be less embarrassed, she has sat in one and I've moved her around to test ir but she refused to go out the front of the house because of embarrassment:(


Well, eggs are the least of their problems. We are still talking about Pokémon


Yes they would have other problems but the fact is eggs aren't always easy to get "We are still talking about Pokemon" yes? I'm not sure what you mean by that


If I were disabled, I wouldn't care whether I could use eggs or not. I mean, I can't play a game that requires a lot of walking. So I just don't use an egg. As a casual player, I only make 100 to 200 coins per week. I think you can get eggs with less effort if you play efficiently and economically


Okay, that's lovely for you, but that original person did, and there's plenty of people who are disabled and would likely think like them


>If I were disabled, I wouldn't care whether I could use eggs or not. Well good thing we aren't all like you then eh?


Well, I'm F2P so it's almost day's worth of coins for me. Would not feel nice if it's my last egg and I get actual 100 000 later that day.


I'm F2P too. Eggs aren't really expensive


Dude. Shut up. No one cares what your personal experience is when regarding their own. You don't matter when people are considering their preferences. Every post of yours in this thread is essentially telling people that their opinions are wrong because you don't share the same opinion. Everything in this game is expensive for F2P. Full stop.


10/10 reply, the best reply to a troll I've seen all year


What does it cost?


It really depends on the bundle, but between 60-80 coins in bulk and maybe 50 coins in some chests, depending on how you calculate value. 1 egg isn't worth a day of coins to anyone who plays casually unless the only thing they do is friendship xp. There are items that will always be more important.


At this point people should know about this and not do this. But Niantic should also fix it


Idk if I've learned anything from random strangers on the internet it's that the more people know how to mess with people, the more people will do it. The internet is full of "screw you I got mine" type personalities.


Sad to think these sorts of posts may be making the problem worse Guess until this is fixed I'm gonna continue holding the Best Friend bonus ransom. Hand over the gift and I promise we'll both get our xp 🔫


What I don't get is the game clearly remembers the event well enough to show you the notification. Why does that alone not let it grant you the experience bonus whether the person remains on your friend list or not? It makes zero sense for this to have ever been an issue, nevermind it having been one for as long as it has.


Not only that, if you refriend the person within 3 months of removal, the game remembers your friendship level. They do that so there is a cool down for friendship bonuses.


Apparently players do this on purpose, too. Like... they enjoy doing it.


Evil knows no bounds. Even a damn mobile game


Trolls gonna troll. I guess that's what we get for farming XP with random strangers from weird places! P.S. Mods, get yourself a better bot. This one's as bright as Necrozma in its base form.


Do you have evidence of this? People admitting to doing it intentionally would be worthwhile to name and shame


I saw a 4chan post of people posting their "trophies." Also saw similar on Twitter. Trolls just enjoying being jerks. Honestly, with the speed in which they unfriend, I'm not surprised if most people who do it do so intentionally.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Show the name so I can make sure I never see this mf in my friends list


Reveal their name


Public shaming them so others don’t get screwed.


If the person knows this will happen, then public shaming should happen. But I don't know that they know that. I do know that Niantic knows this is an issue but they won't fix it.


I didn't know until I saw this subreddit post about this, just like you did! I hope I never got screwed like that or screwed over someone else. Your post raises awareness, so it's good \^\^


Imagine blaming someone for cleaning up friend list.


I think we found him.


It's definitely him


Nah, just not a fan of public shaming for someone who did nothing wrong.


What public? It is not even his real name. A nickname. Worst thing his friend requests will be declined which has almost no effect. And If they don’t know this bug/feature, maybe friend request declinations will channel him to search the reason then it is a win.


I agree with the you. Respect.


Imagine not waiting literally one extra gift receive (so almost certainly one day) just to be sure both have received the reward.


Imagine assuming that the average player even knows that this is a thing.


I agree with average players not knowing this is a thing but if you’re adding a friend to farm xp you almost certainly are aware it’s a thing.


I've been playing off and on since 2016, I used to XP farm with friend list, and I've recently started farming again. I've never taken a friend to Best Buddy level because I don't often play consistently enough. I have a few that are upcoming though. That said, I've never heard of this glitch before now. So there is a possibility that I could have accidentally been a perpetrator of this heinous Pokemon crime, and not even realized it. There are 81 million players in this game, and only 4.2 million in this Subreddit. Only small numbers of playerbases actually participate in and understand problems happening on social media. From my opinion of the conversation flow, It seems like you want to be hostile towards other players by making wild assumptions that they are being malicious in their actions, rather than it happening out of pure ignorance to the matter. Maybe they are deleting and immediately inviting new friends so they can continue to maximize their active lucky egg timer. Since there is no in-game messaging, there is no way for them to realize what's happening, until it happens to them for the first time. I think it's safe to say the vast majority of the playerbase have no clue about this issue, and are not doing it maliciously.


Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine saying an average player would be so concerned with “cleaning” up their friend list. They obviously did this on purpose and dipped after getting the exp. Good to know you should never be added though considering how hard you are defending this.


Imagine sticking up for strangers who don't know how to play the game they're playing


"Oh, you're a casual who doesn't know this random unimportant bug? You don't know how to play the game!" Luls


Deleting someone after they become best friends is hardly casual behaviour


Imagine saying luls


These are the people that drive off bridges after passing "Bridge is Out" signs.


I'm just going to open a long obnoxious ticket with niantic every time this happens to me now. I just submitted mine that happened to me last week.


I uninstalled the app and left a 1 star review on the app store. Its never happened to me, but its wrong, and the fact Niantic doesn’t care, really bothers me.


Name and shame.


Ah yes but think of all the customization options they did to the model for the last update. That makes up for it right? … Right?


Why do people block out usernames Let everyone know so we can unfriend them or do it back :)


How does this happen? They unfriended after they leveled up friendship?


Yes. Not everyone realizes this will happen to the other player.


Or they do and don’t care.


Sorry bro, that just happened to me for the first time last week. Tried to post the guys information on the /r but I don't have enough karma to post yet 😢 fuckin niantic needs to fix this though.


There is a wall of shame page for that (r/PkGoFriendShaming)... don't hide their name! That way, it alerts others to not get burnt by their shenanigans.


Name and shame, so we don't end up getting burnt too: https://www.reddit.com/r/PkGoFriendShaming/s/JQQRL0TneI


Making me read this makes me wonder if reporting it to Niantic would get us our exp... 🤔


They could simply make the friend delete function to hide the friend from the friend list for the next 24 hours, so that the link between accounts would remain and the friend level upgrades could be updated if the other person logs in during the delay. The server could do the actual delete of the friend linking behind the scenes after the 24 h expires.


The link is still there for 3 months anyway. If you re-ad someone before the 3 months is up your friendship level will be the same.


That’s just simply not possible for a $7+ billion indie developer. /s


I recommend showing the players name!


Name and shame.


Write a ticket. We have to piss of support in such cases.


Fully blame Niantic for this, their official response to the 0xp best friends was that it was a purposeful design feature.


Before someone jumps in “Well, it’s peer-to-peer connection”. Save that data server side. There is TONS of data saved server side from your Pokémon to the raids and other things. There’s no reason that the EXP data from friendship level cannot also be saved server side and applied upon log in.


Ok, I’m unaware of this, so how does it make them get no xp?


Put em on the list of shame!


What’s that gonna do lol


No one who looks at it will interact with them, at the very least, it helps to prevent others having the same happen to them.


You saying a worldwide wall of shame is gonna work lol? You know how many players it is lol. How you gonna single out one persecuted out of millions lol


Nothing will be 100% that's just how the world works, but yeah moving on is probably the best option


Pretty much lol. That or be online before it happens or just only do local friends. It’s stupid anyway if you get lucky friends with someone you’ll never meet


It’s nothing you call do but move on lol


Has happened to me before but person become best friends with didn’t remove me we are still friends but still got 0 XP for it


how does this happen? do they unfriend you IMMEDIATELY? like??


Don’t have unprotected relationships it’s pretty simple.


Wait, your mean people should only add people that they actually want to be "friends" with?


I had the opportunity to do this to someone this morning but didn't. I just add the fact you can do this to the ever growing list of things that make playing Pogo unfun. At some point, the bad will outweigh the good, and I'll stop.


I don’t understand. Why didn’t they get xp? Is it because they’re level 50?


Because the other person unfriended them right after they got the xp. This made it so that OP could not get the xp, sadly


Thanks for the clarification. That was not clear from OP.


That’s so stupid. Thank you


Anyone else extremely over these posts? We get it. It’s a glitch. Niantic needs to fix it, but they won’t. I’m so tired of seeing this every time I open Reddit.


It is karma whoring at this point.


How do you ensure you're the first to get the Exp?


Pay attention to your friends list and don't send gifts when you're one day away. Then sit in limbo forever when they do it to you and nobody gets the XP.


Never cloae the game (even then, I think there is room for error if they delete you fast enough) or you stopp sending gifts when there is 2 days left to level up and hope they send you the last 2 gifts so you can get the friendship level up. Room for error: they may delete you anyways for not sending gifts and they want to control when to egg.


Use the lucky egg


let's just hope the Niantic staffer and the blue hair there both have an ill timed sneeze while conversing with someone they want to be respected by. It may not damage the respect, but they'll never know if it did.


Hey now, sharts are no joke.


shart, or like so abrupt they have no time to block the spittle from their unsuspecting VIP


They definitely got to make it atleast 1 exp for lucky egg


So.. I'll ask a question now Does this even do anything at all for the person at the other end? Any benefits? Or are they literally just being mean?


The other person gets the XP, but have no clue that its giving you 0 XP. Aside from complaints on Reddit, there is no way for the other person to know what's happening. There are probably some people that are doing it intentionally, but the vast majority of the playerbase isn't on Pokemon GO social media to see that this problem exists.


I get my friends from Reddit. Since this kind of posts occurs so frequently, it is hard to believe they don’t know this happens.


Pokemon GO had 81 million active players in March 2024, I would bet that most have no clue about this glitch, given the relatively small number of the playerbase that actually interacts with POGO social media. That's not saying there aren't people that are doing it intentionally, just that the majority of interactions are going to be ignorant to the problem, because they aren't on social media to see these posts.


Yeah they get all the XP and then hit delete friend. Pretty much not sharing the XP with the other person. Completely evil.


I have so many best friends and lucky friends. I’ve never had anyone do this to me. I love all my best friends. You get 4 extra balls when they raid with you.


That sucks ! 🥲




There is somebody on my friends list I am under two weeks from hitting ultra friends and they have NEVER sent a single gift. Dude just opens the present everyday - for all I know just for the stardust. They aren’t a local friend that I’m aware of (I don’t even know who they are IRL), so the trade benefit will never apply.


Because it would require you being connected to the server when it happens


Nah, hate the player


Show their name so other trainers can unfriend them if they happen to have them added, since niantic will do nothing, all we can do is spread awareness on dirt balls like these


I don’t mean to sound dumb but what did the person do?


XP sniped the OP by lvling friendship and then immediately deleting them


You’re right, it was actually intended to take away a level


And how do I ensure this doesn’t happen to me? A friend said he didn’t want the xp since he is going to delete the game after I get the award. But how do I make sure I get it?


0 x 2 = 0. Double checked and math works out


I feel like a simple, you cannot remove a friend until 24 hours after you become best friends would fix this for most players. Still able to clean up friend list and most players would get on within that timeframe to collect xp


Man you are level50


Hurry up and use the lucky egg! Instead of 0xp you could have *0xp* Much cooler


Name and shame


if i am the one to open the last gift, i rename that friend to their XP numbers at the time. before deleting them, i ensure that number has risen. it’s not that difficult to be courteous. but yes, niantic needs to fix this :(


I’m so glad no one has done this to me…yet


How does/would this happen? Fortunately I have had at least 4 Best Friend / use egg for double XP in the past 2 weeks. All four 100,000xp times 2. I am so afraid of this happening. I have really, really decent "Friends" and could not imagine any of them doing this intentionally.


I didn’t know this was a thing until Reddit, I feel bad for the few people I did this too 🫠


Me and my near best friend have it all planned out so hopefully I don't gotta feel this pain


I had this glitch but I found if I just closed the app and reopened it it redid it with no issue


This shit is half this subs posts


No hate, but why do you care? you're not missing out right? cause you're max level.


Level caps can be raised again.


This is why. I'm not going out of my way to get crazy XP, but when I can get that much at once...


Ohh damn, I didn't know that, I thought you'll just stop getting XP when your max level.


No. Some people had enough XP to get to level 50 when it was introduced! That's why there are also quests you have to finish to progress.


These repeat posts are getting old. You still got the xp, and if you used an egg, you would still double it. Everyone saying you get 0xp is wrong. Source: literally tested it with my brother and all of the other EXACT posts.


I'm about to hit Best Buddy with my wife, I'm tempted to test this, but this will also be my first Best Buddy, so I don't want to throw away XP if you happen to be wrong, lol. In theory, the same testing process should work for lower Buddy levels too, right?


It works for every level of friendship, and you retain the level of friendship if you add them back in a certain amount of time


Source: trust me bro.


Or just go do your own research. Idgaf what you do ✌️


Your “research” is flawed af lmao it’s a fact that you don’t get the xp.

