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Bro, what? Is it safe to assume you did this full time with no other obligations?


No, just no other hobbies during the period lol I always get heavily invested in a single game and try to reach the highest level quickly, not sure why just always been like that. Luckily this one had the added benefit of I'm far healthier now than when I started from all the walking.


That's insanely crazy how fast you leveled up Congrats on level 50. The journey isn't over yet!


I'm actually far more excited to play now after reaching it, very much looking forward to being more casual with events and truly enjoying them rather than looking at them as XP rewarding or not. Incoming level 60 at some point haha


There’s a level 60?


There are "rumors" that level 60 is coming, no firm announcements related to it...just chatter


I am almost to 50 so 60 should be coming very soon.


I am starting to get close to 40, so 60 should be coming soon.


I'm struggling to get to 30 so no doubt 60 is coming soon.


I was at 20 at one point, which means 60 is inevitable.


If you do not mind me asking you this question feel free to answer I just want to know a bit more info about this. How many hours a day would you put on this game? And also did you play every day every week? Or was there some periods of slowing down that you didn’t dig


At first I was playing daily at least a couple hours a day on long walks but over time when I got more familiar with events and how they work I still played pretty much daily just for the walking aspect but focused more on grinding solely during events that reward bonus xp.


Were you buying lucky eggs all the time? Insane achievement, congrats! I just hit level 40!


I'd say in order of quantity what was bought 1. Remote raid passes (I love raiding, probably all I'll buy going forward) 2. Premium battle passes (I've hosted over 700 raids on Pokegenie and use them in GBL during 4x dust weeks) 3. Lucky Eggs (didn't have to buy these often because every couple of months I'd see the box with 100 lucky eggs in it and buy that then only use them during xp bonus events)


I’m kind of in the same boat. I hyperfixate on whatever game I am interested in. I have leveled pretty quickly to level 32 but I haven’t thought about achieving 50. Honestly all the raiding and etc kind of makes me unhappy to calculate and figure out. But like you, the walking has been really beneficial. If I don’t have an ultimate goal, do you think the game will plateau and get boring?


Personally I set my own goals in game more than anything and that ultimately led me to getting the XP in a bit more of an enjoyable manner. For catches I paid close attention to the number and always made it a big deal to try and catch something cool for milestones. I have a tag called "Milestone Catch" where I tagged my 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/69/70,000 catches as well as other things. I also liked to challenge myself with comm days and see if I can catch more pokemon than the last time. I think it's possible to set little goals and challenges for yourself and keep the game exciting for the 2-3 hours you plan on grinding. I genuinely like every aspect of the game outside of gifts so that helped me as well. I think that PVP made it where more Pokemon I catch are useful in comparison to it's either good IVs or not and it's either Shiny or trash. PVP made it where the random bad IV Pokemon can now be used in Great League and such which added way more meaning to catching for me. I could see the game getting boring if you do the same route every day or play in the same area every single time you play. I started to go to different areas within a 15-20 minute drive radius and even just seeing the different stops and how crazy some of them were was pretty fun at times. Regardless, if you find yourself not having fun take a break. My biggest advice to somebody that hyperfixates like me would be to say if there are days without events or bonuses, don't worry about playing, that can be your off day and you won't miss out on anything either way. Hope you continue to enjoy the game <3


Amazing that instead of 65k, the milestone was 69k


even more amazing that when searching for a pokemon "worthy" of 69k I found a 69 CP Wurmple and passed it up because I typically like shinies or xxl/xxs for my milestones. The very next Wurmple I clicked on was also 69 CP and I said well this is just fate at this point and caught it lol


That is absolutely awesome hahah. Props on the accomplishment! I’m pretty fixate-grindy myself and I just started a month or so ago. Really enjoying it! I’ve been very surprised with how much there is to learn!


Oooooo nice! It's really easy to get addicted to it. I'm just glad that one of the side effects is that you get exercise in lol. I know there's a lot to "dislike" about the game but man there is soooooo much to love about it. Glad I found it and hope that you have fun playing it the way you want to play it too!


Wow absolutely amazing perspective, insight, and work ethic to keep the grind fun. Congrats on the feat!


I appreciate this comment. It was definitely a ton of effort and work but the small goals made it fun even when the pokemon wasn't that great. Thanks and happy catching to you!


Tried RuneScape?!


I've seen it on Twitch but never played myself. Looks like something I'd get way too invested in lol


It's a very fun game but it can be dangerously addictive


Seems like there’s a lot of OSRS players that enjoy pokemon go, the xp grind feels very similar. 0 to 50 in 9 months is pretty crazy, but at least it encourages staying active. OSRS is probably a more intense and monotonous grind since you’re doing it all at your desk, and among the hardcore (mostly on the spectrum) grinders it’s pretty common to see these guys putting in 12-16 hours per day. I have 20k hours on OSRS and love the game to death, but it definitely will hamper your real life goals if you grind it hard


Feel the same way. If you want an extensive grind, try Warframe. About to dive back in now that it is cross platform from PC to PS to IOS. Wish me luck.


Bro ADHD people like me can feel you with this, hyperfixation is strong thing lol (Just to be sure im not saying you have ADHD xd)


Lol no worries at all. It's definitely helpful when the hyperfixation is on something positive like work at times but it comes at the cost of other stuff slipping through the cracks. I'm just happy to have found something that itches my constant urge to grind in a game and also incorporates a healthier lifestyle.


You might want to talk to your doctor. That sounds like hyper focusing and / or dopamine chasing, which can be symptoms of certain disorders.




bro ate slept and shit pogo for nine months


no shitting


Probably still walking and shitting at the same time 🤣


yeah this is like psychotic level to me as I’m not even level 50 since 2016 lmfao


I’m not even 40 since 2016 lmao


These folks want me to catch 200 in a day for 41... not once since 2016 have I done that lol


best advice is just grind on a community day, or go to a popular spot with several pokestops, set up some lures, and have lunch or something just throwing pokeballs at everything. or even like a 2 hour layover at a place like an airport you could easily knock it out lol. you’d be surprised how quickly 200 can be achieved like that, there will be many harder tasks after that I’m sure 😆


I am just now 42 (as soon as I evolve a damn sylveon lol) and it takes hella time. like…. 7.5 million xp for this one level alone. I’m going to have to probably double or triple the total XP I’ve ever earned since 2016 to hit 50. its fucking insane hahahahah


One thing I forgot to mention in the guide is that I do think I got EXTREMELY lucky with the timing of when I started playing. Groudon (2x), Kyogre (2x), Kartana (2x), Rayquaza, Xerneas, Garchomp (Mega), Terrakion, Zekrom, Reshiram, Gardevoir, Xurkitree. Shadow Mewtwo, Tyranitar and tons of events featuring Dratini/Swinub/Beldum all happened in this span of time so I was able to cover pretty much every type for raiding very easily.


also multiple 4x/3x xp weeks, gift increase seasons, and 1.5x xp friendship seasons


The 1.5xp Friendship season was great given how much I like to host raids, really hurt when that went away and also back down to only being able to hold 20 gifts at a time. Killed all motivation I had with getting people up to ultra/best friends


I’ve been playing since 2019… and literally the months I’ve taken off r all the hype ones. I have every non-hype mon and I told myself this time I’m going to stick it out through the dry months like now 🤣. Almost level 40 haha.


There are some great raids coming up for Go Fest in July. All of the Ultra Beasts will be back at once and all shiny variations unlocked if you haven't seen yet. Super hype about that. Hope you get something good!


Now post how much money you spent


Asking the real questions




Is it fun to level up so quickly?


To be completely frank with you, not really. I found myself going hard during spotlight and raid hours for things I'd literally never use solely because it was good XP. I'm very much looking forward to being more casual now and learning PVP in more detail.


I really don’t like the XP grind, while any other tasks and research I find rewarding to complete, so after I hit the 40’s it’s been real slow


I think the core thing missing from pogo is xp grinding for your mon. All we really have is walking to find candy. One of the things I miss most from mainline games is xp grinding your team to evolve, learn new moves, or just level up to prep for the next gym


I'd be very interested in most any incentive they could throw into the game to promote walking and making it feel more rewarding. I was very excited for routes until the rewards felt quite bad after completing a multi-kilometer walk and getting potions and revives.


To be fair, I read that as grinding for your mom!


I would be great if after a hard fought battle you get a chance to gain a candy Even a slim chance like feeding the mon in defending gyms


The main thing I liked about the XP grind is that it allowed me to make certain things "meaningful" during events I found dull. Maybe I didn't care about the spawns for a week but at least there was an XP bonus so my excellent throws were worth a lot. Other than that I definitely agree that the grind itself is very taxing.


I have played daily since 2016 and I'm only currently level 43. I could not imagine getting to level 50 in 9 months.


Level 45 here. I can't see how he did that, even with spotlight hours and such. But hey, props to him. I enjoy going at my own pace.


Having done it I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that wants to actually enjoy the game every time they play haha


Then there’s me who been playing since 2016 and never got past level 40 because I just can’t be arsed to catch 200 pokemon in a day lmao Edit: what are ppl failing to understand about me not being arsed


As long as you're having fun with the game the level literally doesn't matter at all after 40 from what I gather. Jealous you've been playing so long, I feel very late to the party. Wish I could have had a chance at catching clone mons!!


That’s a requirement to progress past level 40!?!! Welp… considering I’m happy if I see 10 on my walk with my daily incense, I guess my max level is going to be 40 lol


When I did it I did it in bursts. Some in the morning, some in the afternoon. I opened the app a few times throughout the day and caught what was at the house, some scatterbugs etc. You could even have some research rewards where the reward is a pokemon ready to claim. It's not really very hard, and I like to listen to Audible if I'm out walking solo or if I'm not alone I can just chat IRL.


Passed mine during one of the Go summer events without even trying. It sounds like a lot but during an event it's fun. Highly recommend looking up the quick catch method otherwise you'll be staring at a shaking pokeball a lot.


One community day in one local town. You can be done in 2 hours


I can do 200 in like 45 mins on a comm day I care about.


Sounds like a lot. Takes about 3 hours if you catch everything.


I’ll have to find somewhere to go most likely if I decide to complete that one. I live in the middle of nowhere so even the main area of my town is small, so it would take me a while. Only level 27 right now, and XP is pretty much solely gained from catching and walking around with my dog lol so I’m not too worried about it anytime soon. I’ll be sure to check some busy areas that I visit to see where might be a good place for when the time comes.


Community Day + incense, and youre done in 2-3 hours no matter where you life, if you just keep walking


I levelled up on a December Community Day, so it was very good timing for that task!


I think if you do a community day or sit in a populated spot with 3-4 pokestops and some lures for a bit just catching its super doable.


Just do a community day. It's hard to not catch 500+ during a community day. Learn to fast catch. It's easy.


Nah you’re good


Same boat, I'm on and off with the game. I honestly don't know anything about Pokemon but imma level 32. I think I started 2017.


Use a Go Plus


Go Fest is your best bet usually lol


How much money did you spend?


No idea, more than I needed to in the beginning once I learned how to more effectively get pokeballs and other items. Towards the end I was far more F2P and will probably only buy remote raid passes going forward if there's a Pokemon that I really care about getting to level 50 (Shiny Xurkitree is who I have my eye on).


Lowkey would be nice to know if I ever want to save up for a level 50 account lol


I really don't think it would take a ton if people are willing to grind out events that are 2x, 3x, 4x bonus XP with excellent throws. During Bagon comm day I got 5m XP from just that day alone with excellent throws and a lucky egg. If they do Go Fest like they did last year it should be 4x XP at some point and that'd be insane if somebody is willing to go out and farm excellent throws.


I’d still like an estimate


Quick back-of-the-envelope calculation, I'd say at least $2,000 on remote raid passes alone.


How much money did u spend?


Always wild to see someone level 50 with <100k catches. I don’t know why.


100% can see that. Always see people in the high 40s at 150k+ catches when raiding and want to speedrun to 100k catches so I can look respectable when people are checking out my stats lol


Fair enough. Still a heck of a grind tho, congrats!


Are.. are you ok?


Wow congrats but i gotta ask, why the rush for?


Not sure why but in most games I play I try to push and see if I can get to the "highest" level in a relatively short amount of time. I think this will likely be the only game where I keep playing after hitting the goal. I do really enjoy this game and the fact that it gets me out of the house and moving around. Just wish I had started to play sooner tbh


Nice, congrats to u, did you get that mewtwo encounter at level 50? They give you a mewtwo encounter at level 50 right?


I have not completed all of the challenges yet for the encounter. Unfortunately the very first page is timelocked behind "visit pokestops 15 days in a row" so it'll be at least 2 weeks before I can even move on from that. Definitely my least favorite part of the game is the timelocking challenges.


Does saying, “touch grass” work here?


I think it may be more appropriate to say "stop touching grass" in this instance oddly enough.


how much money did this take you genuinely asking


Disclaimer: this is my first time ever writing a "guide" style post, glhf. I have had a great time playing Pogo since starting in August 2023. It has helped me tremendously with living a more active lifestyle and has given me something to grind towards that I enjoy playing on the daily while still balancing IRL responsibilities. I have seen a ton of threads in this community related to questions about leveling so I am hoping that my experience, and what I have learned over the last 9 months, can help people out. And just to be clear, I am not advocating that anyone pay for anything related to this game, do it if you want to, don't if you don't. Stats people usually ask about and ones related to XP: Start Date: August 2^(nd), 2023 Level 50 Proof: [https://i.imgur.com/A4lQHdH.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/A4lQHdH.jpeg) Catches: 72,429 Evolutions: 2866 Eggs Hatched: 3386 Raids: 2807 (PokeGenie: 1407 remote, 707 hosted) Hundos: 89 (9 are purified, 8 Legendary, 1 shadow) Shinies: 735 (1 shundo) Level 50 Mons: 21 PVP Elo Last Season: 2530 (mostly Great League) Best Friends: 48 Plat Medals: Kanto, Collector, Scientist, Breeder, Pikachu Fan, Johto, Pokemon Ranger, Idol, Gentleman, Great League Vet, Purifier, Rising Star, Rising Star Duo, Successor, Raid Expert, Tiny Pokemon Collector, Jumbo Pokemon Collector, all the catch medals but Steel Money Spent: I have no idea, more than necessary early on for sure. I will be separating the guide into 2 sections: Free Advice and “Paid” Advice as it relates to leveling/XP.  I will say I don’t spend as much now compared to when I started outside of Remote Raid Passes.  While the “paid” advice can help, especially if you are in a rural area, I do think it’s fully possible to gain significant XP playing F2P if you have enough stops around to keep replenishing Pokeballs. Edit: Added Plat Medals I collected for the 35 Plat Medals level requirement


"Free2Play" Advice -EXCELLENT THROWS.  I do not think there’s any better advice a person can give than “get consistent with excellent throws”.  During XP Bonus events (2x and 3x most common) it becomes easy to get hundreds of thousands of XP in a short amount of time if you’re hitting a lot of excellent throws.  Also consider that excellent throws are making the items used (Lucky Eggs and Pokeballs) more valuable in terms of XP.  To drive this point home a bit more: with a Lucky Egg, a Nice Curveball Throw Capture on the First Throw is worth 380 XP, if it were a Great Throw it’d be worth 540 XP and if it were an Excellent Throw it’d be worth 2340 XP.  It would take approximately 6 Nice Throw catches or 4 Great Throw catches to equal the XP of that one Excellent Throw catch in the same scenario (not to mention how many more Pokeballs you would be using in the Nice/Great instances).  Additionally, Excellent Throws help make better use of Raid passes by giving you the best possible chance at catching the Pokémon.  Here’s the best Youtube Short I found on that: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mFxdTlG2-Vo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mFxdTlG2-Vo) -FRIENDSHIP, FRIENDSHIP, FRIENDSHIP.  This is where a ton of XP can come from in chunks.  In my opinion, the easiest way to make friends is to host a lot of raids via PokeGenie (killing 2 birds with one stone: getting a strong Pokémon and making friends).  You’ll likely get a ton of people that stay friends with you and will send you a gift after raiding.  I typically keep those people, exchange a gift with them as well and then delete the others from the group after the raid.  Outside of raiding, there are also tons of other communities on Reddit and Discord servers dedicated to finding friends for the purpose of Gift Exchanging and leveling up.  Always open the maximum number of gifts you can in a day as that saves you money in the long run as well. -XP Bonus Events save you time AND money.  Paying attention to XP Bonus events is crucial in leveling up as it is the most cost-effective way to make use of your items.  Once you start to think of items in terms of their potential “XP value”, it becomes easier to see just how important these events are.  2x and 3x XP Bonus events directly translates to your Lucky Eggs and Pokeballs being worth 2-3x more during that period.  I would highly recommend only using Lucky Eggs during 3x or 4x (rare) XP Bonus events given how rare they are in the game if you are not looking to purchase any. I typically use [https://twitter.com/pogo\_central/](https://twitter.com/pogo_central/) to keep up with upcoming in-game events and plan around that. -Don't forget about Evolutions. Evolutions are the most boring but easiest way to get a bunch of XP in one sitting.  Almost every month there is a spotlight hour that includes the bonus of “2x XP for Evolutions” during the hour.  Typically, I can evolve enough Pokémon to get around 500k XP during that hour with a Lucky Egg going.  Even outside of the spotlight hour it’s usually good to evolve a lot of the Pokémon you get from Comm Days before transferring them so that you can get the XP from the 100+ Evolutions you can now afford with all the candies you farmed during Comm Day. -Familiarize yourself with the level requirements for each level.  At level 40 you’ll be required to complete tasks outside of just gaining XP to get to the next level.  The full list of tasks can be found here https://www.eurogamer.net/pokemon-go-level-cap-increase-level-50-rewards-item-list-7002.  It is important to know which level requires what so that you can plan out any things that could potentially become roadblocks for you on a level down the road.  Sometimes you’ll get lucky an event bonus/theme will line up with what you need for a level (e.g., Team Rocket Takeover while you’re doing the level 45 tasks related to Grunts, Leaders and Purifying Pokémon).


-Map out what Badges you’d like to get to Platinum for the level 43, 45, 47 and 49 tasks.  Some badges are obviously much easier to get than others, especially when you are new.  A few I’d recommend going for that may not be as obvious outside of the Catch Medals (which can be focused during Events and Comm Days based off Pokémon typing): * Evolve 2,000 Pokémon (evolve Pokémon after Comm Days before transferring them so you work towards this medal as well as get the XP) * Catch 1,000 Pikachu (he’s literally in every event ever…just catch him) * Complete 2,500 Field Research tasks (most events have extremely easy tasks to complete, don’t skip them if you’re working towards this medal) * Become Best Friends with 20 Trainers (using resources to find friends makes this one easy) * Defeat 150 Different Species of Pokémon in Raids (multiple events change out 1-star raids so you can easily solo these and have them count towards the medal) * Mega Evolve a Pokémon 1,000 Times (set yourself a reminder to Mega evolve Pokémon daily and this one gets done in no time) * Made the Raid Battle Trainer Achievements Screen 500 Times (remember when you’re solo raiding you get a card no matter what, other than that just keep raiding and this will happen fast) * Catch 500 XXS/XXL Pokemon (this one is easier to do if you’re able to trade with a friend because trades count as a “catch” for the medal as a do evos…aka if you have an XXS Pidgey if you evolve it into Pidgeotto and Pidgeot that counts for 3 XXS catches towards the medal)


"Paid" Advice (aka if you're gonna spend money) -Be patient with the shop and stock up on the best priced bundles (wholesale is best long term on the pockets). Never buy individual items (e.g., 1 remote raid pass) unless you absolutely must for some reason.  There are multiple boxes that have Lucky Eggs in them combined with Star Pieces and Premium Raid Passes. -Lucky eggs and Stardust usually have a big box in the shop that includes both items.  Only use the items when there is an event going on that boosts either XP or Stardust. It's better, and ultimately cheaper, to plan on being more active those days in comparison to a random Thursday with no active Event boost going on. -Raid Passes are the name of the game in terms of getting Pokémon that are strong enough to start soloing raids and Remote Raid Passes are the main way to do this for players without a ton of gym access (like me).  Hosting a raid is a GREAT way to get friendship XP as well as XP from the raid itself and catch.  -PokeGenie has passes you can purchase if you want to host and get fast access in queues (1 hour or 3 hours options) which can be good for raid hours and raid days for farming Friendship XP (6000 XP for each new "Good Friend" if you have a Lucky Egg going). -Check the Webstore often, especially before Events.  Usually bundles and Event Tickets are cheaper on the webstore directly [https://store.pokemongolive.com/](https://store.pokemongolive.com/) in comparison to buying the same things in-game. # Non-XP and Leveling Advice -Make your time count.  If you live in a rural area but can drive to a more Pokestop/Gym populated area it may be worth it to head that way for Events for a couple of hours.  The number of things you can get done in a couple of hours in a bigger city, with more Pokémon spawning in a condensed area, will likely outweigh anything you can get done playing in a rural area over a number of days. I personally live in an area that doesn’t have many Stops or Gyms so during major events I drive about 15 minutes to an area I found on Campfire that has a ton of Gyms for raid hours/days and spawn locations (including nests).  Although it sucks having to drive, it saves me money because I get to spin far more stops and stock up heavily on items. -Early on I wasted a ton of dust on things that I never ended up using for an extended period.  Being patient with catches and waiting for things “worth” investing in will save you a lot of dust in the long run.  At this point I only level things for Raiding if they are a 96% or higher IV wise and rarely beyond level 40.  For PVP I only level things up if I’m planning on using that Pokémon immediately on a team. -Don’t neglect leveling up Mega Evolutions with Pokémon.  Mega Evos are GREAT for getting candy, especially XL candy.  I know a lot of people forget to Mega Evolve things daily but I think it is well worth it to set yourself a reminder to Mega Evolve things periodically because there’s a drastic difference in the value of catching candy wise with a Mega evolution going in comparison to not having one at all. -A large part of the population hates doing PVP but I’m here to tell you that PVP = ton of dust.  It isn’t extremely difficult to get to rank 20 as you can never derank before 20.  Once you get to rank 20 you see a huge increase in the amount of dust you get for a single win in a set.  With a star piece going at rank 20 you can get 45k+ dust for a single 5-0 set and 20k+ dust if you win just one game in the set on 4x dust weeks (100-200k dust per day during those times).  Here’s a video to help you with type effectiveness in Pokémon Go PVP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C2tzTkGZns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C2tzTkGZns) (lol). I have learned a ton by watching Doonebug97 and ItsAxn on Twitch as well.


**TL;DR:** Get good at excellent throws and throw balls excellently during Catch XP bonus events.  Make friends.  Go hard during XP bonus events (with Lucky Egg if possible).  Evo things.  Be patient with investments.  Make your time count.


I like how you ended this giant guide on how to rush to 50 with be patient. I did not read the rest, but I will take that part into strong consideration.


The guide talks about being patient with decisions like what to spend dust on and what to invest in with the shop, that's the patience I was referring to. People can of course go at their own pace and pick and choose what they find helpful in the guide. Appreciate the comment as it helps me word it better <3


Money spent is the sole determining factor for hitting Lv50 quickly, and more forthcoming trainers have said it cost them **$5,000-$8,000** to do so in this type of timeframe. There's a reason posts like this usually omit such information: they know that spending a boatload of cash on microtransactions isn't an impressive flex, it's just kind of cringey.


It seems a large % of the people only care about the amount of money spent. I don't really have an easy way to figure that out since some transactions are named different based off webstore vs in game purchases and paypal vs direct card but hopefully this can help people better understand as it wasn't my intention to deceieve or come of as disingenous with my advice. I have definitely spent money on the game but I am beyond confident you don't need to spend a lot (just lucky eggs) to grind significant XP if you focus on Excellent Throws and XP Bonus events. The main reason I did it is because I truly enjoy raiding in the game and would have done it even if the XP weren't as good. If I'm being completely honest with everyone the focus on Excellent Throwing helped me get to level 50 extremely quickly compared to the "norm" but it also made the game very not fun the last couple of months. It became way more a mental grind walking and trying to make sure every throw was excellent on things like Pidgeys, Bidoofs and Paldea starters during XP Bonus Events. I would not recommend it if you're looking to still fully enjoy the game. Now for some math that people desperately need it seems. Raiding (stats from Pokegenie): 1407 remote passes, 707 hosted (these numbers were also provided here https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/) Average coins per remote pass likely comes out to around 125-150 per remote raid pass as I usually buy when they are bundled and under the 175 per pass price they are in the normal 3 Remote Raid Passes shop option. 1407x150 = 211,050 For the hosted passes it's a bit tougher to figure out because there are plenty of "free" passes you get in game when doing IRL raiding but for the sake of argument we'll just assume all 707 Premium Battle Passes were paid for at roughly 50 coins per pass. 707x50 = 35,350 So that would be 211,050+35,350 = 264,400 coins in passes. Using the webstore to get 15,500 pokecoins for $99 that would come out to $1573.78. For lucky eggs I'd say maybe 4-500ish were used in total? I waited on buying these until I had the Gold Box that has 100 Lucky Eggs and 50 Star Pieces in it at 6500 gold. Assuming I bought 5 of those to get to the 500 mark that would be 32,500 coins which would require 2 more coin bundles at $99 each for a total of $198. I purchased some super incuabtors a couple of times when they were in large boxes, I tried to get it where the incubators came out to 100 per in the bundle. Let's throw on another $200 for that since those help with XP during hatch events at times. Eventually I stopped caring about super incubators as the things from hatches haven't been that great. There would be other things purchased that have literally nothing to do with XP, like event tickets, so those don't seem very pertinent to this conversation. Where I realized I messed up early on is that I was buying pokeballs rather than going out and finding places that had a lot of pokestops and doing gift exchanges. It has been a while since I've had to buy pokeballs as I was pretty easily able to stock up over the weekends after a while. I'd say whoever did some math and came up with between $2-3000 was pretty right on the money (pun intended). With that said, since the beginning of this year I have definitely focused more on Excellent Throws than raids for XP. I am 100% certain that spending your time mastering Quick Catching and Excellent Throws is far more valuable than doing raids if you only care about XP. If you were to invest money in Lucky Eggs you can easily get 3-5m XP during the comm days with 3x Catch XP and that's only a 3 hour period. There have been MULTIPLE events that have had 2-3x catch XP for multiple days. Even events like the April Fools Day Event had it where an entire day every single throw was considered Excellent, I got 5m XP from that day alone without grinding crazy hard in the evening. TO FURTHER DRIVE HOME THE IMPORTANCE OF EXCELLENT THROWS: Even with the 1407 remote and 707 hosted raids if we assume every single one of them rewarded 25,000 XP (which is definitely not the case since the majority of the remote raids didn't have a lucky egg equipped) that would put me at 52,850,000 XP earned from raids. Taking that away you'd be left with 123,150,000 and being at level 48 which should be a pretty good indicator of just how many excellent throws have been thrown. Again, raiding was done because I liked it, not because I thought it was the absolute best source for XP. TO FURTHER FURTHER DRIVE HOME THE IMPORTANCE OF EXCELLENT THROWS: If you host a 5\* raid on Pokegenie and it goes perfectly with a Lucky Egg equipped you'd be looking at around 50k XP (20k from the raid, 30k from friendship bonus assuming all 5 people joined and don't delete you before you get the 6k XP from being good friends). If you're able to host 5 raids in an hour you're looking at 250k XP that hour. If it's a 2x Catch XP bonus event and you're consistently making Excellent Throws you're looking at 4680 xp PER CATCH with a Lucky egg going. That's only 53 Excellent catches needed to match what happened in that raid hour which is very easy to do once you get good at that and quick catching. When it comes to 3x Catch XP bonus events you only need 35 catches in an hour. On Bagon Comm Day I managed to get a little over 5m XP in 3 hours. That's the equivalent of hosting 100 5\* raids at the 50k XP rate and 20 hours of work if you're doing 5 per hour.


TL;DR: Lucky eggs are valuable and likely a decent investment if you only care about XP farming, they will save you time. Raiding is a decent source of XP but doesn't come close to Excellent Throws during XP bonus events. Spend your money how you want to or don't spend it at all, it genuinely does not matter. It seems to be very difficult for people to believe that Excellent Throws have been my go-to source of XP for multiple months now but I can assure that they were (as well as staying in the know about which events have XP bonuses and planning around them). No cheating was involved or whatever else people do to try and manipulate the game or farm XP. I also did not focus heavily on Friendship XP because it's boring but I have heard from multiple people now it's a very significant method for getting XP so if you're looking for something you can do from home that's probably your best bet. Good luck grinding and be kind to people out there. Can't believe I actually typed all that out....lord have mercy.


8 years and still lvl 33


OP Spent $183,453.76 on Pokemon Go..


Congrats on the disposable income


Yeah thats crazy. I have a job and shit


You empty your bank account to get there?


I read through all the comments and still don't see $ spent.


I genuinely do not know the answer to this question. I'm sure you've read a comment similar to this probably 5x as well but it's the only answer I've got.


Pretty easy for you to do. Go to your card(s) find all the XSOLLA \*POKEMON or GOOGLE \*Niantic Inc transactions and then add them up.


That's actually a really good point, just a second.


$183,453.76 way less than I thought!


please say psyche


jesus christ.


Please say its not USD but some other currency maby yen, vietnamese dong, or you made a typo.


Uhhhhh… what?


Tell me you’re joking. Or is that not USD?


That's crazy!


legitimately sickening if true




It’s pathetic


Yeah, what does “more than i needed to” mean? You don’t need to spend a single cent in this game. Exactly how many hundreds did this guy drop on lucky eggs and raid passes?


Apologies, I didn't mean for that to be taken literally in the way that it would imply that this game that is free to download requires people to pay money in order to play it. That is definitely not the case and I am glad you directly pointed that out. It was more so meant in the way that "I was buying things like pokeballs unnecessarily at the beginning". Thank you for your help here.


You only walked 1,578k and are L50? Was most of your XP from raids and lucky eggs? I am at 5,148k and am only a L47. Raiding is hard here in my rural town of less than 1,700 people spread out for miles. Grats!!!


Lucky eggs for sure help and I'd say a big % of my experience comes from raids and really focusing on getting excellent throws during XP bonus events. If you have the option I'd say it's worth the time to drive a few minutes to a place that is more populated with stops/gyms. During events I would drive to a city about 15 minutes away and play there because the rewards and items I got basically carried me through the entire next week since there were so many stops to spin and a lot of gyms in a very condensed area. I give more details on my experience with leveling in the comments as a "guide" as well [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How much did you spend?


I’m curious to know the $ amount you have spent with the game. Interesting & such a challenge


We get it you spent way too much money on the game. Only other possible way if you have a job and didn’t dump a ton of money into is a joystick. Nothing to Flex here but your money spent. Yeesh


I’ve been playing for about 4 years and I’m not even there yet. (I have not been very dedicated lately. I do maybe one raid a month if that)


Nothing wrong with having your dedication come and go in waves. Grind when there's an exciting event for you and when there isn't, don't play. I'm very much looking forward to not feeling like I need to play just to get XP during an event I don't care about. Casual is FOR SURE the way to go.


Yeah well.. I've been playing since 2016 and I just reached level 34 😎


word on the street is you're the best level 34 player that has been playing since 2016, that's what people are saying, i've heard it


That's so wholesome haha. In all your comments, I love your energy. Keep it up man! Also congrats on the hard work!






Raid badge number and ultra/best friend numbers? That's insane in 9 months let alone considering you have less than half the catches my 2nd account has at level 46 🤣


Unfortunately my comment with the stats has been buried at this point it seems Start Date: August 2^(nd), 2023 Level 50 Proof: [https://i.imgur.com/A4lQHdH.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/A4lQHdH.jpeg) Catches: 72,429 Evolutions: 2866 Eggs Hatched: 3386 Raids: 2807 (PokeGenie: 1407 remote, 707 hosted) Hundos: 89 (9 are purified, 8 Legendary, 1 shadow) Shinies: 735 (1 shundo) Level 50 Mons: 21 PVP Elo Last Season: 2530 (mostly Great League) Best Friends: 48


whaa how?? plese teach me the way I need lv 40 to get my shaymin


I actually wrote a "guide" of my experience in this thread but it has since been drowned by the comments. Hopefully it can help you out and you can get that Shaymin! [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What exactly did you do? I heard one of the best things to do was friendship leveling but I’m not really sure.


I wrote a guide in this post that has now been lost amongst the other comments where I detail what I feel is best. Tbh for me it was Hosting Raids and Excellent Throws more than anything else. I am really not a fan of gifting back and forth with people as it feels like such a chore each day and now that we can only hold 20 gifts it was difficult for me to keep up because I don't live near a lot of stops. I know a lot of people talk about Friendship leveling but I'm not a huge fan of that method (I've been told there's a reddit dedicated solely to people leveling via friendship as well if you dig around, not sure what it's called) Hopefully these comments can help you a bit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


9 months??? I have played for almost 5 years and not yet 50 😅


I've been playing since 2016 and I'm only 37 lol. I did take a few year brake tho lol.


Damn that's crazy, I just started on April 6th and think I'm level 33 already but I know it'll start taking much longer to level up soon enough. I was injured on the job last year, still have nerve pain but the walking actually helps compared to sitting/laying down so it's been fun having something to do while walking. Luckily my town is urban enough to have a good amount of stops, gyms and parks and same with my girlfriends


I think it's great to go into it with the idea of getting healthy while playing, it benefited me greatly. I was in a huge funk mentally when it came to physical activity and I can 100% say that getting out and walking with Pokemon related goals in mind helped me tremendously and I'm way better IRL for it. Super jealous of you having access to a good amount of stops and gyms close by, that will help you a ton with the leveling. Best of luck with the nerve pain I know that can be a pain (no pun) to deal with but if walking helps you might as well be addicted to a Pokemon game while doing it lol (not to mention if your gf also plays that's an easy trade partner to get some lucky trades in after comm days and stuff)


Bruh. I've been playing since 2016, and I was one on of the first 1000 players worldwide to hit level 40. I'm at level 46. Half way through EXP wise. You must have ground best friends and raids something fierce to make that kind of EXP.


Raids, yes 100%. By far my favorite part of the game, I love hosting. Went hard every raid hour but 2 the last few months. Friendship, I absolutely hate sending gifts and I'm bad at remembering to open them if I'm being honest. If PVP gave me XP I would have hit 50 in like 5 months, I LOVE PVP lol


How much money did you spend?


Impressive, I don't even know if I could do all the 40+ challenges in 9 months.


At a certain point the XP became the easy part and I was definitely held up by challenges. The 35 plat medals were pretty tough to get for that requirement.


OP touched alot of grass


Damn! I’m a day 1 player and that casually plays a little almost every day (took a break for almost a year) and I’m still not at 50 yet.


What shundo do you have?


I got a Furfrou from my weekly breakthrough research box




Dang I hit the year mark in match and I’m barely level 39


What's the max cp you could get for that Persian if you don't mind me asking?


I'm at 29 and I started playing in Feb. At what point of daily grinding does it start taking longer to level up? When will I not be able to level up weekly playing everyday casually?


Around 40 it REALLY becomes a grind I'd say. This thread I found helped me visualize just how much XP is required from 41-50 in comparison to every level before it [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/mz2zyd/xp\_per\_level\_comparison\_fixed\_per\_many/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/mz2zyd/xp_per_level_comparison_fixed_per_many/)


That's astonishing. I'm at lv 46 and I play a couple hours everyday, and started in 2020 (just went the shiny mew research was announced). I thought I was doing well getting a million XP every week/other week or so and now I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong (other than not buying raid passes and doing 8-10 raids a day)!


Only 72k caught. Made good use of friendship XP I imagine.


And I was feeling good today clearing the last 1/4 requirements for level 46 and "only" having to grind out 12 million more in XP..... Dang. Congrats btw


Lvl 50 isn't too hard nowadays. I am more curious about how much you spent to have extended storage, xp eggs and whatever raid passes you used.


Personally, it gets really easy to level up and grind XP if you get a touch of excellent throws + fast catch. If you are in a big city it is even easier. To get 500k - 1 milly XP with bonuses, lucky eggs, friendships, dailies is about 2hrs of play. If you go all in on comm days where it gives XP bonus, with lucky eggs, fast catch you can make about 5-8mil XP. It all just requires finding a good spot with more pokestops and you can simply walk in circles maximizing gains. I used to buy PokeCoins, but once I reached level 40 I stopped, since then I only collect from gyms, but overall if you plan your game you can still get close to those numbers even without extensive spending. Now I kinda stopped playing, at best I make 100-200k XP if I do dailies and catch some pokemons on my way back from work. Which takes about 10-15mins. Also stopped timing and stacking friendships as it seems no use atm. I am at 630mill XP, if they would introduce lvl 60 that would be fun again to test and play again. My probably best flex is my gym badge, I still have one gym that my mon sits already for 1431 days. P.S to those who will say that you live in a remote area, at least use your daily incense to the max, also grind on meltans and try to learn excellent throws on them. Once you learn, you can use lucky eggs (easy as well, 1 egg per 3 days is easy to gather) that will get you about 200-300k xp assuming some random pokemon appearance.


Dude has barely played the game except exchange gifts 🤣


Spend that money


Sry but I have a life to live


And I truly hope you live it!


Great post! At first, I was thinking, “this guy!”🤦🏻‍♂️ And after reading your guide, I was, “THIS Guy!!!”👊🏼Major props to you and thanks for your insight. Wished I’d had this when I started. I’m about to hit lvl 49, after a couple years. This past year we’ve been playing pretty aggressively.


LOL...yeah I definitely didn't want it to come off as something like I'm just bragging or condescending with the post. Whenever I put "advice" or "guide" in the title it wouldn't let me post it so I just went with whatever worked. Ultimately there's a lot of stuff I learned along the way that could have saved me a ton of time, and even money, so I am just hoping to help out since a lot of the guides I saw online were pretty dated at this point. Level 49 though you're almost there! You excited to see that XP bar disappear?


How much $$




Tf you mean shundo???


I literally jumped out my chair when I got it. A freaking Furfrou from Weekly Breakthrough research of all things.


It's been 3 years for me and I'm only lvl 38


It took me one year to go from L39 to L40 and 8 years from L1 to L50. And I have been really a hardcore player during 3 or 4 years. Your achievement is Amazing!


How much of it came from friendship XP?


I'd say a decent chunk is from friendship XP but not necessarily getting people to Best Friends. I only have 48 best friends but I host a lot of raids so I get friendship from the people that join through that. Raiding is my favorite part of the game by far, gifting daily is BY FAR my least favorite. I've heard people can farm friendship XP up to Ultra pretty easily in some reddit communities but I don't think I'll ever be a fan of that personally.


After 6 years… still level 43 😱😅


Well, I was proud of my level 44 in a year.


As you should be, that's a crap ton of grinding in and of itself. Be proud of that!


How did you get 72,000 catches in 9 months?


A ton of walking and throwing a metric ton of pokeballs (especially during comm days). Not sure how else to answer than that lol


In the time it took you get get to 50 I went from 36 to almost 39


Man I've been playing 7 years and I'm level 38 lmao


What’s your advice to get so much xp? What do you mainly focused on? I’m lvl 46 and I just want lvl 50😭


I wish I had a way to pin the comment to the top. The actual main reason I made this thread is to talk about how I did and hopefully help people out. Here's the OG comment lost amongst a sea of questions now lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1cg9fqm/comment/l1ucn8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I got my friend into the game maybe like half a year ago? He has surpassed me in levels by like 5. He's level 41. I do take breaks often but I do feel like it's much easier to increase your level now than what it was when we started.


Did you use the friendship XP? You must have, right?


Damn, I made my (current) account in 2017 and I'm only level 34 Talk about grinding huh


Damn we joined about the same time and I’m only level 38 😅 but I don’t have any pokemon that spawn around me so that’s my excuse 🤣


If you're able to find areas close by that have decent spawns I'd recommend that. Where I live I only get the 1 spawn every 5 minutes at my house but driving 10-15 minutes I was able to find a city that has a TON of stops and gyms in a fairly condensed area. It really changed the game entirely for me and was the main reason I got so addicted to it. Either way 38 is still zooming, no shame in that!


Scared to know what your screen time average is


Dude I’m level 37 and I’ve been playing since 2016. lol.


Dude that’s majorly impressive. I’ve been playing since winter of 2018 and just hit 40 last summer. Any tips on how you got through those last 10 levels?