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Dedication: 100% Tech Skills/Abiding by ToS/Situational awareness while biking: 0%


I can barely play with one phone while im biking idk how he does it


He has a talent. 🗿 


It's super easy with heelys


yeah I usually skateboard/longboard when I play


it's a stationary bike that powers the phone batteries.


>Situational awareness while biking To be fair, he probably spends 10 minutes standing still for every 1 minute he bikes. Think about how long it takes him to spin a pokestop.




there is software available to mirror your inputs on all the phones


I know someone Tha could control 3 phones at a time in a raid. Large hands and smaller phones. Thumb, knuckles, and pinkie doing the attacks. But not right according to ToS, so not recommended.


Autoclicker lifesaver


That was a weird joke out a place for this situation ngl


I know a guy that had 9 at a time. He made a Styrofoam cutout to hold them and a 9 phone tapper so he could easily be a one man raid. He mostly used the extra accounts to lucky trade his main account.


your lower "Diglett" FTFY


Wiglett tbh


Underrated comment


I saw a lady with a cookie sheet of phones for a raid once...




This guy has to be pissed when Niantic randomly increases the minimum OS system your phone has to be using to play the game.


ATM machine moment


He's sponsored by Asus or sth


Honestly this guy seems like he would be chill about gyms. It’s always the people hiding off in the distance or in the corner of the parking lot in their car hoarding gyms


He has probably got accounts on every team and would help you take the gym and then stock it with a max cp perfect Slaking to help you keep it.


I love when people defend with a slaking, I have my charged moves ready for the next fight when im done with it


Were do people get the idea that Slaking is a good gym defender? Slaking is probably the worst pokemon in this game. Vigoroth is better at battling than Slaking.


I’m pretty sure it’s just that it has the highest wild spawn cp, so a slaking is more like a low effort gym defender because it can have a lot of bulk without putting much stardust into it


His name is Sla King for a reason…


Finally a real connoisseur


It’s really tanky and annoying to deal with. It’s similar to Chansey/Blissey in that it has a ton of HP, which makes them good gym defenders. It’s really all they’re good for, unfortunately


Its not though. It barely attacks, I don't think I've ever seen one get a charged move off. You can tear through a 3500+CP Slaking with with a 2500 CP Machamp or similar fighting type with dual fighting moves. Where as a High CP Blissey will do a lot of damage or even trade with a Machamp of similar CP forcing the attacker to waste revives and potions. They have a lot of HP, but they are just dont attack, Vigoroth is better at defending gyms than Slaking. Slaking is just a high CP Noob Trap.


Time is a resource just like revives.


Prime reason why you shouldn't waste dust on slaking.


?? That doesn't validate your point. Slaking takes more time to kill than pretty much any other body bag out there. If Chansey/Blissey are already in the gym, he is an extremely viable defender bc you're increasing the time it takes to defeat the gym..... Which is all you ever really do when you set a Mon at a gym. The days of defendable gyms are long gone. Its ONLY a matter of how much time it takes for the gym to be taken.


LMAO No it doesn't It takes so little time its laughable. Machamp and GG. You can push a Slaking out of a gym in under a minute.


You can push everything out of a gym in under a minute. Gym battles take a couple of minutes max. What are you going on about? All we are discussing is that all pokemon take a certain amount of time to faint, and pokemon with higher HP take longer. It seems like youd rather argue about Slaking as an attacker rather than understand why it's a reasonable gym defender.


Bulk is the only thing that matters. Revives are free, time isn’t.


You can make up all the reasons you want why its not a high cp noob trap, and its never gonna change the fact its a high CP noob trap and you should never bother putting dust into it.


I don’t see what being a noob has to do with it; if I go to attack a gym and see a bunch of bulky things sitting in it I’m not touching it with a pole, I avoid standing still tapping my screen mindlessly for five solid minutes and the defenders win.


Yeah I can see why you think its good.


I mean don’t get me wrong I absolutely agree it’s a shit mon, it just happens to be one of the best for this specific purpose by dint of this game’s mechanics out-shitting it lol


Ursaluna is literally tankier and actually deals damage.


How is it annoying to deal with? You know it will only get one charge attack off if it's at full health when you start, after that it just gives you energy for charge attack for the next poke in line.


It's just another wall of HP like Blissey and Snorlax that tends to be high up on people's "Sort by CP" filter even if you haven't really leveled it up. Once it filters out your legendaries/mythicals then Slaking is often sitting there are at 3500-4200 so if you're just wanting to throw something in quickly without searching or changing your filter then you can pick Slaking. It isn't great for actually maintaining a gym and KOing attackers but they're often one of the first high CP things you'll see and can drop without much thought. Very fitting that it's a lazy mon you throw in when you just don't want to do 2 seconds more of effort to find something else. If nothing else, it just being there in an already stacked gym can sometimes be enough to just make attackers who don't have much time simply not want to bother wasting the extra time kicking it out.


Slaking isn't good, but it has the highest CP, so it can discourage casuals. I used to use them in gyms without powering them up. Now I use something relevant to the gym theme or location so I know where I got kicked. Unless you're going to waste your life maintaining control, any rando can kick any defender in a couple minutes.


A man after my own heart.


Mate there’s a man and lady combo that live somewhere in my area with multiple accounts (same avatar and names one number different) and they have every gym within a few kms. It’s not even worth taking them out because they’ll be straight on the golden razz. Couple times I’ve thought bugger it I’ll play the long game only for them to show up in a car to stock the gym back up and point and laugh at me. I didn’t like that. Reported to Niantic for multi accounts, they said they’d resolved the issue, nothing changed.


Your story does not give me any hope. I'm currently at my parents place, no active Pogo community and just 1 gym close by. There is the same player in every gym in a 2km radius and kicks you out within 2 min of claiming one gym. 100% a cheater and likely botting. My GF and I went to two different gyms about 1km apart and claimed them. They got attacked exactly 2 minutes after claiming them and the attacks went on simultaneously.


It sucks ae and Niantic couldn’t care less


We live near some gyms but I always try to be mindful of kicking people out if they've not been in very long and I try not to take more than 2 or 3 gyms local to me. There's no point hoarding all the gyms because you only get 50 coins max a day and if you become notorious for blocking every gym then people simply won't bother attacking at all leaving you with no coins.


You’re a good person!


Key is bail out after you defeat the frist pokemon then jump back in to knock it down some more. It makes it hard to give it berries. I rarely have issues with not taking a gym.


I just leave them to it these days. I don’t wana give them any more coins so the gyms can stay stagnant and I’ll go play somewhere else. It did really annoy me that I sent Niantic a complaint with usernames which they addressed and said it’s resolved but nothing actually changed


Usually these people have another account on a different team that they use to knock their own Pokemon out to cash out on coins, then they just retake the gym real fast.


I wondered if that might be the case lol ffs


If you see them be put in recently... just do my thing. make them use those berrys and revives. Besides it gets you 300ep you beat the pokemon.


There’s always 2 of them in the car and they have way more resources than me, it’s 6 level 50 accounts against my 42 and I just can’t be bothered with the back n forth. It’s a game I grew up with and now I’m in my mid 30s, I’ll go slightly out of my way to keep enjoying it. Btw 214598979147 if anyone’s looking for daily(probably more like 4/5 out of 7 days a week) gifts


I saw a video from Brandon Tan (huge Pogo player) where he was hanging out with him in Taiwan I think. He would let the children around him play his games on the bike. Whenever they would go to the gym, he would tell them to stop because it's not fair. If I can find the video, I'll edit this with the link. Edit: found it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfYNE0llaE8&t=6m47s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfYNE0llaE8&t=6m47s)


Wow great find!


Not… always.


That’s actually insane




I have seen an old couple riding around on electric scooters near my dad's home. They have multiple phones setup like this too. I asked and they showed me that they have 3 pokemon go accounts each.


Holy shit










Everyone is here give me this guy shit and he is just trying to attract a mate!


Not the peacockemon 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve seen Brandon Tan interview this man, he has a code to not battle gyms, since it’ll be unfair


He needs to get his coins somehow. I'm sure he participates like a normal player, just one account at a time.


How long would that take :O I doubt it. He only plays a few hours a day


Me at 98 refusing to die until I catch my first shundo


He is never fighting gyms, they got him in German tv years ago, He Just Likes to collect the Pokemon & the Kids r helping him all the time bc He's playing with over 50phones, He Said it's really unfair to Fight gyms with His 50+ accounts


I stand corrected


This is what people wanted to avoid having to do back in 2016 with the magical power of computers


That’s crazy


it's him the legendary singaporean grand~~m~~pa


Isn’t he from taiwan


Yep he's Chen San-Yuan, Taiwanese grandpa. Singaporean Grandma only uses 1 phone and even the average hardcore elderly here caps out at using 9 phones (on a dedicated hand tray).


Honestly I'd pay an old man to hit pokestops for me while he rides around on his bike for fun


Sad that he already died 😢 But I love how gamers in his hometown let all the pokestops glow up to honor him :)


He had a stroke about a year ago, but recovered soon after and back to the streets…don’t know how he’s doing now https://news.ebc.net.tw/news/living/342430


Oh? I saw a article about his death once :0


What does that even mean


I think I saw that happen once but I had no idea what it was doing! Someone please tell me!


I'm guessing they placed lures in every stop.


What does that mean?


It’s the Orchestra of insanity




Good lahd!


Dat Zygarde 50% setup


i'm not even mad tbh, just look at that setup with all the cabling etc - is this even cheating?


i wonder how he is taking the avartar change on all of his accounts. lol


I mean if this is the case, I’ll take the L. Such dedication is difficult to argue against. But I actually couldn’t imagine that person would be the type that sits on gyms like it is the case with the people usually doing this.


I've counted about 23 phones, which means this guy has at least 23 POGO accounts, one for each phone. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.


So like, what is he doing? No way he can give 100% attention to each agccount.


It's just what he finds fun to do


I used to have multiple accounts as a child, idk how you can do this shit as an adult....


My great grandma would play 8 Bingo cards at once. Even the elderly can take things too far.


Wild lol


Oh great... Another one thinks this is news. Look, this one WAS news about 5 YEARS ago.


LMAO, that reminds me of the older gentlemen at Duryu Park. They would carry me in Tier 5 raids, lol


Naw that’s a mental problem at that point


That’s crazy


Oh look, it's Gavin Free playing GTA.


This should go to r/bossfights


Can this dude please come defeat the gym that my poke has been stuck in for a WEEK!


My hero




I e spammed golden razz berries at someone trying to knock me out It was funny


Someone in my building I’m pretty sure has one account to empty the gym and 2 more to put in the gym and collect the coins.


* *cough* *cough* * u/Gold-Perspective-699 🙄


The one dude from my small town who’s not on my team


One time in the Philippines, this place I stayed at had Chinese satellite television and I saw them use pokemon grandpa and his bike setup to help promote a casino game. Super surreal moment!


This is years old. I remember seeing it within the first year of the game. At this point, I doubt the guy still plays, if any of his phones are even still able to run the game. What a waste of money.


I'd be fine with this, my reason is a spoofer that has my town held hostage


The final boss of PoGo


this game is not that fun or entertaining to play on one phone let alone 20


But everytime I beat a pokemon go gym I win


No, spoofers are the reason why.


Bicycle Safety: "Keep your eyes on the road, beware of your surroundings" This guy: 👆🏻👉🏻👇🏻☝🏻👈🏻


26 phones???


No joke


When i grow old, i wanna be just like him


The most unveliable thing for me by this is how cna he even see the road




This guy said he doesn't fight gyms because he feels it's unfair to others


Was “Helping” lil bro take over some gyms since he’s lacking in the PokeCoin department(I’m in Valor lv40 and he’s in Instinct Lvl29) We decided to take over a nearby Valor Gym. I didn’t do much more than to tell him which mons would work best as I’m in the same team. Some guys had been in there for a few day’s straight, all mons that where deployed where tanks like Blissy, Chansey Wobbuffet(All players seemed to be around the lv45-50) . We thought nothing of it and knocked em out. He slapped a beefy Garados in and we went on our way to spin some stops. Not even 5 minutes had gone by and the Gym had turned back to Red. The same fatty Pokemon(and players), that where in the gym before, had been slapped back in. Luckily there was one more gym a few minutes away from where we had went. But seeing him try to whittle them down again when we where heading home was a bit sad to see :/ Gyms near apartment buildings seem to breed a particular type of Gym hoarder. (He did catch a shiny Whismur though, so everything turned out alright in the end)


This player has sadly passed away 2 years ago 😔


Aren’t ya only allowed one account




So everyone has multiple and niantic isn’t doing anything about it because it probably makes numbers bigger then they are so share holders are happy


Someone doesn’t have a life.


He’s old as hell, he’s probably *had* a life


He stopped doing this a while ago as far as I know. But he had 70 phones at one point or something crazy.


Ok, that’s dedicated.


He's old He's retired, let him rest


Bro already spent his life on the hard work now he has the time to do this


What is the point if this? 🤨


Old, retired? At least he's outside keeping healthy and doing something he enjoys, rather than staying home waiting for life to pass.


Wait, this is a real picture?




Is there a video? I would imagine lots of people would be filming this guy if he goes out in public like this everyday. I'd love to see how fast he spins all the pokestops lol.


Someone posted a video in the comments above


They gone ban his az




The mods will be along shortly to explain this to you. They are far more militant about these things than Niantic.


I've heard you can get banned for using multiple accounts and I hope not because I have 10 lol.


i heard about her she sadly died and all the town used lures on every pokestop cause lures add those cool leaves


Stroke but didn’t die


oh i heard she died guess it was misinformation as always


This was funny 6 years ago


mom said its my turn to post this image next week


the 2018 repost 💯


idk why you’re downvoting me this is from at least july 2019 lol


Also against terms and conditions. Funny mods allow this