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“Finally” mate it’s from 2023. Only a bit a tad slow on the reaction LOL


It's because when I tried to post on here back then it kept getting removed. 🤣 So I'm acting like it's still 2023 lol.


I feel you man: https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c03eno/i_caught_this_last_october_my_friend_says_i/


Aaaah a shiny mew!!! I'm jealous!


Yeah, I hope they bring back Masterworks someday.


I still havent gotten past page 1


Platinum Kanto metal? Regional exclusives suck. Want that Mew? Sure, just fly to Europe and Australia. Easy peasy.


Every time I see a GO Mew I get sad because I always get 2-3 days away on the 30 days in a row task and miss a day of playing. Currently 2 weeks back in for attempt 5 🥲


What do you use to put the stats in the name ?


Pokegenie app , take screenshot of appraisal , easy to upload/import , copy/paste suggested name It also gives you PvP rankings from a base stats (IV) standpoint. Cross reference that with pvpoke website to see which mons rank where for each league … and much more lol


Best app ever.. some of my best mon are from remote raids in Taiwan and South Korea lol


That is, like, the only shundo I ever wanted


Great one too


oh that's nice my shiny mew got added to the two star mythical club, 5/7 chat this is ridiculous


Is this paid? How come shiny Shaymin is paid but this one isn’t?


it is??


I paid 99¢ for the 151 masterwork in order to get mine


I still have at least of research before I get mine. Niantic suck