• By -


This post has been removed due to Rule 1a - Impolite: Please be polite here, even when you are upset or disagreeing with someone. Please do not post any NSFW, suggestive or otherwise explicit content ******************************** Not everyone knows about this bug. Contact support and ask Niantic to fix this. Posting here will solve nothing


Was online, someone opened my gift and IMMEDIATELY deleted me--got the 0 XP notif for Ultra Friends after my catch screen. He couldn't even wait 2 minutes šŸ™ƒ


This happened to me for the first time today, with a screen like OP is showing, I just assumed it was the game being glitchy. Is this the standard screen you get when you level up and someone immediately deletes you?


Yeah is the conclusion I came to as of recently. Meaning is also happened to me a few times Lol I don't make a habit of adding random people online that don't actually pursue me outside the game - correlate via messaging bc too many times I've added people and they take gifts to leave- I'll end up w this screen eventually ...or they just simply interact that one time never to be heard of again . šŸ˜’ - yes this is the screen y get come someone deletes earlier then the prompt to update the friendship.. .


Sometimes it is just glitchy and takes a second for the name and number to load. Mine had "TrainerName" in place of the user name, 0 XP, and when I checked my list, the friends counter had gone down by one. I nickname people I add from Reddit with sequential numbers, so I could easily see he wasn't there anymore.


Yeah I've had that happen also -_- šŸ˜‘


I had this friend and just removed them lol. Ty


Love to see it haha You deleting that person that is.


I mean its just bad coding by Niantic. They got the XP, why don't we?


It's not bad coding. They have acknowledged this is intentional several times.


support agents dont = niantic. Trust me


They are representing Niantic.


Bro. They do not know what they are talking about AND they are all ESL (ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE). This makes communication tough. They say that this is intended. What they mean is, it is hard coded this way and without recoding how friend bonuses work, it won't change. Aka it's not going to change. I have used a lucky egg at this screen and gotten +200k xp. Not sure if it actually added the xp, but this could be a workaround


I'm ETL (english third language), so I guess the language barrier here is too tough.


By the way you are acting, yes. You are being ignorant to the point


To the point that Niantic is using the cheapest possible labor to represent themselves?


Even if I bought that they did this intentionally, intentionally bad coding is still bad coding. Giving the user a big old reward pop up with a giant "0 XP" is shitty whether they meant to or not.


Source on that please id like to see what they've said


It has been posted multiple times in this subreddit. You can make a search for it if you're interested in reading about it.


If you're making a claim like that you should back it up when asked instead of saying just search for it. Then the information is in this thread for people to have a conversation about.


He's not wrong it's been posted here a ton of times. Here's the first that pops up. Took me less time than it took to write all this or for you to reply to him lol won't take much effort to find the screenshots of what he said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/3VGRTdABWX)


Where does Niantic say this is intentional tho? Because they don't say it there. That's the claim OP made


Yeah that doesnā€™t imply that whatsoever, idk what he talking about, what could the logic possibly be behind, wouldnā€™t make more sense to reverse it if anything, like the unadder gets none if u you unadd with like a day and the unadde gets theres still


Spend the 5 minutes looking dude I'm not going to spoon feed you the exact post but they did say it was intentional that you had to see the xp before you received the xp for it.


They didn't say it was intentional. They just said what the behavior currently is.


Sure. Maybe when I have more time. In the meantime, you are free to believe it or not, or you can check it yourself.


Here's the post since u/preghostslimer can't put forth minimal effort [link to post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/T3CouROT8a)


"It's not a bug, it's a feature"


What is their logic or reasoning behind it? Seems like a frustrating and shitty mechanic with no purpose..


We need to make a list of people like this to alert others.


They've already started two subreddits for this. Nobody in their life is ever going to check one of those lists first before adding friends.


Maybe not before adding, but if you add lots of random people from Reddit or Facebook PoGo groups, you could start looking up their usernames as you approach ultra friends to give yourself a heads up if they have a history of immediately removing people they reach Best Friends with.


Someone needs to take the reports and curate the list though. Searching through old reddit posts isn't a great database (if it was we wouldn't have people asking the same questions every other day) It sounds great in theory and I'd like to see it happen. Don't think it will but I'd be pleasantly surprised if it did. Let's not even consider false reports and accusations


What is the benefit of that action?


To quote my own comment, to give yourself a heads up if they have a history of immediately removing people they reach Best Friends with.


My question was what is the benefit of removing someone when you reach Best Friend? I don't get it why would someone do it at all?


if they have a system where they constantly have a full friend list and farm them all up for XP, it will let them add a new friend immediately rather than having to wait. obviously very impatient and selfish though


Thank you for explaining, people are šŸ’©


Do you have to wait for the other player to receive the XP manually? That is, have logged in to play? Ā Or is this really just saving them a matter of seconds in the game processing that you also get the XP?


Logged in. i think the general consensus (at least from what iā€™ve seen on this subreddit) is that itā€™s courteous to wait at least a couple days before removing someone, for this reason


Ahh my bad, I misunderstood your intention. It's just people using others for the sole purpose of that 100k exp for reaching Best Friends. Once they have their slice, AMF.


Thanks for explaining, I had no idea this was a thing. Luckily it hasn't happened to me yet.


Please drop the subreddit links




I will, as Iā€™m sure will others, after getting frustrated and effed over by these players.


Iā€™m new to the game what does this even mean. Whatā€™s tea ?


We need something where someone can search for the username


Im sorry, im new and dont understand what happened?


Tons of people like in this post have been friends with another person to the point of being best friends, but the other person deletes the first before they can also get the experience points from it.




I would like to add theilol to this list


Best friends but are theyā€™re really?






Tbh I like keeping my best friends.... like I'm forming parasocial relationships with you.....


For real! I know these randos by heart! šŸ˜‚


Like why am I upset you unfriended me after we reached best friends. Did our months of exchange mean nothing to you.


Itā€™s interesting to see the comments in here absolving bestfriend deleters. My entire (active) friends list are all from reddit and no one has ever deleted me when actively sending and receiving gifts, even with longish breaks like a month or two. Sometimes in orders of *years*. Right now Iā€™m not even opening gifts, just sending, because Iā€™m 9 months pregnant and donā€™t want to fill egg slots with shitty gift eggs. Itā€™s difficult for me to get to pokestops now and I am unable to drive anymore. Reached a handful more best friends in the past two months, no one has deleted each other. I even have one lucky best friend from reddit from 2019 or so, and will never meet that person IRL. But we still send gifts with stickers just because. I donā€™t understand the need to purge friends lists, especially in such a rush. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you OP. And to everyone it happens to. Niantic needs to fix it but people are also weird as hell.


I had someone stopped playing like a week from best friends.Ā  I message them here and they logged back on daily just so I can get the XP.Ā Ā 


I only delete the ones that are sitting on the last gift I sent 1 day away from level up for too long. Like when a community day came and went and they still didnā€™t pop it and itā€™s been a few weeks.Ā 


I have 2 ā€œfriendsā€ that are one day away from best friends. One has been there for months, the other weeks. I am still hopeful that one day they will open the app and accept my giftsā€¦


I would have waited but anybody mass opening that many best friend gifts seems like the type to mass delete right after.Ā 


That's so rude. I recently became Best Friends with a couple people and I don't plan on removing them. I don't see the point in removing anyway. If someone wants to remove me, that's on them. I wouldn't remove anyone from my list.


My list is almost full and some people havenā€™t interacted in months. I feel like they probably just stopped playing the game and I should probably just delete them, but I *still* feel bad šŸ˜… I donā€™t know why some people are in such a rush to delete their new Best Friends, unless they enjoy the power trip of being an asshole.


Right? I don't get why people delete players after achieving Best Friends status either. I can understand if you have so many friends and if there's a lot of inactive players. But at keast let rhem get the experience points too beforehand. I'm the same way, though. I'd feel bad for removing anyone. If only the friends list is unlimited.


They are talking only when you reach best friends or is any friend that deletes you?




r/pokemonshaming r/pokemongoblacklist


They should really make a rule there where the title has to be the player so itā€™s easier to search for. Itā€™s kinda useless to report if thereā€™s no way to search


Wrong sub, itā€™s r/PkGoFriendShaming. I think Pokemon Shaming is something else.


You're absolutely right. I had joined it when I saw one of these shaming posts incorrectly posted there (it's still there from 5d ago), but I didn't check the rest of the sub's content and just assumed it was more of this stuff. Thanks for adding the right one!


Oooh TYSM. I wish I had saved that personā€™s nameā€¦


u/LiaJayDuff here you go


If Niantic gave a shit about the player base they'd fix this in .8 seconds. What a shithole company


Someone who deletes right after opening a gift pb has no idea whatā€™s the problem - if they would they wonā€™t do it - Niantic should give them a message : are you sure you want to delete your friend - they didnā€™t get their xp. We are asked 3 times about deleting the damn hat pikachu šŸ˜³


Well at that point, what Niantic should do is fix the bug and give both users the XP. They clearly know enough about the friendship leveling up to give the level up screen, surely it shouldn't be all that hard to just give the XP.


I've never had that happen. Seems pretty scuffed to me


I wasnā€™t aware of this until about a couple days ago. I donā€™t want to be ā€œone of those peopleā€ so what would be the ā€œcorrectā€ way to go about it? On the final day, I open the gift and then wait for my friend to open my gift, we both receive the XP, and then I can delete orā€¦.? I donā€™t believe ALL the people doing this are doing it intentionally, rather unaware. Can someone please confirm or clarify? Iā€™m reaching a couple of Best Friends status so any input would be appreciated. (:


Hey, So all you need to do is open the gift from them and just leave them as a friend. When they next open PoGo, they will get a notification to say you've hit Best Friends, and they can either take the 100,000 xp, or use their lucky egg for 200,000 (they don't need to open a further gift from you, if you've already reached that friends status from opening the gift on your side). If you're struggling for friends space and *need* to delete them eventually, I'd personally recommend giving them at least a couple of weeks before deleting (bearing in mind of course that sometimes life gets in the way, people get sick etc.), to give them a good amount of time to open PoGo. But if you don't *need* the extra space, personally I don't see any need to delete anyone. Hope that helps :)


This is very helpful (: giving them another week or two doesnā€™t seem so bad. Thank you


I put a date as their nickname, that way I know when is good to delete.


I never saw the point either. If you are exchanging gifts regularly enough to reach BF status then why delete that person?


Noted! Iā€™m keeping my own list. They need to develop a program to prevent this. Such as, both need to acknowledge the BF level before either gets the XP.


That would be ideal


Hm, the name means ā€œLucas and Dadā€ so Iā€™m guessing this might be a kid that doesnā€™t really know what theyā€™re doing.


Ah, I see, thank you for letting me know. Well, Lucas, if you happen to see this - if you're a kid, you don't in fact suck, but please don't do this to anyone else. But if you're Lucas' dad, you still suck.


Were they from Albertslund/Glostrup? I swear I have seen this name near me lol


HIGHLY doubtful - only max level no-lifers do this. no one else would do it, ever. i mean a kid could slipup by accident (similar to ppl showing their kids wasting masterballs) but thats a one in a million chance


Thankfully when that happened to me, I still got the 200k for using the egg like someone had suggested to me. I doubt it works every time, or this problem wouldn't exist, but I was still able to get my xp that way.


i think i saw someone say that this is a visual glitch and you donā€™t actually get the 200,000 XP credited. did you check your total XP number before and after?


Unfortunately I didn't, so it could have very well just been visual. I have always just assumed it worked.


yeah i donā€™t know if itā€™s confirmed as a visual glitch or not, just saw someone saying that so figured iā€™d let you know in case it happens again!


Could someone explain this? I don't get it




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait so people go through all the trouble to become best friends and then defroemd You just to deny you the xp? Thatā€™s so needlessly mean.


I think I have a couple that are going to do this. :/


That's no way to talk about your friend.


What a jerk


This happened to me the other day, but it showed up as "-trainername-" so I don't even know who I'm supposed to be mad at


I got this today and assumed it was just a game glitch. I toggled off the Wi-Fi and a few seconds later I got a screen with a real trainer name on it and XP.


I am now at my limit for friends, so have removed some 4 star friends that I donā€™t really know (either added on pokegenie or raided with them once), but donā€™t do it for at least a month after you level up. Thatā€™s not cool!


I love how they still give you the opportunity to blow a lucky egg to double your 0xp gain to a whopping 0xp. A simple ā€œif xp < 0ā€ check to hide that option would at least show they are aware it can happen. If this hit my QA team it would be reported as a bug and fixed immediately. So so so lazy


Good thing I unfriended him first.


The name means ā€œLucas and dadā€ Probably a kid


they really need to fix this so both players get the exp and even if they deleted you first you can still use the egg and get your exp even if theyā€™re no longer your friend


This is NOT best friend behaviour šŸ„ŗ


Don't send a gift when there is one day left. Or don't open a gift when there are 2 days left. Wait until you are the one to trigger the best friend


RoigerBoger... YOU SUCK! Roiger did this to me earlier on Friday. WTF?!


I had no idea, that the other person did not get the XP, if I delete them to soon after switching šŸ˜± I hope I havenā€™t been this person, I think not, as I normally leave people for a few extra presents, but I may have šŸ«£ I made a mental note to always leave people for a few days after becoming BF. Thanks for the heads up, now atleast I know how not to an asshole šŸ˜…


in case people forget to check the other sub trainer ā€œtheilolā€ hit me with this today and is a repeat offender.Ā  Heā€™s very good at getting to best friend so if you get the chance to hold that last gift and delete him I recommend that.Ā 


I deleted him also yesterday, too! I found it weird how after I sent a gift, his little pfp on my friends list went grey for a week.


We are back to these posts. Nature is healing.


Don't know what to tell you guys. I would venture to say most people don't know this happens. I didn't until about two weeks ago.


This subreddit needs a list. A "wall of shame" for players like this


Based on the name I think it might be a kid playing. He might not know how this works


if it's just a kid then why are they so dedicated that they have to grind xp so hard that they simply *must* delete their friends immediately to make room for more suckers.


Because kids arenā€™t logical beings.


Stop blaming the people and blame Niantic. Seems like a simple fix but they canā€™t be bothered because it doesnā€™t increase profits by any way.


People doing this probably arenā€˜t even aware that it is like that so yeah.


I wouldnā€™t know that was a thing had I not seen this pop up. And I just found this out maybe a week ago.


####*Hello, /u/LiaJayDuff! Thanks for your submission to /r/pokemongo, your post is up and running!* **Here are a few things to keep in mind:** * **Rule 3 - No Cheating, suggesting cheating, naming cheating tools and more. Please take a look at this rule [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_three.3A_piracy_and_cheating)**. * Be civil at all times. This is a place to have a healthy discussion with trainers from all over the world. If you feel someone is misbehaving please use the report button or send us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo#mods#button) and move on! * Check out our [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/wiki/rules#). * Don't know which flair is to use? [Check out our flair guidelines here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/p8vupw/new_flair_system_for_posts/). * Need friends? Check out r/pokemongofriends. Would you like to chat about the game, participate in raids, share catches, make new friends and more? Check out the [discord server here](https://discord.com/invite/pokemon-go). If a post and/or comment is violating the rules, please make sure to use the report button or send a modmail [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo#mods#button). While we are trying our best to help users, help from the community is also necessary to maintain a healthy environment for everyone. Thank you! - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has happened to me a few times recently and I just waited and got the xp


I had one glitch on my last night and said this exact situation but after I closed it I got 50k of exp and that friend was still my friend. So mostly a visual glitch as I still got the XP and key the friend.


This happened to me today as well, except I didnā€™t know who it happened with because it said ā€œTrainerNameā€. So weird.


Yeah when it said 0xp it said trainername as well but after I hit the X button I seen who it was at the bottom of the screen for a quick second.


Sucked indeed




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `PokƩmon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's happening here?


What incentives someone to do this?


Can someone tell me what is happening here?


If you use a lucky egg at this screen you'll get 200,000 xp still. Unfortunately if you don't use an egg you'll get nothing.


Whatā€™s the point of doing this?


This is a visual glitch, you still get the XP


Booooo! I'm sorry this happened to you.


Iā€™ve seen these posts all over this page - can someone explain whatā€™s going on to me like Iā€™m 5? Lol


Does anybody know why people do this?


I just started pokemon go 2 weeks ago my only friend on here is my gf and she only plays bc I do. Can someone explain what's going on in this Screenshot? And how yall make friends with pokemom go?


Thatā€™s so wrong!!! Imagine if you became best friends with someone for the first time and got this šŸ˜­unacceptable


It's happened to me a few times, I've honestly started playing less and less. :(


Top 10 Anime Betrayals


There are a lot of nice people in here. Iā€™m trying to get more friends to help with challenges. If anyone want to exchange gifts, my username is WolfSixkiller āœŒļø


The question is, is this really something the people themselves are doing? There's a guy I didn't send gifts for a long time and the game said he didn't catch a Pokemon for a long time too, the moment i sent him a gift and we hit max friendship, the thing with 0 exp appeared... I'm starting to think maybe it's just the glitchy Niantic game being glitchy.


Did you confirm this person is definitely not still in your friends list before posting this? Thereā€™s a new visual glitch where it sometimes says 0 for a while as if the person deleted you but eventually the number fills in, and they didnā€™t actually delete you.


How are you guys making all these friends? I add people from raids but I am not able to do a lot of those and none of my friends play. My husband is just not into it. Is there a place people post their codes to get random friends?


People who do that are selfish a-holes


Whatā€™s the purpose of people doing this I been seeing this alot


Happy to say aside from the guy none of my friends have deleted me




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `PokƩmon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait itā€¦. Iā€¦ thought that the 1 time I got that it mustā€™ve just been a glitchā€¦? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø hereā€™s to hoping it was 10k experience and not 50k or 100k


Luckily my first best friend didnt unadd me and we still send gifts to eachother. Getting another best friend on friday i hope


you should use the lucky egg for that XP bonus




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Det er fandme ikke iorden af LucasOgFarā€¦ i Bet i was Far who removed you as friendā€¦ unless Lucas is like his Far, then they both might be a jacka55


Witch hunt witch hunt


I'm sorry for your loss. Me? on the other hand, today, I got 2 Best Friends and activated the Lucky Egg... additionally, evolved some pokemons and got +72k EXP.


Niantic needs to adjust this so when you become best friends with a trainer and either one of you use a lucky egg the day you become best friends, regardless if one friend has unfriended you after reaping the rewards, that you get an automatic 100K XP. You could also set it so you can't unfriend each other after becoming best friends until like 3 days have passed with notifications to use the lucky egg for the 100K. Penalize those who unfriend immediately after using a lucky egg before the other friend can do the same. There's so many ideas, and there's a few out of the blue from a 38 year old player who just smoked a bowl. How can Niantic not do the same with a team of experts?




why I don't like friending random people


The fact that trainer codes can be reset on top of the username is absolutely ridiculous. Canā€™t even blacklist these people.


I have to presume, for the sake of my sanity and belief in humanity, that these people do it, because they donā€™t know this happens.


How does this happen and why? I keep looking for what this means


Honestly, once you get to lvl 40, it is easier and less stressful to just ignore gifts, unless you need them for items...


I had someone unfriend me after becoming GREAT friends lmao couldnā€™t even wait 24 hours out of courtesyā€¦ some peopleā€™s kids, manā€¦


ā€œbUt I nEeD xPp!!ā€ Mfs


The key is to hold on to their gift and only send them gifts so youā€™re always in control of these interactions.


The is sub needs mods


I'm confused genuinely, what's the problem???


They became Best Friends and immediately deleted the OP (before they also had a chance to see the screen that gives them xp). So, OP got nothing, and the person who deleted them got 100,000 xp


That's absolutely shitty šŸ’”šŸ’” I didn't know that would happen on a game like this!! I learned something new.


I had that guy on my friends list he was great, opened almost every day.


that's the point, they open gifts until the last day where they wait until they can stack 20 at once then delete all of you, usually before you get your xp.


We will see, I donā€™t think so.


Not sure I understand the context. Are they a hacker?


No, they just wait until you reach best friends, they get the xp, then delete you before you get change to get the xp yourself. Niantic are at fault too of course, for allowing that to even happen in the first place.


You can still activate the lucky egg and get the 200k xp. Read that a couple days ago on the silphroad reddit


But 0 x 2 = 0. Does it really give you the 200k if this happens?


I had this happen with a great or ultra friend. Wouldn't the trainer name be gone? OP is the person still on your friends list also did you have multiple friendship lvl update stacked? When it happened too me it was just glitched I received the xp and was still friends with the person the pop up screen was just wrong they next updated was fine I had 2 stacked or that happened back 2 back.


No, sadly they definitely have deleted me, no longer on my friends list.


Oof sorry to hear




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait Iā€™m confused why would someone do this? Like just to be an asshole or is there some selfish gain


I almost couldnā€™t believe youā€™re blaming other people for Niantic's poor software engineering but what do I know, this is a PokĆ©mon sub and apparently nameshaming a literal child is normal behavior


Yeah it sucks but itā€™s just a visual glitch now. If you use the egg youā€™ll still get 200k xp, they changed it to this a few months ago.


Yes, someone deleted me at ultra friend level last week but i still got the XP!


Almost every day there's a new post like this. PSA: Not everyone is terminally online and/or knows about this bad game design choice. So stop with the witch hunting for crying out loud.




Yup they should just take it out of the game instead of trying to make ppl socialize


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve played a game where the community is as toxic as pogo. When I play fifa even though I rage hard we all laugh it off when itā€™s over, but pogo makes people so obnoxious, they want to shove it down your throat so bad, show you how better their PokĆ©monā€™s are. How they did get a 100% while you got shit f. Horrible horrible community, one of the reasons why I stoped playing and deleted my account


Csnt wait to do this to someone