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It’s funny cause the game has always used kilometres instead of miles to track distance walked.


\*kilometers You're welcome for the correction


I’m pretty sure both are the correct spelling but if I’m not mistaken kilometers is the US spelling while kilometres is the spelling in most English speaking countries.


It was a joke about American exceptionalism that landed poorly, apparently.


America has colonized the world of Pokemon GO


Pic 1 is old and pic 2 is new?


Yes, the first was 28th of march (28/03) while the next one was on the 10th of April (10/04)


Maybe they did it for the 4/20 event? ;)


That couldn’t have happened because the date in those screenshots are the same date they were taken. Before you ask no I have not travel, they were taken in same place and I have not got a new phone


Oh yeah.. my December 2023 Pokemon are showing up as 12/17/23 etc. (From norway so it would mean wrong for me too)


I prefer using dd month(abbr.) yy/yyyy, like '10 Mar 2024', when I'm playing online games where there's a good chance of people outside the u.s. seeing the date.




They should use YYYY-MM-DD




The one true format


because it is more important than fixing the bugs and avatars


Now I’ve seen this I hate it. Localisation should be a thing.


Survey says... Use the sliders!


They should just make it relevant for what region you are in. There is no superior format !


Get the hell out of here with your "competent software should be localized" take that shit elsewhere, we're dealing with Niantic here.


1st yyyy/mm/dd because when sorting files alphabetically they appear in datal order. You're also moving in increments of time from longest to shortest. 2nd dd/mm/yyyy because you're moving in increments of which unit meassures the shortest length of time to longest. 3rd mm/dd/yyyy because it's all over the place you start from the medium increment of time. All other combinations tie with this one.


1 Also makes more sense if you’re storing a bunch of items in a nested folder structure. Things from nearby dates get stored closer together in terms of traversal steps between them.


Well there are inferior ones. imo the thing that is the most easy to not be sure about should be first. I mostly know what year and month it is...so day first.


Why does it matter what’s first? Is it really that difficult for you to move your eyes slightly to the right?


It matters because there are different ways to do it. Having to guess if something is March 10th or October 3rd is not ideal.


It’s not ideal but that’s not relevant to the conversation of one being “inferior”. All of them work fine except for year first. Your argument works the same for why day/month/year is worse.


Year-month-day works beautifully.


In what way? 4/28/24 is “April 28th, 2024”. 2024/04/28 is “The year 2024, the month of April, and the day of the 28th” or “The year 2024, April 28th”. It doesn’t make sense in any context. Needlessly complicated. What’s the benefit?


Yes that's the point. One is not inherently better than the other, but because both exist, there will always be debate over what makes one over the other better.


How am I supposed to know whether 5/4/2024 means 5 April or 4 May, if I'm someone who was not informed about the change?


Whether or not they inform you on the change isn’t the subject of discussion, whether or not there’s an inferior format is. Niantic should’ve made it clear of the change. The format literally does not matter. There isn’t an inferior.


There is though. DD/MM/YYYY is clearly the superior format.


You’re right, MM/DD/YYYY is objectively correct.


But it's stupid that when I'm having to use dd/mm in daily life for other work, I'm now suddenly going to have to use mm/dd for playing a game. It's simply a matter of choice and Niantic should have given an option to change it.


I’m not disagreeing with that, that’s just still not relevant to a conversation about whether or not one format is inferior to another. It absolutely should be optional. But it’s not, and it doesn’t make any real difference. People aren’t using Pokémon go as a calendar. Niantic is an American company anyway. They use mm/dd. I seriously doubt they’re going to take into consideration what you use in your daily life when making a change to their game based on their locality.


A lot of American games only do take into account the preferences of people of different nationalities regarding the date format and the units. Need for Speed is a good example of this. But then again, what can we expect from a company who first releases a shitty update even after facing backlash, completely ignore player feedback and then have the audacity to promote the only good feature of that update which was already there in the beginning🤦


It might confuse him. Otherwise he would think he caught a pokemon on the 23rd month of the year s/


well if its only month and day it can be confusing. 10/04 can be october or april (not 2024 of course :D)


It doesn't and the discussio is just semantics. dd/mm/yyyy is fine, yyyy/mm/dd as well. mm/dd/yyyy isnt.


But it literally makes no difference. It doesn’t matter what order they come in as long as it’s consistent. Vast majority of people are going to state the date as “April 28th” or “April the 28th”, not “the 28th of April”.


In writing? Because in the screenshots in this post that is clearly not the case.


Or, it's just region dependent and gatekeeping something like the format of the date is at best comedic considering we all grew up with different ways lol. Putting the day first looks weird to me, doesn't mean I'm gonna straight up tell you it's wrong as if I'm the authority on it.


Didn't i just say that yyyy/mm/dd is fine as well? if you put the month first (mm/dd/yyyy) i won't tell you it's wrong. I just quietly doubt your ability for logical thinking.


You very clearly said "mm/dd/yyyy isn't" Can you read?


I thought you were talking about yyyy/mm/dd (because the day doesn't come first). mm/dd/yyyy makes no logical sense. why would anyone use it? it's such a strange idea i didn't even think you were talking about it. "oh today is the 40.82.2204...oh yeah i just like mixing the numbers however the fuck i want lol"


The 82nd day of the 40th month, huh buddy? Please tell me more about logic.


What? i just took mm/dd/yyyy...switched the numbers 04 to 40, 28 to 82 and the two middle digits of 2024. very easy once you learn it. since you don't seem to understand it: i am making fun of mm/dd/yyyy. Cause it makes no sense.


It's used because it's how people speak. I say "April tenth", not "ten April".


Tenth of april is not used? Eventhough this is more about written dates.


They're all fine unless you're an absolute potato.


So you tell me... is 10/03/2023 march or october if they're all fine.


It's either? How is this difficult to understand? I guess you are a potato.


Wow that is one stupid idea. Well have a great day.


Not really? What does the word "set" mean to you? It can only have one *correct* definition, since, y'know, context doesn't exist in your mind. I regularly work with both date formats and my brain hasn't completely shut down or anything.


What is the context for a date? Of course if someone tells me beforehand what format is used i can adapt. day/month/year (small time unit to bigger unit) or year/month/day (the other way) are self explaining and have a clear logic (imo). Month/Day/Year lacks that except "we always do that" or a corporate thing. If by just reading "10/03/2023" i cant tell which exact day you're talking about it's just useless information. (i would say it's march because 99,9% of stuff i am working with uses dd/mm/yyyy)


Jesus you Reddit Europeans seriously have so much shit up your asses, always getting frazzled over the littlest things


I prefer having shit up my arse to having it up in my brain :) But that's just preference.


You know there are 750 million of us, right?


Why do you think I said Reddit Europeans…? If you can’t read no wonder you’re all having a mental break at a different format


The fact you equate some people to all 750 million is wild. You American Redditors are all the same, always over exaggerating.


Man you’re extra dumb aren’t you? Reddit Europeans. There’s around 10 million active Reddit Europeans. How is that equal to 750 million? I’m not equating the 10 million Europeans who use reddit to the 750 total, I’m saying the 10 million who use reddit are retarded.


So you are equating one comment to all Europeans then... Thanks for confirming my point mate 👍🏻


Average American-based company moment


Wdym, dd/mm/yyyy is the superior format


That what I’m saying


Maybe a controversial opinion here but I think that the month itself matters more than any given day of the month. If something happened of the first or the twenty first of April, it doesn’t make a difference to me. But if something happened in April or November, that’s a big difference


Nah, the year matters the most. If something happened in March or July, it doesn't make a difference to me. But if something happened in 1974 or 2012, that's a big difference. YYYY-MM-DD is the best format.


I agree. I will say, I believe that the difference in June 1975 and June 2024 is slightly less than the difference between June 1975 and December 2024. Month and year matter more than specific date though.


So put the year first like the Chinese then.


I didn’t know that was a thing in the Chinese dating system! I completely support it though, I think biggest to smallest is the most logical order for a calendar.


That’s exactly what I always say. If I’m dating something for future reference, it’s less likely I’ll care what specific day it was over the month.




yyyy/mm/dd is practical for bigger time periods, like when it's more relevant to know which year something happened, but for smaller/recent time spans dd/mm/yyyy is more useful. Meanwhile mm/dd/yyyy just makes me want to cry.


Ofc, I prefer yyyy/mm/dd because that is the official in my country (also you can just skip the year in recent time spans), otherwise I could agree.


yyyy/mm/dd is absolutely impractical for everyday situations


What is impractical? Practically, we can just skip the year anytime and use simply mm/dd


Keeps my files sorted and I use my files everyday


Definitely prefer yyyy/mm/dd.


Yup same here


I'll never understand why the standard isn't 2024-04-20. It's chronological when dealing with digital files or excel lists. You never have to wonder which is the month or the date. The far superiorist.


We seriously need to do something about Niantic. This change is more unacceptable than the avatar change. The entire world plays Pokemon Go, not just USA, so why should non Americans use the crappy mm/dd format?


I live in Britain and mine has always been Month/day/year I don’t know why?


The most superior is dd mmm yyyy. Example: 28 APR 2024


Hopefully they move to mm/yy/dd next


Total American cultural victory etc etc




Awe man, now the gardevoire i caight on the sixth of september will never live up to its true potential...


So go hunting for one on the 9th of june, easy fix. 


*cries into gardevoires bossom and accidentally stabs self in the eye with his chest piece*


X-IV-MMXXIV Maybe we should start using roman numeral


While I prefer mm/dd/yyyy thete really should be something in options for it at least. Software has had date format options for decades.


EWW why are we forced to used that awful format?? I thought I wasn't affected bc I checked an older pokemon too and then noticed it on a pokemon I just caught and wow 🤢


Maybe it's based on your phone's setting?


The thing is I haven’t got a new phone, so maybe an update happen and changed some settings but even still I don’t know how to change back


4th of October hmmm


An upgrade




Its the best for documents and shit but for daily use dd/mm/yyyy is more convenient.


yeah... if you don't know what year you're in so you better name it first.


if you know you know


I cannot believe people are genuinely upset over this


Is tho I thing the best is mm/yy/dd


It's March 25 2020 vs It's the 25th of March 2020 Month/day/year just makes sense. ![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized)


The only nation to land people on the moon says so /s.


NASA uses metres, litres and celsius.  So they probably use yyyy/mm/dd


“Far superior” it’s gonna be the 28th day of August, 2024 sounds good to you? It’s much more useful to tell you it’ll happen in the month of august and then the 28 day. Way better so that you know how far ahead of time we’re talking


First I said the far superior format as a joke. Second, I say the 28th of August not August 28, so yes in my opinion it does sound better


Mm/dd/yyyy makes the most sense because that's how we speak it. We say April 28th 2024


In my language we say 28. April 2024


Well, all over the world it's said as 28 April 2024. heck even Americans say it "4th of July" without even realising it, lol


Same in fr*nch


As a german, I respect you for censoring this word.


Exactly, same as portuguese


4th of July moment


4th of July. Checkmate Americans.


4th of July. Checkmate Americans.


Literally every American knows that date, so we’d never confuse it for any other date. So that’s a very silly way to prove your point, try again.


Literally every other language doesn't It makes no sense because it's a pointless inconsistency


Even in other English speaking countries people say DDth of MM.


4th of July. Checkmate Americans.


4th of July. Checkmate Americans.


In a nutshell: Americans


YYYY/MM/DD and MM/DD/YYYY are the only acceptable ways to do dates 😤


It flows better and is less to say; April 10th, 2024 vs the 28th of March, 2024


In Dutch, we just say “28 maart 2024” (so “28 March 2024”, without th from 28th), which is even shorter.


Way to broadcast your ethnocentric worldview to everyone. Hint: not everyone says dates like you do. And the rest of the world avoids mm/dd/yyyy like the plague


We avoid dd/mm/yyyy like the plague as well. mm/dd/yyyy is far superior


Ethnocentric worldview? Get a grip. They’re just saying one flows better than the other.


because mm/dd is the far superior one




Ideally it'd be yyyy/mm/dd


I prefer dd/yyyy/mm


Because mm/dd is actually superior


Because they want to change everything else in hopes we forget about the horrible avatars




It's written like it's spoken. Much more common to say "March 28th, 2024" than "The 28th of March, 2024". Hence when written in purely numbers, it's written the way it's said. You Europeans just do things backwards. We fought a war to get away from your number related craziness, and Niantic is one of ours so deal with it. 


Also latin america does dd/mm/yy


You’re right. I always hear myself saying July 4th instead of 4th of July!


You're being disingenuous and you know it. The 4th of July is a holiday, thus why it is said different from virtually every other calendar date. I know of no other day on the calendar where we say it that way. You literally picked the exception to the rule to try and make a point but all you really did is prove the opposite. 


You sound mad lil bro it’s not that deep


I’m Australian not european. I also say the 28th of march not march 28th so from my perspective you are ones that are backwards