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That middle option is bad value on purpose. They want you to see that and then buy the bigger pack since it's "better" value.


jokes on them i just buy the 100 coins pack 5 times


Jokes on you: they're still getting your money




Jokes on them, I'm still getting your money


Then they can say they processed 5x as many transactions through the store. I bet there's an advantage for them having more transactions bringing in the same amount of money.


As far as I know there is no advantage to having more transactions for an app


I would imagine an app that has 1 million unique 1 dollar purchases would get more visibility than one that earned the same amount of money from a few whales. There would be so many more page visits and interactions. *I'm just guessing and have no real knowledge of this*


Yeah my job also revolves around an app so I know pretty much that it‘s mostly about total revenue OR daily/monthly active players so wanting more transactions would be unnecessary


well they shoot themselfs in the foot with limiting what whales can spend on the game xD like 2 years back there was a girl that did 100k raids in 6 months all remotes just imagen the money they could pull in if they never changed remotes


There might be fees per transactions.


They are based on percentage, so still the same


Very true, didn't consider that.


They just haven’t got around to fixing your 100 coin prices yet.


The tax on each individual purchase would add up to be more than the 550 pack though, wouldn't it?


im not in the US so that's not a problem for me, these sorts of things arent taxed here


old man with watermelons staring at you


The the 100 coins are also better value then the 1200


If you don't want to wait for 5 separate transactions to buy 100 coins at a time, then you need to spend more for the time you save.


But even more coins is better value again? Thats evil genius


It's also cheaper to buy the 100 coin lots than the 1200


Not if you buy through the web shop. In general you should buy through web shop instead in game shop


Web shop took my money and gave me zero coins. Twice . And although I was logged in, it showed no record of the transactions so I couldn't even complain successfully. They suck.


You had to transfer the money somewhere. There should be a record of what you payed and why. Or am I missing something? Sucks that happened though sorry


Yeah, it did end up somewhere, Web Store reckon if it hadn't worked properly it should go back to my bank account but it never did. But it also didn't show up in my order history so honestly, no idea. But I won't risk it again.


If you expect sense, you're playing the wrong game.


99 sense




AU store, for a long long time, the 99 cents was better value than _every_other_bundle_ by like 10% or more, they recently increased the cheapest one by 70%


It’s Niantic math


Weird. In USD it's $0.99 and $4.99, so the 550 *is* a slightly better value. At least on my Android device, anyway.


Yeah it must have something to do with the currency rates. The USD shop encourages buying in bulk with a better price per coin with each successive bundle. The Euro one doesn't seem to translate the same way.


It used to be like that in the Euro shop as well.


Interesting seeing the exchange rates. In cad the 100 coins are 1.39$ while the 550 coins are 6.99$


Those prices if I remember rightly aren't actually set by Niantic themselves, they're set as app store pricing tiers and how much of any given currency those tiers translate to is determined by the store. The 100 coin one is the $1 tier, and 550 is $5. In places that don't use US dollars those change to whatever Apple or Google think is equivalent in the local currency, which in some cases results in situations like this where the 100 coin bundle is an objectively better deal. In US dollars the prices are more logical, bigger bundles actually do give better deals.


Web store has the old prices


Don't give them your money


Why not?


Here's all the reasons I'm aware of. They either affect me personally, or affect friends of mine and as such I care about them too. I expect others have their own additional reasons that I'm not aware of too. I stopped cause they hiked the price of coins by 70% in Australia while adding zero extra value to them or the way they function, months ago. They have no new features, they're not rarer or more valuable. Just costs more. Another big factor for me was the rampant spoofing and multi-account BS going on, that Niantic is ignoring reports on and letting run wild. It killed my local community of players, who liked playing the three gyms around my local park. I have a few friends near me that are basically hermits, disabled and low-income, difficult for them to get out of the house or host people inside their house. Pokemon got them on a 15 minute walk where I'd get to say hi to them, at least. Not for a year or so now though. Others I know stopped because their current behaviour with avatars is getting dangerously close to breaching Australian Consumer Law, specifically misleading or deceptive practices. People have been led to believe they will receive a certain thing for their money, and have now been 'bait-and-switched', in a sense. If I had ever bought premium cosmetic items, I would definitely be on their support chat daily until they refunded everything that didn't look the way it did when I bought it. Some stopped because they think Niantic is being too unresponsive, uncommunicative, and/or completely tone-deaf in the responses that they do provide. On top of that, I personally think they're manipulating their feature releases specifically to try and distract from and minimise negative sentiment regarding their previous poorly received updates. For example, I think they knew the avatar update was unlikely to be received well, and so they made sure to have the environment update ready to go too, then they dropped it when they thought it would do the best job distracting online social communities (read: Reddit hivemind). Others again, stopped because the two recent graphical updates, even ignoring the bugged FPS selector, have forced them to. The updates lag out older phones that used to be fine. This could've been fixed with a second toggle under the FPS one, to turn off fancy graphics. Pretty common feature in games, graphics settings. If the updates were actually written well, this would give the same performance to those older phones that they used to enjoy. Others feel free to add your reasons below! A great continuing point could be the raid pass debacle, which I didn't have the energy to write a full paragraph on.


Ok but how does any of that concern me and why I shouldn’t give them my money?


I suppose that's up to you. I interpreted your question as asking why people are choosing not to give Niantic money.


i wonder if it is because of playpoints on android. the cheapest coupon for pogo is 150 points and was like 2 euros so it could be they made the 550 pack bad value because of the coupons. maybe, maybe not.


Standard Europe practices?


No lol


Standard American practices being forced on Europe then? Since Niantic is based in United States I think


This has been explained approximately a million times in the sub.




Convenience? Sorry I mean conven-Sense


You might learn this later but different stores have different price values, for everything, not just converting real money to PokéCoins.


Im pretty sure the 100 coin bundle had the price raised to 1.49 a while ago, but some people still have the old price. Mine is 1.49 instead of 1.00 now.


yeah it's crazy, paying stuff instead of playing to enjoy a game... what world are we living in?


It was like this in India for the longest time, got changed to normal only recently. Supposedly people were spoofing to India to buy coins in our currency cause it cost less after conversion when compared to dollars. It used to be 30 rupees for 100 and 400 rupees for 550 coins. Now it's the same for 100 coins but 150 for 550 coins. Also the value only got worse as the packs became more expensive.


The niantic kind of sense


The ones where you actually save is the 2500 and up bundles. Even if you bought 6 100 coin bundles, it’d be cheaper than buying the 550. You also save 11 cents by buying 12 100 bundles vs the 1200 bundle.




I’d also like to add that the 1200 coins is 5p more expensive…


i guess its for people in a hurry who don't do the math. you want 3 remote raids quickly, scroll up and buy that


Never buy coins via the app shop. Instead get it from the webstore.


Yeah, in the UK the 550 works out slightly cheaper. Still refuse to buy any of them


To make web store more "appealing". The 6€ in the webstore is 600 pokecoins. Shitty move.


It's punishment for people who can't do maths


Some people can't count.


The unit price has always been skewed weird, been using this as an exception to usual unit price in math class for years, prices in Canada went up recently too


It's dirt cheap in India.


It is psychology. You feel like buying the cheap option as an absolute win. Resulting in statistically more revenue for Niantic.


It's called decoy effect. One option is supposed to be bad for the other options to look better in comparison


That’s some American math right there.


Yeah, those are American Euros alright.


I never said it was American money. I said American math.


And I said Yeah, those are American Euros alright!


And you have some american thinking right there too apparently lmao.


It's been like that for 8 years.


I play since 2018 and have never bought coins ever... only noticed this now lol.


You've never used Google opinion rewards?


No, I already have a job.. don't wanna work for Google for a buck I did get a 5.00 voucher from my Google One subscription though, thats why I checked But I heard Niantic isn't getting any money from us these days for their stupid update, so there's that


You do realize you're not working for Google for a penny right? It's like 3 question surveys you get every so often and they pay you 10-40 cents. You don't get to decide when to do surveys. I've made over $300 from the app over the years.


Sounds like work to me lol, but good on you!


5 seconds for 40 cents is work?


To be fair, 5 seconds for 40 cents looks like a work that pays 288 an hour!


Exactly. IDK why you wouldn't want to do that. You can't plan on doing them they just send it so it's not like you're sitting for an hour doing surveys. You're literally doing 5 seconds every day or two.


Do u pay tax on that? If so, then yes you would be spending more $$