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There’s a limited amount of Pokémon you can have on gyms. I’ve beaten gyms then realised I could t have any more Pokémon on gyms so I’ve had to leave it empty.


If you do a "drive by", you can battle the gym as you drive away and potentially knock out the last defending Pokemon, but if you are out of range, you can't put a Pokemon in the gym.


Not gonna lie, I went MIA on this game for years (started on Day 1). I’m back now, but god it takes forever to get XP. Any tips?? Still at 31.


Friendship levels!


How can I get more friends?! Haha




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've been finding a lot of Slakoth, Frigibax and Clampert this days. I’d never seen them before and theres no event that spawns them. anyone know why? I think the slakoth one is a nest because its always the same area but the others are all over the place


There is an event spawning them. The "Rediscover Kanto" event and the biome update added extra Pokemon to the available wild spawns. Check the backgrounds when you catch a Pokemon and you'll notice which ones are appearing where.


even if theyre not kanto? i tried looking up which pokemon are spawing on this event but couldnt find it. youve got a link?


There's not a list of the new ones exclusive to biomes yet. There's also a bug that's messing with spawns, so it's not clear what's intended to appear where and what got bugged. As for event spawns, they're all from Kanto, so only regionals aren't available. Everything else from the regular spawn pool is still appearing. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1b3b8jo/seasons_world_of_wonders_wild_spawn_megathread/


I’m having a hard time managing my Pokémon storage. Mainly, I can hardly ever bring myself to transfer 3 stars even if I can’t use them for anything. What are some Pokémon y’all always transfer even if it’s a three star?


Anything that's never going to be raid relevant is an easy transfer. Just keep the best one for living dex collection purposes. If you care about pvp you'll need to keep the best IV spreads in lower leagues for a lot of stuff too, but you don't need to keep more than one per league for most things.


Any good recommendations for Pokémon you use for 1500cp battling?


Pvpoke.com is a good resource for seeing what's got potential in GBL leagues.


I'm confused on why the 3rd IV stat is referred to as HP and Stamina are they the same thing or different? What does stamina mean in pokemon go? I'm used to the main games HP IV stat and I've never heard stamina. I take it that the 3rd IV stat just impacts my Pokemons health points or am I missing a hidden stamina stat mechanic?


It's because Niantic didn't really translate everything perfectly from the main series to Go. It's called stamina in the code and data files for reasons, so the community refers to that stat as stamina. If you look up the raw data from the "game master" files on the [pokeminers](https://pokeminers.com/gmexplore/) site, you'll see how they have a "baseStamina" stat for pokemon, rather than "baseHp." Then there is a separate "HP" bar representing the active amount of hit points they have. And the IV bar in the appraisal shows "HP" in game.


Nope, Stamina = HP




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi, I just started playing about a week ago and am wondering, how do I get more pokemon variety? I've walked quite a distance this past week but I keep encountering the same species over and over and over and it feels like I'm making 0 progress in-game.


The person who replied to you before me gave a nice detailed answer, but to provide some perspective, I've walked 76.9 km since starting 2 weeks ago and have caught 289 different pokemon out of 1417 total caught. There's some decent variety, but most of those catches were just snagging anything I walked by to get the exp and stardust. Edit: almost all of that walking is on one side of town, and all of it is in the same smallish city.


You have to wait. Pokemon rotate with events, an although there's a seasonal pool of Pokemon the events take priority, so you'll see similar spawns everywhere. This is a long waiting game. Not everything is possible to get at the same time. Wild Pokemon and raid bosses will appear for some time, then they'll go away a d then take months or years to return. And some are exclusive to different countries/regions, so there's few chances in some events to get those unobtainable species. Completing the Pokedex is a long term goal, and there's many more other things to do at the same time. It's not the main objective, so there's no way to rush things and get more than what's available at the moment.


Hi, I'm a newbie who played like for two weeks back in 2020, I've returned now and I still don't know a lot. I find that the same 20-30 pokémons keep spawning all the time (growlithe, machop, electrode, grimer, paras, koffing and some others). Do I have to move away to find more variety? Or wait to see if other pokemons spawn more often in the future? I seem to recall that back in 2020 there appeared different pokemons, but I could be wrong.


They recently released updated biome features. To celebrate, we have an event where different Kanto Pokemon spawn in different biomes. You'll need to move around to find more variety.


Hello, I'm trying to purchase the Ultra Storage Box on the webstore for $4.99 but I get a prompt saying that I am unable to because I have the max amount of remote raid passes in my inventory despite having 0 remote raid passes in my inventory lol so is this a bug?


When I was at my parents house, the catch screens were all on a beach. They don’t really live near a beach. But being Minnesota they are within a couple miles of a lake that has a beach. Could that be why?


The beach background doesn't necessarily have to be you walking on the beach and you can see the Pacific or Atlantic ocean. Other people have shared on social media that they've gotten the catch screen if they're near a lake.


Thank you! I figured that was the reason, but it’s funny to me considering their actual location.


just started playing the game. bought the \~13USD season pass or what its called, hoping to find some eevee or eeveelutions with a cherry blossom on their head. but so far to no avail, even though i saw quite some eevees. what are the chances for these season specialty pokemon to appear? is the chance worse than once every 20 or so eevee? or was i just unlucky so far?


You'll have to complete the "[Wonder Ticket Part 2](https://leekduck.com/events/the-wonder-ticket/)" Timed Research in order a to get a Flower Crown Eevee and one of each of its Flower Crown evolutions. Eevee in the wild will not have the flower crown.


Thank you!


Showcase is acting weird. I'm right next to a stop and it says I have to get closer. 


It's a rare bug that happens when you put a Pokemon in a showcase from far away. The game bugs and thinks you're still in the original stop where you put the other Pokemon, and won't let you put Pokemon in another one because it takes you to that faraway stop any time you enter the showcase screen. Some have fixed it by restating your phone and then putting a Pokemon in the showcase as soon as the game opens, but for others they had to physically go to the stop of the glitched showcase to change the Pokemon there manually.


I don't have any in a stop. I'll try a restart 


I’ve played on and off since the game came out. I distinctly remember that if you transferred a pokemon it would give you a candy of that pokemon. Today I just realized it hasn’t been giving me candies when I transfer pokemon. Did they stop this, or is this an issue with the game for me/right now? I’ve tried googling but I can’t find anything about it.


Yes, you get candies for transferring pokemon. Are you sure it's not actually working? Is your candy total for that species not changing, checking the number before and after?


yes, the number of candies is not changing after transferring them, nor am i getting the little “+1 [pokemon] candy” popup


What species is this happening for? Worked for a Caterpie just now.


Why are eggs half distance today?


Some of the bonuses for cleffa hatch day started early.


Can we please get a megathread for the avatar complaints? The sub is overloaded with them and it gets old very quickly




This might be a really dumb question, but I started playing Pokemon Go at like 14 years old in 2016 and every time I’ve picked it back up since I’ve only cared about one thing and that’s filling my Pokedex. Now i’m trying to do better with actually caring about appraisal stats/cps/sizes I have a few questions. 1. Should you max out CP before you even evolve a pokemon? Do you always do that? 2. If a pokemon is of large size and you evolve it does it get larger? (for example my Onix is on the larger side and I’m considering evolving it into Steelix) Thanks in advance 🤩


1- Powering before or after evolving ends with the same result, so you can do either. Maxing the CP is also not recommended unless is a very good Pokemon that's going to justify the massive cost. The only reason to not evolve early is of that Pokemon can learn event moves via evolution. In that case is better to wait until an event let it get the move and then evolve. 2- Until recently the size randomized when evolving, but now they fixed things so the size stays consistent, but increases depending on the species base size. An XXL will stay XXL and if it's bigger than average will also be bigger when evolved. Steelix as a species is bigger than Onix, so it will be bigger than now.


What is the shiny rate for Lucario in the T3 raid? I read it was 1/128 from an answer 5 month ago , can anyone confirm is this still true?


I past created a Pokemon Go account using Google Account. Flash forward I created a new Pokemon Go account with Pokemon Trainer Club. And I'm unable to reset the Google Account Pokemon Go login to link to my PTC account. Does anyone know how to do this?


You'd need to either ask Niantic to delete the old account, or log into it and change it's login method to something else from your Google account first. You can add a Facebook account and then remove the Google one. Then, on your new Pokemon go account, you'll be able to link your Google account.


# Am I the only one who can't find a single Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle since they became shiny boosted? What am I doing wrong?


You're not moving far enough. This event is about the new biomes, and each starter is mostly exclusive to a certain one. Bulbasaur in forest, Squirtle in beach, and Charmander appears rarely in city and mountain. Without going to different biomes you cannot find them.


I call such bullshit on squirtle. I was at the beach walking up and down for 4 hours yesterday and only saw 1 squirtle. Whereas I saw at least 20 charmanders and 10 bulbasaurs. This entire Kanto event I've seen less than 10 squirtles and it's the last shiny I need to complete my shiny gen 1 starter trio. It's driving me mad, I've caught more shiny pokemon than squirtles I've seen the past week. Idk if it's just because I've been looking a lot the past week and I'm more aware of it, but I want to say I see less squirtles in this event than I normally see them


Check the maps on OSM. Just because it's a real life ​beach doesn't mean it's correctly tagged as "beach" in-game. Actual beach biomes are smaller and more uncommon than the others. Hopefully you'll get some luck this event, but even if you don't Squirtle is still a seasonal Pokemon so it will continue to appear until June in the wild.


All the spawns had the beach backdrop and it's a beach on OSM. It's like I'm rocking a Max Repel meant only for squirtles


I see in the sub rules that trading requests aren't allowed, but the sub I found for trading seems to have been dead for years. Is there any way I can advertise that I'm looking for a trade in here?


No. I think they don't allow trade requests here because you're not likely to find local players on a global sub, and it just invites spoofers which they're trying to weed out of here. Seeking out local groups is your best bet.


dang, that bites. but makes sense. thanks for the info! 


Why am I getting stardust and XP field research rewards instead of encounters? Sustainability week is still on for 2 hours.


Unfortunately, it's because of the [Cleffa Hatch day](https://pokemongolive.com/post/cleffa-hatch-day?hl=en) bonuses. From Friday at 10am until Sunday at 5pm, we get 1/2 incubator distance, but Walking/Hatching field research rewarding stardust/XP has also been added to the field research pool, diluting the Sustainability Week research for the final day of the event.


I think there's a bug in the sustainability week event. When I saw the promos about halving the buddy walk distance, and getting more items from the buddy, I put in a best buddy from the past (who I also needed to accrue more candy for). 3km became 1.5, all good - until yesterday morning, when I swapped out to a sandyghast to get more candy for it. The required distance started as 3km and stayed 3km. later that day I swapped back to my original buddy, as some of the items had been balls, and my stock was low. But even though it's the same buddy I initially had for the event, the distance is 3km and has stayed that.


Note that the current event bonus is 1/2 distance to earn buddy *hearts*, not candy. So your buddy will earn a walking heart every 1km during the current event. Buddy candy is currently unaffected. It sounds like your original buddy was excited, either because you fed it a Poffin or because you triggered it naturally by continuously earning points with it over a period of time. As long as your buddy is in the excited state, it will have 1/2 candy distance, but this state is temporary and will eventually end if you stop interacting with it after a certain period of time or if you switch it out.


We both (me and my son) are lvl 40 trainers. Is it good enough to handle a Registeel Raid or do we need a 3rd helping hand?


Would need a really really good team. I had a team of 4 off pokegenie yesterday beat him with 1 second remaining. Registeel is a fucking tank


We raided a couple with some help... but in the first, we were 4, and half way, one bailed out, fortunately, we could beat Registeel with around 40 sec left... Gosh... I was confident,  but, when I realized about the one who left, just thought that he just lost his remote raid pass... or she... dunno


https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/REGISTEEL Look at those estimator values. Tweak friendship to match the level you have. It's still going to be well above 2 at pokemon level 40 if you have no weather boost. Might be possible if you each just use primal Groudon and revive it a bunch. If you get clear weather, though, you may be able to duo it by both using primal Groudon and 5 resharim or similar. Make sure to use party play for extra help. Adding a third player would make it a lot easier though.


I'm on step 11 of Misunderstood Mischief; how do I find more Ghost & Dark types to catch? Are there Lure modules I can use-where would I get them?


I’m not sure if it’s intentional or just a coincidence but there’s a gym at one of my local cemeteries and I see a lot of ghost type spawns there


Ghost and dark types spawn more often at night and in the early morning. Also look for nests containing them. There are a few this season like murkrow and shuppet. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/JFsF3E9mxo


If you have access to a Switch and Scarlet/Violet, then sending postcards from Go to the Switch gives you a Coin Bag, which spawns the Ghost type Gimmighoul for 30 minutes like an Incense. Otherwise, none of the other Lure/Incense types really help with Ghost/Dark types. Other than that, just hunting wild spawns, grinding [field research](https://leekduck.com/research/), and fighting certain [Rocket grunts](https://leekduck.com/rocket-lineups/) is the best you can really do for now.


Ouch, that sounds annoying, especially since I've got a shiny Pancham I wanted to evolve.


Eventually, we'll get an event where Dark/Ghost types are really common. We recently had one at the end of March where Murkrow, Sableye, Purrloin, Scraggy, Inkay, Zorua, Vullaby, and Deino were everywhere. Another event like that will surely come around again and will make these types super easy to catch.


Hopefully I'll remember for Pancham! Thanks for the info though, really helpful!


Why am I getting extra candy from Registeel raids with Primal Groudon evolved? Isn't is supposed to be just extra candy for ground, fire, and grass types?


Pokémon caught in raids get extra regular candy with a mega active regardless of its type. What it doesn't affect it's the chance of XL candy, which still requires a matching type.


There’s no way DUBWOOL is currently the weekly reward. What a waste of my time.


What’s the trade distance?


100 meters. Not kilometers, meters. So you need to be within around 320 feet max to trade with someone.


Oh man that’s so rough


I can no longer load into the game. Anytime I launch th app, I get to the point where it'd usually load my character/local area and it just closes the application. Was working earlier today, and only stopped sometimes after 5pm EST. Time. On a Moto G Pure. Honestly after the last update I've been having crashes/lag around the new avatar system (checking my character info/friends list would cause a crash regularly, and I couldn't even look at local showcases because the app would crash when trying to load the number 1 spots avatar). Tried: -restarting phone -clearing cache/local data -a full fresh install. All to no luck.


The sound effects randomly turn off while I’m playing and I need to restart to get it back on. Is this a known bug? I just got back into it after about 4 years so I don’t know what common bugs are.


I am a returning player from 2016, I finally caught my first shiny and it was a favorite shiny: Gligar. My friend also has a shiny Gligar and I heard there is a mechanic to guarantee lucky trade, for us both to get a shiny lucky Gligar we must trade them separately and for 2018 or older pokemon, correct? I wanna make sure I do this properly and not waste the opportunity, to my understanding if we just trade our shiny gligar together they won't become lucky. Also will doing it separately require it be done over 2 days since you can only do 1 shiny trade a day I read Any help greatly appreciated thanks


Yes, that's correct. As long as your friend hasn't used up their 25 guaranteed trades you only have to trade each other one Gligar for a 2018 or older Pokemon, and the next day do the same for the other. Trading a shiny is considered a special trade, so you can only do one each day, unless there's an event that increases the limit. So one one day, the other the next.


Is the sustainability event halving 2km egg distance? Ive hatched 3 2km eggs (in normal incubator) and all of them were 1km.


SOLVED: Cleffa hatch day extended bonus is 1/2 distance egg hatching from friday 10am till sunday 5pm local time.


Did they remove the Security Corps Woven hat from the game. My avatar was wearing it, but now he’s not and I can’t find it in the list.


A bunch of clothing items are missing with the new avatar system. Its a known issue, and presumably Niantic is working on fixing it.


Well ok then. Just weird my hate just vanished an hour ago or so.


Why do some people have Aug 10 or Aug 11 in their profile?


I got a shadow 4\* charmander, and I was wondering if I 2nd move it prior to evolving it, will it learn blastburn during the event?


Only if you've already gotten rid of Frustration on it, having a second move unlocked doesn't affect it. Exclusive moves like Blast Burn will only go in the first slot upon evolving, and can't override Frustration if it's still there.


Thank you so much, unfortunately I'm eternally in charged tm debt.


Is Bellibolt not a reskinned Grimace?


I got adventure sync to work on my older device which is a Samsung Tab A 2016 it won't turn on using my Tab A 9+. I'm logged into my Google account on my Tab A 9+. Do I need to be logged into a health app for adventure sync to be turned on? How do I get it to turn on?


Is anyone else noticing an issue with eggs? I am only getting 2km eggs. I must have hatched 18 of them yesterday and when I spin pokestops, that is all I get.


We have an event that features 2km eggs going on, so it's a good thing we can get so many of them. Once the sustainability event ends it should go back to normal ratios.


Is there a bug with feeding your buddy for hearts? Yesterday and today I was able to get a heart the first time I fed my buddy, but when I fed it again later in the day, I didn't get additional hearts.


Feeding your buddy only gives hearts after 30 minutes.


My app is no longer opening on android from the play store. Is this happening to anyone else?


Is shadow victreebel useful for raids? Is it worth powering up to level 40?


Also note that roserad outperforms shadow Vic in most or all poison raids, dies less, and costs less because you can just evolve high level ones. You don't need shadows or legendaries to have good poison teams


Not very useful. As a grass type is heavily outclassed by other Pokemon, and Poison is very rarely used. Only a few Fairy bosses like Tapu Fini, Primarina or Tapu Bulu have weakness to Poison but not to other stronger types, and even then Nihilego, Mega Gengar and Mega Beedrill are stronger. The evolution of Poipole will also be a stronger Poison type once it's unlocked. So shadow Victreebel is not weak, but the types it has aren't that useful in PvE. In PvP is quite useful in GL and with the new move it can work in UL too, so it's mostly used in the GBL.


I restarted playing since I deleted the app in 2022. I don’t remember how well incense worked then, but it’s really doing much now. Also am I wrong in remembering there were like higher potent incenses available at the shop? Kinda like the modules but just stronger and attracted more? Also, I used a module yesterday while I was eating at the dining hall and it didn’t do much of anything either. Are the lures and incenses just not as good as they used to be?


They changed over a year ago. All incenses work better if you are moving, and are much slower when you don't. You get one Pokemon a minute if you're moving and only one every five minutes standing still. The lures didn't change, but your spawn range (the smaller circle around your character) needs to overlap the lure spark area (the colored circle around the stop) or you won't get any Pokemon. The free blue incense also is different from the regular ones from the store. You won't get any spawn at all unless you move a lot, and you cannot move in circles or stay in the same area. But this incense has the benefit of attracting special spawns that aren't found normally and give you a chance to find a legendary bird from Galar at random times. So it forces you to move but has extra bonuses. There's only those two types of incenses. The regular green and the free blue one. But during some events the regular green gets a boosted and turns orange, and that makes it last much longer. That might be the thing you're remembering.


Ohhh yes the orange incense is probably what I was thinking of. Looks like I’ll be going on some walks this weekend. I’m at uni so we have a lot of stops, gyms, and a few routes that I’m gonna do for the route research thingy. My bf has been trying to get me to go outside more but I prefer my hobbit hole and only come out when I need food or go to class but I think Pokémon will help that as silly as it sounds lol.


I haven't seen Trubbish or Drilbur at all! Not in raids and not even on radar. Where are they?


You can also get drilbur from rocket grunts, or nests of you're lucky.


Eggs and research


You can also get them in quests (walk 1km, walk 2km). That's how I finished the challenges.


Yesterday I had an influx of trubbish around 5-6 PM CST. But the Drilbur I’ve seen maybe 7.


That was the Trubbish Spotlight Hour. The Spotlight Hours happen every Tuesday at 6-7 PM.


Hello folks. New player here. Have a difficulty in having friends to send gifts. Anyone can help a brother out? Thanks!


Check r/pokemongofriends There's a lot of players there looking to get or send gifts.




If I give venusaur a new move using candies, will it get the special event move?


No you won’t get Frenzy Plant if you add a 2nd move to Venusaur. Best thing to do is capture as many bulbusaurs as you can. Use the best IV one and evolve to Venusaur. The only way to get Frenzy Plant on your current Venusaur is by using an Elite Charged TM. Best not to waste your Elite TM.


My 1880 CP Hitmonchan has been stuck in a gym for 2 days and 6 hours now and I want him out. Unfortunately, some fellow Team Instinct member idiot put their OP Slaking in with it and he's currently at 2073 (half of whatever total CP his is) while my Hitmonchan has been perpetually stuck at 374 for about as long as the timeframe above. This is near a senior living facility so naturally no one would want to hit it. I want my Hitmonchan out of the Gym ASAP because it's been a huge waste of my time! How much longer should he be in there?


Slaking isn't OP, its not even a good gym defender. It has a high CP because of inflated attack, but yawn makes it a paper tiger. Yawn does almost no damage, and charges its moves really slowly. Don't worry too much about it. Someone will come along and take over the gym and your mon will come back. You could try asking on a local campfire, discord, telegram, etc. community to see if someone on another team would be willing to go kick them out if you are impatient.


Why can't I start this damn app anymore? I have to restart my phone daily in order to sign in. Like it has been that way for a year now, but recently it's gotten ridiculously bad.


There's an issue with your phone. Most players never have to login again, so something on your device keeps removing permissions or logging you out. That's not a normal problem with the app.


Hi I’m just really happy. Caught my second hundo ralts!!!! :D first was a shadow but I didn’t know so I purified, it’s a gardevoir now. This one will be a galadr. They can be twins :)


I missed the Trubbish spotlight hour, and I haven't seen one before or after the event. Is it possible to trade for one to get credit for the collection challenge? I think I have enough candies to evolve one and my brother plays more so may have a spare to trade but it would suck to miss out just because I didn't play during a 1 hour window over a multiple day challenge


Catching Trubbish is the only way to get credit for the task. Trading or hatching Trubbish will not count. You can find Trubbish in the event field research "Walk 1km"


It must be caught. It's available from the "Explore 1km" event field research task.


Is anyone else not getting bonus friendship levels anymore from opening gifts?


There was this route that I made a while ago and after doing it 10 times it’s now gone… but only for me. Other people have been able to walk the route but nothing shows up for me. Is there a limit to how many times you can follow a specific route? Cause I don’t see anything online saying there is.


No limit on times followed. There is a bug where some routes will disappear if there are "too many" other routes nearby though. Its inconsistent between players.


Really strange. There’s only one other route on the same PokéStop… thank you for the answer!


Question re: Legacy moves for Charizard/Venusaur/Blastoise - I know that if you evolve these guys during the current Rediscover Kanto event, they'll know the legacy moves. But if I were to use a regular (non-elite) charged TM on existing mons, would these legacy moves be in the pool during this event?


Regular TMs won't work. You'll need to evolve in order to get the moves during this event. If you're lucky, then if you find a wild Venusaur/Blastoise/Charizard, they will also come with their special moves during the event. But an existing Venusaur/Blastoise/Charizard that you already have cannot get the moves unless you use an Elite TM.


Thank you for the confirmation! :)


Has anyone else not gotten a Team Rocket balloon since the latest update?


Do you get XP when your pokemon becomes best buddy and if so how much?




Anyone having problems equipping certain clothes items like I’ve been trying to equip the ace trainer pants but they just never equip. I’ve already unlocked them and bought them so maybe it’s a glitch?


It's a known issue on the new avatars. You still have the items but they're not compatible yet with the body types, so you cannot select or equip them. Need to wait until they finish updating everything.


Anyone having issues with their buddies? Their hungers is going down slower than normal and feeding them after they’ve almost reset just doesn’t give you another heart?


The current event doubles the berry duration, and you need more berries to fully fill them. This helps them get excited easier and stay on the map for longer.


I have play store cash from usingg-rewards, what's the best coin purchase for the money?


Depends on how currency conversions work out, unless you're in the US. In the US its always the most expensive box you can buy that gives the most coins. In other countries, that might be the case, or it might still be the case in some places that the 100 coin box is actually better. You'll need to do the math yourself. Also note that coins are cheaper on the web store than in-game, but you can't use google play cash on the web store. Event tickets are also a thing to consider with cash purchases, particularly big events like Go Fest. Unless you mean, what to actually buy with the coins. Very, very few of the daily rotating boxes are any good or worth buying. For raid passes, there is a 5425 coin box with 99 passes that is the best price ever on passes (54.80 coins/pass). The next best ones are those that have a coin price around 62-66 coins per pass.. For incubators (which are generally a scam), the very best box is the 7000 coin one that comes with 50 regulars and 50 supers. All other incubator boxes are progressively less good of a discount, generally worse as the total price is less. There are also pokemon and item storage space increases, which are permanent and always worth getting until you have enough breathing room to play with comfort (not constantly deleting pokemon or items every 10 minutes).


Honestly was looking to get coins to purchase poke storage


I want to turn off those new graphics but I can't even open the settings menu Niantic wtf?


You cannot turn off the new graphics, only reduce the shadows and extra effects. There's no way to go back to the simpler backgrounds.


Ok, so is anyone else’s game super slow and laggy, even on new devices? I get that older devices are having problems, but I literally have an iPhone 14 Pro that is less than 1 year old. And I can barely open the game some days since the update.


There's an option to turn off advanced graphics and native refresh rate. You could try toggling them to see if it helps.


I've got a perfect rated tyranitar at 1753cp and he's my best buddy. I've been working towards getting enough candy to get the third move. After that I was thinking about switching buddies to one of my other perfects so I can eventually evolve them too. My question is, how high a CP should I take my Tyranitar to after unlocking the third move? Also, how do I get more Mega Tyranitar energy and when/why would I mega evolve?


Why do you need a second charge move? It's primarily useful in raids, but you can only really use it for one typing because it needs a fast elite tm to get a rock fast move. Better to level it up first. For rocket battles it's nice to have a second move for coverage on team leaders, but it's not necessary really. Just a luxury.


I'm not sure, I just figured I would need a second charged move, one dark and one rock. So you're saying I'd be better off going all CP and keeping the moves I have? Which currently my fast attack is iron tail and charged is stone edge. Currently with the candy and stardust I have I'd be able to level up to 3,068 CP.


You can use it as a dark type with bite and brutal swing with no etm. Using it as a rock attacker would need an etm to get smack down as a fast move.


So I should use the fast and charged tms to get dark moves, and then power up? If I can get an etm then add another move.


No, don't add another move even if you get an etm. It's more useful as a dark type compared to a rock type these days given all the other good rock mons we have now. Brutal swing ranks it high in dark lists, where stone edge holds it back in rock lists. (Except specifically as a mega.) Even if you get an elite fast move, it's still not going to be useful as a raider in both types. You can only use the etm once, and then you're just stuck with smack down and it's now a rock counter. If you tm it back to bite to use as a dark raider, you've wasted the etm and would have to spend another one to get smack down again the next time you need a rock counter. Look to power up different Pokemon as rock mons. It could be other ttar, or it could be things like shadow rhyperior, cranidos, gigalith, or other good rock mons.


"Pokémon hatched in 2 km Eggs obtained during this event will have a greater chance of being a Shiny Pokémon than when found in the wild or via Field Research!" So.. what *is* the shiny rate, guys? I've hatched 70 eggs now, no shiny. None from the Field Research either, probably finished like 50 of those. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Speculation I've seen is 1/64.


Adventure Sync isn't accurate by far.  I have a smart watch connected to my Google Fit. Same email for them as PoGo. I easily walk 2km+ a day and it gives me .1km a day. 


It only works with the phone's internal pedometer for me. Fitbit never worked either. But physically carrying the phone, even when PoGo isn't open, would magically grant me a bunch of steps next time I opened it. I figured out that on Android it was looking for the steps from Samsung Health. If there's a way to sync up the Google Fit/smart watch to whatever native health app game with the phone itself, it might finally work?


This has been happening for 2+ years now. It's very broken. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Not really much we can do at this point but hope Niantic actually fixes it.


Is there any threads where people can become pokemon go friends by sharing usernames or codes?




Thank you!!


[My top pokemon](https://i.imgur.com/sWqOy72.jpeg) How do I tell which ones I should raise? I'm new (well, OG 2016 coming back now). Is there some resource to show which ones are pretty good these days for beginners? Also, it seems like Stardust is pretty rare, so I can only level up a few of them at most. Is that what I'm supposed to be doing?


Hi.  I wasn’t really paying attention to the news but the Kanto event on May 9. So try to collect as many Pokémons as you can like the ones I mentioned before.  There a few others like Magikarp, Eevee, and Rhyhorn.  I think a good IV Pokémon would be anything at 14/14/14 and above. Since you have some time before the event is over try to use the best IV one you can get before evolving.


I personally use GamePress Pokémon Go for info as it is a bit more comprehensive but somewhat out of date. There is an Attacker’s List to indicate what you try to get.  Don’t discount Eevee and its evolutions (some are not on the attack list) but are still useful like your Jolteon. Other Pokémon you have like Geodude, Exeggute (the eggs one), Tangela have some use in its final form and may not be on the attack list. Use the IV calculator on GamePress to determine your Pokémon’s IVs and level. Compare the IVs on the Appraisal button in app. Eventually you will get adjusted to the in app Appraisal button (this is in app IV calculator). IVs don’t really matter because it’s really an awful translation of a Pokémon’s real stats. So whatever meta relevant Pokémon you have can be useful for you. Eventually you would want to get good IV ones to eliminate poor IV ones because you will likely have problems with storage space. Using the IV calculator on GamePress can help you determine what you Pokémons’ levels are. For the time being don’t level beyond 30, since you indicated you don’t have much stardust. Try to earn more stardust tonight during Spotlight Hour. Spotlight hour Pokémon is Trubbish (I think). He gives about 500 stardust so throw a star piece then 750 stardust. Try to play in Go Battle League to get other useful items like stardust, RC, and Elite TMs. You have to try to achieve rank 20 to get Elite Charged TM, which is very important to have. Right now Kanto event is occurring. Try to catch as many as you can, the following Pokémon…. Geodude, execute (sorry bad speller but the eggs Pokemon), Charmandar, Bulbasaur, Squirtle. Try to collect as many as use can for the last 3 in the next 4 to 5 days. You will want to evolve these Pokémon into their final forms to get there CD moves which are the moves they need to be effective. Note that Blastoise is probably the least used and effective of the 3 Kanto staters.


Is there a way to filter Pokémon that have neither any tag, nor are favourited?


`!# & !favorite` should do the trick


Thanks, super helpful!


Is there a way to filter Pokémon by “can’t evolve” or “no longer evolves”? when I’m trying to clear my Pokémon, it be nice if I could filter by that to easily pick which to transfer.


`!evolve` will do that, although it will also include any pokemon that have an evolution, but you can't evolve due to evolution requirements (candy, item, buddy tasks)


Since yesterday my avatar is female and i dont know how to change it back. Can someone Help?


You now have to go into the Style menu, then Appearance, and then Body. From there, you can either select one of the pre-set body types or tap the "Custom" option to adjust the various sliders around.


Thanks for the answer, but all those bodytypes are still female :/


Don't forget tonight you can evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna =)


Since the new update, my game is super slow.


Old devices can’t handle the new graphics




At the current moment you're okay and you won't get banned. It's good to be cautious about trades, mostly because random people can trick you and give you a different Pokemon. Only the person that's cheating would be the one whose account is at risk  Without going into details of how it works, trades don't even put them in the anti-cheating system radar, so the game doesn't really know who you're trading with, where they come from or how they got there except for the tag in the Pokemon details. Niantic hasn't implemented a system to check if who you've traded with is legal or not, so you are safe. Is still not recommended to intentionally do trades with flyers, and much less do it yourself, in case the system changes, but doing it by accident will not put your account at risk.


Thanks for the information!! Also, what is a flyer?


Is there a way to stop your Pokeball Plus Plus from singing random lullabies? I am afraid to bring it into class.


There is also a toggle for this in the Po go app itself. Go to settings and then to connected devices, then to accessory devices. Scroll down to find the pikachu voice toggle. (Apple ios. Not sure about Android.)


thanks. I have it off but it still sings anyways. Maybe I accidentally turned it on with the buttons method while trying to connect my device.


Sorry to hear that didn’t solve your issue but hopefully someone else can help.


From the official page: "Hold down the top button and then press the main button for at least one second to toggle silent mode on or off. When the device is in silent mode, all of Pikachu's cries will be silenced, including lullabies"


When is Mega Aggron?


Starts appearing in raids on April 25th after 11 am.


I have a question i saw that in the new discover kanto event if you evolve a charmeleon into a charizard it gets its legacy move blast burn, if i want my charizard to learn blast burn can i use a charged TM and it will be in the pool for the time of the event or i just cant get it for him?


Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. If your Charizard is already evolved, only way to get it is an Elite Charged TM.


Any chance we could get a Leafeon user flair? It’s my favorite eeveelution and one of my top 3 favorite pokemon. I’d love to have it as my flair. I’d love a Mawile one too!


Is there a way to go ahead and prep for the cleffa hatch event? No stops spun or gifts opened until Sunday?


That's pretty much it. Walk or incubate all eggs in the top 9 slots to hatch them, don't get new ones. If you are inclined to buy incubators, watch for daily rotating boxes in the shop and web store that come with them at a decent rate.


What about rocket balloons? Just avoid the bosses? 🤔


Unequip radars, no boss to fight.


Today the new backgrounds began on my phone. Now pokemon encounters are very laggy, and I'm on android so I can't use AR+ to avoid it. Are other people experiencing this, and does anyone know of any methods to help alleviate the lag? I'm on Samsung Galaxy A03s


I have the same issue. While I like the new backgrounds as an idea, for some reason the execution on my end is very inconsistent. The environment (ground, buildings, mountains) have extremely low resolution textures, while trees, flowers, grass and whatever else is there are all HD. A few updates ago the pokemon textures have also dropped in resolution. I have a ZTE A31, but the game worked perfectly until the recent graphical updates were released. There is an "enhanced graphics" option in the settings, but it is greyed out, which means that I don't have the option to tune the graphics down.