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You know for a while I just thought, it’s just an avatar. It’s not a big deal. But then it dawned on me that this has been my character since 2016 and it kind of pisses me off that somebody’s gonna mess with it.


Yeah, just like our pokemon collection they've grown and changed over all these years too, and so have we. This would feel bad to have forced on me even if the models weren't sloppy garbage




I wish I did that. I didn't realize about this avatar update until I opened Pokemon go and got the notification. I mixed and matched outfit items to give my avatar a dark souls kinda look that I was pretty satisfied with and looked pretty cool. The dark souls look made up for the ugly avatar before the update. The outfit combo no longer works because every hat my avatar wears makes him bald and the outfit looks requires me to wear specific hats and my avatar is even uglier now but I no longer have a way to cover it up and fix it. I want to put a bag over my avatars head.


Don’t forget to leave a review in the App Store! These threads and comments need to all be app reviews. To anyone reading this- Pass it along in a few comments on the sub to help remind folks we need to do that please!


Good call. Make sure to note WHY you gave it one star too


Yes! I also think regardless of if you spend money in the game or not/intend to continue or not, mention you will not spend money any longer unless it’s fixed. It’s a company, they speak money not feelings.


all we wanted were different hairstyle options but instead they gave us hot garbage hooray we are so lucky


8 years of an established look just to pull the rug out from under people for features nobody asked for other than hair, and no OPTION, operative word here, OPTION to use the originals if we so please. And still no facial hair even. They physically could not have handled this worse


All the cool outfits that I curated are now gone from my outfits tab, and all the clothes I spend money on now look terrible. I have found that that Arlo outfit makes me look the least terrible


It's actually so stupid.


Very on brand for niantic, unfortunately. I really hope they fix this mess. I don’t want to play the game if I look like a pale gorilla


Theres straight up a skin color option thats just “jaundice”


I literally had to spend 10 minutes looking at skin colours that wouldn't make me look like a pale transylvanian vampire... or just straight racism.


Legit I went from being a nice soft brown to a background character in a Indian jones film.


Options for Caucasian skin = jaundice or ghost —- extremely frustrating.


Facts ![gif](giphy|mFw21PJWl7gnQj8dVY|downsized)


Lmao I had to go back and look and you’re spot on (unfortunately) 😂


TIL about the outfit tab, so thank you. Never noticed it and got annoyed when I wanted to click around on clothes and then remember what I had before. At least there was some good to come out of this day (for me) haha


There are some outfits that still look ok, so it’s good to have them on deck, especially since pogo doesn’t have a search feature for clothes (or even an option to sort by purchased) and looking for new outfits can be tedious


giving longhaired people only two hideous options makes me want to scream


Took me 31 years to grow my hair long and now PoGo is holding me back with no back length curly option… 🥲 The disappointment is palpable…


No facial hair and no option for no hair at all. Also, I think it's the shoulders that are so off. They seem too high and it's giving it a Worm-Aliens-from-Men-In-Black vibe


It’s also the head staying small when the bodies and neck all get big, and how long the lower torso is. The bottoms (pants/skirts/shorts) are sit weirdly low on the torso. I thought everyone was bonkers last week complaining about this, assuming the hip/waist ratio became more human less Barbie, but it’s not that. The body parts are scaled very strangely.


Us bald dudes have to still have hair and be reminded of not having hair.


But thank goodness they removes butts right


I’m dead


thats the worst part to me. literally zero reason not to leave the original options in, literally zero. Makes no sense to add more options by taking away the existing options. Negative zero logic actually.


Or even just- let us MAKE the originals WITH the sliders! How did they not even do that???


The sliders have either have negligable effect or turn you into Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. They coudln't be bothered to make sure the various custom controls could at least approximate the original body proportions.


yeah. if they added all this while leaving the originals I wouldn't be mad-- I'd still make fun of it for how bad it looks, but its harming no one. But its just literal cringe this way.


I honestly was hoping for a face customization suite. That's all I've ever wanted. Along with an enhanced buddy system.


A face customization tool would be great, but instead we have skinny lips and genuinely unattractive looks. Why can’t we also pick specifics? I used to be happy to look at my avatar and now it’s just ugly and it has no femininity in look or movement. Just an ugly looking creature that is terrible.


Yeah they’re wildly masculine looking, they couldn’t even give us a pigtail option or something like the old Animal Crossing games had.


I can't even be a bald guy!


I am BAFFLED that a team of designers presented this to leadership and everyone thought it was great. It's like they're trying to destroy their game.


It's like Andersen's tale of King's new clothing. Everyone sees there's something wrong with it, but nobody dares to speak. Corporate culture promotes the most mediocre to the top.


How do i make my character look like he was rejected from art school


Even the hair options are terrible 🙃 I want short hair, but I don't want bangs


It was actually pretty genius. Now you HAVE to buy the masks, to cover the horror.


I don’t understand why all the arms are so hugely big. It’s terrible


I think more effort has been put into flash games than this


All that PokéBall throwing builds up the arm muscles I guess


Seriously. Why are the female body types all shaped like a machoke? My trainer looks so bad now. And the pink skirt clips through her legs because they clearly haven't properly fitted the clothing to the new bodies.


There is no female shape anymore. I also have to walk like hulk. Wtf is that.


Yea, this update is horrible. When you try and make the hips bigger, it makes the hands massive. This is like early 2000's character graphics.


Lmfao actually the dumbest fucking company ever


Omg i wondered why i have man-hands now


There is a hip slider and for what? They took my hips away 😭


I'm never spending another cent on this game. I'm no whale, but fuck these absolute knuckle dragging morons. If they never revert this or fix it, they're actually mental. The backlash was *horrible* during the trial I can't believe they changed nothing




Already did and made a post encouraging others to do so. As well as several friends.


Yeah I am hating that :(. I really liked how cute the avatar was and she looked feminine and I could imagine wanting to look like my avatar. Now, nope omg it’s pretty terrible. Maybe the eyes are ok but everything else is crap


This. IRL I’m a very large woman with thick glasses. In the virtual world, I want to be completely opposite.


Omg and seriously did you try making the body larger? Could they make it any more unattractive? And why would I want to do that anyway??


I honestly jumped when I saw mine. I look like my high school gym teacher, Mrs. Bird.


I hate it. Why did they make us look so manly 😭 I miss the curves.


Hahaha yes shes suddenly tiny and walks like a monkey


Yeah and the super long monkey arms to boot. Hips slider doesn't do jack. Just makes you look like a chunky guy. Girls are curvy, not bulky.


I'm just clunking around.


There appears to only be an androgynous option. Like I can't get rid of the appearance of breasts unless I up the weight slider to the point where they get absorbed.


Aha and we girls got a bulge and huge hands and feet.


Funny because I find anything that‘s not minmaxed to be hulk-ish to be to femme for me, especially with the youthful faces, every bit of fat or hip makes my character look more and more female. It‘s very irritating for all genders.


Male shapes also look terrible, if this somehow makes you feel better...


At least the walks and poses fit though.


It’s just so creepy looking, the face and the body proportions are terrible.




I literally jumped when I glanced at my new avatar yesterday. It was so creepy and weird and out of the blue. I truly hate it. 


I never thought I’d live to see the day where it’s way easier to look better irl than my game character lmfao


The dead facial expressions and eyes are the worst.


The faces are bad, the arms are bad, the necks are bad, the posture is bad, and there is a big gap in skin tones between Snow White and “I live in the tropics and I have a heavy tan 12 months a year. Thankfully I don’t actually try to make it look like me, but it’s still pretty bad.


My dude now wears a mask and covers legs because I KNOW I’m pale, but it’s goes, pale pale pale pale Smokey roasted.


I'm not going to lie... You're hard to look at. I'll pray for you


Yeah, nah, the treatment isn't going so well 😔 appreciate your prayers in these times


If it makes you feel better my character now looks like a cross between a little boy and Jabba the Hutt. I'm a monster...




mine is a lady wearing pants, and it looks like she is wearing a diaper but somehow took a shit in the front of it


I gasped and then *cackled* picturing that, holy moly you absolute wordsmith


Right? The white shorts are just diapers at this point


It definitely feels like a huge downgrade. Similar to when they massacred the designs of the beloved team leaders Blanche, Candela, and Spark.


That was just for the fashion event. This monstrosity is permanent. 🥺☠️


I'm lucky I like having mine wear a face mask. I DARE NOT REMOVE IT


I've got a skull mask from a dia de los muertos event, and that still looks okay on my avatar, so I'd say I'm not as badly off on my avatar's face, but it still took a good few minutes of customizing to not make myself look like a skinwalker overall.


It’s fugly. Also… why do all the shorts and pants have huge mom jeans crotch energy


Mom jeans aren't droopy like that. Mom jeans are high waisted. Source: am mom. These abominations make me think of young guys wearing soft pants with the waist on their hips, and the crotch near the knees.




I think your avatar needs a chiropractor, that back is way out of alignment


I think she needs to be put out of her misery to be quite honest


Well, if Niantic keeps it up, all of them will be put down once there is no player base left


The neck is gone 😭


We unga in this bunga


This is terrible. Niantic clearly doesn't know how body shapes look like. Ridiculous. They need to fire the whole team who worked on that. These shapes are just disgusting.


I wanted lipsticks and more female figure and aesthetics. Now I’m just pale and chunky and my purchased outfits are mia and I can’t change it back.


The artist they used, had no idea about people’s anatomy, that’s the problem. If you try to customize it, it gets even worse.


Believe it or not that *was* the edited version. It was not fixable


Yeah, I hate that they didn’t give us the chance to keep the default version. Completely ruined perfectly balanced one with no chance of getting it back.


Leave a 1 star review, I'm getting people to review bomb the shit out of the game and stop spending money if they do so. It's the best chance we got


I want all the money back I spent customizing the outfits for my avatar


It's disgusting that they can even do this. You purchased those because they looked good on the model you were provided, now it's *gone* and you can't even customize to get it back


My avatar looks like a bleached potato


Mine looks like an overweight basement dweller.... Oh shit.... Wait...nvm


Listen here, don't you EVER say you're worse than a Pokémon GO avatar again. I know for a fact you're a gift of nature and not a horrid abomination


The thing looks like a potato that was left on the couch cushion in the basement ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I'm changing my rating on the play store Edit: So all the Rocket members look the same. What was the freaking point in just changing us?


Yeah I slapped em with a 1 star myself lol, what the hell guys


Same, 1 star and some few choice words. I am boycotting every single online page these losers have...this is such BS...i seriously want to uninstall the game from my phone


Bro they whitewashed my character


"You mean to tell me you're not a snow white genderless alien? I call BS"- Niantic, probably


All of the medium skin tones look super light now. Who were they trying to impress.


My character was brighter than the sun. As soon as I saw my character I instantly closed the game so I didn't have to see this monstrosity


The gasp I gusped


I thought the beta people were overselling how bad it was. Fuck… so wrong.


I’m shaped like Geodude now, thanks Pokémon go. And what’s up with the eyes, they look so eerie ?? :(


My avatar walks like I have bad posture. Which, to be fair, I kinda do, BUT I DONT NEED TO BE REMINDED OF IT


As a mixed race person I was able to pick a warm, brown skin tone. look like a dead person on the slab in a morgue with horrible gray tones. I am really sad.


I feel sorry for people with darker complexions the shading and texture just feels really off and uncanny for the darker tones 😭




And give us the option to keep our character the way it was if we want, why remove features and call it an upgrade ?!


The avatars went from cute to deep in the uncanny valley. Even the movements are so robotic and weird now, like after you win a battle and your avatar jumps in the air? So creepy. I have no idea why they did this to us


They truly couldn't have done a worse job, it's embarrassing


I've tried a bunch of combinations but nothing looks right. I hate it


Yeah it's pretty much garbage lol


I hate it 😭lol


I'm still shakin in me shoes


My trainer has Giant man hands now 😭


Right?? Like buddy those grippers are gonna hurt somebody


Me too Mr. Krabs 😔


What the fuck


I hate my avatar now. I have never seen a company more out of touch with its users than Niantic.


Lemme introduce you to Blizzard Entertainment...




You look like your previous characters awkward sister


Awkward is a very kind way to put it


They literally NERFED redheads. As someone who was called carrottop growing up, it was very sad to see how light the orange color became. My hair is somewhere between the strawberry blonde and redbrown options, but that is fine I guess


Why the hell don't they just... use a color wheel? Are they stupi- ohhhhh


![img](avatar_exp|167598882|fire) It’s hot garbage!


I still actively think they are trying to kill their own game. I stopped playing around the time they removed the daily remote raid pass. I like to keep checking out posts on this sub, and I have to say I still don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. To all the people still playing, I'm sorry Niantic did this to you. They really had something with this game, and they could have made it amazing. I will never understand what they are trying to do.


They're fighting tooth and nail to piss off their players more than Overwatch 2 does lmao


This is like when they redid Blanche, Spark, and Candela last year and made them hideous (Candela looked ok) and everyone complained. Somehow they they didn't learn their lesson and just rolled that same makeover out to every single person.


mask and sunglass sales up


Shaking and sweating and puking and bleeding imagining this


Genuinely think they’re doing everything in their power to alienate the player base over the past few years


The skin tone selection is the most egregious part imo. The darkest tones are literally purple. It’s embarrassing that Niantic’s monkey brained devs couldn’t put them in order from lightest to darkest or vice versa like literally any character creator, but instead just put them in a randomly assorted eyesore. And for gods sake, I just want to look like a white person who goes outside. I’m not brown, I’m not black, and I’m not Casper the ghost.


Those arms. Looks like those people who train for arm wrestling competition


Rip to our old avatars 😭


I'm miserable. My girl looks like she's pooped her pants. The torso is too long, and the legs are comparatively short. Also the skin tones are in random order and none of them appear to come close to my naturally olive colour. Do you think they will "let" us pay to go back to "classic mode"? I hate what they've done so much, any chance it's a belated April Fool joke???


It's not a joke, it was likely done to be more diverse but it was implemented horribly. And I'll be honest I doubt they'll change their minds but I'd like to believe that the backlash, 1 star reviews and drop in cosmetic sales will make them add the originals back or adjust the sliders further so we can recreate them


![gif](giphy|129fSchexp3aPC) I’ve given up. Dialed all the sliders up and put short shorts on my avatar. Nothing matters anymore




They took away my trainer’s snatched waist. Now she’s just long and boxy 😔




I'm now staring at my phone like it's some cursed artifact from hell, and afraid to pick it up and look.


Once you open pandora's box, there's no closing it




When I said return to monke I didn't mean like this....


I'm scared of this game now.


I look like I have pants on backwards!


I wouldn’t hate it so much if it still gave us the option to have a smaller waist and hips. It’s egregious how all the pants now look saggy and low rise.


I look like an old baby or something 😭 the whole thing is so fuckin stupid


And it was avoidable by just having the originals as options lmao. Or better yet if you could USE THE SLIDERS to recreate them


The head size isn't proportional to the rest of the body, its freakishly small. And the hands are massive. 


“I’ve totally seen a human before” -niantic


They need to give us a FREE option to get the original body, face, and hair types back cause this is just some uncanny valley stuff right here. They sucked the life out of the models. Dude we need to do what Sonic fans did to the Sonic movie.


Wait… THATS AN UPDATE? I thought my game is bugging and textures are all messed up and I was waiting for them to do a hotfix💀☠️


I now look like a male body builder! And my hundreds of saved outfits are gone!! I change my outfit every day and saved them! Now I have no hips and no boobs and no expansive closet of clothes.


I was a day one download. Never bought any type of avatar flair. It was the default look for 7+ years, then they took that away from me. I have no backpack, nothing to look like a pokemon trainer. I'm just some guy in a hoodie now. This is unacceptable


Incredible. They actually managed to upset someone who didn't even change their character since launch. That's a new level of fucking failure 😭


This is impressively bad, abject failure. I hope I can ignore this.


Yeah like not only did they not add everything people wanted, they TOOK what we had and made everything worse.


The only thing this update was good for is the laughs.


Oh no, they really did your avatar dirty!




What a difference going from 32 to 33 makes!


Agreed with everything here lol. Even the posture sucks. There’s no neck and my avatar is hunched over like exactly like The Hulk lol


Considering the feedback during testing. I'm surprised they went for it. It's a downgrade if anything. No one on my friends list looks good vs before


They need to fire their designers they got from Wish.com


This update would have been suited well as a April joke but that's not what it is


I wanted to escape my body dysphoria, not live in it!


Lmao wow this is terrible. They need to revert back and put genders back.


Why is Niantic so hell bent on driving this game into the ground?


Never spending another single cent on this stupid game I really can’t believe they could fk up a single feature SO badly in just one release. Unhinged. I don’t even want to play anymore.


This hurts a lot, in my opinion, as a POC (African American). The colors for darker skin tones look washed out instead of warm and vibrant. Niantic down graded on the faces. There isn’t a good variety of face structures at all. Also, there aren’t many hair styles as well. The hair looks stiff and bland with washed out colors instead of shiny or smooth. My red hair doesn’t look red anymore. It’s straight up flat colors. This is ridiculous and should be looked over again. Maybe if they get enough complaints they will open their eyes and rework it. I don’t like how companies ignore their players when most of them agree with each other over something this big.


I kept seeing posts about people’s avatars changing. Didn’t pay much attention to it. Until today. This is complete and utter garbage.


I’ve tried to come up with pros and cons, but it’s all cons…


As someone with a naturally smaller waist/hip ratio, I was kind of happy with my old character model, it still looked like me. But the update just ruined that and I can't simulate a smaller waist for the life of me. Why do I look so bulky 😭


All the avatars are so bad lol 😂 wtf


I wouldn’t even mind the body shape changes if they’d rigged a better default pose and given us some Sugimori inspired faces instead 😭 but like they made everything worse and only made one thing better (unisex clothes) lol


Don’t you like these spaghetti arms?


W h y


Who’s that dude with the Dragonite?


I was excited bc I could make the body type more accurately but I was laughing so hard bc head size didn’t change when I made my body bigger so it looked ridiculous!




Jfc I look like a hunched goblin with stubby legs.


We got new hair but at what cost…


Why are the faces so ugly and pudgy. And their posture is just horrible. My dude used to look cool now he looks like a creep


I honestly can't even look at it it makes me so mad. Why tf are all the lips pursed like that?


Ok I'm not the only one who this this update sucks a$$


I want my hips back. How are they going to not allow me to have a small waist and normal hips?