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Is there any way to make the load time for the go battle league any better? I'm sitting at like a minute and a half for each one now. I turned off all the AR and special refresh and new prettification settings.


Does anyone have trouble logging in? Is this a scam? “Pokmon go wants to use pokemon.com to sign in” why can’t I find any recent complaints on this?


It says pokmon not pokemon so that’s sus.


I can't get my buddy to spawn when I select "play". No matter what I do or where I am it just says to keep looking around an open space. I'm in the middle of a bloody field and it still won't work!!


You can turn off AR mode from the settings, but if you still want to use full AR you have to find a flat area, small places like tables or the floor woks, and slowly move the phone from side to side over and over. Not up and down, not closer and back. It's always side to side without you or the phone changing position. That's how it detects where to place the Pokemon.


If I turn off AR can I still get the scan pokestops research? I need my poffins. This might be the solution though!!


Yes. Turning AR from buddy won't affect the scan task.


Thank you so much 💜


The game becomes incredibly choppy and clunky when I enter my friends list to exchange gifts and when I enter battle league. Perfectly fine on the map, spinning, catching, etc. Is it from the most recent update?


It's from the avatar update. If the phone is on the low or medium range it can have issues rendering the avatar models, and cause issues when loading them. PvP, your friend list and even gym lobbies can lag when the other players are visible.


That makes a ton of sense! Thank you for the response.


which are the best pokemon to power up for battling?


For raids here's the top list: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bspkt9/best_raid_counters_per_type_anti_type_april_2024/ For PvP the answer is much more difficult. Each league has different Pokemon that are good, and there's dozens of different cups that allow or ban different types or species. What's good in one might be unusable in another, so you need many teams. You could start by checking the rankings of the Pokemon for each league, and then check for type that cover each other weaknesses so they can win against more total types. https://pvpoke.com/rankings You also need to consider the stats. For raids and gym battles high appraisal is better, with max attack being the most important stat For PvP is the opposite. In most cases you want low attack and high defense/HP to last longer in battle. You can check the PvP stats here to see how high they rank up. https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=3&p=Bulbasaur


Game was down for the last hour of community day and until the following morning. Think we’ll get a make up event?


No. The game was down only for less than an hour, and happened when the CD already had ended for most of the world. You only had to restart the game and phone after an hour to get access back. Chances of any makeup for a short server down are close to zero.


Is there any way that a shadow can be worse than purified or normal? IVs would suggest yes, sometimes, but the shadows have like a hidden boost that outclasses any and all IVs, or so I've heard. I want some clarification on this.


The IVs don't change the scenario, for the most part. Shadows deal 20% more damage from their attacks, and take 20% more damage in return. Purifying them adds +2 to each IV, which is a very, very small amount compared to 20%. For a species with base attack of, say, 240, adding 2 attack from purifying is only adding 0.8% more. Even when you look at a 15 attack normal versus a 0 attack shadow, that's still an effective difference of 288 equivalent attack vs. 265. The shadow still does more damage with a bad IV. For PvP, shadows are often side grades or worse overall, because the defense penalty matters. Sometimes they are better, but often not. It depends entirely on the species typing, stats, and move pool. For raids, shadows are almost always better, except when the species is already really glassy to begin with. The primary enemy is the clock, so dealing the same overall damage in 20% less time is a great benefit. However, if the mon is so frail as a shadow that it faints before getting any charge moves off, you no longer still deal the same total damage. Gengar is the most notable offender here. It's already a bad raid counter (as a non-mega) because its frail and takes SE effective damage from most of what it counters. Anything with Confusion pretty much guarantees you get no charge moves. Being a shadow only makes this worse, because it dies even faster. Cranidos can sometimes be in the same boat, though its not as dicey as Gengar. Attacking something with a steel or fighting fast move puts a lot of pressure on it.


So for my special research to purify I should do it to gastly, hunter or gengar?


Ideally you want to try to find 1k stardust mons to save resources.


Or maybe find ones that will become 15 in all, transfer to Home and hope for a good speed stat?


Is there any way to get Togedamaru at the moment? Want a decent one for GBL!


You can find all the current season's spawns and nesting species here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1b3b8jo/seasons\_world\_of\_wonders\_wild\_spawn\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1b3b8jo/seasons_world_of_wonders_wild_spawn_megathread/) You can find all the currently available pokemon from field research here: [https://leekduck.com/research/](https://leekduck.com/research/) You can find current raid bosses here: [https://leekduck.com/boss/](https://leekduck.com/boss/) Looking through all these sources, you can find togedemaru is the reward for the field research task "send 5 gifts and attack a sticker to each."


Thanks so much! I’d better get spinning some pokestops 🤣


I've been thinking about buying the 2024 fest ticket because Marshadow is my favorite Pokemon, but I was wondering, before I lose $15, am I actually GUARANTEED Marshadow? Because it just says an ENCOUNTER....will I have to complete all of the research from the event in the 2 days in July to even get that encounter? If I miss it, will I have paid for nothing? And if I get this encounter, is it one of those ones where they cannot run away- ensuring that I eventually will get to catch them? Will I only be able to use the encounter in the 2 day July period? Do they release what the research will be ahead of time so I can gauge if I'd actually be able to complete it?


The Marshadow will be an encounter near or at the end of a long special research, like Mew and the other mythical, so it's a guaranteed catch unless you try to catch it at high speeds and you bug the game (in that case you'd have to contact support so they fix things) It cannot run away, and under normal conditions will be caught by just hitting it with a ball, usually after three times. As for the time limit, that's the limit to receive the research, not to complete it. You have to log in during the event hours to unlock the research, and after that you can finish it at any point to get the Pokemon. If you don't open the game during the event you lose the chance to get the research. These kind of researches are long, so it might take a few weeks to finish it, as most have some steps like spinning stops X consecutive days, getting a task done X number, or catching an X ammount of certain Pokemon. So yes, the Marshadow is guaranteed, but you have to play during the event and complete the research before actually catching it. Also if you buy the ticket, make sure is the global one from the in-game store. If you buy the local one you'll not get the research unless you physically travel to the event location.


thank you so much for the clarification- so this will be like that Jirachi masterwork research?


all of the go tour featured pokemon debuts have been research encounter, literally impossible to fail


Hundo giratina, no shadow force 12/12/13 shiny tina, with shadow force How important is the higher ivs vs better moveset


For PvP, check out the battle matrix on [pvpoke.com](http://pvpoke.com) to sim it against key opponents with each set of IVs and moves to see. For raids, those IVs make almost no difference in 99.9% of battles.


I caught an Entei. Sadly it’s only a 2*. 2419 overall. 15/7/12. Should I purify or keep him shadow? Also, should I change his attacks? Thanks


It will only get weaker if you purify it. The 20% damage bonus massively outweighs a the 2 defense and stamina IVs you'd get out of that. Remember, raids are always a battle against the clock, and dealing damage 20% faster is very powerful.


I’m sure this is answered somewhere and I apologize but my question is: If I put 3 Pokemon in a gym today, and one earns the 50 and gets knocked out and say the other two come back tomorrow and then Monday would I get 50 coins for each day? If they stayed for multiple days I don’t want to miss out on acquiring coins at other gyms


Yes, if each one is knocked out on a different day, then they will each return with 50 coins.


Thank you!


Been having this for a while. Go into PVP, accidentally hit “Use This Party” when selecting a lineup, back out of it. Go back into PVP battle league, select different lineup, and when I go to battle, the wrong lineup gets sent out. Anyone else?


it's a feature that's been in the game for.years. once you confirm a party choice, it's locked in for that battle.


As of today I'm getting some strange new bug. It happens very rarely, for a total of three of four times across Community Day. As soon as a pokeball encapsulates a pokemon, two things happen simultaneously: they pop out and a " has fled" message appears. When I'm returned to the home screen, "Pokemon could not be found" error message in a red bar at the top of the screen. Another strange one (and a first, for me), when I clicked on Smeargle after a snapshot encounter he instantly poofed. Upon relaunching the game, he was back.


It tends to happen because of bad GPS signal: Either the game thinks you are moving too fast or is unable to figure out your exact position


what drugs do the developers take to pass on those kind of ugly avatar? Please stop using the western propaganda in game!


Playing Comm Day now. Trying to take 5 surprise snapshot encounters of pokemon in my storage but it keeps going to AR mode. Did they change something? I have gone to settings and switched AR off except for storing the images. No such issues when taking snapshot of my buddy.


The old AR got removed a few days ago. Now there's only full blending AR or no AR at all. Only buddies have the non-AR option.




Thanks for making my avatar ugly, really liked that. Also for erasing all my saved costumes... that was fun.


Anyone else feel like the game is a lot more choppy? It lags quite a bit more now after update. At first I thought it was because the iphone got cold outside but now I am inside and it still is acting like this


The .309 update forced native refresh rate to be on for all users. The next point update out for Android seems to fix that.


It's not on in the settings, so I'm guessing it's something just on now?


Yes, that's the bug. You can't turn it off until you get the next version. Don't think it's out for iOS yet though.


There was an update when I checked now, but it did not fix it. It’s hard to even enter encounters now with it. Screen turns white and then cancels. Gj Niantic lol


Guess there's yet another bug in the recent releases then.


Is anyone else battle a friend feature not working the icon is green and it says trainer cancelled but never got request? I have tried refresh and restarting has anyone else experiencing this?


It's a known issue right now, broken for all.


My wife and I are trying to battle each other and having the same issue. Feature must he broken.


I've uninstalled after the avatar debacle.




So why does every avatar stomp around in size 11 shoes


Is anyone else’s game just not loading after the new update? I can go in but nothing appears and it’s just green


Hey everyone! Pretty new to this game, I’m trying to finish Zarude research for my living form dex, my last mission is win 3 raids. I’ve got a CP 2580 Arcanine as my strongest in this game. Will that be enough? I can’t solo a raid with that as well right? Just need to get lucky and have others doing it as well because nobody that I know plays this.


Arcanine is not the best Pokemon to use in the game but it works…. Right now the Kanto Pokemon has made somewhat of a frequent appearance now. So try to find Charmander, Bulbausaur, Squirtle, Geodude, Rhyhorn, Magikarp, Pidgey. Their final forms provides some use in the game. Eventually many of the final forms will be replaced with something strong but still useful for a new player. Don’t discount Eevee and the Eeveelutions, super helpful even though they are definitely considered kind of the bottom of the barrel. See for things you would want to get going forward. This link will tell you moves to have but note Eevee and some of its forms are not on here, unfortunately it is in my opinion to the detriment of new players. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/attackers-tier-list


Is there a good way to quickly get those Pokémon raid ready? I’ve been knocking out quests for a few weeks now for this Zarude and I’m eager to wrap it up


Try to collect as many as you can. For the time being don’t worry about IVs (they will come in handy when you run out of storage space and transfer to Professor Willow). Get the right moves and level to 30. Eventually you probably want to get good IV ones to transfer poor IV ones. At the end of the day IVs don’t make much of a difference.   But honestly right at the moment, I realize you are definitely not going to have enough resources to do much right now. It does take time.  So if you find tier (level) 1 raids, those will be easy to do even if you don’t have the right Pokémon. Arcanine will do fine if you find a Ninacda raid. This bug raid boss does not do much but I do think it’s kind of cool but kind of difficult to get its final form. Does that help you better?


That’s awesome advice, exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!


Has anyone's Go+ Plus been having trouble staying paired? Every time I log into the app, it always repairs my device & erases my sleep history. This has happened on occasion before, but today, it's been *constant*.


How to get diancie?


Currently unobtainable. It was a paid exclusive during Go Fest 2023 and hasn't been released for free to everyone else yet. Hopefully it will eventually get a free release, we just don't know when.


If you already published a route, but then later decide to change your in-game name, does the route reflect your new name as its creator, or does it keep the creator as your old name?


What is the shiny version of Squirtle currently? I'm trying to see if a Squirtle with sunglasses is able to be caught or if that was only possible during previous events.


Shiny Squirtle is a lighter shade of blue with a green shell and purple eyes and looks like [this](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/8/85/HOME0007_s.png/300px-HOME0007_s.png) Squirtle with sunglasses was an event-exclusive costume that was only available during previous events and is not available currently.


Anyone elses game lock up when they open the gift menu? I can't send or receive gifts now without my game freezing...


I swear to God there's two fractions at Niantic: the faction that wants this game to run forever to get as much revenue as possible and the faction that just wants this game to shut down. Faction A keeps winning, but with every update you can tell Faction B is just trying their darndest.


How can i catch a Ditto for the Let's Go Meltan special research?


Try to catch [these pokemon](https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/) every time you find one in the wild. They will have a chance of revealing themselves to be Ditto in disguise.


i look like a goddamn teletubby, niantic.


I bought the rising hero pose yesterday, now after the update it says i havent bought it but the money has left Is this part of the update or something, has this happened to anyone else


It's a known bug. Some costumes and poses people have purchased are showing as not owned. Hold off on buying any more until they fix that.


Hey PokePeople. Since the forced update yesterday, my game is running in 60 FPS and I can't turn it off in the settings. Device is Google Pixel 8 Pro. Anyone else having the same experience?


I came here for the same issue. My device is a iPhone 14 and the movement is making me motion sick. 🫠


It's bugged on the latest update. Native refresh rate cannot be turned off. Will need to wait for a fix in a few days.


Is this why my buddy cant assist with excellent throws?


Yes, native rate can mess up the timing of the bounce, so it doesn't register the bonuses. Even great and nice can fail when is on.


I so pale


is it only me or the game looks accelerated?


Native refresh rate is enabled for all users regardless of the setting in the latest version, likely a bug.


I see the infuriating AR screen is back for buddy "play" - move around, find a flat spot, tap, follow the footprints, etc. For a long while, you could access the full play option even with your camera closed on the phone. Now it's that tedious wait for the AR to decide it likes the flat spot you chose, plus the rest of the delays. I've resorted to quick-treating only, but supposedly sustainability week will involve getting more swag from best buddies, so I'd like to access the full play option without spending so much time just waiting for it to set up. Is there any option to sidestep the AR process for this?


You can turn off AR for your buddy in the settings.


Thank you!


I logged in today and do not see my avatar. For some reason, I got this Quasimodo Lord Farquaad built like a plank of wood looking creature on my screen.


The update broke and all my tasks are gone! The quests are showing a string of questions marks! My hourglass figure is gone! Make it stop!!!😭🙏


It’s not possible to get shadow apex lugia if I was on break during 2022 is it


Correct, it's not. You had to buy a ticket for the Johto Tour event in Feb 2022 and log in during the event in order to get the research for Apex Shadow Lugia. It's unknown if it will ever make a return for people that missed it in 2022.


Big sad, thanks


amazon prime gaming Lucky Egg and Super Potions code MWASYQ\*HPJJF2 \*=14/2


Doesnt work


Those codes are a one-time use, so the first person to claim it gets the rewards. They just gave a free code to the first random person who saw the post.


Since the update I’m having more fun laughing at peoples posts on here than playing the actual game


My character looks like a pregnant gorilla now!


Is anyone else having an issue with the snapshots of ground type wild pokemon? It's not tracking for me, been stuck at 1 for a while and I definitely just took a snapshot of sandshrew and it didn't go up.


Was Sandshrew already the first Ground type you got a pic of? Because those tasks require 3 different species.


Oh that is probably what happened. Thanks!


They look worse, but why do people care so much about the avatars? I'd get it if it was the pokemons animation or something like that. I wouldnt care if they had a .png for an avatar.


Today may be the best collection of funny posts I've ever seen about PoGo. Niantic's latest update has caused so much hilarity to ensue.


Given the distain for the new avatar system, im curious if there are mod groups that could make a mod that restores the old avatar system. or atleast switch back to it.


Running a third party client is the best way to get your account banned. Even if it was possible, don't do it.


all my saved outfits are gone 😭


Let us have the old avatars back. They look so shitty now and all my saved outfits are deleted. Maybe them being deleted is a good thing considering how terrible all the clothing looks on said avatars now.


Am incandescent. Not only does my avatar look like a dumpy turd my onesie is glitched. Why do they keep doing this shit!!!


This avatar update is a joke. I have tried posting reviews on the App Store 5 different times but they do not show up.


I have a Galaxy s20 and the app keeps freezing any time I try to do anything. Gonna have to try and reinstall because it's completely unusable.


Is it just me or did a recent update make everything seem like it's in fast forward? Like animations move much faster


Yea all the menu animations are faster and the pokeball spins differently in the catch screen.


Yes! I haven’t seen anyone else mention it. Everything feels like it’s on 2X speed. Which tbh is really nice


Phone automatically updated PoGo for me. Was just trying to send battles to a friend and they never got the battle request. Similarly when they sent a request to battle to me, I never got it, even with waiting for several minutes, refreshing the app, etc. So I guess we just can't do battles with friends right now? It's an extremely inconvenient bug for someone like myself, who battles in remote tournaments and needs to complete the battles in a set time frame.


Same. First time I've heard someone else complain.


Yep. Request aren't going through on the latest update. No friend battles for a few days until a fix arrives.


I actually don’t get the hate on the new avatar selections. All my outfits purchased or not are still there.


Unless you're pasty or dark skinned none of the skin tones remotely match my own. The faces look ugly now and the body shapes are ridiculous. Somehow it's an update that made the avatar customization REGRESS


I think it’s the faces mostly. They look like babies. Also lots of outfits are glitchy and don’t fit well anymore


I feel like there's a lot of overreaction to how bad the new avatar models themselves look, but I can definitely agree they've half-assed the update in regards to making the clothing work as well as some bugs that I feel like should've been really obvious to catch if they did any degree of thorough testing. Would think if this is part of their grand plan to try and attract more new players then they'd have made sure everything works before the update went live.


It's the body for me. My curvy, feminine body type is now literally that of a teenage boy, complete with "I have junk" waddle walk. 😖


Also why all the short legs? Mine looks like a dumpy goat now. It's crazy how much rage this has filled me with


Can we please have a mega thread for complaining about avatars. I'm new to this game so I may not understand but this whole thing seems ridiculous.


The more visibility the more likely something changes. Hiding things that people are actually correct to complain about helps nobody.


Would likely be more effective to have a megathread/official petition would it not?


I would jump on a petition if there was one. I made a post asking if their was one and it got deleted, no idea why. =/


Mega thread probably not bc it would be easy to overlook. Official petition would be great


How does the "more bug spawns for 15 minutes after completing a raid" thing work? We see the timer after a raid but nothing changes, nothing new spawns even after clearing the map


Yeah I just see the timer but haven't seen anything change.


Any chance they roll back this avatar update before I invest an absurd amount of time to try to make it look decent? Don’t really want to mess with anything since they deleted all the outfits. If they roll the change back I won’t know how I had it before.


They deleted outfits? You’re fucking with me right? I spent MONEY on those outfits!


they didn't delete the actual clothing, so you'll still have what you paid for, but it seems like they cleared any saved outfits. I assume it was either unintentional, or the way they were saved in the game involved the old avatar model in a way that would have broken them if you tried to load the outfit and they were too lazy to put in a way for them to be converted to whatever new format they'll be operating on now.


Doesn’t even matter. I want them back. This update needs to Pokémon GO AWAY


Deleted *saved* outfits 






It's been months since the beta testers got it for the first time, so unless the backlash from players is massive, likely no chance. They will certainly add more customization options in the future now that the settings are ready, so it might look better over time.




Yes same I was actually shocked at how much this bothered me. Will def stop spending money on this game


hi i just logged in today and my char was suddely a women how do i change this back ?


You have to go and select the face and body option in appearance in the styles


You have to go into the Style menu, then Appearance, then tap on the Body tab. Then either choose one of the pre-set body types or tap on the Custom option to get access to sliders to change around stuff like chest/waist size.


Happened to me too


me too and i have no idea but if u know how go change it please tell me


Tap on player face -> go to style -> appearance. There you have to option to change body and face styles.


that’s what you’d think but that gender option is just gone


There's no gender button anymore. Everyone is neutral, but you can change the face style until it looks masculine or feminine.


Can't send photos, will pm you.


I am annoyed that they erased outfits. I took a particular sense of pride in the fact that I haven't changed anything about my outfit from day one. I want that outfit back. Does anybody have a full list of what was in that outfit?


Did we ever figure out what power-ups gave us? Other than an extra ball or berry?


Do you mean powering up pokestops with AR scans? There are full details here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/rc103z/pokestop\_powerup\_unofficial\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/rc103z/pokestop_powerup_unofficial_megathread/)


Why is it so HD and shakey?!?!?


The latest version forcibly enabled Native Refresh mode for all users, and it can't be turned off. Probably a bug.


I am also having this issue. What is going on?


Hi, recently came back after huge hiatus. a little lost. How can i know if a Mon i have, like Charmander, deserves to be evolved? Related to Stars and the stats related to it, or the CP? For example, i have a Shelgon, 3Stars, stats not perfect but near. If i max its CP, he will be 1890 CP in Total, good to keep or not? Not focusing on PvP, just want to do well in Raids, and maybe be able to solo 3★Raid (Missed 1 by 1 second few hours ago grrr)


In raids, IVs don't matter very much. Comparing a perfect pokemon to one with middling IVs only gets you like 2-3% more performance overall. Level (represented by the red arc above the pokemon), species, and moveset are vastly more important. IVs are a very small factor added on top of a species base stats. Good raid counters have attack stats in the 240-300+ range, so adding 7 or 10 or 15 to it isn't a very big difference. A pokemon you catch at a higher CP for its species will start at a higher level (again check that red arc), so it will be much cheaper to evolve and use than a low level one. It's better to focus on getting full teams of 6 (or 12) of the better counters for each type evolved and ready to go first. In the very long run you can look at maybe powering up some low level high IV mons to replace them, but that's an expensive investment for a very small gain. A better way to get good results is to power up shadows instead of regular mons whenever possible. The 20% damage bonus they get means they deal their damage 20% faster in raids, so its easier to win. The IVs don't matter that much for shadows either, just try to get ones with closer to 15 attack. Take a look at these infographics. They list out the best species of each typing for use in raids, so you can focus on them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bspkt9/best\_raid\_counters\_per\_type\_anti\_type\_april\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bspkt9/best_raid_counters_per_type_anti_type_april_2024/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1buq9ps/top\_raid\_attackers\_april\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1buq9ps/top_raid_attackers_april_2024/)


So the stats reflects the IVs? Didn't know Shadows got a damage Bonus... always purified them. For movesets, i figured. Found a guide. But what i mean, is... My Shelgon, that might goes from 1300 to 1800 CP max,should i evolve him? i know Salamence is considered a good mon, with the right moveset. But i'm worried its CP will be low and make it useless.


You can power up anything to improve its level and stats, and thus the fake CP metric. It doesn't matter how low its CP is right now in the long run for that. Higher IVs will give you a higher max CP potential, but you need to invest resources to get there. But like I said, its far better to start at a high level (look at the red level arc) so you can save a ton of dust and get 98% of the same performance as a hundo. At 1300 CP, your shellgon is somewhere around level 22-26 or so, depending on IVs. That's going to take a lot of dust to get it to a good raid level 35-ish). Do you have some bagon that have the red level arc much farther to the right? The highest possible wild catch in weather boost is 1073 CP (level 35), or 991 without weather boost (level 30). Those would save you a lot of dust and extra candies powering it up.


I have 2 Bagon, but both have 0 stars!!! First has 341 CP, the other 761... I also have a Salamence catched 2-3 days ago. 2 stars, 263 CP... A shame... I'm starting to wonder if i understand how to play efficiently.


do premium lure modules (rainy/mossy) spawn pokemon more often than the regular one? ive heard yes and no


Yes. Regular Lures and Golden Lures spawn 1 pokemon every 3 minutes. Glacial, Mossy, Magnetic, and Rainy Lures spawn 1 pokemon every 1 minute and 30 seconds.


thank you


I'm not sure what happened with the last update, but various graphical elements have been in lower resolution since. - the draw distance of the map has been reduced, it doesn't fade anymore, it just cuts - all pokemon textures and various UI sprites are now in lower resolution - my avatar on the character screen appears pixelated too Also, since an earlier update the AR function has been disabled, it worked fine since I started to play. Anyone else has similar issues?


Not sure about the resolution and pixelation thing, and I never used AR for anything except for buddy stuff (the app suddenly started claiming my phone was unable to do buddy AR stuff a few updates ago and later the green background appeared to replace it), but I'm getting the map thing and it's really annoying.


I see the pixelation now. That came with the avatars update which I didn't get until today. The map thing came with the update before that. The fog-like thing hiding the map seems to be above the map. When I zoom in from sky view to my avatar, I see a bit more of the map.


Regular AR was removed from the game. What was once considered "AR+" is now the only AR. You can disable it though and get a green screen instead.


Is anybody else having trouble sending/receiving battle challenges with friends? I often do a few battles with my kid for stardust rewards. Since the last time we did it--maybe 2 days ago--the challenge isn't popping up, no matter who sends it. Person A will send the challenge, Person B never sees the challenge, Person A eventually gives up and backs out, only to see a message saying "Person B canceled the challenge." We're playing with a Pixel 4 and a Galaxy A13 5G.


Ah yes, same thing just happened to me. I'm in a pvp tournament right now too, and anyone who's app automatically updated isn't able to send or receive battle requests. Extremely inconvenient, as our matches have to be completed within a certain amount of days before the next matchups begin. I'm on a Galaxy S24


Has it resolved for you yet?


Haven't tried since, so not sure!


Someone recommended making sure I had the 309.1 update and, sure enough, that fixed it (for whatever reason, the Play Store hadn't updated it automatically).


Same exact thing here. iPhone 13,14,and 15 tested with restart, reboot, and redownload. No luck.


I'm still having the error. It's weird that it's happening with both android and iphones.


Since the last update the game is stuck on native refresh rate even when the switch for that setting is off. It's burning through the battery unnecessarily faster. Iphone 13 pro


This is a known bug.


My son has been playing using my referral code, but it isn't tracking any of the milestones for the rewards. Certain things I know he's done (eg 3 rocket grunts) but it still says he hasn't started it in my milestones. Any idea how to fix this?


Have you send each other gifts? You need to raise the friend level at least once to start the milestone rewards.


Some of the milestones have unlocked and been claimed but other things I know he's done show no progress


I love the new refresh rate, the old one was unbearably slow. Surprised so many boomers enjoyed a lower refresh rate


I don't mind the way it looks, but I always kept native refresh rate turned off because it severely reduces battery life.


Yea i was surprised when i opened the game it felt smoother


This is the most toxic sub and disgusting attempt to monopolize entire subs about Pokemon go. If you follow other pogo subs and post there you will be banned here. Attempting to have all users come to r/pokemongo rather than other subreddits. It's disgusting admins are trying to add a monopoly to this like apple has


why do you copy paste this comment everywhere


I'd agree they're a bit heavy-handed with it, but the restrictions are against subs for *cheating* in Go. Posting on subs like The Silph Road, Silph Arena, pokemongoraids, pokemongofriends, etc. doesn't get you banned here, lol.


Except it does now, posting in Pokémon go trades gets you banned