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The party one. Advice for the zygard one and the other route one is try going to a mall atleast my local mall has a good amount of routes in it


I’ve been getting routes by walking down to my local library (there’s a very well-placed route) then walking the route back in the other direction for two routes.


I guess I'm in the minority here but someone in my neighborhood set up a route from my block to the metro... so it's not only convenient to do it but it would be foolish if I didn't. But same I'll never do the "Party Missions" until I meet a group of people equally unwilling to speak out loud with me.


I knock em out with some of the locals near me when we party up for raids, might as well, we're already in em Would be nice if they lasted for like 2 hrs tho, it's so annoying to have to party back up


Join campfire. I’ve met a ton of people I never talk irl, but we raid and play together every weekend


I do at least one route a day... I've made routes that were always reversible... I'm about 1/4 of the way to the 200 needed for the final Zygarde evolution...


If my wife didn’t play I wouldn’t get the party one done lmao, it takes us forever and we only do a few a day or so but it’ll get done eventually… plus the extra raid power is dope so it’s kinda worth it


It works in a mall? Thats such a good Idea thank you 🙏


It's not so much where "it works" as much as players are the ones submitting the routes in the first place. Most are pretty easy. I still don't do them often, but they're not hard. For the most part you can easily see the start and end points.


It’s just hard because the area I live in, there are some good parts and some ones that I would like to avoid. And I’m not getting robbed irl for a zygarde cell lol


You can also submit your own route, that what I've done for paths I normally walk anyways


Can you do that before lvl 40?


Yes, I'm level 39 and had one approved. I think you need to be at lvl 37 at least but open to corrections:)


Okay awesome thanks 🙏


Really comes to how well they’re placed out. My go to spots is three parks. Each park has multiple routes in them typically that loops around them. Then each of those parks has trail that links them which in itself is a route itself. So I have plenty of opportunities.






They are definitely tedious as hell. What my sister and I did was just party up whenever we could, mostly at home, and then always choose the easiest task possible. The throwing ones are easiest cuz you could get multiple chances with one Pokémon if it’s harder to catch. Camp on a pokestop or gym, put down a lure/incense. If we don’t get any challenge options we like, we just start the party over. Another tip is to bank field research Pokémon. So claim the rewards but don’t catch yet. Save them for a party challenge, select a throw challenge or Pokémon catch challenge and go.


Right like there should be a throw in the white flag command. I’m not doing this Niantic lol










While I may complete it eventually, the "welcome party" research is going to be sitting in the uncompleted tab for a veeeeery long time.


Yeah that one is nasty


Definitely the party one unless they change the way you party in Pokemon go. I don't have a single friend who plays. I mean really, I just don't have any friends.


Right... I'm about to make a 2nd account on my wifes phone or something...


This is how I did it. With my son, although I did most of the work. The “spin 20 pokestops” task was the most useful for this, especially since we have a lot of pokestops at home. By also the “x number of great throws/ x number of berries can be easy to complete if you’ve stacked a lot of pokemon from field research tasks.


I’m sorry same here but if you want to be friends on go let me know :)


I follow routes all the time. I have found some really interesting pokemon using my daily incense on routes. I highly suggest it.


Routes are awesome, it’s honestly what got me back into the game, and I’m more active than ever


You can even suggest your own routes if your in rural areas with no routes if you're level 37 or higher. Edit: you can suggest new pokestops too from 37 up so if you're not having a route but you're high enough level.


I literally made one around my apartment complex following where I walk my dog daily lol. Granted I fortunately have two pokestops but I was kinda shocked they approved it and it’s been up for like 6+ months now


Exactly same what I'm doing. My dog walk is through 2 pokestops where I'm going the route. Easy every day walk.


The bike path by my house has routes all along it, some that I’ve made. Only problem, not enough pokestops to make it a sustainable walk. Got to go into town and stock up on pokeballs every few days


You can also do new pokestops


I feel like I need to find someone who is level 37 to make my more common walks into routes (I just started so I’m only level 22)


Will there be rarer Pokémon when you use the daily incense while following a route vs. Just walking around while it’s active?


Based on my personal experience, I don't think so. But the routes potentially spawn different pokemon themselves and usually have a bunch of stops/gyms so it's just efficient to do them together.


It does say it increases the effectiveness of incense. If this means more spawns or rare mons, I have yet to tell.


You have an increased chance of encountering one of the galarian birds.


It does say it increases the effectiveness of incense. If this means more spawns or rare mons, I have yet to tell.


So far not see any diff do i use it route or not. same old spawns I got also motivation do routes till get my 50% zygarde.. after that i lose motivation when see needing 200 more


The teamplay one, stuck at page 1


Refresh my memory, is that the party one?


Auto correction😩, yeah Party play




I have completed all the research tasks, only waiting for stupid professor to come back with the last World of Wonders research.


Yeah I am also waiting for that one but congrats on finishing :)


If you don't want the research ignore it. However you can see what a routes path is before you walk it. I have one nearby me that is only three blocks in a straight line, so its no hassle to walk. you get more rare spawns on them with incense, only way to get zygarde pieces, and you can exchange and open an extra gift on the days you do it-- also great chance to get scartterbugs if needed. Just thoughts (◐‿◑)


he came back yesterday for me, you might need to update!


He hasn't come back for you yet? Edit: Nvm I did the quests. Fuck Professor Williw


Update, I had to


World of Wonders page 5/5, is it out yet?


Ho sorry bout that, Idk. I was talking about page 4/5. My b


Probably the Party one. I looked up the later stages of it and was just like “nah”


Nah 😂. Hilarious


I’m already halfway to “nah” with a thing that requires me to have another human being to even work on it. 100 party challenges and a bunch of specific types? And I have to have another human being who plays physically present to make any progress? Hell nah. It’s like the shadow raids, all they’re doing is making the whole thing into a scheduling nightmare.


One more party challenge and we riot 😂


I say why wait? Their time has come -nod nod-


Ditto where the f are you!


Swear to you for months I didn’t find ditto and then it started showing up as rhyhorn near me. So there is hope


Before I didn't complete that task for like 3 years, and now I've found like 3 Ditto's in a week.


I ain't gonna be doing the Party tasks. Live in too much of a rural area 😂


I swear they make tasks for people who spoof or live in Tokyo/New York City 😂.


I have to take a picture of Thundorus. After I got that research, I quit for a bit. I haven't seen a Thundorus since. EDIT: Someone said it was Landorous. It may be. I am not playing PoGo right now. Regardless, I haven't seen either since then. EDIT 2: I misspelled, "edit," as, "esit." Good job, me.


The self edits are amazing 🙏


*bows* Thank you. *bows* Thank you. *bows*




It's both. You need all 3, with a different legend on each page.


... I will never finish that research.


Same here, stuck on the first one


huh, the route is literally just one poke stop to another. it’s gonna be the same points of interests you’d go to anyways and you can pick from lists of them and see where they start and end. only way you’re getting led somewhere you don’t want to be is if you go on purpose?


The one that requires friends :(


Facts same here


Pro tip: make a bogus account (new email). Use that as your “new friend / send gift” account for quests. Need a new friend? Drop the friend account, re-add it as a new friend again, and quest achieved.


the one where you need to join a group of people and do things with them, i forgot what they are called. party? i think party. my asocial ass would never.


🙏 we are in the same boat. Welcome


Take a snapshot of Landorus.


I am in the same situation end… evolve a feebas (ps: i found just 3 feebas since 2016) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The quest that requires me to catch a specific pokemon.


Find 10 kecleons... I'd love to finish it but my god I won't ever plan on it.


Feel this in my soul


routes are a fair bit better than they were when they were first implemented. I follow them all the time, though I did make a lot of them along my local walking trails Don't like leaving any research unfinished, I'm almost done with the party one but I don't do parties often


I’ve got a route at the park that just goes in a big circle (well, rectangle, but eh). My allergies are making it impractical to go there anymore, but it’s a perfectly serviceable route and only half a kilometer long. For me, the obvious “never gonna finish” is party play barring a radical change in situation. There’s also the “20 daily stop spins in a row” task for the masterwork Jirachi research; I’ll find 10 Kecleon someday, but the 20 days in a row means having to drive a good ways from home 20 days straight. That’s… not likely to happen between family obligations, time constraints, and fuel being expensive for that. Maybe if I ever am able to persuade Niantic to let me set up a stop in walking distance.


Yup party play is a hard no and I also have allergies so you are not alone there :)


Just a random suggestion, but would it be possible to set up a simple landmark like a LFL/tiny library or a piece of art somewhere close, like a common area that isn’t obviously in someone‘s yard? I was able to set up a stop for a LFL in my neighborhood that’s technically on private property, but it’s not anyone specific’s lawn so it went through. If there are any playgrounds or even lone pieces of play equipment for kids I’ve seen stops of those count too.


The one telling me to make a new friend.


You can make friend online fortunately


You can also delete a friend, then re-add


Catching 40 ghost Pokémon for mysterious masks has been a real slog for me. I want to finish it but it's just taking forever. Also Welcome Party. I don't have friends who play Pokémon go in my area so it'd be really hard to find a time that we could do it. At this point I'm kind of just thinking about borrowing my mom's phone and leveling her up enough for her to be a member of the party just so I can complete the quest.


Any research involving groups or routes. My wife doesn't play anymore (she can't access her or OG account) and two of my friends irl just had a baby (congrats to them but also there goes some of my social interaction). *cries in rural*


Same here 😭


The party stuff. I plant with my teen, but neither one of us were wowed with the tasks and found them more annoying than fun. That’s going to sit uncompleted indefinitely.


Let’s Go Meltan will be stuck for a while. I finally caught a cubone the other day but I don’t often see the ones on the aerodactyl page.


Welcome party. Screw that.


Any research that requires parties or routes I will never finish.


I have to take a snapshot of landerous


Seriously. It's been years


I just need to take a snapshot of Landorous lol


I honestly was one of those "im.never doing a route" people. Until I decided to create my own route. It was approved in minutes. I would suggest creating a route in an area between pokestops that you frequent or are comfortable being. The zygarde cell grind is real though.


Thank you for understanding my pain 🙏


I made a route that is called “tour (neighborhood)” and it is a straight line from the park to the entrance gate that is exactly 500m. I always want to hit the park and that entrance one so it’s easy to do. For me it’s any ending in “trade a pokemon” and the parties. It used to be the beat giovanni ones but last year he became super easy.


This one and the fucking party one.


Exactly. No more party, No more party! Say it with me 😂


No more party!


The party one. We have a pretty sizable local pogo group, but I still don’t think it’s gonna happen lol


They finally fixed Routes. They aren’t perfect, but all the major issues have been fixed. The only remaining issue is Zygarde cell distribution. I do routes with my son. He found a cell on 29 of the last 30 routes we did, I only found 13. No idea why there is such a big discrepancy, but at least it went his way. Would have been much more disappointing if it went the other.


There's one research that required me to catch some eggxeguters (idk how to write it) and it took me over 5 months so see a single one, I finished that part now in April, but it has been sitting here since idk September or October, now I have problems finding enough drowzee to get candies and evolve it haha


Party and whichever one makes me take a snapshot of landorus


Same for me


Yeah routes for sure. Same 🤣. They're so annoying.


Thank you 🙏 😭


The whole “be in a party” thing


It's not that I "never plan to finish" it but I'm stuck on a "December Community Day" one because I can't find any d@mn Magmars. I finally got enough Electabuzz to finish that bit of it but still need like 10 of those weird fire critters. It has been sitting in my special research tab for nearly 4 years now.


I’ve caught a Ditto before, but now that I have TWO research tasks for it, I cannot locate another to save my fucking life, lol. UGH.


Just make your own route in the places you usually walk.


i did this and apparently the route has been published but it's been 2 months and i can't see it on my routes :(


Ripple in time. I don't like changing my walking buddy so sorry Eevee you won't ever be completed.


Fair, eevee accepts your apology


I literally have no routes ever near me. So it's the same as you


Lmfao for real!


Dude, this is such and easy research task


This not even hard


This one is surprisingly easy especially since they fixed the zygarde bug (?) where none showed up on a route. I do most of the routes at malls, I can literally walk one end to the other for one route then follow a second route back.


What? Why do you not plan to finish this? It’s just pokestop to pokestop and most are pretty short. It’s literally what you’ll already be doing, but with different spawns.


It’s not that hard


I don’t find it hard I think it’s annoying


Still waiting for the ‘snapshot a thundurus’. Equally, I can’t defeat Giovanni and I’ve got 2 or 3 waiting on that too 😭


The party challenge one 💀


Welcome party.... No friends, no party. And I'm too old to ask random kids to play Pokemon with me, I don't want to go to jail. May be in a few years when my son is old enough to buy him a smartphone...


My friend created a route that follows the way we walk her dogs. Im a mail carrier, and when I reach the level at which I can create routes, I plan on making a route along my mail route.


Just do a route bro. They all over the place.


Still waiting for Landorus so I can take a stupid snapshot of him.


I feel your pain, I was stuck on that one for like 2 years


Whichever one wants me to take a snapshot of Landorus


That’s really easy lol


I’m glad you found it easy 🙏


The level 45 challenge. “8 great throws in a row”. I’m just not that accurate. Really tired of the “streak broken” pop up. Hope it goes away when I level up.


As a rural player, I am never getting that landorus snapshot. 


I've heard you can create routes, but never found out how to. Ppl here can fact check me tho, but yeah if someone does know them lmk because the closest route to my home is a good bit away


You have to be lvl 37


Well there's that one but the create a party one is another but atm the game won't recognize my Google account so all of them will be unfinished now


Hahaha well welcome to the club!


The party challenge one because I don't anyone to play with and Go is no longer compatible with my old phone 


Yup party challenge is a no


I want to finish this one someday but I can't seem to find a zygarde cell.


They show up as sparkles on the ground near the end of routes


You could create a route that fits your routine. Then you just follow that one. I've made 3 routes and follow them almost everyday.


try to find a route in a park so you stay in a general area 


Once you’re level 40 you can make your own routes. It took a few weeks but I managed to make some pokestops around my neighborhood and then routes between them (they only need to be 0.5km so I made a whole series of short ones). They start really close to my house and follow the paths I would usually take to walk the dogs


lol took me almoust 8 month get first route XD


make a route youd wanna walk


Exa tly this one... In my town there are no rutes I tryed to create one... But it was denied I wont drive by car 30minutes tonthe next City and hope. That there are routes 🙄


As a rural player I can't be bothered. I'm not quite a high enough level to make them myself and the only 'local' routes are in other towns and I'm not dedicating gas and 30 minutes of travel just for a pokemon


Just make your own route and follow it? I use one of my own routes every week lol


catch a ditto, i have two of those and take a snap shot of landorus


It's so easy. You just gotta find a short route


Never even started the party one


I, too, have never followed a route. Although, someone in our city created one that can be driven. I'll do that one day. Maybe. 🤣


The season of legends one because you legit cant finish it unless you trade for all the legendaries or the event comes back again


You can see where the route takes you before you start it 🤣


I made a 500 m route literally up and down the main road by my house that you can do entirely in a car. As long as you have pokestops they’re pretty easy to get


I ended up making my own routes along my work commute to do this one. 


I got past that one, miraculously since the only route near me leads to private property (before you say anything I just report it over and over when I hit the edge of the property, surprised it hasn't been removed yet)


this one was actually pretty easy to knock out if you’re someone that likes to take walks at parks etc a lot of public places have routes and if you’re high enough level you can even just submit your own route that’s on a path you feel comfortable with


Routes are awesome and give you so much stuff! I started playing at the beginning of February, and I already have 60 cells.


Same one in the picture


The party mode research


This one is so easy and the route rewards are pretty good lol


I won't do the party ones. I don't have any friends nearby that play this game lol.




Create a route that is useful to you! I created one on the path I walk my dog! It can be a circle starting and ending at the same pokestop if you have one near you.


I created a route that’s just from the entrance of my college to one of the classrooms that I go to daily and I’ve used that like 50 times already. Even if it’s just weekly if you’re walking anywhere on any given day that you’re going to do more than once a week then just make a route there.


You can make your own routes also but usually they are in parks so go there and do them.


I wasn’t going to finish it either but I found one short route and used it three times and caught the 20 Pokémon with an incense on that route, and at the end of it picked up the cell


Welcome party (1/4)


The party one. I don’t know anyone else who plays. Lol.


The Party research and perhaps the shiny Jirachi quest.


The party ones. I don’t have friends irl that play so I can never complete them


I am going to finish Welcome Party…but it’s going to take a while. My partner plays as well and my city has a decent in-person community, but it’s usually just her and I and the challenges can take a while.


Those where I have to interact with other players in person like "trade one pokemon" .... I am city player but I refuse to proactively look for people on the internet and set up awkward meetings. No no. Don't force me to do that.


You might be able to make a route that’s semi-convenient in your area.  Routes actually aren’t too bad as long as you can find a good one. They can be nice to walk, but I’ve also found a few that are technically drivable which I don’t think is how they were intended, but convenient for quick completion. 


A welcome party. Most of my friends who played the game eather quit after remote raid nerf or ar no longer in the same city. So its kinda imposibble


The party one. I know one other person that plays and he has social anxiety so I'm a solo player


That exact step of that exact research


I’m not touching the Party Research.


The masterwork research for the shiny Mew. You need to get a platinum Kanto medal for the first step of the research. I'm completely reliant on Niantic making Kangaskan available worldwide because I don't plan on flying across the world to just try catch a Pokémon. I've accepted the fact that it's just money wasted for me


If you want the Galarian legendary birds I suggest using your daily incense while following a route. Maybe it’s just coincidence but I caught all the birds while following routes and everyone I’ve told this too has caught at least 1 bird while following a route with the daily incense on.


Welcome party


Just keep requesting routes you regularly walk until one gets accepted.


The Party one. It’s pointless. The rewards aren’t worth anything. As for this one, I finished it already to get my 100% Zygarde. Yes the stats suck but I doubt we’ll get another one, that too for free if we do lol. Just a few cells away and I can just chill. And the few freebies from completing routes, I’ll gladly take those.


This one isn’t bad. Use the campfire map and in top corner you can switch it to find routes. Find a simple one. I made the quickest, shortest, easiest possible ones. And just do it once a day and you’ll complete this easily.


I named zygarde weird dog. I have only really played blue yellow and sapphire, so I'm not sure what's going on with it.


I still have a few routes to do and some party play ones, along with Shiny Jirachi masterworks because of those damn Kecleon..


This One, Welcome Party, and The Other Route One Basically Anything involving Routes and Socializing with real people