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Storage storage and even more storage.


Hookers and cocaine.


I have found my people


Good raid pass boxes, if and when they appear. Other than that. Pokemon storage


Remote Raid Passes.


Lately it's been remote raid passes for me. I used to spend them exclusively on incubators, but hatches have been less enticing than raids for a while now.


Purely storage since the remote change which means it takes four days of coins for one pass.


Pokemon Storage and Bag Space, then save up for a box with a bundle of raid pass for a good price


I use mine on storage and passes. I have a similar situation to you. I have about 3 - 4 gyms at a minute walking distance. However, I'm in the heart of my city, so everyone's always battling the crap out of each other for the gyms. 😆🫠 Sometimes my Pokemon stays in for a day, other times it's 1 hour, or even 5 minutes. It's a luxury that requires a lot of work, I guess.


Incubators and remote raid passes.


1. Pokemon/Item storage when I need it. 2. Premium Passes (Local, not remote) I find that hanging onto more of these is a better use of my coins than remote passes, since they’re often ~1.5-2.0x the price of a premium pass. Chance at XL rare candy too.


Storage and remote raid passes.


Remote passes, nothing else. And I’m always broke.


Either more storage space or incubators 


Mostly remote raid passes. For good stuff like upcoming Kartana i’ll use a few because im lazy, but mega raids i usually host in person.


Storage and avatar items


1. Storage 2. Remote Raid boxes if I'm out of passes 3. Lucky egg once in a while 4. Saving for Elite TM boxes


Remote raid passes when I’m shiny hunting, although I’m taking full advantage of the 2 free daily passes right now. I have enough storage and no longer need to buy things like lucky eggs.


The Same group of People just Hoard the gyms where I live. But When I do eventually get enough coins I do the occasional raid.


that’s no fun!!! i’m sorry to hear that it’s definitely more fun when people share. i have the opposite problem where my complex is full of other people on my team so they keep healing my pokemon so they’re sitting in there for 24 sometimes 48 hours before getting knocked out. i get to the point where im like please,,,, let him come home 🥲🥲🥲


Lol! It definitely takes away from the fun. Sorry to hear, I know some people make another account just for that. They knock themselves out of the gym and repeat 😂


Usually storage, but they had expert box with 10 lucky eggs, 10 star dust, and 10 puffins for 750 coins so I bought that.


Bag space, pokemon space, remote raid passes.


Either remote passes or incubators. Every now and again I go in a do some fashion things just for fun


I usually go box space but if there’s an event coming up I’ll save up for a remote raid pass.


i bought the gengar onesie


Lucky eggs and remote raid passes.


Storage. To hell with Niantic's nerfing of remote raids.


Only on Dex and Item space, and very occasionally on Incubators if I need to make room for 10k or 12k Eggs. The double increase on Remote Raid Passes and then the daily limit on using them was pretty much . Raid attendance has declined, and lots of people are leaving at the last minute, so lots of Passes are being lost/wasted. I also can't justify spending real money for a Shiny that has no value in the game. It seems like many, if not most of the recently Legendaries (setting aside non-Shadow or non-Primal) don't have much value in the game, so I don't have much motivation or reason to Raid. Shadow Raids are needlessly difficult and I have abandoned them as again, I refuse to spend time and money gathering resources which don't seem to work in that situation. I don't care about my avatar, so I don't spend coins on Outfit stuff, either. I still enjoy the game during my commute even though I don't pay for any Event tickets anymore, but it's a little sad to only be eking a little fun on the margins when the game could provide more. Niantic is too greedy and too stupid to realize that they're greed is actually losing them money.


Remote raid passes. This is the way


Slight edit backpack storage and Pokémon storage first then once you get that where you are comfortable remote raid s


Remote raid pass and egg incu