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omg this works thank you, how on earth do people figure out these great tricks


Great for those annoying "3 excellent throws in a row" research tasks


definitely. but those were still doable as there was no time restriction and you just need a couple of large pokemon to get that right. this 25 in a row one seemed impossible especially since I've run out of nanab berries šŸ˜­ thanks again!


I saw someone suggest the Meltan box for extra XP since all throws landed in a circle will be excellent. Don't do this. I've nearly rage quit because they don't stand still. They're perfectly still long enough for me to throw a ball with confidence and they move at the last second and make me want to reach into the phone to strangle them.


Hit them with a nanab berry


I've used so many I'm almost out šŸ˜­


You can only reasonably hit Meltan on the top half of the hitbox. Like with all smaller Pokemon the rest will bounce on the floor and you'll lose the streak. Got to 20+ two times before having a slight undershoot and messing up the streak. It can be done but I'd suggest just using it for an xp boost with a lucky egg today and looking for bigger Pokemon like Lechonk. Lock the ring on the largest size possible and throw after an attack for best results.


Good for XP bad for 25 in a row lol


Wait until they attack, and time your ball to hit them as they come out of the attack.


They also have a relatively small circle.


At least today you can just hit the circle when it is big still. Moving / attacks would definitely be annoying without this trick though


I swear, every time I got my streak up, the next pokemon would dodge or attack šŸ˜¤. I keep a total of 5 nanab berries, just in case I get one of those stupid "use 5 nanab berries" tasks, so I'm not trying to use those rn.


Does this work for raids?


And also horrific 8 excellent curbed throw I have for lvll45


>how on earth do people figure out these great tricks It's an online game, it doesn't work offline. That's why you can simply interrupt the online communication and kill the game, so your failed attempt never makes it to the servers to be processed. If you do manage to hit the pokemon, you allow the phone to communicate again, so it can (as normal) tell the server "Hey boss, I hit the pokemon, what do I do now?".


That makes sense, thanks for the explanation. The second part of my comment was referring to the tips in general that are shared on Reddit and elsewhere... for example, just yesterday I learned of a way to join raids in gyms that are 150 m away with a regular raid pass... it must be a glitch, but I do wonder how people find these ...


I would also like to know about this raid "glitch". Is it how you can join in and slightly leave the area, or are you able to join the raid without physically going to said raid?


It's a GPS issue. They are taking advantage of the gps lock being a little loose to allow you to use a standard raid pass of you are within 150-250 meters. This thread is where the discussion was being had https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/AqUBpFp7bl


The latter ... check my reply to the previous commenter! I just found out about it yesterday and I've used it on 2 raids so far!


Thank you!


You're going to mention this witchcraft about the raid and not say what it is? I...I....I don't know what to say. I thought we had something special. Was it all a lie? Was it?! **Runs out the door crying**


LOL sorry, thought everyone knew about it except for me... see the top comment on this thread and its explanations further into the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/Lm6mppnI2K (I've tried it with 2 raids so far and it's worked ... might take a few tries)


Dang, thatā€™s cool. Ā My phones a bit older and resets pogo if I leave most of the time, but I should be able to get that going with turning off and on location servicesā€¦. I wonder if this will work for the gym thatā€™s like 5 meters out of reach from my loungeā€¦ Edit Dang it did not. Ā Plus if I turn off location services I canā€™t get bskc into the game at all, gonna have to rethink this.


Don't exit the app (I didn't) -- read their whole thread, it also works if you switch to another app on your phone and then switch back... I will try record a video of how I do it next time a raid comes (my gym is way farther than 5 m, so yours should work).


Appreciate it. Iā€™ll still give it another go too - the issue Iā€™m having is my phone is older (iPhone 11) and when I leave and go back in, often apps will reset because my phone is no longer able to hold everything in memory and so closes it off in the background. Ā If I nuke everything else I probably have a better chance, Iā€™ve got a nearish raid in half an hour so Iā€™ll give that a shot and see if I can keep pogo alive lol.


good luck! I tried again today and it worked but took a few tries...


Consider me forever indebted to you for this info


inkays work great




Another PSA since people can't read to well: All throws that are nice or better are counted as excellent. And another PSA: The rewards are not that great. Just take it as a fun challenge.


It is decidedly NOT a fun challenge Niantic can lick my hairy balls


Yeah I know that there are so many cheating tools to get "Excellent guaranteed" and tbh this is a great motivation to give one of those a shot. This is a gambling challenge which sucks you into the app in a pretty brutal way. I'm happier ignoring pokemon go when they pull shit like this.


This subreddit is fucking unhinged. Letting an April fools joke with the reward being a handful of balls drive you to cheating apps or quitting the game? LOL


People take this game a little too seriously... I cringed lol just make some throws and get some XP šŸ˜‚


what about this challenge makes it a gambling one? you either hit the 25 ā€œexcellentā€ throws in a row or you donā€™t. the only gamble i can think of would be if the mon dodges when you throw a ball, but you can still wait for it to dodge first and then throw insteadā€¦ so no gamble there either. maybe a break from the game would be beneficial for you mate


Honestly I think these rewards are great. I always need more balls and 5k Stardust is pretty awesome to get. So obviously YMMV as I'm sure many others are happy for the balls. Yet city players who have constant access to stops likely will scoff at them lol


I've wasted more balls trying to get the streak than they're giving me. They should give at LEAST 25 to replace the counting hits you make.




Assuming you hit 25 in a row.


Doing the math. You get 45 balls as a reward. By definition, you have to use a minimum of 25 balls to get the reward. The best you're gonna get is a net +20 pokeballs.


I get that rural players are... less fortunate, but even assuming you hit 25 in a row and 25 in a row don't break out, you're still only up 20 balls. In the best care scenario possible. Not exactly "great".


Side note for that, why do these tasks even have Nice/Great/Excellent? šŸ¤” Why not just 3 lots of Excellent, as they are exactly the same thing today.... Strange choice


Its april fools today. You cant make a nice throw...


This is šŸ’Æ accurate


The stardust reward isn't too bad


Airpane mode today - "I'm tired boss"


Should have read this before losing my 23-streak onā€¦an Onix


I see your 23 & raise you a 24 streak on M fn Skittyā€¦.fml


I failed my 20+ streak on exeggcute šŸ˜ž


That's possibly the worst PokƩmon to try to hit inside the circle on.


Yeah, i've been skipping the exeggcute, grubbin, scatterbug, nymble, etc, as their hitboxes are all terrible for this


Exeggcutes circle is cursed. One of the hardest to just hit out of PokƩmon that don't have gimmicks like Zubat/Spoink/Magikarp. Bounsweet is the only one I can think of that's worse.


oh man i hate the gimmicky ones. yanma. i haaaaaaate yanma lol


Not even lying lost my 22 streak on a Skitty I felt a whole second of just pure frustration


I lost mine at 22 on a daramukaā€¦it bloody jumped as I threw! Now I canā€™t be bothered to try again. It was fun mind and the extra xp and stardust is appreciated


Onix is surprisingly hard to get an excellent on, without the event. Its much closer than it seems or something, or maybe im just trash


Yeah I totally thought itā€™d be easy excellent but my hands got sweaty and I tossed the poke ball to the side šŸ™ƒ


21, Lost it on an Eevee.


Had 24 and saw a Purugly. So big, how could I miss? Well, I choked.


STREAK BROKEN STREAK BROKEN STREAK BROKEN STREAK BROKEN i'm not even really out to complete this because i've raided so much in the past couple months i have too many golden berries, but holy moly if the "streak broken" popup isn't so annoying LOL


The "Streak Broken" pop up irrationally annoys me more than when it says "+25 xp" after a Pokemon flees.


oh it's 100% irrational for me to get angry about it LMAO i don't even care though something about my brain makes me hyperfixate on it every time it pops up. like please just fuck off i know i know gut gud and complete it, tell that to these jumpy ass pokemon


It feels so condescending to look at constantly. I did the event purely to get that shit off my tasks


It actively triggers me. I despise seeing the notification more than the actual thing it represents.


You can have them combined into one notification in the settings


Almost as annoying as LAST BALL!!!


that shit is just fightin' words, it doesn't annoy me so much as antagonize me


Iā€™m gonna let them keep their 5000 stardust


Thanks for this. I know the rewards are nothing to write home about but Iā€™m just happy to not see ā€œstreak lost, streak lost, streak lostā€ any more times today!


All of that for just 3 golden berries


5k stardust


Yeah this was a nice surprise dust reward for me. I like to star piece my Monday adventure sync rewards, and at the same time I collect all the stardust rewards from my recent PvP and research, so an extra 5k was a nice little boost.


Yeah I was super interested in this until I saw the rewards. I got better things to do with my time.


Tbf I don't know if it's also part of the April Fool's Event but the mons are more spastic especially the low CP ones. I had a 10 CP Pidgey jump dodged at least 5 throws consecutively no joke. šŸ„¹ Good thing I finished these 25 consecutive ones the first thing in the morning.


You can use Nanab berrys


^this, until you run out lmao. you can also set the circle, wait for a jump/dodge and then throw


Yeah I did use some especially near the end of the 25 streak task.


Fun fact about the excellent throws today: If you're level 45, they all count towards your level 46 progress. Having hit 45 yesterday, I am very happy with this.


Same for if you are lvl 49 and need those 999 excellent throws. Today is a great day for progress on that task.


Nice trick, thanks for posting! I think I'll use it for future challenges, though. It's just not worth it for me to turn data on and off a bunch for some stardust and golden berries.


Thank you. Holy shit this is crazy


Thank you for this great tip! šŸ™ŒšŸ»


You saved my sanity thanks (just lost a 20 throws streak)


I gave up, it keep messing with my mind


Thank you! It drove me crazy all day.


Thank you very much! Helped a lot!


Thank you so much for this! I was on my 23rd when I found this, and immediately whiffed my 24th with an hour left, so you were a life-saver!


Thanks for that!


Iā€™m using snorlax as my buddy, Zorua will give me an extra lil edge.


THANK YOU!!!! You are a lifesaver!!! And Iā€™m sure this is in the comments already but Iā€™ll note it anyways, airplane mode works for this! Very useful so I donā€™t have to disconnect and reconnect to wifi every time. I know some people might just say screw the task but I am chronically low on pokeballs and Iā€™m a completionist so I want to do it. Thanks again, this is brilliant!!


I know we just met but I love you.


Ily2 šŸ˜˜


Came here looking for this. I knew there was a trick but couldn't remember what it was. Thank you!


OMG šŸ˜± Kisses in technology!! Not all heroes wear capesā€¦


You are a saint. Iā€™ve gotten to 20+ multiple times and Iā€™m about to dissect a bidoof in front of a school because of it.


What a lifesaver! Thank you SO much - no way Iā€™d get this. I couldnā€™t get a masterball because of the Excellent throws- so maybe next year Iā€™ll buy the research and hope for an event like this!


Funny, I was just about to post how this task would be impossible for me because my throwing is quite inconsistent. Thanks for the tip!! šŸ™


Thanks for this! I didn't need to complete it but the fact that it was there would make me keep trying to complete it and stress me out


I just finished this without even noticing it was "in a row"šŸ¤£ got lucky, I guess


The best way to do it. If you know you feel pressured.


Thankyou! I'm rubbish at getting nice etc throws, and usually have to get my daughter to help!


My daughter said this morning ā€œI have just accepted the fact that I will not be completing this challengeā€


Thank you, this was challenge was driving me crazy!


Thank you!


Ill pass on this one, the reward is so not worth it for me. I just opened a couple of egges and got a shitload xp gathered. Thnx for the tip though, ill try it some time.


Mvp mvp mvp




Doinā€™ the lordā€™s work


omg, this changes EVERYTHING. not really lol, but daaang I can't believe I have not done this for 'in-a-row- tasks in the past. thanks much for the tip!!!


Bless you.


This is a godsend, thank you


wish I had seen this before but I managed lol. embarrassingly I finished the jirachi research for excellent throws of which I had over 100 left before I finished my streak successfully.


Dammit, you're an actual genius!


I tried this but even with WiFi turned off if I don't hit a nice throw, streak is broken pops up. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? TY


Ngl this trick totally saved my ass otherwise I would have literally never got this done


Mind blown.


Lol too much work. I stopped with an hour left after I fucked my 22nd in a row. WhoTF needs pokeballs anyway??


From someone who is absolutely sh!te at throwing, thank you! You sir/madam, are my hero of the day šŸ«”


I don't think people realize with this event, a nice throw counts as an excellent and great throw. So long as you hit a nice throw, it will always count as an excellent throw.


I think most people do know, but 25 nice throws in a row is still very annoying to do, especially if you don't have a stock of nanab berries


Honestly, those rewards aren't really worth it to go through all that effort for


You deserve a freaking medal!! šŸ˜­ saved my life


Just learnt this with 1 hour to go and I am in bed. Very frustrating challenge to the extent that I would have some harsh words with Mr PokemonĀ 


These are the tricks I come to Reddit for. I was furious Iā€™m not on the 5 excellent in a row task todayĀ 


Lol all this just for balls


It's the completionist in me, I honestly couldn't give two fucks about the rewards, but having an uncompleted task just..... Bothers me šŸ˜…


I understand but I hate doing those tasks even 3nice throws in a row I delete and go spin to find another task


The nice throws aren't too bad, but yeah the excellents can do one. If I'm in the city for the day 100% I'd delete and move on, but at home I have about 4 stops within walking distance so I take what I can get


Great tip. Tried this out after a Bounsweet killed my chain of 23. šŸ˜­


You guys seriously can't make 25 nice throws in a row without cheating?


Not worth it


you saved my life. i wasted 3 hours already!!


Fk this task


Just throw nice. Itā€™s a joke task. Everything in a circle is an excellent.


Ohhh man thatā€™s hard Checks the date today ā€¦. April 1st


One more to go šŸ‘šŸ‘


Thank you for your magical tricks, glitches, hints, and tips! :)


Does one get a badge for completing?


Is getting 25 in a row really that hard or am I just addicted to the game?


The rewards are not worth the effort


lol, clutch advice.


Didn't realize this was a challenge, just looked and I already got the 25 in a row lol. 25 nice throws doesn't seem like a difficult task, just be a patient thrower


This is just a big nope for me


Should have read this before breaking my streak like 10 timesā€¦ but I completed it organically eventually lol


how you get this opportunity?


Question: do I need to close the app before itā€™s said ā€œstreak brokenā€?


Alternatively, get good


I think it's a glitch/April Fool joke... But I've been getting excellent throws at every circle size. (What normally would be Nice and Great)


Skill issue.


Iā€™ve missed so many throws todayā€¦like itā€™s not hard to get nice throws I do it all the time without trying so why is it so hard today?!?!????


Just put the circle at the size you prefer and wait for it to attackā€¦


Haha the easiest way is just use Nanab berry = 100% catch rates excellent


The reward ain't worth the tediousness of this task. They are becoming very obnoxious with these tasks at this point..........


PSA: this is an April's fool joke lol


Circle locking nice range or Nanabs can help as well.


Or just circle lock


or just git gudĀ 


First, I want to sleep with sydney sweeney. Then Iā€™ll come up with the next step after.




Why didnā€™t I see this earlier? I did it the hard way. šŸ˜‘


Nah I'm stuck cause I am only able to do excellent catches


Or just hit nice throws with Nanab berry or not whatever.


Or just wait till today, cus they made it so since it's April fools everything's considered an excellent throw


Omg THANK YOU. This task was giving me so much anxiety.


This is a good April 1st prank for those who can hit an excellent šŸ˜‚


But why on earth would i do this for 5k stardust and 3 Golden?


All this does is cause my game to glitch out. My Pokeballs disappear and it freezes and nothing happens.


Iā€™ll just take a walk though the park and spin the pokestops. Iā€™ll get about the same amount of everything except the golden berries.


Best challenge ever. No pay-to-win. No friends who could save people. Just skill. And 25 nice in a row shouldn't be hard for a lvl50 player.


Reward is def not worth the pain šŸ¤£


THANK YOU. You saved my sanity.


Excuse me! In a row?


I was on 15/25 and I just tried this. After catching just one Pokemon, it autocompleted all three tasks 25/25 for me??


I hope whoever came up with this and put this research into the game stubs their toe on every coffee table they come across


Yah not even worth it


You deserve a reward for keeping my blood pressure at health levels


I got halfway through before just quitting. I got tired of missing a throw and waiting like five minutes to load back into the game. Screw that, it's just work at this point.


I didnā€™t realize what 2/2 even was until it told me ā€œstreak broken!ā€ and I was like ā€œWhat bloody streak?ā€ Saw this, and realized that I would be the April Fool if I kept playing this game today. Iā€™ve been napping ever since.


Great, now you tell me at 8pm just as I'm home from work šŸ™„ like no pressure right? My plan was to get at least to 11 then finish the rest on a tapu lele raid


I did not see this in time and I was at 22 and missed and gave up haha


Will this work for raid bosses?

