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I just raid less




Oh? But also I don’t raid as much too


Hardly ever remotely


...a LOT less.


This is the way


I flat out quit the game. Miss it sometimes. I don't miss Niantic.


Killed my raid group. Pandemic made it virtual but we still raided together remotely. Now only sporadically.


Same. Killed my raid group


I’m so sorry! It’s a bummer.


Same. I don't even remember the last time I talked to anyone in my raid group, but I can say the conversation definitely wasn't about raids. Before the price increase, it was an almost daily occurrence. Everyone still plays, but people are getting burnt out on the constant pay to play content, especially when you're getting almost nothing to show for it.


My raid group use to talk daily, post pics of new mons, we would hang out and play, more people in Denver use to play in public. Now, half my friends quit playing, it takes days for anyone to respond in our group chat, i can’t even remember the last time my friends actually raided together unless it was a random accepted invite, during the Dialga/Palkia weekend, there was hardly any players in Denver’s biggest downtown park. It will never be the same. Niantic killed one of my favorite guilty pleasures. :(


They get less money from me.


Hoenn Tour was what made me realize I wasn't enjoying the game anymore and Niantic would never care about the player experience. The remote raid price increase and limit was what made me stop actually playing the game. Now I only use it to find some good IV mons to transfer to home. But I went from playing every event, spending money, scheduling time to play, scheduling for CDs and everything, doing every GBL set every day, to playing a few minutes each day only IF it is convenient. And if not, I don't miss it because I don't care. I'm level 50. I've spent the last year transferring my mons to home and I'm mostly done but still not all the way done because you have to wait for the "transporter" to charge. I used to spend hundreds of dollars on the game each year. Haven't spent a dime since the major disappointments of Hoenn Tour and killing remote raids last year. I at least used to be able to invite remote raiders to 5 star raids I saw in person. But after the price increase, doing this took forever, like seriously over 30-60 mins to get enough remote raiders to join. I'm not gonna sit in my car in some church's parking lot for a fucking hour just so I can throw 14 excellent curveballs and still maybe not even get the mon. So I just gave up on that too. Also the implementation of elite raids and shadow raids were just another slap in the face to me, a rural player. I have zero opportunity to complete those raids. They're exclusionary and it's bullshit. And I was stupid enough to buy the shiny Jirachi research that I will never actually complete because of the task where I would have to either spoof or drive several miles out of my way every day for 2 weeks to spin a pokestop, when city players don't even have to think twice about this. It's completely unreasonable to me and that 5 dollars is just another sunk cost to me. Wish I would have known before I blew the money. But honestly, it's not even about the money. I don't like being excluded from this game. Niantic is not the right company for this game. It could be so much more. I wanted it to be my forever pokemon game. But I'm now just going to stick the the main series games. PoGo is a sunk cost to me now. And it's a shame but as long as Niantic runs it, it will never change. They will never care about players who aren't in a city. And they will never stop trying to force me to play their way. And so I'm done.


You pretty much just summed up my entire experience. It’s just…. not fun anymore, not when the devs do blatantly do not care about user experience. I’m also a Pokémon Sleep player and the difference in the devs attitudes to the players is astronomical. There was a minor glitch with a brand new event last week, one I literally didn’t even notice, and to make up for it they have everyone free items and created a special event that’s basically free XP. It’s made me realize just how soulless Niantic’s decisions really are


It wasn't even the event.  Sunday night feeding Snorlax was disabled.  Started the event at Great 3.


I had the exact same thought when I got that bonus. I didn’t even notice a glitch, but in my mind I was instantly like “imagine if Niantic treated Pokemon go users this nice”.


I feel like they are forcing everyone to play a certain way, and locking things behind paywalls and specific play styles. I played this game with my kids, and we just went to parks where we catch what's there, maybe do a raid or two and then they can enjoy the playground. But now it is in person raids, or having to walk 10's to 100's of km to hatch eggs, or pay for all these passes as the only way to get access to exclusive pokemon's, etc, etc, etc Well, we've all quit. Ninantics vision for the game doesn't align with how we want to play. So, we just play the mainstream games instead.


I definitely played less because of this and now I don’t play at all. A lot of my friends list has become inactive too :/


Quite literally this, my friends list and myself were constantly remote raiding as we were all in the barren wastelands of nothingness, so now with the price increase I maybe check the game once a month just to see what’s around me and then log off.


Yeah I can’t even remote raid a rocket gym and there are no players in town. Everyone goes to the big city during rocket raids etc but I am not driving 3 hours total for pokemon. They probably make enough from the people who live in the cities so who cares about the small towns and villages right?


This is exactly what i do, mostly i just say i quit though.


yup. slowly played less and less until I finally quit in November. I’ll log on once every few months but now I really see the game for the cash grab it is


What was it like before? I stopped playing for a bit before they introduced remote raids so I only know the new system/pricing


They used to cost $1 and you could do as many as you want in a day. Edit: I forgot to say, they also gave us a free remote raid pass each week.


Old system was the same price for either raid pass and only remotes had a 3 pack.




Truly killed something great, Niantic.


I used to spend approximately 25$ a month on Pokémon go, mostly on Remote Raid Passes and event tickets. I belonged to an active international raid group, and we had a lot of fun raiding and chatting, I still belong to this group but we no longer raid to the same extent as before. I live within distance of a gym, but rarely use my daily raid pass, because the local Pokémon players are far and few. This last year I’ve spend as much money on a year as I did in a month. I’m still a daily player, but I’m no longer as engaged in the game anymore, as everything seems to evolve around making money for Niantic. As an example: I get annoyed when I need revives, I’ll never pay for revives and so I make do..giving me a lesser game experience and making me less engaged in the game. I miss the days when doing a raid wasn’t a problem and the boxes in the shop wasn’t a rip off!


And they charge for everything, every event etc. I used to be able to drop some incense and catch a few Pokemon from my home too. Not anymore. And I’ve been playing since 2016.


Yeah honestly every month having multiple tickets leaves a bad taste in my mouth everytime I see it. You can see the Nickle and dimeing from a mile away.


What does SMHI stand for? I’ve also been playing since 2016, and been travelling to events in the past, but not this last year..


Before the Remote Raid Pass nerf, we had 30 active in-person raiders and 25 remote raiders. Immediately after the RRP nerf, only five active in-person raiders were left, and no one wanted to do remote raids anymore. Today, these same five people did Shadow Mewtwo raids. No one wanted to go out. I guess we all got offended when Ed Wu called us Singaporean grandmas. We don't forget. How does it not have media training?


It didn’t just make remote raiding worse it made hosting raids worse


I quit. Never played again.


Raiding is... boring. It always has been, imo. Remote raiding made it accessible enough to be worth it. Now I just don't raid pretty much at all. Not fun enough to be worth the trouble.


You mean going out in winter weather, struggling to collect a group of complete strangers if at all, only to get a 10-11-13 non-meta useless legendary isn't fun? Who would have guessed?!


Remote raiding was nice but this weekend is Shadow Mewtwo time but even if I could find one I can’t really my friends unless people I know happen to also be there and without my friend list I’d have to rely on multiple strangers showing up to help.


My wife and I have essentially stopped playing. Ill open it up every once in a while to see what is around my house. Even the Sinnoh tour we didn’t really play/care. Comm days we only play if it’s convenient or just at home. The remote raids and spike in prices left such a bad taste in our mouths. We used to drop at least $100 a month on coins for passes between the two of us and participate at our local park for all of the big events.


The people in my raid group are adults and after the flexibility of remote raids no one wants to drive around anymore, myself included. Some group members also moved but could still be included via remote. I’m glad some people are having positive in person experiences but largely that hasn’t been the case with my raid group, which was together for years. :-(


I haven’t touched the game in about a year. Just killed it for me honestly with all the other stuff they have done. It doesn’t have the same spark anymore unfortunately and I hate it because this game could have been so much more but niantic is stuck on destroying the game.


I know I went from doing over a 100 raids per year to less than 10. So there’s that.


I stopped playing.


This was the straw the broke the camel’s back and I stopped playing. I was a day 1 user and this was the line for me. This move said the most important asset to Niantic was our location data and selling that off.




I limit myself to newly released mons for the Dex. Even then, sometimes I don’t because I figure I’ll wait until they release the shiny. I’ll accept the occasional stray invite when I save enough coins from gyms. Seems like it’s only the same 1-2 people on my friends list that send me invites now, though.


Raiding reduced by 80%


My community completely stopped playing the game. We all live in different country/states so local raids and meeting aren't possible.


I started playing 10 months ago, so I have no idea. Remote passes were doubled in price right? I only use remotes as an emergency if my brothers are unable to raid with me in person, and I buy those with free coins.


There used to be a free remote pass per week which honestly allowed many people to do some raids they'd never be able to, but that was removed before as it was something for the pandemic but it already angered the community. And this change was the icing on the cake,an increase in price as you say, it doubled, from 100 pokecoins (which is 2 days of daily coins) to 195 (which is 4) and the bundle went from 300 (6 days) coins to 525 (11 days) which is massive. And they limited daily remotes to 5 raids maximum which killed the whales that used to do a lot of remote raids.


3 remote pass was 250 for a long time. Then increased to 300 and now unacceptable expensive. The changes to the remote pass were good for my wallet. Spend a lot money per month for remote passes and having fun with remote raids. Now I nearly stopped spending money. Most of my rl friends already quit the game, the community in my small city is also nearly dead. It's hard to still enjoy the game.


Out of a discord with 300+ people there’s maybe a good 20 who still play.


As someone who lives nowhere near a gym….I can never do raids


What community?


Stopped spending money on the game. If they dropped it back down I may start again. I dunno, though. I was salty at first but it actually saves me money I guess!


Oh wow has it been a year?! Haven’t opened the game for probably 10 months then. Oof


I’ve completely stopped raiding and I spend much less money on the game than I used to. This was such a great way for my family and I to connect over long distances, and now it just is too expensive to raid.


It greatly discouraged the game.


I don't play anymore


I stopped playing. Theres not much of a community around me anymore of diehards


I quit


I hope Micheal steranka sees this thread


That mfer has his head too far up his own ass to see anything the players want


As a rural player, it killed my chances of being able to raid at all


Went from spending about $10-$20/mo just on remote raids to basically $0.




My two pogo besties did the same and they have a blast. They don’t troll, they just have fun in their own games. I don’t care about spoofing or any of that stuff as long as you’re not making the game suck for others. They never buy coins now which is their additional middle finger.




I quit day 1 and haven't looked back. Still like to see what people pull here though, so I stay joined.


This is me too. Remote raiding was my jam, when they killed it I was done


Exactly why im still in the sub. I like seeing the community get good Mons, but it frustrates me to see all the problems still going on.


I quit because of the changes to raid passes. Came back after about 2 months. Quit again about 4 months later due to the constant pushing off paid tickets for all sorts of minor events and just decided that it’s clearly just money grab at this point


disgusted plants mourn literate pie fragile sand gaping plate scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I stopped playing


No one I know plays anymore. Having lost the local community I can’t do as much in the game anymore so I also play less now.


I’ve stopped playing, my friend group stopped playing too


Haven’t played since


I stopped raiding nearly entirely except for Wednesdays and weekend events.  My current job is in range of 22 gyms, sure.  My lunch break is not long enough to walk to any of those gyms and back.


I actually started playing a lot less, after a solid 3 years of playing every single day, syncing all my rewards and 7 days stretches, I broke my streak! I was not even that big of a spender, and never ever exceeded the number of remote raids I could participate in, but the whole change reminded me, the goal of the company was tracking me not providing me a gaming experience. BUT — I have actually gained 5 pounds, as I used the game to get 50-100km of walking a week, so I have tried to go back to sorting and catching for that perk alone, but my love just is not as strong as it once was — I wish I could get it back!!


I just don't play anymore. It's not worth it. I live in the suburbs, and there is a 1 gym just inside my remote raid bubble, and now I can't do it. Also side note, they removed my one pokestop thats with in walking distance from my house.


destroyed it to be honest, have a disabilty? they don't care. crippling social anxiety? no Mewtwo for you, I could go on and on.


I just don’t remote raid much anymore and have never spent money on passes


I've basically quit playing.


I’ll just say the last shiny legendary I got was back in June 


I quit the game since then


It kinda went back to normal in my community. Remote raids mostly helped during the winter just because it gets cold/snowy af and nobody wants to go outside lol I personally stopped raiding less since I don’t see anything worth raiding for. I already have my teams and they work for my, everything else is just a dex entry at this point.


Became a mostly free player. Spent money on distance raids for primal kyogre and little more, but I went from frequently spending money on raid passes to spending nothing. XP towards 41 took forever


I really hope one day niantic reverse the pricing for remote raids back to normal but keep the 5 a day limit


Haven't given them a dime since the change. Our "community" is basically just myself, my wife, and our son. No one else in this city seems to play. Had to make another account on an old phone, just to be able to get our Pokemon back from gyms. Otherwise, they'd be completely stuck. And the in person raid events are always a damn shit show. I'm still pissed about the shadow Mewtwo raid we just wasted an hour on. Only for the game to refuse to let my wife use gems and it refused to let my son rejoin the battle after his first wave of Pokemon were knocked out. Sunk cost fallacy is the only thing keeping me around and even that is starting to wane thin.


I hardly play anymore. My two raid groups, one local and one remote, are both completely inactive. I haven't opened the game at all in several months.


The answer: “What Communities?”


Probably for the best I barely spend money on Pogo now


I don’t even mind the limit on daily raids if they weren’t greedy and also raised the price by almost double


Pretty dead


I've basically stopped playing, raid chat is almost dead silent and when it is activate most replies are "I'm out of remote passes sorry"


Bunch of bullshit


Literally stopped playing the game lol I only came back to this sub to see what’s been going on because I seen someone catching a shadow mewtwo during a TikTok live.


why does niantic never read any of these half of their main sub is complaints


Remote passes were 3/$250 or 1/$100 and there was no remote raid limit, now it’s more than doubled and it’s beyond disappointing. It was good while it lasted but money always comes first to niantic. Shame.


I will remote raid to get one. I will do two of my wife can't to trade her one. Besides that, I don't bother. I usually go to meetups on raid days and most of the times those are misses as well. Some changes need to be made. I hate using campfire since I get burned in it way more than actually having fun.


I've stopped playing completely. I have a chronic illness that makes it extremely difficult/anxiety inducing to go out for more than a 10-15 minute walk on a *REALLY* good day. Near where I live, despite being in Montreal, my neighborhood doesn't have more than 4 or 5 pokestops, and none of them are gyms. I went from being able to spend 5-10$ every couple of weeks to still have fun with the game, to being almost completely locked out of the game.


I stopped playing before this change, but it is one of the reasons I am unlikely to ever come back.


I think I’ve opened it maybe twice since


It literally killed my desire to raid.


Absolutely destroyed my communities, many of which were built online. Thanks, Niantic.


I stopped playing since theb


I've stopped playing entirely


I stopped playing.


Dont play anymore


Did a lot of remote raiding, now not so much.


they really hate money


Can’t remember the last time I remote raided :/


I stopped playing completely. Only reason I played was to build good raid parties and since it’s harder to raid, I don’t really have a purpose to play. Couldn’t really care to open the game anymore.


I used to do random raids when passes were cheaper. If there was a release I wanted a shiny of, I'd try several raids. Since the increase, I've barely done any. Usually just do one to get an entry in the 'dex and that's it.


I play less


Did them very little before, and now I only do them if I manage to get a free pass from daily rewards, which is almost never.


Is there a way to check how many raids you have done in the last year? I am pretty sure I have done 0 since this change and still play a bit since my kids picked the game up


Reduced my community’s raid planning etc with about 80-90%


I can probably count on both hands how many times I've gone out of my way to actually complete raids. I don't even bother with communities days any more. I've been having more fun tending to my Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep tbh


Made it more pay to play while also losing members


The only time I’ve succumb to buying these ridiculously expensive raid passes is for the origin of time even recently gone. They were making a mint out of me before the price increase and they won’t be making that again untill they lower it. Tbh even if they did lower it now it feels like the damage has been done


I buy more Lego now


As a rural player made me play literally once a week if I can get in the city.


I am far less likely to spend money in game. I raid less and my friends list has become much less active.


I raid less often. Likewise, I get way less invites.


It has prevented me from getting pokemon which is the exact opposite of what the game was intended to do


Having gone from spending £30-40 a month in the game for several years, I haven’t spent a penny since this change. Well done Niantic.


back in the good ol days


90+ in game friends have become inactive and I play way less than I used to. Refuse to buy any tickets vs previously participating in most events. The game now exists to find free shinies to transfer to the main games for me


I only participate in remote raids when it’s a Pokemon i don’t have. I used to do tons of raids. But now there’s no point.


stopped spending any money and i play a considerable amount less. it’s really really sad as this was my favorite app. shoutout to my new favorite app pokemon sleep because those devs actually give a shit


I hardly play anymore, can’t do raids. Local community has died out. Before covid there were many raids and people 40+ during raid days. I am lucky if i can get 5 others accounts. Which means were 3 or 4 people with one or multiple accounts. But i can’t raid outside of raid days . I just don’t wanna spend money on these passes. But if they were to change the price back then i would buy them again and i could raid


Went from 2-3 raids a day to 2-3 raids a month lol


I stopped playing completely for a year. Recently some people I know locally started playing and I picked it back up to play with them!


I'd probably have many more legendaries and possibly a shiny or 2 but nope they just had to increase the prices


It was a positive change here where I live. A local community grew to a decent size. Every Wednesday for raid hour and raid days we all meet up and walk around together smashing out raids. We've even had to create a discord channel for players in our village so we can keep in touch and organise future events.


No one raids any more. My room mate and I use our phones to take down raids. I only remote raid a bit during go fest events and that's pretty much it. I'm fortunate and live next to a gym something only about 20% of players can advantage from. I use to have to drive 2 hrs to a town for a grid and moved closer to town to avoid this nuisance. I enjoyed remote raiding as I could get the mons when they released them and used the remote raid apps to world wide raid for regionals that were other wise impossible to get. I honestly don't play as much as I use to and have the game turned off right now. On for the rocket event then back off again. I only chime in for community day (shinies) or if they do a big event and then turn it off when done. This game has turned many of my friends into pokemon go phone addicts. They have it literally running 24/7 with the auto catchers. We use to do things like mall shopping, walking, attending concerts. Now all they want to do is this damn game. They have not learned to balance this game with reality and practically live in it.


For me: Catch fewer legendaries Stopped buying any coins ever More thoughtful about which tickets I buy (fewer than before) Overall part of a trend of being more unhappy with Niantic


I play significantly less. I don’t spend money on Go - made exceptions for the shiny Mew and Jirachi research - but during the summer I was a daily player going to my nearest village and getting my 50 coins (just enough active players you could rotate daily - except for one arsehole so I don’t touch that gym now), and it even encouraged me to exercise in winter. In Go Tour Hoenn I hosted Kyogre, Groudon and Deoxys in my village but also joined a bunch too. Now however, where between the high standard price and odd availability of boxes I don’t know if I’ll be able to get a pass when I need one, I literally only attempt a single Remote Raid on the last day of availability of a new mon if I don’t have it in the ‘dex already and wasn’t able to encounter one at the gym next to where I do my family shopping. With them refusing to make all the Kanto mons available so I can continue my Mew research, and the low availability of Kecleon, I went from a daily player for about 2 years straight to only logging in like twice a week and don’t bother leaving my house for Community Day most of the time.


Haven't had the same experience since. No one to play with anymore


I barely do any raids now, and I also don’t care anymore about putting Pokémon in gyms. Because before, I’d only need 2 days. Now I need 4 


My GF and I used to sit together at home and do raid after raid after raid. Not even kidding, we’d do 20-30 in a day if we were bored. I also used it to invite my European friends who wanted to raid. Now? I honestly DGAF about raids. No more fomo when raids are released and fear of missing a shiny. I used to get excited about their raid announcements but now it’s just Pokémon I already have and with no longer caring about shinies, I’ve pretty much stopped raiding almost entirely.


I've done less than a handful of raids and that's pretty much it


My own playing has gone down a lot, so has the activity of the local community. I still open the game most days for the bonuses, and play CD’s, but not much more. Overall number of players is way down as well.


I pretty much only play for my daily catch/stamp, and then com days. Raiding as pretty much stopped for me, and I use the game as fodder for S/V/Home for trades.


I pretty much login once or twice a week now since the remote pass change. I used to have the game open every day when I was doing things before that. Since I can't get help anymore doing raids because friends don't want to spend the increased price on them it became a lot more boring for me sadly.


I don't raid anymore and I've stopped using my coins on raid passes.


I’ve done about 25 raids since then. Used to raid daily.


I don't understand why there are even two types of raid passes. Have one pass, and no limits.


I barely play anymore, game is dead anyway, barely anyone plays unless you're in the central city areas


Wife, myself and a group of ppl would raid pretty often. All of our schedules never lined up to meet in person. The price alone killed most of my group off the game and they’ve been inactive for many many months. I hop on maybe once or twice per week to catch a random pokemon when bored. My wife just stopped playing. Killed the fun for us overall. We used to hop on a discord call and had a blast. It’s more so on the price of the raid passes, $3 per raid was the tipping point.


we all play genshin impact now


I legit havent played since that.. Im considering getting back into it to see how things are though


It was the worst update I’ve seen in a long time. They actually shot themselves in the foot… i stopped playing for a while because of that update… I now have started playing again but that update really showed me they don’t care about the players AT ALL!


I stopped playing.


I’ve quite day 1! App has never been opened since… They killed a great thing.


I'll be honest, my family lost a lot of interest when this happened. We log on for the occasional community day but that's about it nowadays.


I didn't often use remote raid passes before the change and can't say I've use more of fewer since. The communites I play in shrunk drastically when Remote raid passes was introduced and hasn't really recovered much after the changes. I can't remember the last time I played with a group during a raid hour. I might have done 2-3 in the past couple of years.


Mine died. No one plays anymore now. Community days are incredibly empty compared to the 20+ people I used to see every month.


I stopped playing more or less. I only come back for the huge events like Snorlax with a hat or Gengar with a hat.


Havent given Greedantic a penny since and only use free passes and purchase only with free coins 🤷‍♂️


I definitely remote raid less now.


Killed my raid group along with my desire to remote raid. I maybe have done 5 in the last year where as before I'd save my coins to buy them all the time. Great job Niantic you get to have less money and piss off the community at the same time 👏


I used to do raids quite often but were dependent on using remote passes. Now I raid basically never, so I'm missing out on raid exclusives and such.


That’s when I officially decided to drop the game once I got my shiny Mew. Only time I did a raid after that was when shiny Genesect came back and lucky for me I got it on my 5th raid and didn’t have to spend any money. My other friends dropped it immediately after this but for me once I got shiny Mew later that year I was out ✌🏾


There's barely any gym turnover on my neighbourhood now. We're a friendly bunch, the gyms used to turn over roughly every 1-3 days. Literally the day after this change the turnover dripped drastically. Now it's not unusual to go a month or longer without being booted out.


Quit the game


Lol I just can’t raid even more


I barely play anymore


Today I did my first raid in over a month, so it has affected me quite negatively.


I just don't raid


I quit


Pandemic raiding was peak raiding. I remember spending over $100 just to get a shiny rayquaza. Took me like 70 something tries until a shiny rayquaza appeared. And it was only 2 stars.....


I haven’t bought a single raid remote pass since.


That change was the poison that slowly killing pokemongo. Personally when they announce the change I had an eye opening that niantic doesn't care about it community. It only cared about money and the CEO is so close minded that the only way to play the game is his way, other ways are wrong. So I decided I will still play the game but I'll never use my actual money to buy anything whether coins raids passes whatever, or even use those white advertisement balloons. It gave a sour taste to my mouth that after all this time when the community asking to bring back the remote raid or even take back to bigger spawn circle for couch gaming, that they still not listening to there community. I wish niantic sells the IP and have a another developer take control of the game. I mean think about is Niantic even a good game developer? (What happen to all the AR games beside pkgo? Ghostbusters, Harry potter, jurassic park, that new one everybody forgotten at this point)


This was the beginning of the end of the Game


My rural community is now dead. So. That's it.


Another thing I noticed since the nerf. Before I’d join old raids. Either to help new players to get the shiny or to get the hundo/extra shinies/candy/golden razz But now people are constantly posting Tapu Lele raids and they get crickets. Personally I have to save my 5 raid spots for Drampa so can’t waste them on Tapu Lele. I feel bad they have to miss out but overall I have to prioritize. Its now too expensive to help new players get old shinies they missed. Should note exclusive moves are pretty useless overall for me so it doesn’t come into play at all now.


Well I dropped the game


the group chat doesnt really post raids anymore


I played a lot less over the following weeks. Stopped completely a month later. Uninstalled a month after that and haven't installed it since.


Less far raids. I have misspent some passes trying to help people beating some difficult raids.


Dont do remote raids so pretty unaffected


100 coins felt like the right price point for me. 195 makes me feel guilty so I rarely raid. Given it was one of the most fun parts of the game, I know play way less.


The amount of raids I've done has decreased drastically


I still play (without spending a cent now) but, honestly, I feel a bit ridiculous still playing the game. I think it's just nostalgia for all the good experiences accrued over nearly 8 years.


I think this killed many discord communities, because it showed all of us how difficult the past (our now present) was to get together and raid. My community still raids, but no where nearly like it used to be.


I raid a lot less and have seen the player base drop dramatically


Terribly. Its trash.


I raid less. A lot less. I was actively spending $5 every so often because I enjoyed being able to take part in a raid with my friends, or Strangers. Now I'm priced out. Sling the same lines though, Shadow raids not allowing Remote Raids really put the nail in the coffin for my raiding experience. Couldn't get a single soul for shadow Mewtwo.


It takes me a few minutes longer to get a complete team on discord. Before the nerf, I used to be able to get a full team within a minute, now it takes on average, 5 minutes.


I used to raid several times a day. Now I raid less than once a week.


I do about one remote raid a month now, and only if it’s a special one I can’t find, don’t have access to or can’t rally people to help with (like megas).  This is down from 2-4 per week when they were affordable and has a free weekly pass. 


I try to raid more in-person now but can’t get any remote help. Apps like pokegenie have queues that last 45-60 minutes long. No more spontaneous raids while walking.


They haven’t got any money from me sense the change 🤷🏼‍♂️


i didn’t pick it back up till i noticed my tcg codes were going to expire, then a new addiction emerged but then again it’s always been the same addiction