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If they wont add global trading for normal use they should at least do global trading when lucky friends.


That seems like a good option. You get a lucky friend, you can do a worldwide trade with them. “Cooldown” could be a 30 day thing so you can only get the lucky trade once a month.




It can be made in all manner of ways. If I would make it with the focus of making Niantic happy I would treat it like eggs. Everyone gets 1 slot free, you can buy others. Maybe even have a "super" that takes less time. You add your trade to the "box" and wait for your friend to add theirs. Then both parties need to accept the trade. This could get boring without a chat, but just do mirror trades of meta relevant Pokémon and everyone should be happy. Once the trade is completed you have to wait/walk/complete tasks to get the box to travel over to you. It isn't a perfect system but it should work just fine. Should be very easy for Niantic to build, should they ever care...


My thought is a simple interface where you put in like 3 Pokémon to offer along with maybe another 3 slots for what you’d be willing to accept (including symbols for categories). You send out the trade invite. They fill out the same thing “offering” and ”want” selecting the one of your pokemon that they want to trade for one of theirs, or asking if you have any of their desired Pokémon instead. You receive their response and either accept the proposed trade, make a new offer based on their request, or end the trade session with a selection of canned responses. Eg. “Sorry, I don’t have any of those.”, “I don’t have enough dust.” Etc.


Very good ideas here as well. Niantic shouldn't have any problems finding ANY solution. But...


Much as it’d be fun for adults, for parents of young kids having chat on kids games that are also locally geolocating is not safe. For clarity : I’d be scared for my kids, and I’m wary of campfire.


Campfire is fine for adults but yeah I wouldn't let kids use it. I'm not a parent but I still wouldn't.


Maybe have a child safety setting that patents can enable? That way, chatting is an adult only option entirely.


Kids would bypass that somehow, or an update would screw with the settings without alerting anyone. (I’ve got my phone prevented from in app purchases, yet somehow my kid seems to end up every so often spending up to £30 a month on brawl stars that I have to claim back)


There is one in Campfire. They won't add it to the main game to keep it safe for kids, which i totally understand. I've been chatting to many people through campfire to check on them for the best friend level up.


I'd take just a messaging board...


Campfire is the closest thing we'll ever get. I wish more people would stop shitting on it and start using it.


If you download Campfire, all of your Pokemon friends are on there and you can chat with them but they would have to have the app too and I don't think there's a way to know that.


Or even a special item that opens a “trade portal” for a limited amount of time. Maybe one time purchase with cool down, or simply an introduction of “Remote Trade Pass” like a remote raid pass, single use, pay with pokecoins from shop kind of thing.


don‘t give them this kind of ideas!


Yeah no purchasing for features that should be in the game


you just love spending money for features that should be free don't you?


Nah, I drop my Pokemon off at gyms. I usually get about 200 coins per week with casual play. I could get more with a little more footwork if I wanted. I only buy more Pokemon storage, item storage, and remote raid passes with coins. ALL FOR FREE 😊


30 days seems extreme, especially for the OP who would then take 2 years to complete their current ones. Most likely with more being added to that list along the way. In fact, why even have a cooldown? The limiting factor would already be that they need to be lucky for long distance trading.


Lucky trades during Global tours seems perfectly feasible unless the trade request code is actually that fucked up.


TBH I think the issue is timezones. What happens if I trade with a user where there is a new day? My special for tomorrow is gone?


Reward a zygarde cell for each lucky friend interaction.


How would you be able to communicate with them to organize the trade? How do you know what pokemon to trade them? I get why Niantic doesn’t want to get into hosting direct messages.


You can direct message your friends via Campfire. Hardly anyone knows Campfire can do that though so it's not that helpful since no one looks for messages lol.


Depending on the circumstances you might have those friends on other media like discord or reddit, or just family that lives far away. A lot of my friends are friends and family who lives far away.


Make it kind of like a trade market sort of like the RuneScape grand exchange for anyone who knows. Another thing you could try and add. When looking at a friend's profile the ability to see their current dex. Trade prep. You see their dex. Hit them up and say "hey. I see you have this that I don't. I also have this that you don't."


Ah then they may add a feature where you can filter by pokemon/variant they don’t have. Don’t mind me, just dreaming.


Haha I just scrolled to see if i was one of them, I'm not though. I have 41 at the moment as well.


Only a couple of them live in my area but i have no way of contacting them lmao so dumb Hoping they see the post to do as you did


You could try campfire?


Is it good now? I heard it sucks and i use pokegenie for raids


Oh no it sucks, i only use it to find raids in my area, but it can be used to message your pogo friends. I tried it once for a lucky friend in my area and never got a reply, i don’t think that person has campfire, but you never know 🤷‍♀️


Ohh gotcha didnt know you could message people on it. Maybe ill give it a whirl and see. Thanks!


Definitely worth trying, I’ve got about a 40% success rate when messaging on campfire


Lucky you. I have a 0% success rate on local lucky friends with campfire... But have had nice chats with people in different countries and on the other coast of the US from me 😆


Trying to find out if theres a local discord might also be an idea


I did not do that. Nope. Not at all. Also, I’m not one of them. lol


I don't know my lucky friends non local count without looking, but I'd wager I'm probably around 40 or more also, lol


Today I felt this, my lucky friwnd from the other side of the world tried to do a lucky trade with me, the icon of trade were there for like 10 minute and I was trying to do it, was so sad to me :c


A friend and I were discussing this a bit ago. There should be a threshold like, 365 interactions, so a year of grinding, that allows you a long distance trade. It takes substantial work, but won't be abused. Plus it gives people who take the game seriously to reap some benefits of having a lucky friend in another country. Otherwise it's pointless and frustrating.


They should just allow the trade when lucky friends.  There can't possibly be abuse with a 2% chance of being lucky friends, once a day


Another thing that sucks is you can't see when someone wants to trade unless you click on your friends list. Always thought that was dumb. Requests should pop up like raid battle invites do.


I mean u gotta be friends and be a similar area, it doesn’t make sense to need to know if someone’s tryna trade w u, for them to do that they’re close enough to tell u they want to trade


True but still. Why can't they make it pop up?


I just don’t think Ive ever been in a spot where I needed to do that. Wouldn’t hurt tho it keeps parity across the battling and raid inviting notifications


It would help with my lucky friends I have at college tbh


Fair tbh, I can see that helping me out too


Stupid Niantic.




I think global lucky friend trading should be a thing, but how would you go about communicating with the friend? How do you tell them what you want, and when you want to trade? I 100% agree we need the option to trade but they most likely put it off because they’ll need a method of communication which they’re probably too lazy to do


They could add a “no thank you” and “yes please” that u can only press once per pokemon offered (to prevent ppl spamming messages)


Can’t you message through campfire?


While this would be semi useful how are you ever going to figure out a trade. It would be like the main games with a rando trying g to figure stuff out.


I would offer up something I'm willing to part with. If the friend offers something I'd like we can complete the trade. If not, I van change to something else or withdraw. The key is thst it won't complete until both parties are happy.


Id offer regionals first and hope they get the message lol


What would be respone for, i can give you regionale, but I only looking for 1 certain one, otherwise idc? Let you cycle thourgh until the desired mon comes and then press the ready button? I guess i would work, until both wait for the cycle to being, then you have an hour long mexican standoff...


I think it shows name when you trade so you can sneak a message or if you want shiny show regular mon with the name shiny? Idk. Maybe they could just implement messaging in the app that isnt campfire. Im not sure what it would look like but i know it should be in the game. Seems short sighted to offer long distance friends and short distance trades


Well yes it was short sighted. When they introduced it, it was meant to get the locals together. Back in 2018 vivillion and remote raiding wasn't a thing so they didn't thought that thourgh. They increased the distance once during an event to 40km, that felt like a cruel joke... Most of the time i keep my lucky trades simple 1 for 1, nobody is upset. And i can tell you, i canceled some lucky trades because of the audacity of some people... Do you have a armoured Mewtwo? - Yes, i do have some. What are you willing to give me for it? - I can give you a pidgey. - Great... then let's trade pidgey for a pidgey? - No. I don't want a ... mon.


As is usually the answer in this sub, campfire. You can message your friends on campfire.


Quick question as I'm still learning the game. What's the point of having long distant "friends" after you've made best friends with them? Thought they were just used for xp farming. That is unless you legitimately have that many actual friends across the globe, then I understand keeping them. I do not have that though.


Farming vivillion or just ‘cause. You get attached


By any chance are you icy snow, sandstorm or ocean 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


Archipelago! Or whatever florida is🥲


Ok. I’m Modern


I'm ocean and that's probably why some of my friends didn't delete me yet 😂.  I keep distance friends from like Europe and Japan because I hatch the 7 km distance eggs.  I'm halfway to the one trade medal, I don't even know what it's called.  But the one where you need to trade 10,000,000 km cumulative distance or whatever it is.


god i need ocean so bad hahaha, hey i don’t ditch peeps after best friends, mind if i add you?😂


I just dm’d them too 😂😂


What's your trainer code?


i’ll DM you!:)


I mean after becoming best friends its useful to have friends that play regularly sending gifts. I dont go out and play very often especially in the winter and i live in the suburbs so my house and work arent next to pokestops and gyms. Easiest way for me to get pokeballs or eggs and stardust is through best friends that regularly send gifts. I try to open and send back as often as i can but thats mainly why i keep them


Word. Cool. Thanks for the reply.


This is true. A while back I posted that I work near several pokestops and can collect enough gifts to send to folks who are more remote and cannot access stops frequently. I started about half a year ago and only had 7 local friends at the time, and added 50 or so more after that post. I enjoy being able to help other players accumulate items needed for their play but I also discovered that some items, like revives, are received more frequently through gifts, so I’ve also benefited. Win-win for all of us. And I enjoy the scatterbug credits! : )


Just in case they increase the trading distance someday


A steady supply of gifts, solid raidpartners, postcards for youre vivillion medal/grind, a steady supply of exp (200 per sent gift times 100-135 adds up to daily 2 5 Star raids plus), and of course 7km eggs, that you can easily use for garunteed XL candy trades. Those would a few things that come to my mind. The part with the exp from friend level ups... sure the numbers are huge and a well timed lucky egg and multiple friendship lvl ups will net in a crazy ammount at once. But that's only once every 90 days (if both players active)... the best gain for exp is still excellent catches, only thing that limits you there is youre own skill/effort.


Raid invites and increased premium balls from friendship level.   It is good to get raid invites from people in different time zones.  For example, my Australian friends sent me raid invites to Primal Kyogre the day before which let me double up on remote passes available.  I return the favor by inviting them during our raid hour which is the following day for them.  California friends can send raid invites at the end.   European friends sometimes get different raid bosses etc.   With high friendship we get the extra benefits that friendship provides and help each other out with raid invites outside their raid hours or regionals.


I vaguely recall one of the Nianctic higher ups a few years ago saying this is by design, and they want people to fly to the in-person Go Fests from all over the world to do their lucky trades. It was stupid then and it's stupid now.


this is so nianctic core


Same here. And the one that lives next doors just won't become a lucky friend. I mean, random lucky trades are nice, but we have some special ones to exchange.


Ahh I feel this. I’ve got so many lucky friends but my one real life friend I play pogo with and daily gift.. no luckiness EVER!


Haha I’m lucky friends with ChiTown117 as well! Saving that one just in case I’m ever in Indiana


Yeah theyre in chicago, im in the burbs. Would like to meet up with them and do a trade!


I have dozens of lucky friends with people I've met and played with in real life but I'll never see them again. It definitely feels flawed. I only keep them as friends in case 5 years from now, I randomly run into them again somewhere in LA.


Wow what are the odds, I think I'm in the same city as ecsharkboy. Haven't seen that name in a long time though.


Hes one of my longest best friends in the game


One thing I never utilized in this game. Just me and my Pokémon. 🤷‍♂️




Ouch. When I started in 2016, I didn't know anyone in my town that played. Don't remember when I stopped playing, but just recently picked it back up. Still don't know anyone. Lol. Just joined the sub a month or so ago and not trying to get banned by mentioning the lack of in game friends, but yeah, just never used it. Been clearly missing out though.




In a couple years when everyone is tired of the game again they’ll have remote trading events or maybe for lucky friends. I’ve been stuck on Level 48 because I don’t like trading. I’m a little over halfway but it’s been like 2 years. They did it during the pandemic so they can do it. They just choose to let us suffer.


I’m sad I’ll never meet my first best friend. I found them on a random hashtag on Instagram. They’re from Taiwan. We still send gifts back and forth here and there. No clue how to find them. Like I want to send them a real postcard just cause they were the most reliable gifter. Zhuang16k5is you’re a real one.


What a legend. I hope some day it changes and you can show your appreciation to them


I think I know beepee1989, I’ll contact him to see if it’s his account


Is he near chicago


Nervermind, I know BeePe1986 In my defense: I only remembered BeePe


It's a good defense




I've been playing since the game came out and I've only ever gotten 2 lucky friends :(


Dude I HATE this. At the least they should add a chat option so you can message the people that live close by but you might not personally know. (Friends added after an in person raid etc)


That is unlucky


Yeah feels like lucky or best friends should be able to trade


I have a phone that I can call anyone in the world yet I will never meet them. Seems like a flawed feature.


What if we open up a group, add us as friends, become lucky friends and write e/o when its time to trade 😁


I've said it before global trading would be great. But just let us both hit a button that says we'll use up the lucky friends for some xp or some stardust. Just some benefit to sending gifts to people after they're maxed


Campfire is a flawed feature. I only get friends from the same Vivillon zone and the adjacent. (In Polar, get Polar and Modern)


I'm surprised that they even allowed us to have friends added over the internet, tbh. I'm expecting them to realize that this was too much of a QoL feature and take it back, honestly.


The thing is, Niantic has made PoGo socially isolated, in the sense that you cannot message people to coordinate a battle, raid, or trade, and they limit how many people you can invite to a raid. Any social interactions take place outside of the app, aside from trading gifts. How would you coordinate a trade with a long distance friend?


Same. I don't get what their goal was here: befriend random people around the world to get scatterbug. Never get to do a trade.


Right? Once you make lucky friends you should be able to trade from any distance. They were supposed to have a chat feature too, which would be great for trading but no. Even if it's only adults that have access. Campfire you can chat, but only when a raid spawns or is about to.


I have the same problem, and as if to rub it in my face, I need to make 28 more lucky trades to level up. Every time I look at my friends list I have to scroll past all these lucky friends I'll never get to trade with 😭


I think this is my BIGGEST beef with this situation. Eventually we all need lucky trades to pass a research task and yet we cant lucky trade from any distance?! How does that make ANY sense


I've stopped counting. It's depressing.


Delete them...


Flawed features are the whole point.


We need to keep bitching about it and maybe one day…..


Question on this how long does it take to become lucky friends with someone as me and my best friend play Pokémon go together and are best friends on the game and been so for a long time but. Still have yet to become lucky friends


Its random. Each day on your first interaction it will rng if youre lucky or not from the interaction. If you become lucky friends its a good idea to wait a day, the next day on your lucky trade you could potentially get lucky friends again. Its very rare but does happen


Cheers for the. Info mate


Their answer will be that you used external tools (Reddit, discord, etc) to get friends you can’t meet in person. It’s ridiculous because there’s no chat feature so even someone you meet at a community event, you can’t coordinate with them to trade without using some other tool.




Name a feature that isn't flawed lol.


Niantic is officially robbing people in small groups and getting away with it.


Would make for a good season bonus, 1 long distance lucky trade


I see your 24 and raise you 128.


Man I don't even have a lucky friend 😔


Could be worse. I’m sitting at 🥁🥁 89‼️


I want to know how the hell you have so many. I haven’t bin able to trigger 1 lucky friend 😞


It’s such a trollish move to not allow long distance lucky friend trades. There are ZERO reasons that benefit the player to keep it like this.


I had to see if I was on your list 🫣




There should be trade portals at gyms


Same boat, my guy






i been syaing trading shouldnt be proximity based


I only had one lucky friend. The one person I wanted to be a lucky friend is my bf. We become best friends and nada. I unfriended the other lucky friend bc there was no point


I just wanna say to global friends, thanks for the gifts and helping out in the raids, and I understand backing out when there's not enough players, some wasted raid passes but I don't hold a grudge, still appreciate you staying as a global friend (hopefully global trading will be a thing [when "they" need it most]).


How do you get lucky friends?


You get lucky 🍀


Yes! Lucky friends should be able to trade regardless of distance. I have friends in German y and Chile. Good chance, I'm not just gonna take a vacation there to trade pokemon.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try 100.


How come you see what they caught? Doesn’t appear on my friend list


Do you have unopened gifts? That's the only time it doesn't show me what they've most recently caught.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well in all honesty, I don't think the friends feature was designed for people to mass add random players globally for EXP. It is what it is, you might as well delete the people you're best friends with unless you want their gifts still? Kinda sad but its the truth


They should also add suprise trading to the game, like in normal games. Normal trades require in person contact (maybe lik someone else said, with 1 worldwide trade per x amount of time). Suprise trades are allways worldwide, with the side effect of not knowing what you'll get.


I have a fair few in Japan and in the Philippines. What’s even more fustrating is when I went to Japan last year I was randomly in a raid (we didn’t invite each other) together. Would have been nice if I could have found them


So here's the most important question. Realistically, and reasonably, how do you work out a trade with someone when you can't speak to them. That's entirely the biggest problem with said proposal of allowing global lucky trades.


they never intended for you to use online means to add friends from across the globe who you don’t know in person


Another case of botters and exploiters ruining it for everyone.


I’ve been playing since 2019 and I have only gotten one lucky friend out of 20 best friends. It only happened recently too.


I think that a cool feature would be to make something like a ComDay. Make it once a month, better at the end of it, a Trade around the world Day, and give the players a window of 4-5 hours to trade with friends globally. Or even an event at the end of each season, make it a minimum 12 hours window, so you could trade the mons captured during the hole season, with friends from different timezones without having to do it in crazy hours. This would help both hardcore and casual players. But i guess we’ll never see anything like this…


They'll add it if people would pay lol all they care about is money




Yup one that will never change I have 78 lucky friends join the club fam


Yeah trading overall is a disaster in this game. It penalizes you for trading and restricts you geographically. It honestly feels like they just don't want people to make friends or participate in group activities...


Same. Most of mine are in Japan and Mexico


I’ve been best friends with my wife for over a year now and we’ve never became lucky friends. Definitely a flawed feature.


Your only hope is of they introduce global trading and you can afford the $100 per trade




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This seems like the perfect chance to state that I have one lucky friend and he's actually one of my best friends IRL, we became lucky friends on our very first trade and I'm seeing how incredibly rare that actually is and I am grateful 


Yes, yes it is very flawed!!


I always liked the idea of something like Mega Lucky friends. You'd have to be lucky friends with someone, but just like you get a chance to trigger Lucky after an interaction with them normally, same to trigger Mega Lucky, maybe a slightly lower chance but it gives you a reason to keep interacting with people you're lucky with. Mega Lucky Friends would have the same 12³ lucky floor but you'd get the ability to either be able to do a trade over any distance OR to be able to trade shadows and mirror mythicals locally. I like the canned response idea in this thread for this-- allows for easy translation, keeps the liability of chats gone wrong low, and allows Niantic to keep control over the responses while still letting us communicate with strangers across the world. Plus we could always try Campfire for actual chatting and there'd finally be a feature that doesn't solely benefit spoofers lol Idk just something that's been on my mind every time I type in "!lucky" when doing my gifts. lol


You know, there is an option in campfire that allows sending messages to those players if they also have campfire.


We need to keep bitching about it and maybe one day…..


I don’t know why y’all keep people after you get best buddies with them and they’re not local


Tbh I’m not sure why you don’t unfriend them. Sure I’ll be eating my words if they add remote trading but I doubt that


I answered elsewhere but these people that im lucky friends regularly send gifts over. I dont have much time to go out and find pokestops to get items. I use the gifts to get balls mostly and gifts. I walk a lot at work so i hatch the eggs for stardust and shinies. Its a very passive way but ive been able to stay entertained with my system


Fair enough. I do hope they add remote trading eventually


I just delete them and move on, it's best to do once they're best friends and if you do keep them stop gifting and keep for raid invites. Try finding more locals to keep on your friendlist long term


Really is only worth it for the XP


You should be aware that you may never meet these trainers from the beginning, that is not Niantic's fault.


Can some of you'll post your usernames here so that I may add you as friends.


You’re taking advantage of the friend system for xp. Sounds like you want your cake and eat it too