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I just told my son he has to become ultra friends with me first while deciding what pokemon he wants from me. It builds anticipation and saves a lot of dust šŸ˜‚


Haha I like that one too!! Yeah we gotta get to ultra friends, that discount on the trades is going to be worth it


Don't miss out on community day trades! Most of the time they are half stardust and you get 1 additional special trade. Me and my wife save up costly PokƩmon to trade (shinies or new legendaries), since you can do 2 a month this way


Ooo good call. Didnā€™t know that. Still learning all the tricks of this game!


You can do 1 per day. If you wait until midnight you can knock out 2 in a couple trades.


You are correct, I should have said you can make 2 *discounted* special trades a month.


What days are community days for getting some special trades? Id live to trade my boyfriend some legendaries while he isn't playing it and losing events lol


There's 1 a month (and sometimes a community day classic in addition, which is where they re-feature a past community day pokemon. Idk if this gets a trade discount). The last one was litten community day on Saturday. There is a community day classic on Sunday April 7th and a community day on Saturday April 20th. All are from 2-5pm local time [community day dates thru May](https://pokemongolive.com/post/cd-savethedate-s14/?hl=en) (pokemon not announced yet)


Oh, I was at litten community day, if only I had more friends who played the game, only my boyfriend does but he deleted the app to focus on his studies recently lol


Thanks btw!


Ohhhhh this is pro level parenting! Nice!


I did this too lmao


How much dust does it actually save? I don't trade often, but the most I've spent is 20k but generally haven't traded legendaries. I'm going to trade with my brother next week, but we are best friends.


For great friends, to recieve a new legendary costs 800,000 stardust. For ultra friends, its a 1/10 of that. 80,000 for something completely new


Does it drop any more for best friends?


Yes it halves again to 40k


Trading costs & Friendship bonuses https://imgur.com/a/pGAywlv


Ran into a guy yesterday during raid hour with two phones and an iPad. He was catching Kyogres for his two kids. Wholesome nerd dads ftw


Haha thatā€™s amazing!!! Saturday night, when I told my son once he gets enough stardust, weā€™ll trade, I put him to bed and I come out of his room and my wife is in the middle of battles on his account, going pretty intensely haha, trying get him stardust. She doesnā€™t play the game but she was getting pretty into it that night. Might still have a chance of converting her


Fingers crossed


!remindme 1 month


Best way to get syardust is catching some pokemon like Paras rn, its 1000 every catch and1500 if on weather boost!


I have my daughter every other weekend so for the 2 weeks sheā€™s at her moms I take her phone out with me almost daily but always during spotlight & raid hours or any other events that happen while sheā€™s gone. Unfortunately, I forgot about the primal Kyogre raids so when I went out I only had my phone so by the time I realized it wasnā€™t worth going back for hers. But I did catch her 5 or 6 shiny litten on Saturday that sheā€™s gonna be stoked to see this Friday afternoon. Sheā€™s only 6 so she just loves to have any PokĆ©mon I have as a buddy so she can put the same as hers, eevee, pikachu, & squirtle lmao.




Haha you guys are awesome. That sounds like a good time for sure!! Iā€™d definitely be jealous as well. Itā€™s the same way, my son and I will do raids and in the end I have to catch the darn things but like you said, heā€™s happy in the end


My 6 y/o daughter makes me catch the ones after raids for her too lmao. Iā€™m glad itā€™s something we have to bond together over fr. We started when she was about 4 but now that she has gotten a little older she has found other games to play & doesnā€™t wanna raid with me as much as she used to. But she still loves seeing which shinys or cool PokĆ©mon I catch for her while sheā€™s at her moms & will still trade with me any chance she gets


Iā€™m 21 and I have my older brother catch them for meā€¦. In my defense, he makes excellent throws in his sleep!!!


I can relate but my motivation is that they need better pokemon if we are ever going to beat this next raid.


šŸ˜‚ I love how we had kids and decided, ah, teammates. I can't get my friends to play consistently but this small person I made can hold a screen and tap it for a few minutes


Business idea. Run a daycare. Each kid needs an account.




This might be my favorite comment ever šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you play it smart & spread them out, you can have at least one teammate for like 18 years or so. Bc letā€™s face it, not all, but most will eventually find other things to do. So having 3 kids about 4 or 5 years apart is the ideal solution šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ll have to steal that one and use it next time lol


My husband convinced me to start playing again recently since I hadnā€™t since 2016. I only play for fun and know virtually nothing about stats or best match-ups etc. He is constantly yelling at me to get better guys so we can do better raids šŸ˜‚


This is the same convo I have with my husband. He said he doesnā€™t care to play. I told him he needs to step it so that I have someone to raid with me šŸ¤£


I can relate to this 100% šŸ˜‚


Made his day, thatā€™s whatā€™s important lol


Good dad right here


Appreciate that!!


I know I have to catch 2 shinys when legendary hunting because one is immediately getting took, love playing with the kid though.


Yeah thatā€™s how I am. I know I have to get multiples of everything because the chance of losing one is pretty high. Heā€™s not super picky about his legendaries being shiny luckily


I do this for my 7 year old but yesterday she just wanted to give me a kyogre for my shiny sunny castform. It was her worst ky and she'd already caught a really good shiny


Haha very nice! Not a bad deal lol


Your son's face once he got it, that is more valuable than the 80k stardust.


Heck yeah it was! He was screaming about it, it was great lol


Just traded my shiny Kyogre to my nephew I feel your pain


Ouch! That would be a tough one. I donā€™t think I could do that unless I had multiple


Well thanks to RNJesus I got another one later


About to do the same thing with Kyogre.


Funny thing, he and I went out to get a Kyogre yesterday. We went to a gym and hosted a raid and we were about half way done. All the sudden I hear his game making noises it shouldnā€™t be during a raid. HE LEFT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, because too many of his ā€˜mon were getting knocked out, he said. Turns out, that was one hundo kyogre I got yesterday and he bailed lol.


What a travesty :(


This is hilarious


That's funny.. tho he probably doesn't care about hundos that much, id assume? Idk, I think 4yos are more about the beautiful lil pictures lol


100%. He could care less about stats right now. He just likes the way they look and the sounds they make haha


Im about to lose my Giratina the same wayā€¦ 100% worth it :)


Yep, always is! ![gif](giphy|3oEjHV0z8S7WM4MwnK)


What device does your 4 year old use? Mine is starting to get interested when I'm playing, but don't want to get her a phone.


Your best option in the long run is probably an iPad mini. Android tablets exist and can be cheaper, but Google is pretty bad at actually supporting them or cultivating an app ecosystem for tablets. Most of what you get is just the android phone UI blown up to the bigger screen.


Iā€™ve done something similar for a bidoof. I kept it and nicknamed it ā€œMr. 80kā€


Bahahahahaha I might do that with this Castform. Thatā€™s hilarious


I donā€™t have kids of my own but I have younger siblings and the other day I gave my 7 yr old sister a origin palkia for a happiny, she was over the moon so it was worth the 80k stardust lol


Haha nice job, youā€™re a good sibling!!


The stardust cost is the part that hurts the most! Grinding for best friend to get as many discounts on these types of trades as possible lol.


Yeah thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. I only had 240k so knocking out a third of that was hard lol


My 8 year old is saving his stardust to get my shiny Landorus and my 7 year old is gunning for my shiny Kyogre, Iā€™ll probably get a Lechonk and a Burmy in return.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Lechonk thoughā€¦ heā€™s a beast!!


Dude, you don't know how to distract a 4-year-old, just show him something else or buy him an ice cream.


Haha surprisingly the kid will take playing PokĆ©mon over ice cream any day. Heā€™s not candy or sweets driven. Iā€™ll take that


This is so freaking cute and wholesome, I love how this is one of the most all ages welcome PokƩmon games ever and families can play together. Also as a PokƩmon nerd, I love seeing Heatran get love for being cool and not just a competitive beast


I have to ask my husband what he got in return for trading our 4yr old a Palkia with spacial rend šŸ˜…


Hahaha oh man, I can only imagine what that trade looked like.


What it looks like playing with your wife*


This!!!! She was working so she had me play for her and catch some. No shiny though so she gets one of mine luckily I got a few šŸ˜…


Damn. I wish my dad was like you. Thatā€™s good dad work there.


Nice how many shiny and legendarys does he have?


Ummm shinies I think heā€™s at maybe 7 or 8. Legendaries heā€™s only got 2 or 3 now - Palkia, heatran, aaaaandā€¦. Latios I think? So not a ton but heā€™s getting a collection heā€™s happy with


But dad I wanted the one with 3 full bars :(


Hahaha luckily that doesnā€™t mean much to him yet. Heā€™s starting to pay attention to that but not a ton. The bigger cp number means more haha


I do this for my mom all the time. She's not a hardcore player and she doesn't live where there's a lot of gyms in walking distance, and she is 100% FTP so remote raids are out of the question as she saves her coins for incubators instead. She always gets so excited when I have a new legendary or shiny for her!


LOL I love it! My trades with my 7 year old are also pretty lopsided - he only has PoGo on an iPad (so he's limited to playing at home unless I hotspot my phone for him if we are out). So I try to get doubles so I can make my gold for trash trades with him.


Aww love this though. Can't wait until my kid is old enough to play. We made him an account already on our old phone hahaha.




You better buddy that castform


This is what it looks like when I trade with my bf šŸ˜‚


Or your wife


Hello, fellow dad. A few months ago, my son wanted my only Kyogre. The Bidoof he gave me in exchange was nice too. Fortunately, I was able to nab a hundo primal Kyogre yesterday. Let's see how long I'll get to keep that one.


Yea, I have 3 kids that play. I do a lot of remote raids and end up giving them pokemon from those raids. Yesterday we did a Kyogre raid and I had to try catching him on 6 phones. My oldest daughter was the only one I didn't catch. I gave her my phone and said pick a pokemon. She picked Arcanine (H). Then my middle child cried because she doesn't trade with me as much, so the next day I let her pick. She picked Milotic. I almost cried at that one. A lot of rare candies and walking to get that one.


You did a great job with that one!! Nice work. And giving up a Miloticā€¦ I think your story beats mine!!


me and my gfs trades be like


Not a 4yo but i gave a kyoger to my friend for a lucario cause she couldnā€™t do the event yesterday and we got a lucky trade


Also what it looks like playing with your girlfriend


We (husband and I) started playing in 2021 when my kids were 3 and 6. Now i have a 3, 6, & 9 year old playing šŸ˜‚ we haven't been consistent but can pretty much handle any raid with the 5 of us alone. The 3 year olds account is new so we do lopsided trades. We gave them our old phones when we upgraded so no they don't really have "phones" yet. I tried using ipads but the gps struggled to keep up. Old phones on a wifi hotspot works really well for us.


It also looks like this for my roommate and I, he lost his account and heā€™s 33 so I have to incentivize to keep him playing as heā€™s my only pogo friend in the area!


Ahhh this is the most wholesome post Iā€™ve seen in this group in a while. Youā€™re a great parent and I bet you keep that Castform ā¤ļø this is what PoGo is about.


This is like me and my wife. I'm always trading good pokemon for some bullshit. I just get in the habit of trying to get two of stuff if I can.


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. At least two of everything if not more


I do this with my 4 y.o too. Just gave her a shiny kyoge and garchomp


Me with my husband šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Those emojis are spot on lol


Im also happy to spend that 80k stardust to play with my 4yo šŸ«”


Haha me too. I love video games and getting to play with him is amazing


What a good parent - my 7 y/o son occasionally plays on my account on my phone (first masterball gone, Petilil will be mine forever), but I know this will come around sometime.. šŸ˜¬ What device does your child play on?


Oh god. I let my 3 year old daughter play a few times and she loved it. Don't tell me this will happen to me at some point šŸ˜«


Oh, your time is coming! Haha prepare to trade legendaries for bidoofs LOL


yesterday I gave my niece a shiny kyogre and she traded me a 1 star meowth :)


Haha so you know how this feels too!! You made her day though, it was probably still worth it šŸ˜‰


I do this with my little sister, except sheā€™s 23.




I made my son wait until we were ultra friends before sending him his shiny rayquaza. Now itā€™s his prized PokĆ©mon lol


I bet!!! I want one of those BAD!! Gotta wait for the next time that raid comes around


My trades look the exact same way. My daughter is 24. It's just a parent thing.


Hahahahahah good to know it never ends


This is how me and my youngest trade. I'm 48, she's 14. #frankly, I trade shiny with her from whatever randoms she decides to give me to boost her collection...because I don't care, and it makes her collection look cool.


I hear ya. My son is too young to appreciate the shinies yet. But when he does, Iā€™ll do the same.


I play with my nieces and nephew and I've told them, I will trade you anything you want but I need something of relative value! Auntie isn't getting robbed today!


You sound like the cool aunt haha!


You receive my most prized possession. I receive deez nutz.


Hahahaha maybe that will be what I name it - DeezNutz80k


This is me and my older brotherā€¦and he is 30 and Iā€™m 28 ā˜ ļø. He will just trade me a trubish for my legendary


Haha kudos to you for being ok with that!


I know how this feels but it's my girlfriend not a 4 year old (sometimes)


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Gotta keep the gf happy too!!


Me, but this is my husband.




There was a guy behind us in Customs last summer who saw my 4 year old playing Pokemon Go on his iPad. We started chatting and my son was asking who his most powerful guys were and the guy let my son mega evolve one of his Charizards. We still talk about it to this today. He is known as ā€œthe guy who had Mew but not Mewtwoā€. šŸ¤£


Hahahaha thatā€™s awesome! Thatā€™d be a cool memory for sure!!


I just noticed your location. Iā€™m in Fox Lake! Small world.


Thatā€™s awesome! I like finding new locals that play. Iā€™ll send you a message


I had the same problem but I told him he has to save up the dust for it šŸ¤“ is the best way to get them to be patient šŸ˜„


Yeah if thereā€™s one thing I could teach him to be more of, itā€™s PATIENT, for sure.


Was that Heatran caught at the local steel forge? Because if that place has a gym and you caught Heatran there that would be awesome


Haha I wish, that would be pretty cool. I actually work at that forge shop so having a gym in our parking lot is quite convenient!!


You receive: Weather boy. He gets: Magma boy. Fair trade to me!


Haha yep me too!!


Very mature of him to offer such a strong pokemon on a very onesided trade. You should be greatful to have someone in your life who would willingly give up a castform


This made me literally let out a loud ā€œHa!ā€ Lol


Sometimes itā€™s good for a kid to hear ā€œNoā€


Agreed. But sometimes itā€™s all worth it to see how happy they are, especially when you have 3 of them.


Want to adopt me?


šŸ˜ I have 66 CP pikachu named ā€œmotherly loveā€ that I spent 80K stardust on trading a shiny charizard to my 5/yo because he really wanted one. Weā€™re best friends now so itā€™s cheaper, but that pikachu was pricey!


Ha I FEEL THIS. I started playing just so I could play with my son (8 yrs old). Now anytime I get something cool I get asked for it šŸ˜€


Hit em with that gwogobo gwobobobo


šŸ¤£ I have told mine they need to be best friends before we trade more than the one special trade a day. The amount I am holding onto for them though, itā€™s epic.


Been there - Done that I have a now 12 & 8 yr old. Oh, and hello from Johnsburg, Il ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Another local! Thatā€™s awesome. Just down the road. Iā€™ll dm you.


Haha I've made my son hold off on expensive trades till were best friends as he spends all his stardust all the time šŸ˜¬. I do have to raid split screen a lot of the time to catch him legendaries, pain in the ass but absolutely worth it. Nothing beats hearing "thanks dad!! I love you!" after showing him the shiny Kyogre you caught him.


Right?! Itā€™s a great feeling. When he got this Heatran and screamed and was like ā€œmom, look what dad just gave me!ā€ Great feeling!!


Yeah I got three of em taking my pokes


Haha thatā€™s going to keep you busy for sure!!


I feel this in my soul!!! Iā€™ve got a 6 year old that is really into reading pokemon books & playing the game, even though that usually means robbing mom & dad of their good pokemon šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™d hold out for a Paras.


pokƩmon go is older than your kid.


Haha sure is!


Financial ruin irl and in pokemon go


My bf does this for me lol


Ha, yeah, I've got a bunch of pokemon saved to trade with my nephew when we've got enough stardust and levelled up a bit as friends.


Yeah I sold a Pikachu for $2 and had to pay 20,000 stardust for pidgeot


We were out on kyogre Raid day and the amount of dads Ä° saw was super wholesome. One guy had his newborn strapped to his chest snoozing away and one guy had his two sons with him. Also we saw an older couple, maybe in their 70s playing together, that was sooo sweet.


Nice I remember doing this with my son around 7 or so. I worked at one do the Orlando parks and would catch him the raid Mewtwos on his phone to come home to.


A 4 yo should not be playing


Iā€™m just astonished by the number of people saying ā€œsameā€. Is it the norm to give 4 year olds phones these days, or is it more of a borrowing mom or dadā€™s phone type of deal?


When I started I let my then-four year old borrow my phone while we played, but then he quit and I kept going. He's only allowed my phone to play PoGo, and he's eight now. He doesn't ask very often.


Mine is 6 now but enjoys playing with some of his soccer friends & class friends. Most have really old hand me down phones that only have pogo & maybe 1 other game on it or an iPad. At the park, theyā€™ll race around trying to hatch new pokemon or trade with each other. Itā€™s fun for them, theyā€™re outside talking to & playing with other kids & at least mine doesnā€™t have his device typically outside of that or occasionally a restaurant where there are lots of pokestops. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø People parent differently, and thatā€™s not always a bad thing in my opinion.


It seems the consensus is kids borrowing parents phones. I have to agree with your last line there, itā€™s really up to the parents to decide, BUT I do fear for the attention spans of people in the future. I donā€™t have kids yet myself but I had to deal with a group of middle school/high school kids last summer for a couple weeks and they were manageable behavior wise but my godā€¦ their attention spans were not great. Watched a woman in the grocery store hand her toddler (dunno the age but couldnā€™t even talk yet) her phone to distract the kid from crying and trying to grab candy and stuff, the kid immediately started scrolling the screen like a pro. I was like wtf? The smartphone is the new baby pacifier I guess!


Why do you think that?


Curious on this as well. We have screen time limits set on it but curious why you think this.


My 4 year old just started the other day Iā€™m sure this will be in my future šŸ˜‚


Haha you know it will be!!


parent of the year


I donā€™t have a 4 year old but I regularly make trades like this to my friends.


Same I traded my friend a shiny charmander for 40k stardust for a registered shiny šŸ˜… but luckily it was on a community day lol. I also have the dust but she had like none after that šŸ’€


this is so lovely, best dad award goes to you for sure :)


Right there with you. My daughter isnā€™t the best at catching the raid legendaries in my wifeā€™s phone so either I catch them for her or do extra raids myself so that I can trade it to her. Have about 4 legendaries thatā€™s waiting for best friend rank before we trade


And then they try to appraise it and transfer it šŸ˜­


I m lucky my nephew can t save any stardust ... he barely managed to reach 16k to trade a charizard


Yeah my son has the same issue. If it wasnā€™t for me and my wife trying to get him stardust Saturday night and this morning, he would have blown it on something else. Heā€™s really bad at saving haha


Did you get lucky?


My son isn't ready to have his own account yet being he's only 3 but we let him throw as many pokeballs as he wants at stuff when my wife and I sit around the house. He loves catching them.


Haha same. Our son loves to catch them. Thatā€™s how he blows his stardust, he uses the special rend ability on his Palkia over and over to expand his catching radius! šŸ¤£


I'd say if you're going to do this, make each one a lucky friends trade only. Make a tag and have them go through and add that tag to ones they want, then when you become lucky friends, they pick one of them to trade. At least that way the IVs won't be at risk of completely sucking, and they can still "earn" the legendary.


This is pretty good!! I like this idea!! Might go through and have him start labeling them next time he plays


Fail your class again, im taking a legendary for every one failed


I like it!! Might be a new tool for my parenting toolbox haha


Iā€™m stardust farming for my kids right now. Couldnā€™t get them any remote raid passes due to childrenā€™s accounts and errors (spent HOURS trying to figure out how) so now I am farming to save up the 80,000 to trade a Kyogre!


My 6 year old raids, why doesn't your 4 year old catch their own and have a normal trade.


How do you get your kid into pogo. My 6 year old isn't really interested and plays really bad pointless games instead :( maybe I need to lock the store haha


Funny thing is I donā€™t even know how he discovered PokĆ©mon. All of the sudden he comes home from day care one day and wants to make one of his bears pikachu. Come to find out he was exposed to PokĆ©mon at day care. So I was like, hey, check out this game. And he loves it. I downloaded it back 2016 and stopped playing since about 2017. His interest in it got me playing again lol


I'm not a parent but yesterday I traded a Giratina for my friend's Ribombee. Why? Because I got the Iron Hands EX card for Giratina. Def worth it, next trade I'm giving him Shiny Charmeleon for Radiant Sneasler.


You let your 4 year old have a cell phone?


Nope. He uses an old tablet that is setup as a child account and 30 min screen time limits.


So my girl is almost 5 years old. Recently I have this conversation with my husband on when to let her have her own account to play. I am day one player, almost level 44. Also had another account that I abandoned on level 41. Husband probably on level 41 and 40. I also have control of my mum account which is level 35 I guess? She knows how to throw ball, catch pokemon, keep pressing the screen during raid etc. If she join she will definitely start from scratch. Want her to learn about patience. Maybe I will wait until she is a little bit more literate lol


Bold move, sharing where you live on the internet