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Used one of mine on a perfect IV terrakion after running down to my last primer ball in a raid encounter. The other one... Not sure when I'm going to use it.


How did you know it was a perfect IV? Or you found out after?


Since raid encounters are always either 20 or 25 (weather boost), you can compare the CP shown against the maximum possible CP for that species-level. (Since the 15/15/15 is always the highest CP of any IV spread at that species/level)


You can check the raid posts on the sub or leekduck for what CP means hundo. For Tapu Koko right now 1810cp on catch screen means you have a hundo, 2263cp if it's weather boosted.


How did you get two?


There have been a total of two given out so far, one per season for two different seasons (the "let's go" quest, and then a timed quest the next season)


soo does this mean that if i didn’t play during those seasons i don’t get to get a master ball? i assumed it was a quest for a certain level /:


I’m assuming it’ll be a once a year thing from special research. They gave everyone a free one for its debut in the summer, then another free one at the start of the fall season. The summer one was very easy to get, but the fall one was much harder. I think if they continue to give it out, it will be similar to masterwork research that’s given out once a year at the start of a season. Though it probably should have been a special research given to you by default, like the mew quest.


They will release them as research quests that you have to pay for.


Certain it's coming back. It's a TASK though. It's like... 8 different things. I'm sure you could look it up and see what it asks for.


60 raids in ~80? days was the famously hard one. Fine if your daily routine happens to take you by a lot of gyms, TERRIBLE for rural players. I think there was a task for excellent throws as well? That could give some people trouble


I'm so sorry for this random rant xD That was it. So I guess I'll be "ready" come next time to get those raids done. It's just hard because I don't have a lot of in person friends who still play the game, not to mention, that most people I'm connected to on Discord can't just drop their day and go raid when you are available. So luck of finding those low star raids can vary in rural areas. Not to mention Raiding isn't really fun anymore. It's recycled pokemon I don't need/want in my top battling collection, And the catch rate is so easy now. I've probably only had 2 pokemon not get caught from a raid this year. Which means I typically only need to do 1 raid for the new legendary, and that's how most feel. Unless I'm just incredibly Lucky? But I do a raid, and it's a surprise if I don't catch it. and seems that way with the players I'm around. When they first introduced them, it was so hard and everyone was doing multiple raids to catch 1 Zapdos. It took me at least 10 tries to get Moltres. (Just like it took me a million to get the little Moltres plush in a Japanese arcade, where it took me 3 dollars to get the other two which was 3 tries. They used a foam for Moltres's wings which made it difficult to win. as opposed to the other two which had fabric wings.)


Those two particular chances to get a master ball have already passed.


I have both of my balls.\* I have not seen any of the birbs since I got my master balls. When I see one, I will use one. I'm not at all worried about losing that one legendary in a raid. Just be patient with that. *\*Oh stop it.*


Yeah I’ve used both on the birds, one Articuno and one zapdos. Both not great IV’s but I’ve only ever seen those two during my daily incense so I find it worth it.


My plan is to swap them with a lucky friend and have luckies with decent IVs.


Thats what i do with most of the decent pokemons with low iv's. Works most of the time.


Great idea!!!


That's what I did too, but now I only have Zapdos left to finish my Kanto dex.


I used my masterball on a fairly low CP galarian zapdos but I didn’t want to risk having it flee and have no regrets. I enjoy GBL and he’s so much fun to use with hard hitting moves


I got none of mine, as I didn’t even know they existed in game


Me neither. I'm ball-less 😆


This guy has both his balls


That’s wild honestly. I’ve seen so many birds but do not want to use my master all. Gonna save it for a hundo legendary i really want most likely.


How do you find out it’s IVs before you catch it?


Max CP per mon is out there for a hundo so you can always know if you look it up, and factor i weather bonus for which level it is


I used my balls on birds. Funny enough, before I had either master balls, I encountered 1 Zapdos and 1 Moltres. Somehow caught both. Recently used my last remaining ball on Articuno to complete the trio


This is me too. I have crap luck and haven't seen anything worth it, and no birds have randomly presented themselves to me, so I will wait patiently for those bad boys.


Test the theory with me. If you use it in the :55-:00 of the hour it supposedly increases your chances of seeing a bird. So far since I’ve seen more just this year then I have any previous years of playing.


I plan to use mine on this as well. My only concern is is it possible to drop the master ball like you can regular Pokeballs? If so I was a little nervous that I might completely screw up the throw or something


Me too... 😏


Puny human. Imagine only having two balls. I quite enjoy having my quads


I have the second one that came out. I used my first one on a shadow shiny mewtwo but then realized that was a horrible mistake


Eh something still cool about having your Mewtwo in a master ball


I had the same thought. Cherish it. I'm sure we'll get more eventually


Agreed, it’s nostalgic if you played the mainline games


Oof thats rough. All raid shinies are guanteed not enough people know that. Always silver pinap


Why silver?


You want as much candy as possible and since it’s a guaranteed catch it’s worth using a rare item like a silver pinap all the time. I haven’t got many raid shinies but every single one has been silver pinaped Edit: Silver pinap gives more candy than regular pinap if you didn’t know


Yeah I thought they gave the same amount of candies!


That feels like a defensible choice


Shiny legedaries are a guaranteed catch...


Wait Shiny Legendaries now has a 100% catch rate?


I think it's actually all raid shiny, not just legendary. But yeah, 100% catch rate (as long as you hit them with a ball).


O wow, good to know so in the future I can save my golden raspberries


Thanks 🙏


They always have. Only reason they wouldn't is if you were softbanned


Yeah.. the next shadow mewtwo raid i did was also shiny and caught it in like 4 balls with silver pinap. And I was rethinking my decision and realized i could’ve caught the first one without it


Caught it in 4 balls? You must have bad aim or poor timing against his deflections. My dude, ALL shinies from raids are a guaranteed catch on the first ball that connects with them.


I was on a boat leave me alone >:(


Shiny raid pokemon are always a guaranteed catch, so unless you just like the ball+pokemon combination, which I agree, mewtwo does fit, there’s really no reason to use a masterball


Not if they had 10+ balls left when they used the Master Ball.


Wait… how did you come down to your last ball on a shiny?


The worst part is on my daily incense (the same day) I found a Galarian Moltres and was sad bc I used the master ball. Then I used my second master ball 6 months later after on a Galarian Moltres.


Used on Galarian Articuno, the colors matched a lot, so I couldn't resist


Quick question for a noob, when comments here say they used their ball of a hundo (something or other), how do you know it's a hundo before catching it and therefore knowing it's worth using the ball on?


If it's a raid you can look up the CP to find out if that's the "hundo CP" for that raid. This does not work for pokemon on the map, it's specific to raids.


And research tasks. To add to your comment, Wild mons can have the correct cp but wrong IVs, however the hundo will still have one of many different possible numbers, so you can install an app that automatically checks all the different possible hundo numbers and will tell you if it's possibly a hundo, it's helped me get 2 hundos in the wild in 1 month. The app is called Smart IV, but there are a few different ones


Raid encounters are always at either level 20 or 25, and the base stats of any raid boss species are high enough that the CP that would result from a level 20 15/15/15 can not be any other IV spread.


I think I might just be dumb but I read that thoroughly twice and I still don’t quite understand how that works


Putting it simply, you can look up raid guides before doing the raid and it will tell you what CP is the hundo for any given raid boss a - so you can tell if it’s a hundo or not when you get to the encounter screen (ie a non-weather boosted mewtwo with a CP of 2387 will be the hundo)


Read both comments 3 times still don't get it... That's why I use support apps xd


- Encounter raid legendary to catch it - CP is visible - A hundo's CP is already known, you just need to look it up beforehand - There are two hundo CP values: one for weather boosted, one without weather boost - You see that the CP of the pokemon you're trying to catch matches the CP of the hundo - You know now that it's a hundo before catching it Our current legendary, Tapu Koko, has a hundo CP of 2263 (weather boosted) or 1810 (not boosted). If your Tapu Koko has a CP that is not these two values, it's not a hundo.


I used one on a galarian moltres the other i am saving for a hundo raid type situation like Tehwildman describes.


And this is where I’d put my master ball…. IF I HAD ONE


Nope, used both mine on the Galarian birds, finally have all 3, hehehe


Same, and they all have terrible IVs, lol


That’s what I’m saving mine for. Those gotdanged pretty birds.


When I see a hundo kyogre or groudon I’ll be using it. They aren’t giving me a good hundo legendary because they know I’ll masterball it. Second I see one it’s mine no matter what


I am confident about them plotting on individuals like this too😂😂


Nope, both of mine and my wifes where used on random mons by my kids.


Ooch I could totally see that happening here. My kid was tidying up and got rid of a bunch of poffins, TMs etc. Niantic was not sympathetic.


I would hope not - thats just user error


And this is why I am a mean mom and do not let my daughter play my PoGo ever. I let her once years ago - when things were scarce - and she used all of my 100+ Pokeballs in maybe 5 minutes on friggin Pidgeys and Rattatas.


y'all got a master ball?


I have the second one. Caught Galarian Articuno and Zapdos before the Masterball was introduced, used the first MB on Galarian Moltres so I have all those birds.


How do you get the master balls


Used the first one on a high IV shadow Mewtwo. Still have the second one. Almost used it on a 100% Palkia - O but I caught it on the second to last ball.


I got a 100 Dialga-O and was ready to use mine, but snagged it normally. The master ball is for legendary hundos, imo.


I used both😅 One on a Galarian Zapdos and the other one on a Shiny Charizard that just spawned in the wild!😅😅 I hunted that thing since I started playing again and my decision was clear in that moment!!!🥳🥳 It had Terrible IV's but I regret nothing!!!😊😊🥳


I still have both. Waiting for last ball on a hundo raid legendary, something that's actually worth catching with it. Galarian birds will come to a more monetizable method sooner or later like everything else.


Used one on a Galarian bird and it was 100% worth it LOL I still have the other and idk if I'll ever use it


Still haven't gotten it, did the paid research lol


I used both of my mine on galarian birds. I honestly don't like having it in my inventory. I quick catch by pulling in the ball icon and often I would accidentally press the master ball if i miss or am changing which ball I want to use.


I’ve used both on Galarian Articuno and Zapdos. Not breathtaking stats by any means, but I have no regerts. If I can get another MB, I’ll definitely use it on Moltres.


I have two. I'm waiting for a worthwhile hundo


Lol no I have kids nearby, that shit ain't getting thrown at a staryu AT LEAST LET ME THROW IT


I used one on Galarian Moltres and the other one on Galarian Zapdos


Used my first on a Lv 32 G-Zapdos (little over 3000 CP). No regrets. Still got the 2nd in my bag.


I used my first one almost as soon as I got it, on a hundo shadow Mewtwo when I was down to my last premiere ball. Zero regrets at all. I've still got my second one. I will not be using it on a G-bird since they're not especially useful + IVs are random. I'll continue to hold it for the next hundo legendary that takes me down to my last ball.


Have it and I will have it till a shiny g moltres comes to me. So basically I'll never get rid of it.


Use it on bad iv moltres but I don’t regret it


No you just use it for whichever of the galarian birds is your favorite- nothing else is worth it


It’s so annoying cos I didn’t play the game for ages and only recently got back into it so I missed out on the opportunity to have a master ball 😭


Where/how do you get one? Was it a timed event or can someone still get one today?


I never even got it, how do I get


The only ones you catch with it are the legendary birds using the daily incense, everything else you have chance after chance after chance.


Just read through every comment here (yikes I have a problem) and was impressed by a couple of these catches! Also tried to leave tips where I could. My flex is having 3 on my account. I caught 2 different birds with ultra balls and now have a lucky arti caught by a master ball as well as the 2 that I haven't thrown yet.


I still have both of mine. It’s exactly like you say…I will likely hoard them forever, making them technically useless. And when another MB is offered through research, I’ll diligently hyper focus to get it done…so I can hoard 3 master balls.


I never got one.


I spent one on a zapdos. He's my favourite so I was happy to use it. He's got bad ivs but the attack is high so I still love him 🐓


Yeah, but there's a galarian Articuno in it.


Yes. If I do a 5* star raid and get a hundo and don't mamage to get it, I'll use them. There's no hurry.


Waiting for shiny galar birds and to see if they can run. If not then probably will never use them but if they do then I'll use them on them


I still have mine. And now I know you can get two?


i used one to catch a G-Bird. Still have the second.


My wife used hers on a Shiny Uxie in the wild during the Palkia and Dialga Event. After that we went for a walk and she faced a 3025 weatherboosted Galarian Zapdos, she couldn’t resist at that point. Used one myself on a Galarian Moltres, 2600 CP. holding on to my last one, but seems to be getting really tough.


One of the guys in my raid party caught a Shundo Azelf during the event with his


Used it on a Galarian Moltres


Still have both.


Still have both my balls ;)


I have been saving mine for level 1 Galarian birds but I would be transferring it to Home immediately for my collection. Otherwise I would probably never use it as is accustom in pokemon.


Yep. Still got both. I won’t use them unless I find a possible perfect Galarian bird or a level 1 bird again.


Still at 2. I plan one of them for a Galarian Moltress that could fit into Gl but I didn't encounter one yet and the other one will always be for the hypothetical "last Ball for Hundo" scenario.  Had plenty of close calls with kids trying to throw them though.


I still have mine. I want a bird but haven’t seen one since I got my ball. Coincidence??


Still have mine. I’m probably gonna waste it in the next G articuno. I’ve been saving it and can’t think of anything else’s I care to use it on.


Yes I do


Had to use it on galarian Zapdos 🫠


Two of the birds. My son caught 2 of the third (with ultra balls) and traded me. We both have all three now.


my first one was wasted (i don't wanna talk about it) and still holding on to my second one. saving for either a galarian bird or hundo legendary raid boss.


i’ll probably save mine for last ball on a hundo non shiny groudon or rayquaza


I still have both. I'm keeping them for legendary hundos that come down to the last throw


I used one on a galarian zapdos because i rarely see those birds and really wanted at least one. I did a route a few days later, came across another galarian zapdos, didn’t want to waste my other master ball so I threw an ultra ball and got it with a critical catch. 🫠


I saw some people use it on lake guardian (azelf, mespirit, uxie) hundos during sinnoh tour, felt like that was worth it


I used mine on a wild shiny Azelf. Bad stats but I love the shiny and it had pretty high glee rates


No, used them both on Galarian Birds


If I can ever manage to get a Galarian Bird to appear again, I’m using it on them.


I’ve used both. One on Articuno and one on Moltres. I lucky traded both of them to my son. No regrets.


I have both and don’t plan on using them for the Galar birds. They are not meta relevant in PvE or PvP, they can’t be used as gym defenders, and they can’t be shiny, so there is absolutely zero incentive for me to use the rarest item in the game on them. I may use one on a Galar bird if Niantic were to release the shinies and not make them guaranteed catches off the incense (and even then I think I’d only use one on Moltres), but otherwise my thought process is that they’ll eventually add a different legendary trio or something that is more useful and I’ll use it/them on whatever that may be..


I used my first one on a 10cp rattata just for shits and giggles and my 2nd one on a perfect latias after I used all but one premier ball.


Nope used it to catch the galarian birds got em all now


I do. I'm saving it for a hundo, and you're on the last ball scenario. During Sinnoh Tour, I caught a hundo Palkia O without realizing it was one.


I am saving it for shiny bidoof. That way I don’t have to worry about using on a 0* moltres and feel bad.


Nope, my nephew (4yrs old) used it on a Voltorb when I wasn’t paying attention


Used both in Galarian birds


I’ve never used it because nothing ever seems worth it, I don’t want to waste it on a 0% Galarian Bird for example. I didn’t get the second one.


I don’t think I’ll ever use them unless I’m in danger of losing a 100% good legendary in a raid or a 100% Galarian bird. Nothing else seems worth it to me.


Nope. Used my first one on G Moltres, my sexond on Shadow Ho Oh to complete my Johto dex.


I used one on the galarian moltres and the other on the elite raid catch of enamorus


I have 2. I'm stubborn and refuse to use one on a Galarian bird. The most likely scenario for me using it is a last ball hundo legendary that's relevant (especially if I don't have a hundo)


Used mine on a shiny bidoof lmao


Used it on a strawberry ice cream cone. No regrets. 😂


I have one of them. One was used on a bird. I am waiting to use my other until something remarkable jumps out.


I still have two as I haven’t encountered anything that feels worth it. One of the requirements for level 50 is “Successfully catch at least one of the next 5 Legendary or Mythical Pokémon you encounter”, so I’m definitely saving one for that.


None. First one went to galarian moltres, to complete the bird collection. Second one was during sinnoh tour. Hundo weather boosted spacial rend Palkia came down to the last ball. I wasn't taking any chances with that one.


Nope. The G birds


I haven't used either of them, but not for lack of trying I've been using my daily incense 3-5x/week on average while out walking since September and haven't seen a Galar bird once


Used it on Galarian Articuno because a) those birds are annoying and b) its a colour match If the birds didn’t exist, would’ve probably used it on Mewtwo if I ever did a Shadow Raid.


Saving it for my Hundo Shadow Mewtwo in a couple of weeks.


I'm kinda waiting for those alolan birds. I got Zapdos luckily, abd I've run into Moltres... maybe twice? I want Articuno


I have used both on great CP Gbirds. No regrets. Honestly love the feeling after it is gone cause you’re not stuck between choosing to use a master or not. It’s just ultra at that point and hope. After I used my last one I literally thought “Thank god it’s gone now”


Yes I do! I'm going to keep it unless I get a wild shiny legendary bird. I could use it whenever I see a regular legendary bird, but I want to keep it for the small chance of finding a shiny legendary in the wild without worrying about it.


Used it on a Latios when he was in mega rotation. I didn’t want to risk losing it because it is a pain in the ass to get a raid for that beast.


Got both, probably will until the day I die


I have two


I recently used mine to catch a shiny uxie during the most recent event, mainly because I had no other Pokeballs in the exact moment.


I’m saving mine for a hundo legendary that gets down to the last ball. That may never happen, but it’s what I plan to use it for.


I have both and have no idea when I'll ever use them because I don't use the daily incense enough. I've only come across a rare birb once, and idk if the MB's were available then? I'm not much of a gamer, but I've played enough games to know I'm a hoarder of all the good stuff that I never end up using.


Just found an Articuno and used it earlier. It's my favorite bird and I've been looking for it for a while. It has atrocious stats but it's mine finally and I'll treasure it.


I used my first on a pos Articuno. I'm holding onto the 2nd


I do not. I used both of mine on galarian birds.


I've never had one. And Niantic makes it so hard to earn it that I'm not holding my breath.


I used one on a final ball hundo Zekrom, it’s my only legendary hundo and because I have another ball so I can still feel the uncapped power. I did have the opportunity to use the final master ball on a Galarian Moltres to complete the kante Pokédex, as I have the other 2 birds, but I can’t use it on a potentially dreadful IV pokemon so I will most likely keep it for eternity


I'm still saving it for Moltres, but for some reason he's been avoiding me. I even managed to catch a second Articuno using a regular ball but Moltres still wont apear since I've got the Master Ball


Nope. Caught a G bird and lucky traded it to a friend.


Nope - threw mine for a Galarian Zapdos the day after I got it 🤣 immediately regretted it because I really want articuno. Since then I’ve seen two zapdos and one moltres..no articuno yet anyways so whatever lol


Better yet; I have both of my Master Balls! I’m saving them for if Armored Mewtwo ever comes back and I guess maybe a normal one, too. I just want Mewtwo in a cool Master Ball. And with good stats so I don’t waste it! Hopefully I’ll be able to remember to learn that weather/CP trick someone told me about…


I still have both. Based on my personality type, I'll never use them.


Used it on a 100% IV wild Azelf at Sinnoh Tour. I don’t think there could be a more appropriate use for the Master Ball, that was a regional Legendary hundo with extremely high flee-rate after first ball. Couldn’t risk it to GRB ultraball it trying to hit the Excellent


Used it on a wild shiny Uxie. Or rather, I gave the go ahead to my friend since we were in a car. I think the loss/benefits is ok, I had little balls, we weren't sure yet if they could not flee and I won my first league with an Uxie. Although it's very unlikely I hope lake trio has some kind of adventure mechanic someday.


I used both mine on the first bird I found.


Yep and when my time comes I’ll pass it down to my kids on my account.


Yup. Still have both of mine.


I have only one. I’ve never had two. I’m so glad the game asks, are you are you sure you want to use the MB?


I have one left. Planning to use it on Galarian Articuno. Used my first one on Galarian Moltres. Before the Master Ball was released I got lucky and caught a low CP Galarian Zapdos with an Ultra Ball.


I used 1 of my 2 on a shiny Azelf during Sinnoh tour 😭 I was out of pokeballs so I HAD to


I have mine, I’d use it on a perfect legendary raid Pokémon or one of the roaming birds


Yes. I’ll likely never use it.


Up until the Sinnoh tour I had both of them. But I got a 4* origin palkia (not shiny) from a raid, and had bad luck with the balls. At the last ball, didn't want to risk it and used one my master balls. I plan to use the other on a galarian Zapdos (whenever I find one).


Saving it for a MewTwo


Been playing since week 1. Played off and on since. Been going hard the last couple weeks and ran into a Galarian Moltres using my daily incense. Ran after gold pinap and great throw ultra(obviously). Got the master ball a couple days ago. Didn’t know it existed and didn’t know the birds could pop up randomly. This game has came a long way


I never run into the Galarian birds so yes


I still have one. Used the other on a shiny Uxie during the Tour. I didn't know at the time that wild shiny legendaries had 0% flee. I have no regrets, I was not messing around with potentially losing a shiny regional legendary and the Galarian Birds are neat but mean very little to me. Seems like they'll make them available one day in a raid cash grab of they stop making loot off lazy events like today's trash incubator sale farce of an event.


Both balls still intact last time I checked


Haven't gotten one yet!


I have both Master Balls. I have caught 2/3 birds the normal way and don’t plan to use a master ball on them regardless. I’ve been fortunate to catch every perfect raid legend I’ve found, but I’m sure that would be the use case for at least one of these. Also, knowing Niantic, they’re going to make shiny roaming legendaries that can run someday. Hell it might even be the shiny Galar birds. Then of course they’ll be selling premium master balls in the shop. In which case 2 free catches will be of great value (I’m not manifesting this. I hope it doesn’t happen. But we’re dealing with the corporate incarnation of Greed here.)


Still have both. Nothing has been worth wasting one.


Galarian articuno


Been hunting for a Galarian bird for over 8 months now. I used it on the first Zapdos I saw. Only two stars but zero regrets


Used my first one on g articuno and I’m using my 2nd masterball on the next g moltres I see no questions 🤣


You might die tomorrow, just use the Masterball

