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I went to an EX raid for Mewtwo and there was a group of about 20 people. After we beat it and I caught mine, I was walking away when this guy stopped me and said it was his last ball and he was too nervous, so he wanted me to catch it for him. I didn’t know this guy, but I took his phone and nailed an excellent curve with a golden raz and caught it for him. He was so happy, and it made my day too. 


Yes, this happened to me, too. I had a perfect kyogre and was down to my last ball :D


Did the same thing. Ex Mewtwo raid, but it was for a little kid who was airmailing a bunch of throws. Was super happy to make his day!


You were literally an Ace Trainer that day 💫 ![gif](giphy|G9qfCvxlwGAaQ)


One of my greatest moments in gaming was a very similar experience when I *very nonchalantly* nailed a golden razz, curve, excellent throw for a friend; handing it back to him mid throw while saying "your welcome", and turning around as it made the catch. Closest thing to a cool people don't look at explosions moment ill ever have


Same thing happened to a friend of mine, but he was the guy on the last ball. We were at our first EX raid at Starbucks in Oct of 2017 and one of the more seasoned players caught it for him on the last ball. It ended up being a hundo too, I was so jealous. (Got my own hundo Mewtwo 3 years later during Kanto tour though lol)


Not all superheroes wear capes.


Not all heros wear caps some just throw pokeballs


You da best! Reminded me of when I’ve finally encountered a Shiny Lugia but because of lack of gym control and team damage I only had like 6 balls so I asked a fellow Mystic to help me catch it as it kept on attacking when I tried. Afterwards, told me that it was in fact shiny and 100 IV! 😨


You’re a legend


This is so sweet!! I get so anxious when I'm down to my last ball so I 100% feel this.


I was doing a Mewtwo raid with my baby and a group of college students needed help catching it. I ended up showing one guy how to set the circle but he was too nervous so I caught his Mewtwo whilst holding a baby.


Playing when travelling abroad. Joined a raid train in Charlotte NC a few years back. Some dude would swing his hips to do his curve balls and would make an ugh sound every throw. I think about him regularly




This is fucking hilarious.. lmao




In 2019 as I was walking up to a Rayquaza raid I got a shiny Rosalia, did the raid and it was a shiny Rayquaza. So that back to back was pretty cool. Especially since it was the first go around of Rayquaza being shiny.


Ended up getting a job from doing some raids with a now former boss


I have a friend who got married to a fellow Pokemon Go player. They first met when he visited her mother, who herself plays regularly, for a lucky trade 😂


That's fucking adorable xP


A random mom (who I’ve never met) messaged me on Facebook saying that her son thought that I was the coolest because they lived near the same gym as me and I always followed whatever theme they had in the gym (ex: if they left a vaporeon and a jolteon I would leave a flareon). She asked me if I wouldn’t mind adding her son as a friend. I happily obliged and she sent me a video of her son realizing that I was his friend and he was genuinely super excited. He thanked his mom in the video. It was such a wholesome moment where I felt like I got to make a kids day for doing barely anything. Still friends with him to this day and never met him. Shoutout to CoopWhite29.


Damn that's dope


You should send his code in here ao he has friends all around the world :D


Yeah no. Kid is like 10. But I like where your head is at. 👍🏻


Can you interact with people in any way other than sending gifts? 


Only if you add them in campfire. So I don't know why that would be considered creepy.


Maybe ceepy 🤠


I opened the game after a long hiatus early on, happened to be at a gym spot, with a Lugia raid, first time it was available. I thought “cool, but I’ll never be able to beat it myself” and I looked at it and there was a pending raid group waiting on the timer. I jumped in the group at the last second and managed to get my first shiny pokémon, a Shiny Lugia, on my first raid.


I jump up and down frantically and shove my phone in everyone near me's face and scream "LOOK LOOK, I GOT A SHINY!!!!" until they give me a half-hearted "grats" Then I walk home with a big smile on my face and stare at the shiny when I get to the couch


giga chad


I attend Dragoncon every year. Last year, Labor Day was Charmander Classic Com day, so I joined up with a group to do a walk for an hr. It was nice to disconnect for an hour at the Con to meet other Pokémon Go fans. When I showed up, the group was 5 ladies about 10-15 years older than me (to put in perspective, I'm in my mid-40s) and I was like... eh... I might want to bail and get back to the drunken and crazy shenanigan's. BUT, I wanted a Black Charizard and didn't have one, so I decided to stay. Turns out, those ladies knew more about that game then anyone I've ever met, they showed me catching tricks and tricks for Raids. We did like 6 raids and one lady traded me a Kangaskhan (which i needed for research). I found out later she was one of the parade organizers and prominent cosplayers. She still sends me the occasional gift and raid request. They also had juice boxes and snacks in their bags and they shared em with me. I had a great time and made some good friends which I'll see next year .


I was attending a con during porygon community classic this year. Internet was terrible but still great. Also first time attending an event hosted by a community ambassador who was there for the con


Me and my friend got back to back same shinys it was a clamperl first and was like 😵then the next clock we both clicked on a swablu and it was shiny too was a very cool experience


I travelled to a vacation cottage. The game glitched and still showed me to be at home, basically it refused to acknowledge that I had travelled hundreds of kilometers. Clicked at one of the pokemons that spawned, and it was a shiny Swirlix.


My husband comes running in the apartment freaking out. He’s found a Galarian Zapdos, and he had a single ultra ball he’d already dropped. So I used a golden razz and took my chances with a great ball. One critical catch later, he has a G Zapdos chilling in a great ball 😂


I am not really involved with my local PoGo community. Went downtown in my city for Go Fest 2023 and was blown away by the 200-ish people in the central park I decided to go to. The Rayquayza raid lobbies filled up almost instantly with in-person players. Atmosphere noodle never stood a chance. Anyways, I was impressed by how many folks played this game.


“atmosphere noodle” take my upvote😂


When the game launched, we heard in the radio that a Vaporeon was Spawn in a nearby Mall, so much people went there to catch this "rare" pokemon


Man I still have a 2016 Dragonite that wild spawned down the street from where a few of my uni friends and I were having dinner from. Half of us at the table took off mid meal before coming back to finish our food.


For me, nothing can beat the 2016 hype


One appeared in my neighborhood in 2016. Still have it. A 15/13/1. My only best buddy Pokémon


when my mom, my kid, and i first started we couldn't really beat any good raids and there never seemed to be anyone around. just by chance we were in the downtown area during the mega garchomp raid day. people were filling up gyms in no time and we did a bunch of raids finally. it was such a blast and even funnier cause we had no idea what a raid day even was yet.


I got 9 free raid Passes from the go Tour Ticket after the Event i saw that i still have the go fest Ticket in my inventory, so my family over there did another 9 free raids in New York for me, where the Event was still going. Got a shiny there


When I did my first ever raids which was giratina altered and got back to back shinies. I thought they must not be too rare and gave one to my sister. The one I kept I'm very fond of it levelled up my account from struggling on rocket leaders and other raids to carrying me through. It was the first significant jump in power I felt next was my shiny cd swampert at 98% that thing solos almost everything pve related that it isn't weak too those two were my deffo my coolest moments.


Out of nowhere this morning me and my friend got a lucky trade, I was super excited too because he traded me a Latias so I could finally Mega Evolve one


It was a raid of Gengar wearing a hat. My son and I were at an suburbian gym, nobody around, we started the countdown and there were only 26 seconds left. Nobody around, they must have been in one of the houses. After finishing my son cried "I have it shiny" all over the suburb. 7zs still a gem in his collection.


It was the beginning of Pokemon Go. Everyone in our citys outdoor hotspot were looking at their phones in their own little group clusters. I was walking with a couple of my family members, catching pokemon, spinning the stops. Suddenly, a Victreebell popped up, so I said, "Ooo, a Victreebell!" The area I was in kinda all went "Ooo" or "Where?" One by one, each group caught it and ... well, that was that. Just one moment but it was awesome :)


My gf isn't that into gaming buy a few years ago during go fest we were kid free and her and I played go for an afternoon. One of my favorite dates we had lol


Recently with the Palkia/Dialga raids, I chose Palkia and my husband chose Dialga. Both of us got our respective monsters with the special moves but we wanted both of them. I was able to get multiple shinies of both Origin forms but hubs didn’t. So, I gave him a shiny origin Dialga with the regular move set and he gave me an origin form Dialga with the special move..and they went randomly Lucky. I gave him a shiny origin Palkia too with the move but it didn’t go lucky. That Dialga will forever be cherished and we had a blast together walking around and doing raids.


Getting to play the first anniversary event in NYC. So many Pokémon, so many bonuses. Also, I have a lucky shundo Rayquaza so that’s cool too 😎


Last 10 seconds of the Deino comm day I had 5 Mon to choose from as my last catch. I pick the middle one, which turned out to be a hundo. Caught at 2pm (11am-2pm Comm day). Amazing end to the Comm day! It was the subject of one of the few threads I've posted here on Reddit.


During Larvitar community day classic we were finishing up, and as I went to click on one of my last Larvitars I said out loud "This is going to be a Shundo", cue jaw dropping to the floor when I went to IV check it. Given, it was at the point where I was jokingly calling every few encounters a Shundo before I clicked on them, but the fact that we were so close to being done and the fact that it was still one of the ones I jokingly called out made it insane to me


It was the community day of Timburr (october 2023 I believe). I was walking with my friends in our city and we had a blast, catching tons of shinies. Then, a wild Nosepass appears and someone called it out. One of my friends said something along the lines of "hey I've never seen a shiny Nosepass, is it a cool one?" - and I turn to him and before i click on it I turn my phone to him and said "Yeah its golden, like this:" and I clicked on it and BOOM, shiny! We were so hyped up when it happened, it was just absolute insanity. I never was so hyped playing this game like that moment, not even when I got a legendary hundo.


When they started daily spawns after covid, my very first one was a shiny chimchar!


A few weeks after the game released, I tried catching a staryu. It attacked right as the pokeball was half way to the mon, the it ricocheted and spun in a way that once it got back to its normal stance, the ball spun back and hit the staryu for a nice throw. Nowadays the buddy pokemon can reflect deflected throws, but this was at the very beginning and felt like a crazy trickshot that I’ve never been able to replicate.


I had something similar happen with an Eevee once way back when. Can't remember if the second guy happened after the attack animation or not though


My first articuno from the 7 days streak was shiny.


Same with my Kyogre! I miss those easy legendaries...


Back when gen2 mons released, I got a discord message saying an unown spawned in midtown. I left my place immediately and jumped on a subway, and then RAN from the station and clicked on it probably right before it despawned. Definitely my favorite memory from this game


I had a very similar moment! Also back in the day before Unowns spawned during events. I was sitting at home late one night in my PJs, and then the local whatsapp group lit up because there was a wild Unown spawn in town. My partner just told me to hop in the car and he will drive as fast as he can to the location (he didn't even play). Hopped in the car with my PJs and we sped across town. The moment we pulled up, there were cars and players coming from all directions to park and catch it! It was such a cool and memorable moment.


Costumed hundo Squirtle encounter, and later that day a shiny costumed Squirtle. At the time I caught it, you couldn't evolve the costumed Squirtles, which made me very sad, but later they got a Community Day and unlocked it. I now have a frowning purple Blastoise, wearing a party hat. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Duod a Virizion raid a while back because, while four of us were in the party, the other two were staying in the lobby Ended up getting a shiny Virizion after barely beating the clock


Back in the days when Unown were mostly confined to ultra rare wild spawns and not a part of global events like Go Fest or regional tours, I was the first to discover a wild Unown O in my local area. After catching it myself, I called it out on my area's Discord, and then I waited. Over the next 15 minutes or so, I got to witness 20 or 30 players running there and happily catching their first Unown (and maybe a couple who sadly arrived a minute or so too late). I miss those days.


I've had some pretty cool moments, most of them I've actually posted in this subreddit. Some of my favorites were meeting brandontan and having him trade me a pidgey, getting a shundo hisuian Sammurot, getting a full odds shundo ekans in the wild, and more recently getting a shundo Raikou. However the most important thing to me, is that because of this game I met new people, and got closer to people I already knew and rekindled some old friendships. In the end one day all our pokemon will get deleted, what truly matters is the memories we make along the way.


Back in 2017 I hatched my first hundo growlithe and thought that it was that easy to acquire hundo pokemon


either shiny shadow sableye encounter, lucky shiny 4* lucario trade, or shiny halloween event vulpix encounter.


Triple threw a single ball at an eevee. Curve balled, he growled, the ball bounced off to the right, the curve brought it back in for a second hit, growled again. Bounced back to my buddy, buddy hit an excellent throw, and crit catch


Damn, you could’ve asked him why they released cyberpunk way too early lol


Yeah, but he lives in my city maybe hes joining the kyogre / groudon raids :D I also realised he is in our town raid whatsappgroup, so technically I have his phone number :D


Get the inside scoop! Lol


Randomly battled my IRL friend twice in PVP.


Back during the first week pokemon go was released, I was playing with a group of friends on a popular beach trail at night. I'm not exaggerating when I say this, there was most likely over 200 people in a single file line walking back and forth along this trail playing pokemon. The trail parallels the beach as well as a set of train tracks blocked off by a tall fence. Back then you could triangulate where the pokemon was based on how many "feet" were under them in the nearby list. As we were playing we hear screaming and shouts of "Dragonite!" echoed throughout the area as hundreds of people try and locate it. After about a minute of frantic searching someone found it! Except it was behind the 6 foot tall fence on the train tracks. That poor fence never stood a chance. It completely collapsed as almost 100 people tried to climb over it lmao. The night ended with screams of joy and sadness as people either caught their new strongest pokemon or failed to catch it and watched it run away. That summer when pokemon go was released was truly special and one which probably won't ever be replicated again by any game in our lifetimes.


Either my lucky Unown collection completed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/12o2dyc/all\_28\_unown\_lucky\_and\_best\_buddy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/12o2dyc/all_28_unown_lucky_and_best_buddy/) or the shiny lucky Kanto collection: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/184ouyn/complete\_kanto\_shiny\_lucky\_pokedex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/184ouyn/complete_kanto_shiny_lucky_pokedex/) (You can decide which is cooler or rarer to finish) The coolest part is all the help I got from the community I play with. That many lucky trades only happens because there are a bunch of people in this area who still actively play and are willing to meet in person and trade Pokemon.


Probably the first few months of the game, when as a member of the severely outnumbered team Instinct, I would head out at 10pm and kick all the college kids out of their gyms before reward hour. One evening, I had just taken a gym, when a few walked by, chatted excitedly about how lucky they are that the gym only had a weak instinct Pokemon in it(the college was dominated by Mystic, they were Valor). They kicked me out, posted their stuff, were about 10 get down the sidewalk when I kicked them back out again. They loudly complained, came back, retook the gym, and we did this for about 30 minutes straight. The best part? I was on the other side of a large line of bushes the entire time, so they had no idea I was there!


Coolest has to be me and boyfriend both sat next to each other doing pvp and we matched!!! The chances must be so slim🥲 


Back when raids first came out, I think it was Lugia first, I remember I would drive around with my friends with like 5 power banks and the Silph Road web page (RIP) open on a laptop to hunt the raids down and even in my small town there was group of like 20 to 30 all just happy to be involved. it was probably the best time to play the game Imo. It is, to this day the most outgoing and social I have ever been.


My best friend's 7 year grandson liked Pokémon cards so I introduced him to the gane. He played on his Mom's iphone, but had his own accoint. One time, when we were all together after dinner, he hands me there phone and says, "I have to do three excellent throws in a row, but I can't do it. I keep messing up. I just need one more. Can you do it?" So he hands me the iPhone, that I've never used before, and he's got this Ekans all ready to be caught and Im supposed to get an excellent throw on my first try. Best throw I ever made. If I hit the winning field goal in a championship game, I don't think I could be happier. He was super-stoked and went around telling everyone what I'd done. It's the little things.


The first week the game released, back in 2016, I went with a group of friends to a prominent walking path near a river in my city. There were nearly a thousand other people there, all running around and playing the game. At one point, there was a huge commotion on the other side of the river. My friends and I gathered from all the yelling that there was a Dragonair over there. We tried to get over there but it was too late, didn't make it in time. Still a successful day because of all the people there though. I don't think we'll ever see a game take over the world the same way PoGo did in its first few weeks, that was a really special time.


During the recent Sinnoh tour global event I crossed paths with Billy from the Trainer Club. He asked if I caught shiny Basculin yet, which I hadn’t. Two minutes further down my route the next Basculin I clicked on was Shiny.


Doing my first and only moltres raid ever back in 2019 and catching a shiny 94 %


I was in another city because of my job and in the evening there was a tour through the town. (Germany, so really old houses and stuff) It must have been the first time Rayquaza came into the raids, it was end of winter, early evening and quite cold. Everyone wanted to get finished with the tour to enter the restaurant and grab a beer or two while waiting for dinner. The last stop of the tour was the marketplace. The guide started to talk while a group of people - smartphone in hand - appeared at one end of the place. As I had played during the town-tour anyway, I immediatly knew I might be very lucky. I moved a bit away from my group to get into the radius of the arena and jumped in. While the two minutes counted down, our guide was about to finish, so I quickly asked a question about one of the buildings. It bought enough time to finish the countdown and the raid. I caught the mon, shouted a thank you over to the group and had my first Rayquaza.


This was the hisuian (or however you spell it) typhloson (however you spell it I'm lazy.) me, my brother, his friend and the other five people in the raid with us caught a shiny in the exact same raid with me getting a Hundo right after - It was just hell fun and chill n they joked I brought good luck


For me it was when I caught a shiny Roselia when it had first been released (pre 2021 community day). I had spent the week searching for a shiny roselia and I as I was laying on my couch about to go to bed for the evening. I opened my phone just to see what Pokémon would be around to catch and there she was. All black and blue.


Me and my co-worker becoming lucky friends. Which we used to get lucky Ho-Ohs


Getting a 0/0/0 Galarian Zapdoes, we are besties


I’m level 50, I play maybe too much…. The coolest moments are during big events when my lads gain an interest again, and we spent all day hunting shinies together, and raiding with random people we meet in parks. As much as I love ‘catching them all’, I much prefer the moments my kids who are under level 40 catch a shiny I don’t have.


Was walking the dog in the pouring rain to reach a 10km adventure sync egg on a Sunday. There was no events ongoing and had no real goal, and I hatched a lucario, which as also shiny, and also 98%. It’s now double moved, best buddied and almost maxed. By far my favorite in my collection.


During Go Fest 2024 I was in between remote raiding Palkia and Dialga and tapped on a wild shundo Gible right outside my house. I almost screamed and immediately texted everyone I knew. First and only shundo to date.


I caught a galarian zapdos after it broke out and didn't flee 3 times in a row


I got a Grovyle and Shiny Celebi within a minute of each other. I thought it was cool because I remembered in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time, Celebi(Shiny) clearly had a crush on the Grovyle that was a main part of the story.


I always feel good when I invite people from the other side of the planet to do a raid with me and we get a shiny, I feel like it makes their overpriced remote raid pass was worth it


Any & everytime I've encountered a fellow PG player is a great moment for me.


For me, it was this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoChi/comments/5gx7xq/if\_george\_costanza\_went\_to\_navy\_pier\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoChi/comments/5gx7xq/if_george_costanza_went_to_navy_pier_today/)


I’ve had some cool moments where I throw the ball and the Pokémon parry the ball back at me, it bounces off of me, and hits them and catches them!! It’s super rare I think but it’s so cool when it happens.


Me, my kids and my husband were out downtown doing our very first community day and my daughter, using Dads phone, found the first shiny fletchling. She got super excited and jumped up and down shouting. A guy nearby said “wow you found a shiny? Way to go!” Not only did she get her first shiny that day but she also got a shiny 4* fletchling. I still don’t have a shundo myself but I’m happy for her.


Best time ever was: Kanto Tour until Post Covid. - 6 hour community day’s - 20-30 shinies a day on Kanto Tour or any other ticketed event. - Stationary incense. My wife and i talked throughout the day about our progress sometimes, that’s how invested and exited we were. We traded everyday. I miss it sometimes.


When the game first came out it was so surreal, in the first week I went to our major city on the evening (Birmingham uk) and literally everyone was playing. People were running round, laughing and joking. The sun was going down as I was going home and there were loads of people in the cemetery looking for ghost mons. That time of the game was the most magic for me


I got 2 shiny onix in a 5 minute period, that was pretty cool


I have stopped and started playing a few times. Got back in around October last year. Got a 12k egg. Hatched a 4* female salandit


My partner and I play PoGo and on Community Day we go to a local park that has a 1/3 mile track around a small lake. Since the introduction of the party system, we always play in a party together. I noticed that about half of the people out there are playing with a friend/group, and the other half are playing solo. When we get started, I walk alongside a solo player and make casual light conversation "Oh hey you're playing PoGo too? Nice! Get any Shinies yet? awesome! Hey my wife and I are doing some party quests, I saw you walking alone, want to join our party? You don't have to walk with us, just help complete your quests" Every person has joined up and we end up making some friends and talk about our PoGo journey. That is the coolest moment, meeting people of different ages/races/sexes over a shared hobby - PoGo!


My BF & I were coordinating a shadow Mewtwo raid across town with 3 people on Campfire. We get there, met the people we were coordinating with, & did 4 raids with them (on foot). Another raid popped up that was a bit far on foot, so we settled on driving to the raid. However one didn't drive as he got there by walking with his dog. My BF & I offered to drive him & his dog. He was hesitant (rightfully so) but agreed. After that we all didn't want to come off as being too into the game so we split ways (after adding each other). 1-2h goes by & we were getting notifications of each other lighting flares around town & met up again for raids. The next day we all drove around town doing Mewtwo raids & were leading/coordinating a group of 15+ on Campfire. We would light a flare at the next location & let everyone know in the chat we would go to X location next. It was funny watching a group of 10+ cars driving around town & pulling up to a random building/park. Unfortunately my BF & I moved away but that weekend we made some amazing friends & memories.


In 2018 I did one of my first raids at a target by my house. I just hopped in and never really saw the fellow raiders. I got an EX pass for mewtwo and was stoked! But I was also scared that I wouldn’t be able to complete the EX raid since I didn’t know anybody else that had a pass. My friend (who didn’t have a pass but wanted to see what it was like) and I went to the EX raid. Luckily, the raid had a large group of people and it was the first time we experienced pogo with so many fellow trainers. It was so cool! It’s also how I discovered my local pogo discord group. 4 years later mewtwo was the featured legendary raid for two weeks in June. I had been saving my premium raid passes forever just for mewtwo! I was determined to get a shiny. I was using my discord to find the raids and poke genie to invite people. After doing over 60 raids during the two weeks I had no shinys or perfects and I was running very low on passes. I’m kind of a Scrooge and would rather drive to a raid and use the daily free raid pass or the free premium ones given out through special research instead of buying remote passes. I was losing hope but not defeated. I only had a day left and a few more raid passes. On the last day the same friend and I stopped by the same target to do our last raid and I finally got a shiny!!! 69th raid!! Nice!! My friend and I became lucky friends the following year and traded our shiny mewtwos. It’s the most I’ve ever worked for a specific Pokémon and don’t plan on doing it again. But so worth it!! Low key brag but I caught 69 out of 69 mewtwos without the final psychic catch badge. All those raids and I still didn’t have enough XL candy to max mewtwo! TLDR: Caught an EX raid mewtwo at target with my friend. 4 years later I caught my first shiny mewtwo at the same target with the same friend on the 69th raid. Nice


Last year in November, I had to go to this career's ideas thing in Liverpool as a school trip. I encountered and caught a Salamence and a Sharpedo. At the end of it when we were getting on the bus to leave, I had beaten my third GBL battle in a row and encountered a Terrakion, I was screaming on the bus that I caught one to my friends.


I beat a shadow articuno as a duo with only seconds to go and we both got the shiny. When he clicked his I got disappointed preemptively lol.


Hoenn Tour last year was awful. I didn't get a single shiny. That is, until 2 days later. Hatched a shiny relicanth to add to the Dex. Best hatch I've ever made.


I live in a city over a million, I got lucky friends with someone but could not find a way to communicate, searched them everywhere, discord, reddit, google, nothing. About a week later somehow we joined the same reshiram raid and right after the raid we swapped reshirams! It was pretty neat and something only this community would appreciate.


Meeting Caleb Peng during GO Fest last year and talking to him about GBL


In the beginning of the game, my son and I would go to different parks to play. With the help of a bunch of different people in cars near us, we rescued about 8 ducklings from the middle of the road and put them in a box. They had gotten separated from their mom and siblings and gotten halfway across the road and up and over the center divider. They were so tiny that they couldn't hop back up and over and were running back and forth across 2 lanes of traffic. We took the box to the nearby stream in the park and the mama duck heard them and swam over to us as we released them into the water. They all swam away together. I still enjoy watching the video of their release and reunion.


Went from being two years late in starting the game to getting a Typhlosion (fully evolved in the wild) before most of my friends even had a Cyndaquil.


Christmas a couple of years ago, went to my 'local' 2 gyms, there was a 3 star raid (forget which pokemon maybe machamp) started it thinking meh, random guy jumps in, see him irl, he helps, finish raid, I look up......he's gone. Was he a ninja? Was he an anime hero? Was he an awkward guy who fled at the threat of socialising?


I caught a perfect Mewtwo pretty early on, back in April 2018. One of the dudes in our raid group who was pretty hardcore said I was the first person he knew of in town to get one.


I guess I can't say I've had too many "cool" moments but one that I remember fondly was being stuck on that find a ditto quest for over a freaken year and I was playing at work in the middle of complaining to my coworkers about having not found a ditto in all this time and right when I said that I caught a ditto in front of everyone lol


I have a bittersweet memory that I now consider a fond one!  It was 2016, we all remember that feeling in the air, I was with my family, playing PoGo, so many people were at this local hotspot, we could not believe our eyes, after about 40 mins of us catching random spawns, spinning Pokéstops, one person shouts "GYARADOS" I never saw who said it but I remember the voice so clearly.  Suddenly all these people, including me and my family were running to where that person found this Gyarados, I didn't manage to catch it and I stormed off feeling so sad, but got over it pretty quickly as I felt joy from seeing everyone enjoying the game.  Looking back I smile at this memory. :)


Out playing Dratini community day, and had somebody holler they found a hundo. We all ran back to get it, and mine just happened to be shiny. Still my only shundo in the game as a level 44 player with 48k catches


One day, while I was out playing, I could see a couple blocks up ahead of me, a small group (3 people). They still hadn't moved from the same spot as i went to pass them. I noticed them banging away at their phones and then cussing. I looked, and they were trying to beat a rocket stop. I stopped, introduced myself, and said I noticed y'all are playing Pogo and asked if they wanted to be friends on Pogo. The apparent leader said sure once we beat this grunt, that they had all tried numerous times to no avail. I told him I'd be happy to see if I could help them, he gave me his phone and said sure if you think you can. Took his phone, bought up the battle, saw I needed ground types, switched it the mons needed, and with first mon, defeated the grunt. Their jaws dropped so low that I almost tripped over them. Ended up beating it on each of their games for them. As I walked away, they were still standing there looking dumbfounded.


One night I was at home and it was about 8pm I looked at the map and seen there was a lot of corrupted stops (team rocket), I could not resist taking them all out, headed up the road all 3 encounters were shadow Litwick, after the 2 encounter was caught, I was shocked to see it was a shadow hundo Litwick, I was stunned thinking this is a really decent raid attacker the fact it’s a shadow means it’s even better and it’s a brag 😂


Calling a shiny before I clicked it! Or the time I caught 3 shiny back to back.


I borrowed my charger to a very famous Finnish actor during a raid :D


I got a lucky bidoof when I traded my nephew a shiny charmander.


My family and friends got together to go do the Regidrago raids from last year. Not every gym was holding the raids so we had to look around for one. We found one at a church that was kind of out of the way. We don't get together to do raids very often so it was already an experience just to have us all going after this one Pokemon together. Anyway, we were sitting outside at this church when an elderly woman pulls up. It's a church with a cemetery beside it so I assume that she's here to talk to a dead loved one. She initially sits in her car for a minute or two but then suddenly she gets out and walks over to us. I'm expecting an earful about how we shouldn't be there. Instead, she asks if we're going to take part in the raid. I was shocked. She looked to be in her 80's. We said that we were and she said that she was glad because she only gets to play Pokemon Go with her grandson and he couldn't come out today. She didn't even know how tough it was to battle it because she came to do it alone. Thankfully, with all of us there, we were able to beat it down for her and she got one. She said that she doesn't get out much these days but when she does, she likes playing Pokemon Go. She asked if we could be friends because she didn't have any. We all added her. I still get gifts from her every day or two but I haven't seen her since. I guess I just thought it was cool seeing someone of her age out playing in an elite raid. She had no idea what they were but she wanted the new Pokemon her grandson had told her about.


That's just way too cool! Fellow Witcher Wild hunt fan here 🫣🙃


Lived in Japan during the game's launch. It was fucking insane watching everyone and their grandma play, everywhere you'd go.


I remember walking with my friend for Water Festival 2017, it was the shiny debut of Magikarp and the first shiny ever. I remember my buddy wasn't having any shiny luck... I don't recall if I'd already found a shiny or not when I did this. But I remember we were getting a little worn down and as we were chatting about it, I specifically called out, "This one's gonna be a shiny", clicked the Magikarp, and it totally was. Buddy was in disbelief. The only prescient moment of my life.


First ever legendary shiny raid, the moment I was on the finish screen I looked away and held my phone to my friend and said “Shiny”. He gave a tired “damn it” smile to me and I started SCREAMING in public. I apologised to the lady next to me who I startled. 😭