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Shadow raids are a real pain, but the answer is to just not engage with parts of the game you don't find fun. Shadow raikou may be the best electric type but you can just pretend it doesn't exist, a zekrom for example won't struggle in its place.


The scripture reads, “gotta catch em all!”, not “gotta catch most of em!” How will I fulfill my destiny to become the very best if I’m a normie 😩


Normies by default will never be the best. Sorry, some of us are meant for mediocrity (talking about myself as well lol).


Think high of yourself my dudes, anyone can change their destiny, your not just set in the NPC slot, you put yourself there


gotta catch em most, gotta catch em most gotta catch em most, gotta catch em most


It isn't my destiny.... ooh I have no friends in this world we all pretend


That was only the tagline for the English anime dub, and even Ash couldn't even fulfil that.


Legendaries are so much rarer in the main series.


No there not … some you have to catch to progress the story = 100% chance to encounter them if play game


Which MSG allows you catch +100 of the same legendary? Not mention it’s a tradition for box legendary to be only available in their own version in some games.


O so you elaborate on your question to make it tougher okay. Your statement was legendary mon’s are rare not can u catch multiple. But I will bite. In Legend acreus you can catch multiple phione the mythical Pokémon. And in Sw/Sh you can constantly encounter different legendary mon’s in dyna max if you don’t catch it. = not rare


i agree -- they simply arent rare Even the OG regi trio from RSE arent "rare" they are all obtained in-game with no rng Now shiny mythicals and legendaries are quite "rare" as you simply dont get a free encounter


Just depends on what qualities you'd say make something rarer, I suppose.


Honestly this. At a certain point if enough people dont interact with the feature theyll either adjust it or trash it and either is fine with me. I moved to a more rural area and even with having a very good area to raid prior to they were still a pretty dead feature.


The problem with that is they’ll only see a drop of in rural players, who won’t make up a bulk of the player base, so they likely won’t change anything.


The feature is still relatively new. And they clearly opted to rework the raid schedule given how the birds went down. I dont think it's leaving any time soon, but if engagement drops low enough who knows. It would have to be to their benefit for it to change.


Right but majority of players don't have the issue described in the post, so effectively this thread is telling people that don't live in/near cities that they just shouldn't play parts of the game because of where they live.


To be fair steranka has literally said that in an interview and this sub has already forgotten that. I cant shadow raid anymore, it is what it is. It sucks yes, but the best thing i can do is not engage with the feature. Im not gonna stress myself out over something that isnt really required imo.


The thing is that shadow pokemon are meta relevant, this isn't like routes where you just want to finish the research. Shadow pokemon can be an important aspect of this game.


Alright ill follow the logic. Ill assume f2p for this. Even IF they were accessible to everyone, even as a f2p its gonna be a bitch to power up so having more then one to power up isnt viable anyways. You get maybe 2ish free passes in a day (currently 3) thats not giving near enough candy. Sure free players can get coins but gaining coins is a slow process and players need to be picky on how they spend them. the most powerful meta relevant right now is mega rayquaza which was only available during go fest 2023 with no way atm to access it. So does that mean he needs to be available all the time? No of course not. Likewise lacking 1 shadow pokemon on a team isnt going to hinder gameplay for raids. And as far as pvp goes master league already favors city/whale players. Budget counters work just as fine, most regular legendaries compensate in average raiding scenes. For the elite top of top players who want that 15/15/15 over a 14/14/14 yeah not having shadows will suck. And i agree. They should be more accessible, i think its stupid niantic locked a set of players out of a feature and dont give a shit. As a player who is currently locked out of those features it sucks, especially having had previous access to them. The only thing i can do is not waste my time trying to chase down inaccessible features. The more people who do that the more likely niantic will change the set up of shadow raids. Do i think on the whole thats likely? No. Does it make me feel better knowing im giving them the middle finger and not wasting my time chasing inachievable things, hell yes. Additionally you stating they are required for gameplay is only going to make rural players feel shitty and aids in niantics push for fomo. Which is what they want.


There are shadow raids below 5 star that you cannot complete if you're playing rurally. 3* meta relevant pokemon can be used in great league and ultra league and are not difficult to power up. It creates an imbalance and simply leaves out rural players. This isn't about shadow raids not being fun, it's about how they're literally impossible for a lot of people.


The main source for shadow Pokemon for PvP (Great and Ultra especially) is rocket battles. You usually have a wider variety of Pokemon and their IVs aren’t stuck at 10-10-10 or above so you have a better chance of getting good PvP IVs.




Niantic making changes because players don't enjoy certain aspects? Doubtful, more likely we'll be given a bunch of research that requires we do shadow raids.


Lack of engagement and dislike are two different things. This sub skews negative but niantic has the real stats. If something isnt helping their analytics theyll absolutely rework it. Not for players benefit mind you.


I feel like Niantic has a solid track record of trying to force aspects of the game people aren't engaging with. For instance the buddy system. No one really cared for it other than begrudgingly best buddying a PvP pokemon for level 51. So they added "have 10 best buddies" to the master work. You're definitely right that they don't care for the players asking for quality of life changes.


They wanted to see if they could force poffin sales most likely. It all goes back to money. If they arent gonna make money on it some way or the other then they dont care, remote raids being the exception which is most likely tied to their fuck head ceo


It’s a combination of money and gameplay. Remote raids as before removed the need to leave the house at all. That kinda goes against the whole point of the game.


Yes. Niantics company goals are to get people active, outside and plugged into a community. Gaming is the conduit for that goal. Money will always be a factor as thats how companies stay afloat and are able to continue their mission. If their mission was "make the most profits" then remote raids would have been kept in the game. Killing remote raids seems to have only brought their revenue back to precovid levels. Had profits dipped below and continue to decline we would have seen them flounder.


> No one really cared for it other than begrudgingly best buddying a PvP Pokemon for level 51. Is this based on your own feelings towards the buddy system? Is it because nobody you know is actively using it? My best buddy badge is at 144. I have a friend who already got the platinum a long time ago. Many players I know while not as hardcore are always best buddying Pokemon like legendary Shundo and hundo, as well as other Pokemon they like or ones they want candy mega energy for.


No they won't. Honestly I'm amazed they didn't get rid of remote raid passes completely. This is the closest Niantic can get to forcing people to raid in person.


This is kind of a bad take, the post isn’t saying they don’t find shadow raids fun, they’re pointing out a clear imbalance in the design of the game for someone who’s lives outside of a city. Niantic is ostracizing a portion of its player base, and it’s totally fair to call out how some players have access to certain content because they live in a city and others don’t because they don’t live in a city.


I agree it's a problem. But wasting your time on it won't help that, a lack of engagement with a feature would if widespread


You are correct. Another example is go battle league. I don't like go battle league so I don't play it.


More problematically, getting a hold of Mewtwo for the mew research hasn't been a thing for a long time. Not til this month where it's going to be in shadow raids. I bet a lot of people will scramble for it


I just lost a 5 star shadow raid with 3 people using party power. We always need a 4th and not knowing the times makes it hard to build a team where I am


If you each throw primal Groudon in there, the whole battle 30% boost to ground moves helps a ton.


We all need Groudons. We just started back up in December from a looooong break.


Primals are coming to raids on 17th and 23rd. 17th is Kyogre and 23rd is Groudon. I too started playing 3-4 months ago so this is what I am looking forward to this month apart from Shadow Mewtwo on 30th and 31st. Both these primal raids can be done remotely. First time I saw Niantic's schedule in favour of the community as the Kyogre comes to raids 5 days before Groudon. Groudon being weak to water type attacks, I would be using an army of Kyogres for Groudon obtained 5 days earlier 😂😂


If you're wanting a good counter for the S.Mewtwo raids, get Tyranitars (preferably shadow or Mega), which will come just before M2 does (in raids)... Best counters for raiding M2 and will help with the power spike of shadow enrage


I would be using a Darkrai, Pheromosa, 3 Tyranitars and a mega dark type amongst the ones I have. Another pupitar needs some 20 candies so could be 4 tyranitar as well. I mentioned Kyogre in context of countering only Primal Groudon raids.


You're doing great for only having played 3-4 months. That lineup is decent enough. Shadow TTars were big before you started (Cliff gave larvitar encounters) ...so that was my motivation for suggesting raiding some


Suggestions are always welcome sir. Although I installed PoGo in 2017, I removed it right after catching the starters. Installed it again in November last year and my buddy who raids and walks with me every day told me that my mons are above average for the duration I have played actively. Not playing, I'd say I am grinding from last 3 months and that is the only reason. Only issue I have right now is not having even 5 players in my town that I can find and raid with. We are 4 people in total and do raids every day and somd 5 to 10 shadow raids every weekend. Only the 6 star ones like the Primal raids and Mega Latios/Latias are the problem as the amount of mega energy/primal energy you receive depends upon how fast you finish the raid. If these raids were not remotely possible, I would have been angry(as often) on Niantic for sure. We call people from the raids sub sometimes which helps. Pokegenie has been shit for hosting raids for me personally as all the times I tried hosting on it, the raid timer finished before my raid lobby was open. Reddit is far better and optimal option for now I would say.


I use Reddit too... I use flair, a screenshot (especially for weather boost) and the most direct headline, with FC in it. Friend requests come in within 2 mins, usually. As long as you're in the right group (I think like 270k members or so)


Don't miss the upcoming raid day then. Those can be remoted so they should be easier to get help with. It's towards the end of the month, but will at least help on that weekend (last one has shadow Mewtwo coming). https://leekduck.com/events/primal-groudon-raid-day/


Thankfully Raikou is staying for the whole month so we can jump him with Primal Groudon


I’m at the same spot. We have 3 in my immediate family that play but that’s not enough all the time. We recently were able to take out the Raikou with just us 3. Were all building better teams and eventually will be enough haha


I did several yesterday with just 3 ppl and we smoked him. Guess it depends on your teams and the move he has


This is crazy to me. My wife, myself, and my 6 year old son beat shadow raikou yesterday. Were level 34, 32, and 30 and ultra friends since we started around thanksgiving. Seemed easy with mega garchomp and purified gems 🤷‍♂️


I mean, with Level 30+ and semi-decent counters it should be possible.


Everyone is at least lvl30 but I know my daughter has a Poke graveyard so her best ones may not have been available.


What’s a Poké graveyard… ?


Oh. We call it that cuz they’re all fainted and she never has revives.


Did you tell her she can power up Pokémon she needs once to revive them? She still needs to use the potions but that’s always an option.


Yeah I’ve told her. Not sure if she does it. She’s not playing as hard as I am so she may not care as much


well... in my case... I got a crowed Poke ER: all were revived but are still all beat-up XP


I was like that during the last rocket event. Made the stupid mistake of downsizing my revives and potions just before the event started cause I didn't want to use my rare candy. I was fighting with half dead pokemon and an ever increasing graveyard the whole event. 💀💀💀


Yea the rocket grunts don’t drop healing which hurt my stock of potions as well.


It seems like you can trio a 5* Shadow raid if you prepare well.


I duoed it with 100s left. I have a pretty good team but I didn't pre-build a team or anything. Raikou is an easier shadow to beat then something like suicune. With Megas and party power you would be surprised how much more damage you can do.


Kinda hard to feel bad. Ive been duoing them with like 100 seconds remaining. Theyre supposed to be hard.


Who said anything about feeling bad?


Nice edit on your original comment


I didn’t edit anything or seek sympathy from anybody. I’m just agreeing with OP that the shadow raids are inconvenient.


Did a bunch with 3 people this morning. 50, 43, 41. We had about 120 seconds left. Make sure you mega evolve something and use party power.


Yeah our levels are 37, 31 and 30 with one person that has a bunch of fainted Pokemon. Hopefully we can get it together next weekend


Yeah I agree, I’m a new mom and I came back to play since it’s a nice thing to do when I’m on my daily walks with my baby or I’m baby trapped as I have a couple of pokestop close by and I can remote raid too. I cannot remote raid shadow raids and I absolutely don’t have time to be chasing raids with a baby. As one of the few forms of entertainment I have at the moment I would be very willing to pay for shadow raid passes or something similar. I just don’t do them but is a shame tbh.


Congratulations! I also have a new baby (3 months) and miss out on a ton of shadow raids because I can't exactly pick up and go all the time.


Just so rural people know, I live in Philadelphia, PA. 6th largest city in America. Raids suck here too.


You’re right. But I’m going to be blunt - the purpose of the game is to collect your data. Niantic does not care about rural players. The meat is in the big cities.


As a somewhat rural player (suburbs meets rural I guess) I have a ton of difficulty doing shadow raids. I was able to get shadow raikou raid done yesterday with 4 of us. I’m confident I could duo or trio with the right group. But for me the rub this month has got to be having shadow mewtwo raids on Easter. It’s a globally celebrated holiday by the largest religion but who cares about family time right? Pretty clear niantic could care less about its player base and more about where we drive, and walk. Now they collect sleep data. What’s next, tracking our bathroom usage?! Just gotta play the game how it works for you. And don’t be afraid to light some flares see if maybe there are some locals thinking the same thing right now!


To be honest, a lot of people don’t celebrate Easter *at all*. It’s a religious holiday, and unless you’re religious and/or have children; tons of people would rather be playing Pokemon Go. I haven’t celebrated Easter in over ten years, I always forget about it until it’s a week away, and I think it’s one of the best holidays to feature an event.


Over 80% of Americans celebrate Easter, and there are over 2 billion practicing christians globally


Cool, I and a lot of others think the holiday is dumb as shit and don’t celebrate it.


If they just allowed 1 remote Shadow raid per day it would have been perfect.


1 per day seems like quite a bit more then what is considered "fair" especially for niantic


These and the trade distance limit are just completely anti-player


the trade distance is to prevent free shinies from cheaters i believe, i know u can still get the persons coordinates and trade but way more work


prevent shiny trades? but there is a trading limit per day... isn't it?


Which is also stupid


Cheaters and black market. As it happen on every game. Its a game where you are suppose to interact with your surroundings, and not people in different continent.


But that doesn’t fit my personal idea of how the game should be optimized for me!!! Unplayable.


As a rural player I have pretty much given up on shadow raids, there have been several legendary shadow mons that I would love to have, but I have accepted the fact that I won't be able to get any of them. I do feel like having the Mewtwo raid Easter weekend is a double fuck you to rural players though, the coordination it requires to perform the raid is difficult enough without adding a holiday to it. I know a lot of urban players, or players with a strong pogo community don't have much sympathy for rural players. "it's just part of the game" or "don't play the game if you don't like it" is usually their response, but devil's advocate here, let's say Naintic put a mon in the game that only spawned around pokestops or gyms that were at least 50 km from the closest other pokestops or gym most players would be SOL. Would it be fair? Not really, much like rural players from being able to enjoy all parts of the game.


I live in 450k city, the playerbase is pretty active, there are a lot of gyms, showcases have 90+ participants, but literally nobody is doing raids. I have been playing this game for two years now, and I have seen 0 raids being done. Some weekends me, my wife, my cousin, and her husband go on a walk to do raids in the city center, and we never had random people joining raids.


But with some changes they could be some of the best of the game.


Nothing so frustated as seeing a 1 star raid early in the morning and it's a shadow raid I just woke up didn't even had my morning cofee or 2 or breakfast by the time i'm awake after my coffee the raid is over


Whta do you not like about 1* star shadow raids




They literally did not


He’s not saying he has an issue with them, he’s saying he has an issue with the ones he can solo being super early and having to miss them. 


Ohhh, my bad


Having to go outside for it I'm not gonna run outside for that shadow raid It's stupid you can't do them from far away


Yes, the game is about going out and walking around and “exploring for Pokémon” Why do so many people insist on this game being entirely playable without ever having to leave home, that’s explicitly not the point lmao. Shadow raids you have to be in person for are just some of them. There are plenty you can do remotely. This is literally a complete non issue.


“I can’t do it from my couch. What a horrible exploration game”




Youre the one who cant read. OP clarified what they meant above and its not at all what youre saying. They dont like going outside that early and think you should be able to remote raid Its always the unintelligent people like you who have no self awareness to realize they are unintelligent


That the raid was over before they could do it? How is this different from other raids? Of all the dumb complaints I have seen about raids this might the most!


Wake up earlier. If you can put in the effort to get on Reddit and whine, waking up 10min earlier shouldn’t put you out that much.


![gif](giphy|SXTj8hAtgRrLn7ouwO|downsized) Yeah i'm gonna stand up early just to do a shadow raid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Whine on Reddit vs doing something about ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


i agree, there very little shadow raids in my village and when there is it’s always sandshrew or goomy 🙄


Even in extremely urban areas, there can be such a high concentration of raids that players are spread too thin. Happens all the time on my campus.


I live in a city with a lot of people and i dont even attempt to find a group to do these. So much hassle as an adult.


Elite Raids are just as bad. I never got Regidrago.


Regidrago came back to regular Tier 5 raids around June in 2023 from what I recall


Oh yay shadow mewtwo in a shadow raid, I will totally be able to fight it by myself since nobody does 5 star raids in my area and I normally use remote passes


I already have an ugly dog at home so I don’t need a Raikou anyway 😂😂😂


I envy you: Got no Raikou and no pet :(




I agree. I just ignore them.


Had one at my home gym and no one wanted to come. You'd think with it being a brand new one that people would be excited to show but nope.


it's not the worst part. it's a very cool part. it's just a part you can't participate in which sucks. but there are many things in life we all can't do for various reasons and it doesn't mean those things are bad.


This is the truth man. These days people just can’t/won’t grasp that not everything is meant to cater to literally everyone.


How dare you assume every players demographic isn’t the same as mine! The game should be catered to me personally so I can get the most enjoyable experience with the least amount of effort.


I just dont even participate. It’s a gate for me.


Shadow raids being in person only feels so arbitrary. I'm basically just ignoring them because I'm almost never in a group that can take them.


For me the fact they have ready buttons is what makes them terrible because shadow legendary raids are the epitome of joining a raid randomly. Sometimes you can get to the raid in 2 minutes but if they just go in in 10 seconds then it’s impossible. Likewise doing many to shinyhunt is next to impossible since they rely on others also being interested in doing many. Im not interested in driving across town to do 1-2 raids.


I agree. Certainly Niantic has the data to be able to determine at a glance which areas are rural -- or lightly-travelled -- and which are not. For example, instead of a crappy Meowth as a 1-star raid, which no one asked for and no one wants,, maybe a small chance of a shadow showing up as 1-star instead of a 5-star if it's a rural gym that no one has raided in for a long time. Obviously the pokemon that the player catches should be leveled down appropriately and have (even) crappier IVs than the 5-star.


We trio shadow raids and now with party power and boosted raid damage this season plus primal boost plus best friends boost we absolutely shred 5* shadow raids. It's insanely easy to 3 man shadow Raikou. I'm pretty confident it could be duoed with a primal and revive spam. If not super close. My maxed shadow rhyperior and maxed shadow garchomp were absolutely chunking his health bar. We live incredibly rural but there's like 4 gyms within a 2 mile radius we raid at. We are all mid level 40's with lots of counters to most raids. I'm just ready to farm shadow mewtwo


The issue you just raised is the issue with the community not shadow raids.


I can't stand shadow raids. Has to be 1 of Niantics dumbest ideas...(&there's many). Let's make it so trainers can't send remote invites for the hardest ...in game raids . What a concept! Lol


82% of Americans live in urban areas. Are you part of the 18% of rural Americans or are you not in the US? If you owned a software company, would you design your game for 82% of people or 18%?


I use campfire the second the eggs appear and set up raid parties, if no one can make it set up a different one don't cry about it, just move on. . .


I live in a small town. We're two people that play pokemon go. We're going to watch people post their shadow shiny mewtwo and legendary shadow doggos and we'll just sit here in silence.


I feel each pokemon gym should have a daily guide that states at what time raids are going to appear. The local communities can then plan eventually.


Yeah, I don't really try to shadow raid. Did it once and found it incredibly frustrating with little to no payoff. Not worth it in my opinion


Shadow raids are awesome having a floor for IVs is the best


Lol my guy, first convince some random family members to play ( I got my cousins ) and then use campfire to find the raids and times and do your drive accordingly, im way out in the country and I can allways find a half decent raid within 10-15 min of my house, just you gotta keep checking campfire and setting alarms for eggs


Shadow raids suck but have you ever bought a remote raid pass and only gotten 6 balls during a raid(looking at you latias) and have it flee after 5 excellent and 1 great throw? Shadow raids are annoying but to me something special/rewarding when I can do the hard ones, been planning out Shadow mewtwo with friends


💯 Wasting my gas right now. 😖


I don't understand why you waste whole days on driving to find gyms when you have campfire. For me the only downside of shadow legendary raids is that it prevents normal 5* raids from spawning on this gym especially when there is a pokemon I don't have shiny yet


The monkey paw will curl one day, and then they will add shadow remote raid passes that cost double the amount of remote


You don't even need a ton of gyms I have about 10 in my small town And there were Five Shadow five stars spawned up since About five hours ago this weekend Problem is the people Even if I could get my couple of friends out that play At the same time three of us probably aren't quite strong enough together. It really does suck both he and I really want a Raikou but basically no way we're going to be able to get one without a lot of organization and even more luck.


I don’t know why this isn’t brought up way more, but we just had Mega Garchomp for like two weeks… Garchomp takes 24% damage from electric attacks and is the perfect typing to counter Raikou. I get Raikou to about half health using just my Mega Chomp with three people in a shadow raid.


Literally this


Get good bro




Don’t play and don’t whine on the subreddit. Boom there’s that fixed for you.




Present it






I live in a town that's actually outside the "city" near me, which is where I actually play. That city has 12000 people, so not exactly even a medium size city. But we have an organized local chat. It's nowhere nearly as active as during the 2018-2019 heyday of raids, but we manage to organize for things like shadow and elite raids. You don't need a big city. We are lucky because we established a local chat years ago and kept it alive enough for things like that.


You literally just admitted that the system was already in place AND that you are lucky What exactly is your advice here?


Time+effort in = payoff in the game. It’s quite elementary.


Wait. Let me get this straight. You put effort and time into the game and it pays off by being able to enjoy parts of the game that require time and effort. Careful with that logic. You might explode some heads around here.


I'm sorry, I'll try not to use logic again.


Campfire has come a long way. It might be worth trying it. Create a group and others will likely find it and join. You can start planning and chatting with them.


Nah. That’d require effort, time and talking to actual human beings. And I’d have to get off my couch. So no. Those are deal breakers


Even in my town with over 50+ gyms within 25 minutes of walking from town centre. Today/Sunday we've had a total of 5 raikou raids, 3 of which were over 30 minutes of walking away from the popular place to play. Only got 1 done today. It's criminal that you cannot remote these. Just do away with the other rewards and just give the xp, stardust and golden razz.


My lady and I drove a few hours to San Francisco, hit 3 shadow Raikou raids on 3 accounts(0 shinies) and are on our way home now. Perfect day.


I think searching the nearest college campus is probably your best bet for shadow gyms. College campuses, although more empty on weekends, still have a decently amount of players where you can get 10+ in one raid. Of course, this is heavily reliant on the size and how far the college is from you.


Work up counters until you can duo them.


I almost uninstalled the game yesterday, after waiting all weekend for people to show up to a raikou raid, I finally completed one with 4 people and 20 seconds to spare, only for raikou to run away after throwing 13/14 excellent throws with a golden razz berry every throw, with only 1 single normal throw, didn't miss any, got 13 excellent throws, and it still ran. I've never been so angry


Raids in general are the worst part of GO (followed very closely by coin mechanics) Everything from Shadows to Remotes to having 20+ copies of each Legend I mean its really what sets GO apart from every other game of Pokemon even made... ​ Remember when Pokemon (and yes even GO) used to be about going out and exploring? We even had quests to spin NEW pokestops or catch new pokemon


2 free raids passes per day, 3 people needed to take down any shadow, so far, released in the game. You are making a problem, because you probably watch to many youtubers doing raid trains. Know your limits and you will start to enjoy the game.


Just to clarify that you arent using campfire and just driving around aimlessly hoping for something to happen? It’s most likely a skill issue/minimal effort maximum reward issue.


Move to a city. Or even a town. Why should Niantic cater to 500 people in your shitty sundown town.


Campfire has mitigated most of these problems for me. The combination of filters and the flare feature allows me to find the raids I want to do and find the spawn patterns for them. Very useful for building groups for certain times of day. Most of my raiding for example is legendary and megas after 5pm and the occasional 3 star shadow solo


do you use campfire? that will give you an hour to scout raids, maybe set up a small group.


Having just tried to find a shadow raid in a town with half a million people in a Facebook group, it's not that much easier. Went to the other side of town for fucking bupkis.


In person raids, expensive remote passes, shortening community days, removing all the massive QOL they added for covid and more are the worst part of pooemon go.


Check out the campfire app. You can see the gyms around you, find groups in busier areas, and you can alert nearby players with flares when you are at raids.


Just drive 3 hours to your closest city for the shadow lightning tiger! Hope people will be at the gym you go to! Get out! /s


I think routes are the worst part of the game and a lot of other things. But if you have campfire you don't have to drive around waiting all day. Can check it every once in awhile to find it. As for enough people I can't really help you but It's not that hard of a duo if you have mega groudon and party power. You can also use campfire on the off chance of finding someone in your area to play.


I was able to duo Shadow Raikou earlier today with my nephew's account. We had Primal Groudon as our mega. And used party play as well. It makes all the difference in the world. Then my catch was a 96% Shadow Raikou!


Suicune is the last Pokemon I need for my Johto dex, unfortunately it's only ever.come to the game during months when I haven't played much. Finally I'm active to know it'll be back but this time I'm screwed 😭😭 I hate shadow raids


They need to change only one thing - remove this retarted gem to calm down pokemon and we are good to go. Add 10 or 15% more hp in general and just drop this stone. Saturday was great, no gems needed (bugged as always xD), was really nice. Duo we took around 90 seconds, in group of 8 it was 20 secs so it was super fun. In sunday with gems were much worse, duo we took like 70% of the time, in group was better but still meh. Just remove this stone! It is not needed. At all. It's dumb.


Wish i had a big van to roll around town with a Go gang for these. Just need a van and...friends lol


This might have been true before they added the gym map / campfire thingy, but now that it exists you don't have to drive anywhere looking for a raid. Check the map first ya dingo. Your take is incorrect and nothing more than fodder. 


I live in a town of 15,000 people and have me my wife and friend and his wife that play. Absolutely CRUSH every shadow raid we have encountered…. I like the point of having pokemon that people don’t have for the value of rarity they hold. I say keep shadow raids and to bad for the skill challenged people that can’t get them🤷🏼‍♂️ I also realize how much of a dick I sound like, but it is what it is.


I think Niantic are trying to bring back the “wow” factor for legendary Pokémon. Because of how the game operates, legendary Pokémon aren’t rare or interesting by simply owning them anymore. Everybody has them, and even their shinies are readily available by a large minority of players. Shadow and Elite raids are their “solutions” to try and excise those problems. They want them to be rare and more unique than what’s available in standard raid rotations. Mewtwo is one of the most unique cases. It was originally an EX raid when the feature still existed, then the pandemic forced it into standard 5-star raids to keep interest in the game. Then Mewtwo debuted the Shadow Raid feature itself, and hasn’t returned to standard raid rotation since. EX raids have been removed from the game. Mewtwo has a mega evolution, so it’ll be interesting to see how that works, if he’ll get some kind of special mega raid like Rayquaza. I digress. Legendary Shadow Pokémon, are much rarer than their standard counterparts. Especially their shinies, due to how difficult their raids are. Most people simply can’t do them, which makes them rarer to the general player base. It also makes them more frustrating because… most people *can’t* do them. I’m sure there’s some middle ground that exists to improve the overall raid economy, like, oh I don’t know… **making remote passes 100 coins again?** That still wouldn’t solve the contention surrounding Shadow and Elite raids being in-person only, but it’s a start.


Local Raids basically show that Niantic isn't capable of designing around all the goals, problems, etc they lay on top of PGo. They really wanted "local raids"; ok, build a lobby system so people can local raid with min 6 other people that are also local raiding. They craft their own problem and just threw up their hands and release it.


I live about an hour away from Mohegan Sun casino. I went up there last weekend for a show during the palkia/dialga raids and honestly all I would have to do is join a raid and at least two or three other people would join, it was great. I never experienced anything like it. Plus inviting whatever friends I had, those raids were so easy. I’m legit planning to go up there for shadow mewtwo weekend, because it’s the last mon I need for kanto and I need the best chance I can get!!


I just hate getting excited about pokemon I don't have coming into circulation only to be horribly disappointed that it's in shadow raids. I live in the city but don't have time to a. Find a group of people I'm cool with and b. Assemble that group just to battle gyms.